You will certainly not regret

no banana to Lemmy – 826 points –

Excellent chaser to my sleeve of saltines.

no snacks no real food just two beers

Hear me out... What if I have half a sleeve and one beer? No regrets? Or maybe just one regret?

The regret is the missed second beer due to consuming saltines for no reason.

I think that may be how a regert is born. (Intentional.)

I haven't indulged in a saltines sleeve in awhile, I ought to do something about that

You certainly will not regret it

flour products cause me joint & muscle inflammation & pain, And yes I've tested this with delicious comforting saltine crackers and the pain is unfortunately real 😓 fruit has this effect on me too 😭

Seems conservative, I was thinking 7 beers. I certainly wouldn't regret drinking 7 beers before going to bed.

I never do. You just got to build up a tolerance. Some people keep telling me it's an addiction but they're just pussies who can't handle their alcohol.

Since I've largely quit drinking I miss being able to get drunk and full at the same time. Such efficiency

It really is a time saver until the whole... You know, liver thing...

Good on you, I'm currently cutting down myself but it's been difficult. Recently moved across the country and my wife and daughter are staying back until the house sells so I've been alone and bored for over a month now. Praying it sells soon before I fuck my body up lol

I didn't mean to preach, it's a new thing for me and was sort of forced on me medically. Boredom is so hard, it's my biggest issue. I just cope with cannabis instead of alcohol

Not at all! You weren't preachy. I used to not drink at all and only use cannabis but after a very very bad experience on mushrooms every time I smoke or use weed I have severe panic attacks and alcohol is the only thing I can use anymore to calm my nerves and stop my stupid head from doing its thing. I'm not an alcoholic by any means but ask me again in a couple months and that might change if I don't.

The move across the country was for a work promotion so now I'm the boss and opening a new branch in a new state so I'm trying to keep up and setup everything while taking direction over the phone and it is driving me nuts!!

But I don't mean to complain really, it's just new and stressful and being alone is literally the worst thing for me. I've never been away from my family more than 2 days before and over estimated my ability to cope. I'm happy here and know I did the right thing but it's tough.

Good luck to you and hope your medical things go well. If you read all that, thank you, I needed to get that out lol.

Two is not filling enough

Drink cider like a real salt of the earth hard working man. Got to make sure it's scrumpy to get a bit of food in it.

Ooooh scrumpy -- now there is a delicious treat I haven't had in a while!

3 more...

10-15 500ml beers is about how much one needs to get enough calories to last a day

Sounds accurate. My mom has been having that volume of beer for dinner for years

I knew this thread would yield some useful information. I'm writing this down.

Does that include the calories necessary to process the alcohol?

Yes. Just like all recommended calorie intake figures include the calories needed to process the digestion of food.

Just want to note this is sarcasm for whoever doesn't understand how calories are measured.

They basically measure it by burning a substance, which is not an accurate measurement of how our bodies process them

Interestingly, end stage alcoholics are often incredibly incredibly skinny from having a deficiency of nutrients. Although they will have very swollen abdomens from liver failure.

So I guess just sprinkle some protein powder in your booze and you'll be all set!

Whu do something depraved like that when you could probably also find some expired spicy peanuts In your cupboard. You certainly won't regret washing down an entire can of expired spicy peanuts with two beers.

I'm currently at hour 47 of only beers, no food and no water. Can't say I'd recommend it.

If you stop drinking the cumulative hangover may literally kill you

**This is a joke as I hope is your statement

Just two?

Two beers to get rid of the shakes so you can get down to business.

If you ever decide to stop, seek medical assistance. If you are to the point where you get the shakes, the detox could kill you if you quit cold turkey.

As long as you replace the bread you'd normally eat with beer I see no problem with this.

I may be wrong, but I've been told by a German that beer is by German law considered a staple food. I choose to believe this is true.

Found the Brit

I will. I don't like beer.

Now two glasses of port wine...

Bro you can drink port wine again?

I wasn't ever unable to?

But what about that one time, when that one guy showed up to that one place on the outside of town?

Weren't you the guy who didn't eat for half a year?

More than half. But I can drink liquids. I wouldn't be around this long if I couldn't.

Nice, I thought alcohol wasn't in the cards for you. In that case: cheers! And good luck on your health journey.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Port is pretty much the only alcohol I drink and in moderation, usually when I think I'm going to have trouble sleeping. I haven't drank just to get drunk since college.

I do really like it though, so it's nice to be able to have something to treat myself with.

Recommend a reasonably not shitty brand?

I'm afraid I can only do that if you live in Indiana since my go-to brand is from the Brown County Winery. Otherwise, I just get something cheap because it probably will be more about falling asleep.

No joke. I used to brew my own, and my recipe for a Spring Maibock had a RIDICULOUS grain bill. You could easily spend a week living off a half liter once a day on that brew. It'd put you straight to bed, but that's sort of the point of a Lenten fast.