YouTube Premium alternatives for mobile to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 212 points –

Just like the title says; I'm interested in being able to sleep to YouTube without ads, but I don't fuck with their business practices and they don't deserve my money. Unfortunately, I'm also a very inexperienced pirate and I'm unsure where to look.

Edit: for clarity I'm using a OnePlus 7 Pro with earbuds


If on Android, NewPipe is a great app. Blocks all ads and let's you create playlists and stuff.

Firefox mobile with Ublock add-on installed is good too.

This. Unlike ReVanced that requires a bunch of hacks* to work, Newpipe is easy to simply download and install.

Has all the features premium youtube has, and unlike Vanced, it uses Youtube's API to serve the content, which means Google can't shut them down (They tried, and lost the case).

Because Newpipe simply doesn't use the advertisement API, you'll never* see ads in Newpipe.

HOWEVER. Please keep in mind Newpipe is currently in spaghetti code form, and that means fixing a bug causes more to appear. They're working on a complete rewrite, aka Newpipe 2, but it'll take a while. In the meantime, you may encounter some issues if you're on the road for example.

I've had Newpipe shit itself almost always while biking, due to constant mobile connection tower changes. For those errors you need to open the app up again, and press play. It unfortunately doesn't respond to bluetooth play/stop signals in that state.

Have you tried Revanced Manager? I'm not rooted and can pretty much just download the proper version from apkmirror, select it from storage, and run the patch and then install it.

I second this, I'm not very good with tech but I figured out revanced in like 5 minutes and haven't had any errors or issues.

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Thanks for this.

Does Newpipe support YouTube music as well?

I use ViMusic for the music part

Thanks! I'll check it out. YT announced a 40% price hike for me in December, so I'm looking for alternatives.

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What issues do you have with ReVanced? It works great! The only thing that's kind of a pain in the ass is that if you're rooted using KernelSU, you have to repatch the app every time you reboot. Fortunately I usually only reboot once a month when the new OTA gets released for my phone.

I've had issues that I've been able to work around.

I have previously had the error, "settings could not be applied", which I worked around by uninstalling my YouTube updates, installing the recommended version and clearing revanced manager data. I now get an error about not being able to load the original APK. I work around this by deleting the two apks in /data/abd/vanced before patching.

I'm rooted and have to repatch on each reboot. Not complaining, just want to share my experience in case it helps others.

I love revanced, and feel so thankful for it. I can't afford YT premium, without revanced I would miss out on so much great content.

Sounds very much like my experience: a wonderful project, but not without its flaws that are kind of annoying, but not a big deal for the price. :)

revanced just works (tm) though. everything aorks seamlessly and it allows yoi to get yt recommendations.

I'd rather not be on the receiving end of Google cracking down on ReVanced users. It'll happen eventually.

they'll just sue or dmca the developers again
or just keep breaking the app, like they're doing right now. (issues are usually resolved in less then 4 days though)

also if they already have you addicted to YouTube it's much more beneficial to force you off revanced back into official app rather then banning hundeds of thouthands of channels.

Is Newpipe available for iPhones? Can’t seem to find it in the App Store…

No, and it’s not available on the official Play app store for Android either.

You can install it via APK or the F-Droid open source appstore. I haven’t found anything to replace it on iPhone at all.

Damnit. Thank you.

If I remember right there's an app named Yattee for iOS devices, but I don't know how to install it. Maybe that could work?

Brave browser eliminates the ads on iOS.

When vanced went dark I downloaded a bunch to try. Libretube, newpipe, clipious, and pipepipe.

Mostly I've been using pipepipe. A fork of newpipe. It has seemed faster and less buggy from the start. It opens invidious links. It just seems to work better.

While libretube has the best import/export options (it can import playlists and bookmarks etc) it can be incredibly buggy and clunky.

How can we get Newpipe? Is it on the app store?

Install the fdroid app from their official website, then download newpipe from fdroid. This way the app will automatically update whenever needed through fdroid app store.

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The best thing is that you can turn off the screen, so you can truly use it as a music player.

the Firefox solution is the best, you can even have the floating vid thing

its even better than the main app, with no ads

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NewPipe is one of the best recommendations.

There is also LibreTube, and YouTube ReVanced

LibreTube depends on a Piped instance, and YouTube ReVanced will need a specific youtube-version and MicroG for Vanced.

For revanced you can download the recommended version of youtube off apkmirror, and microg can be installed without issue.

Not true. Untick MicroG component when installing and select root install. It runs on stock Google setup same as standard YT app.

Statistically speaking most people here are running on an unrooted Android device.

Thus, giving a slightly more advanced answer going over the Root Install method is mostly useless.

Either way, I've been doing this for 8 years, I know what I am talking about.

Really lmao? It was requiring root because google won't give your app with different package name the account details. Which android version and is original youtube pre installed/still there?


Is your original youtube app still installed in your phone or not?

I have an uprooted Fold 3 with both stock YT and ReVanced installed with no issues other than I sometimes open the wrong one via app redirects.

Interesting. But that would mean google play services is giving all apps to access accounts, which is probably bad. And that was the exact reason why microg building for non root existed.

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Revanced. It's an universal dex patcher, primarily targeting Youtube.
it can remove ads and tracking and customize ui.

Didn't Youtube nuke this app? A few months ago I started getting a message that I need to download the official app to watch Youtube videos.

they nuked Vanced because they distributed a modified apk. Revanced is completely different, and it allows you to patch your own youtube apk with no ads, etc, avoiding legal issues. ->

To me YouTube vanced with sponsor block, still works pretty fine.

Why? Vanced has been dead for over a year. Revanced has taken it's place and is actually maintained.

If you're willing to sacrifice the perks of using YT with a Google account (commenting, uploading videos, history and playlists saved in cloud, paid content, mostly anything else that might require an account), then I'd recommend NewPipe (especially the fork that incorporates SponsorBlock).

Despite the sacrifices, you don't actually need Play Services in order to use the app, and the playlists/history stuff is made up by storing that locally in your device. It's FOSS under GPL, too!

It also lets you watch other stuff that isn't on YT (Soundcloud, CCC, Bandcamp, PeerTube and most likely others that I forgot), and even lets you download the stuff on them!

I'm looking for a browser on Android which will let me use Ublock Origin and NoScript.

For now I use Brave and a DNS filter on my mobile, it works well for YouTube

I use vanadium and adblocking on VPN , DNS adblock works as well. Bromite is a good option as well. The thing about putting Firefox on android for privacy/security reasons have a big issue , webview is chromium based . So basically you just get Firefox on top of everything webview has.

I see. That makes sense - I wonder if there are ROMs with a gecko-based implementation of WebView.

Well, I don't use WebView much, if at all, so I suppose it's fine for the most part. I might even disable it at this point


firefox beta, you can use any desktop extensions by enabling an experimental feature.

Just normal Firefox stable works too. They have a Limited selection of extensions, but ublock and noscript are both available.

You can also create an extension collection and add that - it lets you add almost any extension to mobile, though I think collections only work on beta or nightly I might be wrong though.

Never heard of extension collections. Might be a beta thing.

Just use Revanced or Revanced Extanded. If you rooted like me (OnePlus 7 Pro + Crdroid 9.5 + Magisk & LSPosed) just use the magisk module, it work great but on my brother phone (not rooted) he use it with the MicroG without problem but you need to disable the official youtube app if you don't want dupe app

I strongly caution anyone from downloading or even visiting either of those links. They are not official and set up by third-parties, who could be doing it for various malicious reasons.

Revanced is here

Revanced extended is here

For both, you'll also need Vanced MicroG installed.

XDA has a step-by-step guide.

You don't need microg if you're rooted.

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You can try InnerTube of you care about music. It is like YouTube Music, but without ads, and can download the songs.

For videos, I am using ReVenced.

If you are just listening to music "InnerTune" might be for you. Uses in the back, without ads and able to run in the background. Available on F-Droid

Anything for iOS?

Yattee seems to be the best option, but it seems to be an app where your mileage may vary due to it being a beta.

What device are you wanting to play the music on?

Does libretube, newpipe or revanced support screen casting?

I use songtube It is open source, you can download the videos or just the music, listen with the screen off, it is also a music player and it is more eye candy than newpipe.

I use revanced, but it does seem like libretube is better

Lazy piracy with YouTube for me, VPN signup and burner account. Am I happy with their business practices? Nope, but they play too much cat-mouse with the blockers that I’d rather they take my ~$1.17/m and left me alone.

Since they made the payment changes I lost my Argentina acct.

No longer accepting visa without a back acct in another country.

For everyone suggesting Revanced, I used it for a while and found it to be incredibly slow and breaking up videos to buffer all the time. Was I using a dodgy version or was I missing something? I had it from the app store if I remember right. (Might be thinking of Vanced??)

Edit: Sorry folks, I wasn't bashing revanced, I was just pretty sure I had a fake app and wanted to make sure. Thanks for the replies putting me on the right track!

Was I using a dodgy version or was I missing something?

Yes. The devs never provided an APK or released it in any app store. You need to build it yourself by using the revanced manager app from (official website).

ReVanced has never been on the playstore (you have to patch youtube yourself) and neither has vanced

Yep, that's confirmed my suspicions then. Thank you!

yes, use revanced manager. buffering issue got fixed in 3 days after it aopeared, 6 months ago

I don't know man, I watch a ton of YouTube everyday and YouTube also comes with YouTube music. I just prepaid for two years of their premium service and I might do another two in the event they raise their price, I want my access locked in. Besides OdyseeTV and Peertube are WIP. It was like $100 a year flat or something.

PIA and NordVPN are probably fine. If your pockets aren't super flushed those are good services.

If any of you guys are having a hard time with making ReVanced work, RVX Lite on Telegram ( provides safe, ready-made apks that you can just install and use with Vanced MicroG.

I wouldn't trust that for shit. Nobody should trust this. Revanced is not difficult, if you can't get it working, then maybe you don't have the technical nous to pirate safely (not aimed at you directly, just in general).