Reddit Is Letting Power Users In on Its IPO. Not Everyone’s Buying

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 270 points –
Reddit Is Letting Power Users In on Its IPO. Not Everyone’s Buying

Reddit Is Letting Power Users In on Its IPO. Not Everyone’s Buying::Reddit says it wants to reward users by letting them buy into the company’s public listing. Some say it’s too risky—others say they won’t pay a company they’ve already given hours of free labor to.


They're just trying to get people to tie their real names, addresses, email, and financial information to their profiles, especially the ones with established post histories going back years.

They can figure some of that out, but all rolled up and verified by the account holder?

That makes their data on users waaaaaay more valuable to the people who buy data.

Now this is one part where I believe them. Public companies have strict controls on their investor relations. I can believe that they are going out of their way to keep their investor info separate from their user info. They will probably get fined by the SEC if they don't.

That doesn't make it a good investment, of course. I don't want to be King Steven's exit liquidity.

Yeah, I think they just want memestock-like bag holders, people invested in reddit "as a company/platform" who are unlikely to sell

With Spez at the helm I'd be surprised if they didn't wind up getting in trouble either way, guess time will tell.

I actually got an email from Reddit about the offering today. They specifically, in bold, say they don't have access to this information as it is only provided to the plan administrator.

You would still have to be idiotic to join this IPO.

They specifically, in bold, say they don’t have access to this information as it is only provided to the plan administrator.

I seriously doubt it, because if someone isn't verifying that you hold the account it was sent to. People could "sell" their invites and I feel like this is already walking a fine line with the SEC with the whole "early access" thing.

It would be trivial to write a bot that pm'ed accounts that met this metric to receive an invite offering a tiny amount for their codes.

Hell, someone could do that and never follow thru with buying accounts as it would make some users more likely to buy.

This whole thing is likely to go horrible, because reddit never thinks shit thru.

I got an invite, too. I reported of as spam.

I also got one. I have a little bit of money sitting in a brokerage holding account, and I was already thinking of buying a single share as a joke (so I had the option to heckle them "as an investor in the company"). But I wouldn't do it via their stupid IPO insider process. That requires the buyer to share some PII with reddit. And I don't trust them as far as I could throw them.

They sent me an offer. I ain't buying

There have been quite a few comments like yours here. Is everyone on Lemmy a former 'power user'. That would be great.

In another thread a former mod said that both they and their bot had been given the offer.

Someone replied to me in another thread and said that they were giving invites out in stages based on number of mod actions or karma. The first cutoff was "only" 200k karma. The lowest was 20k.

I was thinking of signing up just to see the information but then I read the prospectus and realized it was a losing investment, plain and simple.

Last I checked my account was in the top 1% of karma.

lol yeah century club with a 16 year old account here. I got nothing.

I had two accounts over the years that I’ve gotten to higher tier levels.

It was honestly pretty easy back in the day. There were a couple of topics that I could pretty consistently get 5k+ karma from. Large subs with well known view points. Play into those and you take in massive amounts of karma.

my old account before it got banned was well over 500k. I'd been on since 2013. yeah, most of us are power users I think.

I certainly never considered myself a "power user," but I got an invite despite not using reddit since mid-June last year.

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I got it via email. Reported it as spam. 🤣

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They are going to try and fleece users even more by doing an IPO way too high. Its going to get shorted into oblivion and then settle in at about -70% of IPO value.

This asshole is just exercising his options to take money from the same moderators that were up in arms over his changes last year. Make no mistake, this is Spez's revenge.

I really hope this whole thing backfires on reddit, but I think the reality is that it will further enshittify until it's profitable, and it's already so big it's unlikely to fail.

Lemmy just isn't a replacement and I think the nature of lemmy will stop it from ever being one unless someone throws godlike resources at one giant instance that federates with basically nobody.

What is holding lemmy back? I use it almost exclusively for months and find it to be a great replacement.

I think the main thing holding it back is the lack of active niche communities.

This is the big thing. There are multiple niche, and not-so-niche, subreddits that just don't exist here. Or they have nowhere near the presence as on Reddit.
Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to fix that by contributing where I can, but I am just one person.

Yeah a lot of people here pretend like Lemmy and as a side thing Linux are these massive things poised to take over the world but realistically they're just a minority thing that isn't changing much at all.

Will take a new competitor doing something completely different to really stir things up to make moving away from traditional options worthwhile.

Yeah a lot of people here pretend like Lemmy and as a side thing Linux are these massive things poised to take over the world but realistically they’re just a minority thing that isn’t changing much at all.

Your assessment of Linux is bad. So bad. Laughably bad. Hilariously bad. Ask anybody who works on servers whether or not Linux is "a minority thing that hasn't changed much at all".

Will take a new competitor doing something completely different to really stir things up to make moving away from traditional options worthwhile.

It depends upon who are you are, doesn't it? For me, Lemmy hasn't become a total replacement for reddit, but it's replaced it about 90% I would say. The only time I spend on reddit is for those niche communities, and a lot of people don't have those niche communities.

Linux has its uses yes.

Posters here act like the everyday consumer gives a fuck about it though, and they don't. Great for servers, garbage for consumers.

And I'm sure lemmy can be used to replace reddit for most things, but again - the majority of everyday people won't because it's convoluted and not as good for their needs.

Lemmy has relatively poor automation and moderation tools compared to Reddit. There is no automatic moderator, for example, and you also don't have usability tools and things that other people have coded, unlike if you were to use Reddit today, or some years ago in its heyday. Beehaw defederated from because the tools at the time meant that anyone can sign up at .world, and post to beehaw, bypassing their registration restrictions.

Federation can also be a bit of a headache to get around if you're a layman. Do you need to go to all of the instances, or risk losing out on content that is hosted on other places? How do you sign up to it, etc. It's a good bit more complicated, and less intuitive compared to a centralised service like Reddit.

The user base also isn't big enough. Lemmy doesn't quite have the critical mass of users to make it into the mainstream, and put it in more direct competition with a place like Reddit. Even busy communities are really quiet compared to a relatively active thread. This community is arguably only as active as it seems to be because of the bot posts.

Finally, Lemmy is still pretty young, and has a fair few teething issues. It wasn't all that long ago that servers that updated to 0.18 couldn't see any posts from older servers, because they didn't Federate properly, and not all that long before that where Lemmy's UI had some serious glitches, such as by seeming to signing you in as someone else's account. People might want something that's a bit more stable, rather than moving over for sure.

It's probably part of why a fair few Subreddits moved to Discord, since it doesn't have a few of those issues, and is relatively mature.

For me it's the lack of interesting communities to browse. Everything active seems to be about, Linux, programming, politics, Star Trek or anime. Some midtier memes. That's basically a list of subreddits I had blocked on reddit. And it's all that exists here.

Edit: I just counted. I'm subscribed to 179 communities. In the first 50 posts on my subscribed feed (basically 2 days worth of content), there are 7 communities featured. The first post that does not mention above topics and isn't a meme is post no 15. In total, there are 4 posts in the first 50 posts that do not mention any of those topics. 2 of those are interesting to me. That's just not a good enough ratio.

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The far left view of the community and Linux lovin showing up in nearly all of the threads.

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Hey, I'm not connecting the dots about the revenge. Could you elaborate please?

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Tbh if they'd made an offer like this a couple years ago I probably would've taken them up on it. In fact, I remember when spez first took over he made a thread that floated a similar idea.

Then they started listening to consultants, and now Im here

Well everyone wants to be Zuckerberg so what else are you gonna do except get consultants?

Yeah, Reddit became mainstream. But with the quality going down (and me just not liking it anymore), I would probably never now.

I did laugh when I was sent an offer for a stock preorder.

I may actually try to do the thing where you bet against the stock on this one. Smallest amount possible but it could be fun

If it gave me the right to short then yeah, I'd be in on that.

It concerns me that you are so eager to short yet think that one needs to buy shares in order to short. You should probably just stay away from financial instruments you don't understand

Its ok to dabble in amything in small amounts.

But big risk should always br preceded by heavy research.

Or ya know, just YOLO on a 0DTE option because someone on social media likes it too

I didn't say anything about buying shorts but, to my knowledge, you can't short something that doesn't exist. I was stating that I'm willing to bet the price per share will go down significantly in the short term after it's IPO, no matter what they set as the initial price.

Who the fuck is reddit

Some enshittified Lemmy alternative run by a megalomaniac who sucks Elon's dick behind Wendy's dumpsters and milks his userbase (but not in the fun way)


Probably best to just not interact.

They have no profit model. Can't lose by shooting.

It can take longer for the market to realize you're correct, than you can remain solvent for.

It's literally a cooked plan with the SEC. If you file, it is expected on a timeline. There is literally no avenue to back down that doesn't spell the end of your filing. Look it up. It's only happened a few times, and to spectacular disaster.

they gave me the option, but I'm not in the US so I couldn't even do it if i wanted. so why they even asked me to is beyond me. it's just bs.

"hey.. wanna buy our stuff?"


"oh you're not from the US. sorry."

"but you knew I'm not from the US"


I received the email yesterday despite having deleted my account. I rarely if ever delete emails. This was a first in many years.

We are letting you in to take a slice if this juicy juicy pie only because you are special. Seems sometging out of a dodgy salesman or a conmans playnook to me

I wonder what's considered a power user. Because I got one, and I wouldn't have considered myself one...

What's your approx upvote count if you don't mind me asking? I wonder what their criteria is.

8 y.o. account, 23k post karma, 64k comment karma. So, not that much. Sadly can't tell you over how many posts/comments, because the API Tools that used to count that all are dead. Obviously.

It looks like everyone big in crypto scam and market manipulation have such qualities. Most of them are alt right and Musk fans so it is easy to spot them.


Say a negative thing about Brave or any of alt right hate campaigns against anyone who likes diversity. They will keep down voting whatever you post/comment and insane things happen. E.g. 2 comments supporting the same idea in the same post scoring +20 and -20. The best thing to do against is not to be there at the first place. People who think they are highly technical, nerd, bright or have elite taste shouldn't work for Spez, for free.

what if we edit our old posts to random junk to mess up the ai

a lot of people do. there are greasemonkey scripts for it. some scripts even only delete certain old posts after a certain date so reddit isn't picking up to it quickly.