Fallout 76 Smashes Steam Player Record Amid Fallout TV Show Success

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to Games@sh.itjust.works – 166 points –
Fallout 76 Smashes Steam Player Record Amid Fallout TV Show Success - IGN

Dropping the price of FO76 to $8 probably had something to do with that.

Its had steep discounts since launch.

A price drop alone wouldn't boost player counts without some additional interest at the same time.

You can also get it free from prime gaming right now.

Meaning they will give you a free copy to keep, not just during a promo event.

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Didn't they recently have a free weekend too?

Yes! I tried it again this weekend because of this. After all this time, you still cannot rebind the keys of the building mode, which is ridiculous and makes this game difficult to enjoy for me.

Its honestly not a good game and I've played all of them since fallout was released. Insisting on a world that requires other players to seem complete is an idiotic idea for a userbase that loves spending thousands of hours by themselves collecting trinkets.

I get the idea and a fair MMORPG would be dank but hard to pull off.

I have no interest in playing FO76, but for games where I really want to play but can’t rebind I use autohotkey. It’s trivial to write a rebind script to run before opening the game.

Thanks for the tip, unfortunately I play via proton so autohotkey is not an option. I tried autokey which is a linux alternative but weirdly, while the key swaps worked on the desktop, it didn't have an effect within the game for some reason. I'm sure there is some way it can be done but I couldn't be bothered spending the time fixing it for this game which I don't have much hope i'll even like.

Hey which proton version do you typically run? I see people recommending experimental over GE a lot these days and it’s got me wondering if it’s even worth it to find+download GE for my deck.

I just run proton 8 and switch to experimental or GE when troubleshooting a game that doesn't work, which is rare.

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Breaking their weak ass player count record for 76 is such a low bar. For reference Fallout4 is at 471,955 palworlds peak player count was 2,101,535 and stardew is 236,614. Puts 39,434 into perspective

For reference Fallout4 is at 471,955

Fallout: London, which is a large mod for Fallout 4, has a fan-made Fallout game set in the UK, just released three weeks ago. My guess is that a lot of people are playing Fallout 4 modded with it.


EDIT: No, I take it back. It was scheduled for three weeks ago, but it looks like they're holding off until after an upcoming Fallout 4 update to make sure that it doesn't break anything.

Has it got any better? I played it once at launch on Xbox, and needless to say I havent ever gone back to it. Can I play in a private world with just friends or do I have to be subjected to the ill treatment of other players?

Has it got any better?

Yes. But it's still not Fallout 5, if that's what you're after.

Can I play in a private world with just friends or do I have to be subjected to the ill treatment of other players?

Private worlds only come with a subscription, though I've never had anyone interact with me in public worlds on the PC outside of doing the multiplayer events.

I mean, you occasionally see someone running by at a city.

I thought that I wouldn't like having to interact with other people, but that hasn't been an issue. What is that it's a multiplayer game, so the traditional style of the game, where you're kind of the center of the story and can change the world, doesn't really happen. You never forget that you're in a multiplayer world -- things like event notifications and nukes going off and such kind of reduce my sense of immersion.

Oh I am fully aware its not Fallout 5.

I just remember when I first played, I exited a vault and after like 3 crashes and assets that just wouldn't load in, I saw some players and they just intantly killed me, no questions or anything. And then when I respawned, I met different players that did the same thing. I didn't even have any actual gear on me.

So, the game technically has player killing, but it's been massively reduced since the early game, as it was pretty unpopular with the users. You can just turn off friendly fire in the options, and that stops it in virtually all situations. There are some locations, like the power plants, that you can take over from enemies and other players can take from you, though it's rare that I've seen that happen. And if you create a locked door in your CAMP and someone lockpicks it, they get a bounty and can be killed.

On PC, I've found it to be pretty stable (probably the most stable in the series, by Fallout standards). I've seen a few bugs, the most-irritating of which is that sometimes you can't pick up an item from a corpse and need to look away and then back at the corpse to be able to pick it up.

The loading of assets is considerably less smooth on my system than with the Starfield engine. Starfield can keep a buttery-smooth 165Hz. Fallout 76 will get momentary frame rate reductions. Also, the occasional graphical artifact; haven't seen that in Starfield.

Yeah I can't say I was thrilled to be getting killed like that. Reminds me of why I don't play games like Ark, Tarkov, etc.

I didnt notice any problems with Starfield on Xbox either. It was weird, with Fallout 76 there were protectrons that were like, phasing in and out of existence, and things like entire buildings just being completely invisible despite the containers and debris assets inside them loading just fine. But I didnt have these issues with Fallout 4 or 3. New Vegas I could never play because on my PC any time I tried to leave the beginning town the game would just CTD. Though I hear NV is the most unstable title.

Yeah I can't say I was thrilled to be getting killed like that. Reminds me of why I don't play games like Ark, Tarkov, etc.

If you already have it, just flip off friendly fire in the options. It pretty much kills the PK aspect of the game.

I mean, players can grief, but it's pretty limited.

Aside from some "safe" areas on the map, a player can drop a nuke on an area. You don't want to be in an area when one goes, but you have plenty of warning to move. Late-game, nuked areas are mostly desirable, as enemies and plants there have more stuff, and it's the only way to induce certain multiplayer events, but if you can't deal with radiation yet, it can be a pain. Nukes are virtually always used to induce one of several multiplayer events, though, so unless you have a CAMP right in one of those areas, it's rare to encounter nukes.

They can use a vending machine at a train station or city, and only one person can be using one at once. Same thing for player vending machines in CAMPs, where a player can sell off stuff to anyone who wants to buy it.

They could stand in a doorway, but fast travel generally makes that a non-issue.

They can use obnoxious weapons that generate a lot of explosions in a multiplayer event, which makes it hard to see; there was a while when some new weapons were able to do that. I don't think that that's currently an issue.

If they're too powerful, they can kill certain multiplayer event bosses so quickly that other players don't have time to do enough damage to "count" as having killed them. Optimal play is to slightly damage low-level enemies, which gives someone full experience when they die and lets other players have a chance at also damaging them. For a few bosses, there's a minimum amount of damage required; optimal play is to get your damage in and then go off and be doing other things in the event.

I guess maybe someone could manage to drag an aggroed enemy somewhere on the map.

Sometimes people don't bother to try to complete some events, just want to kill enemies for experience. That's not really bad per se, but doesn't help complete the event for people who are interested in that.

Certain game-mechanic-exploiting builds can be affected by other players sharing certain perks. Like, some players use a build where they intentionally suffer almost the maximum amount of radiation damage such that they have a very low cap on their health. This makes them fragile, but with the right perks, can provide enormous benefits. Another player on a team can share a perk that cures radiation damage over time, which cures them but causes the benefits to go away. People doing that tend to get kicked off teams.

Some people try to create "trap CAMPs" that cause a visiting player to die one way or another. Like, maybe they have a door that opens directly off a cliff or something. Bethesda normally fixes mechanisms that people figure out, and the penalty for death is pretty minimal anyway -- just need to go back to pick up any scrap that you were carrying.

I dunno. I really haven't seen much by way of griefing. Most of what people do is use items that give buffs to themselves and nearby players for some time. They usually wait until a multiplayer event and then activate them. That's a positive. People have been pretty nice, in my experience. But, then, I've almost always had friendly fire off.

That's been my experience in pretty much every multiplayer game.

Which is why I now avoid them like the plague. Except coop. Those are usually ok.

People in the reviews say it’s gotten much better since release but it’s still an average game at best. Private servers are only available if you pay a subscription.

Private servers are only available if you pay a subscription.

You don't suppose there are... other ...means of private servers yet, are there? Or is the game just that bad that even nefarious folk have no interest in it?

Like, pirating it? I doubt it. I mean, Bethesda's got the server code. Someone would have to reimplement all that.

Plus, it looks like it's on sale for like $8 this week on Steam.

If what you want is to play in a modded world, you're gonna be disappointed -- you're gonna want Fallout 4 for that, not 76.

76 encourages being in a team -- the team-based perks are better then the non-team-compatible perks, and you can use some of the perks that your teammates share. Plus you get to use their CAMPs and/or tents as free fast-travel destinations. What usually happens is that people who don't want to play on a team just join the first casual team with an open slot, maybe share a perk, and then proceed to ignore the team for the rest of the session.

World of Warcraft, Star Wars Galaxies, and City of Heroes all have private servers that are run off of server emulators, that's more what I was getting at. Because usually pirated copies cannot connect to official servers, so their only choice is to use private server emulators like that.

Its just too bad Fallout Together has been getting literally zero development for years now.

So, the subscription benefits are pretty limited. I haven't subscribed.

  • You can play in a private world, but I haven't found a lot of reason to do that. You generally benefit somewhat from having other players for multiplayer events, and outside of that, they're pretty much a non-factor. IIRC you can tweak some world parameters for those, can't recall what.

  • You can slightly accelerate getting some in-game items that you can get anyway.

  • You can get a "scrap box" that can hold an unlimited amount of scrap. Some people apparently get this for one month, stuff it with huge amounts of scrap in a month, and then cancel their subscription. They keep the scrapbox, can take stuff out just can't add more to it. There isn't all that much you can do with scrap. Maybe if you're super-into building pretty CAMPs.

  • You get a small inflow of "atoms" to use in the store for in-app purchase via playing. A subscription will give you more. Most of the stuff you buy is not all that amazing (to me, at least):

  • You can buy some mostly-cosmetic items to decorate your CAMP. Some people...really get into playing SimArchitect or something with their CAMP. Like the Fallout 4 settlement building in a smaller radius, but you can do it almost anywhere and people can show off their CAMP. I don't care about that (though I have seen a handful of other people's CAMPs that are amazing. I remember one that looked like a big ship in the Mire.)

  • You can get more SHELTER maps. These are kind of a private building area that you can reach from a hatch in your CAMP on the main world. I don't care about this. The differences between these are basically cosmetic. Some are bigger, but you really aren't space-constrained. I think that they were originally intended to play into a survival aspect, where you had to hide from radstorms underground or something, but most of the game's survival aspects were nerfed after players didn't like them. Radstorms are very weak and very rare.

  • You can get alternate weapon skins. This is actually useful, because if you have multiple weapons of a type with different weapon mods, it's nice to be able to distinguish between them.

  • You can get some alternate, cosmetic, outfits. Given that I usually have a first person camera and don't play with anyone I know, this does little.

The main reason I would be interested in a single-player environment would be Fallout 4-style modding, which isn't really an option in Fallout 76, even with a private world, or if players were a pain, which I really haven't found them to be (and I'm pretty unenthusiastic about nearly all multiplayer games. I play Wargame in single-player mode. I honestly don't think that a private world is likely to buy most people much.)

From my standpoint, the initial, up-front purchase price gets pretty much everything interesting.

EDIT: Oh, and if your concern is gathering plants and stuff like that, IIRC that's per-player anyway. If someone's gathered plants and they haven't regrown, I don't think that they look gathered to you.

I checked it couple months ago and it felt like a regular fallout game with npcs and story missions. Wasn't a great coop though, since game didnt handle progress for each player.

Other players in FO76 are actually very nice. If your low level, high level people will just go up to you and give you things. PVP is optional and I never turned it on. You're incentivised to join teams with many perks. You can just follow a team mate around and help them, and I've done that many times. Teams are temporary and small (max 4 players) so people are very open to you joining a team.

It's fun for what it is. It has a very positive community. Lower level players are always gifted high level armor and weapons from vets when they see them. If you do decide to play, you can do most of the game and quests solo. That's how I did it and it felt more or less like a regular fallout game. You should do the events even though you're not prepared for them. High level players will make it so you pretty much don't have to do anything and that's where you'll get your highest level rewards.

The card perk system is different and overwhelming at first. Basically good some good builds and pick one or two that fit your play style. Then you'll know what to focus on.

My buddy for me into it a few years ago. It was fun for what it was, but it's not GOTY or anything.

Tried it last month on PS5 and gave up. Frequent crashes, disconnections breaking ongoing quests; you log in and your camp is removed because someone else build theirs in that spot; shallow, linear, often annoying quests; overall feels empty, discouraging exploring; seems like all better items are earned for killing something and all you find looting surroundings is junk; very limited carrying capacity; repeatable enemies; constant push to pay for subscribtion; cosmetics breaking immersion like pride flags, xmas hats etc.; disappointing graphics.

Overall I'd rate it avarage - 6,5/10.

In plus: Fallout world and lore (the Fallout 4-esque one, not the classic 1 & 2), friendly community happy to show off their camps. Except that one high-level asshole who one-shot my noob character when I was browsing a stash box :D

In just not interested in anything Bethesda any more. I played a ton of FO3 and Oblivion back in the day. A good bit of Skyrim. New Vegas was pretty decent. But the engine just feels so incredibly stale and outdated. The dead eyed characters barking their lines at you. Everything just feels clunky and unimmersive. It feels more like a chore than a fun game.

I ended up getting Starfield on release day for about $30 off through some deal, and I still felt ripped off. Honestly cannot be bothered to care about the next Elder Scrolls or whatever at this point.

It's weird, playing fallout and starfield on their engine feels terrible but playing skyrim on it feels great. I don't know how to explain it but I think the new elder scrolls will actually be good.

Could be any number of things. Could be nostalgia, the people who were working there at the time/the studio's methodology, or maybe you just don't like how they make fps games in their engine.

For me, the big things are their lack of innovation and the lifeless worlds of their games from about Fallout 4 onwards. Starfield's procedural generation really showed just how average everything except for their environmental storytelling is. Without the little hand-placed tidbits to make the world interesting, everything else just kinda falls flat for me. Everything else about how they design games is outdated at this point and hasn't really changed since the days of Oblivion. Even their much vaunted spaceship builder turned out to largely just be a loading screen that you walk through between other loading screens.

I still like Skyrim, it's a great "Run around, steal stuff and stab people" simulator. But the Bethesda Fallouts have never really clicked with me. Three was okay-ish, NV was in the "good-ish once you get used to the jank" range and 4 felt like a grab bag of half finished ideas. Since 76 seems to to be mainly drawing from the FO4 well, I never bothered playing it.

NV was non-Bethesda developers creating a game with Bethesda’s software. Hence the very different writing and structure.

If you want something that captures the experience of older Fallout games, the new Wasteland games have a lot of overlap while still being their own thing. Wasteland 3’s main structure resembles New Vegas in that you’re always trying to figure out what faction or combination of factions to support.

new Wasteland games

They're also set in the American Southwest.

I prefer the New Old West setting in the American Southwest that Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and New Vegas had to the Washington, DC of Fallout 3, Boston of Fallout 4, and West Virginia of Fallout 76. Well, okay, I guess the Old World Blues DLC for New Vegas doesn't really fit, but other than that.

I really should try to get Fallout Nevada working again. I downloaded it but it glitched out for me in the main screen and I never spent enough time fixing it.

I really liked new vegas bavk in the day. But didn't really care for Bethesda themselves. I never looked at anything fallout 4 before it was released, because i didn't care. On launch day i had an injury and was bored, so i blindly bought fallout 4. This was the weirdest experience i ever had. I relaunched the game like 3 times because i thought i bought the wrong fallout or some rip off, because the game looks disgusting. Or pretty good for Bethesda standards. I had no idea what was going on because some quests were broken and a lot of things didn't work, texures missing and all that good stuff. But according to fans this was a 9.5/10 game. I don't know what's up with these people.

While the engine doesn't help, I feel that Bethesda games have fallen into a trap of being bigger and bigger with every release which has resulted in the games being less and less focused. While the level of detail in a Fallout or Elder Scrolls game is amazing, I personally find I reach a saturation point and just stop caring about the game. With Skyrim, the only way I managed to complete the main quest line was by forcing myself to just speed-run it to the exclusion of doing nearly anything else. If I let myself wander off and start exploring or doing side quests, I just run out of steam at some point and never finish.

I instead started a new Fallout 4 game. Currently helping Valentine get out of a bind.

I don’t hate Fallout 76 but I can’t get into it. I think because of the lack of story, the fact that I can never find any good gear, and the quests I’ve found have been pretty boring. I need some semblance of structure or my ADHD brain is saying bye bye.

I was ready to pounce on you for F076 but you are absolutely right for disliking it.

There's a few quests that have a satisfying conclusion. But a lot of it is just go in a direction, pick up side quests and see what happens. I have a lot of fun just wandering, looting, then returning to my giant house full of all my loot.

I think at some point I have to get over the hump and establish a nicer camp. I see so many elaborate ones that blow my mind and that honestly looks like where the source of the fun comes from for some people. I still go back to 76 somewhat regularly but it never sticks for long. The community is always really nice which is definitely a draw since I’m pretty hesitant to talk to other players sometimes.

I saw that the next-gen update for 4 is coming out next week, so I went ahead and bought the PS4 version for $5 in preparation for the free upgrade. I already have all the DLC from back when it came out, but I had the disc and traded it in years ago.

I got 76 cheap on Steam a few years ago (because I refuse to pay to play online), but didn't get very far. About what I expected, but I wanted to at least try it out.

Pretty much the same reason I bought 76 too. I think I’d like it with a crew, but I don’t really play like that these days. I do find that the community is really friendly and helpful though when you come across people.

Had no idea there was a next-gen update coming. That’s exciting! Fallout 4 already looks great on my Xbox Series X so I can’t even imagine what better looks like.

Yeah, it's coming out April 25th. It's been long enough since I played it that I think another playthrough at 60fps would be worth it. Especially since I already know the story and characters are meh (except for Valentine, he's cool) and will be in it for the exploration and looting. It's certainly a better game than Starfield, at least!

I liked Starfield… for a little while anyway. It felt way too empty though. I finished the story and then there wasn’t really much else to do. I built a cool ship and then got bored.

Valentine is pretty much the character I spend almost the whole game with as a companion. Piper isn’t bad but Valentine is my favorite.

The show has been surprisingly good. Especially impressive since it would have been super easy, barely an inconvenience, to screw up.

For anyone not wanting to play 76, and to try Fallout 3/New Vegas for the first time, or for a different run, I HIGHLY encourage you to get the Tale of Two Wastelands mod. Once set up (I got ALL the optional mods that they have a link to or something) you will have a better experience than vanilla Fallout 3, and more cohesion between the gameplay of FO3 and NV.


For anyone wanting to play 76, just play literally any other fallout.

Prepare for a rush of new game-based TV now that this is working

I'm fine with that. As long as they do at least a decent job of adapting it.

Best I can do is another Halo style series where the director straight up says that he didn't look at any of the source material.

They won't though (usually).

And that's how it goes.

  • Good TV show that respects the source
  • More people consume more of the source and related products
  • Different IP looks at this and had a brilliant idea
  • Bad TV show that doesn't respect the source
  • Everyone shits on toxic fans and how making adaptations is not worth it
  • Different IP decides to challenge this
  • Go back to step 1

Yeah, it boils down to media companies not understanding what people like and wanting an easy cashgrab

As long as they do at least a decent job of adapting it.

Narrator: They didn't.

Just started playing New Vegas, never played it before. I've played FO3 and FO4 though. I love Fallout lore.

Want to hijack your comment to tell people that might not know about the tale of two wastelands mod which combines 3 and nv into one fun game and does so really well. You need to own a copy of both.

I've been playing through it, just about finished up in fo3 and about to head over to nv.

Can't have been much of a record then, I never bought it, most of my mates didn't buy it.

The all-time peak sits, as of writing, at ~41k and was set less than 24 hours ago.

The peak when the game first launched was ~33k, a record it broke last Sunday, some three days ago.

SteamDB chart

Anyone know if it’s possible to add the game key to Steam from the Amazon Prime promo?

No, it is redeemed as a Microsoft Store/Xbox Store game.

Best you can do is add it as a non-Steam game to your library after installing it with the Xbox app.

Almost just gave in to give 76 a go, then remembered I had just bought GOTY edition FO3 because my love for Fallout started when my friend lent me FO3 on... either Xbox OG or PS3, so I am long overdue to do a full FO3 GOTY playthrough.

Last I saw, 76 was free when you bought a pack of gum or something. Is that still the case?

I got it through Humble Choice. Never played it though.

I passed on this because the reviews were dismal but the comments have me considering picking it up on sale.

If you want I have a Fallout 76 Windows and also Xbox code I can give you. Just send me a PM for which platform you want it for, since code will go to waste if nobody uses it. I think works for NA.

Gave away the PC version. Have the **Xbox **version left for anyone who wants it.

Thanks I'm on PC and someone beat me to it. Very generous. I can afford it on sale anyhow though so no big deal!

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It's pretty decent, I'd say it's worth a try at least for the main Wastelanders story.

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