Trump says he'll seek a new judge in election case to politics – 200 points –
Trump says he'll seek a new judge in election case

Former President Donald Trump on Sunday called for recusal of the judge presiding over the federal case that alleges he illegally conspired to overturn his election loss to President Joe Biden in 2020.


He has not, will not, and can not provide any reason for why she should recuse herself or in what why she's biased. He's just scared because she's been tough on insurrectionists so far.

There was a former solicitor general on NPR the other day who said that conservatives should want liberal judges, not conservative judges, when they're on trial. The reason being that liberal judges tend to be sticklers for defendants' rights, regardless of circumstances.

20 years in prison is the likely outcome. Now that prison will be a hotel suite and Trump will likely have access to social media where he will claim to be a political prisoner, but he won't be playing golf or riding down golden elevators.

He should die in a supermax.

Even if he's on lockdown in a hotel, I'm alright with that. He'll be out of the public eye and it will eat at him until the day he dies.

Jesus guys, relax. I don't like trump either but really? Die in a supermax?

He should consider himself lucky if he gets to die in supermax. The punishment for treason was public execution not all that long ago.

While the "public" part is undefined, the US Constitution lays out death as a potential punishment for treason, still.

100%. What the fuck do you think ought to happen to traitors?

Yes how absolutely unreasonable that an obese and nearly 80 year old criminal with multiple felony charges against him for some of the most serious crimes against our nation goes to a secure prison and serves his sentence like any normal person would. Wow. Relax guys.

Y'all are still delusional if you think he's going to jail. The u.s would never allow a president to set foot in jail. He's a rich, white, ex president, he's absolutely not going to jail.

The best outcome is to bog him down in lawsuits and charges until he's dead from old age and big Macs.


Make him pay back every corrupt dollar he gifted. Lots and lots of cases for each individual crime, tying him up in court for decades. Drain him dry in lawyers fees and repayments.

It's probably just a dream but I like the thought of it.

because he was hoping for a white male judge

With the way he thinks, my guess is what he wanted is a judge he appointed, figuring that judge would be "loyal."

Old joke. A Conservative is a Liberal who just got mugged, and a Liberal is a Conservative who just got arrested.

This is just establishing the narrative. They'll deny the motion because there's no legal basis for it, and he'll go on social media and blither on about how he's the victim of an illegal witch hunt and suchlike. He knows it won't succeed, but he doesn't need it to succeed. He just needs to give his terrorists something to latch onto, some narrative they can take back to their echo chamber and use to morally justify more terrorism.

Funny how someone can whine about being a victim when he started out with millions of dollars and never faced real consequences for his plethora of crimes. This guy commits more crimes before breakfast than most people commit in their lifetime. Also if the White House schedule was accurate he does like nothing till late morning, so gives him more time to commit a bit of light treason to get the day started. Won't someone think of the old rich racist white once in awhile? Not knocking on white or old dudes just the racist ones with too much privilege,

He should be doing plea deals. The chances he gets found not guilty of 78 felony charges is minimal. His best scenario after pleading not guilty is 6 months to a year of house arrest. And that’s highly unlikely. He will do time.

Can you imagine any other citizen having 78 felony charges?

We’ve executed people for similar crimes. He’s lucky he has prominence.

I admire your optimism and wish I could believe he'll actually face consequences.

Prosecutors don't bring cases they can't win. They just don't do it. It reflects badly on them.

Add the fact that prosecuting a former president is incredibly hard. This guy 100% did all of this shit in public. They have:

  • Witnesses
  • Tape of him doing it
  • Video of him doing it
  • The actual documents
  • Witnesses who observed his co-conspirators
  • Tape of the coverup
  • Witnesses to the coverup

There's no way anyone is getting away without a felony conviction. Plus, the lawyers involved are buttercups compared to the federal prosecutors.

I know one federal prosecutor. He is a very nice guy, very smart and will not hesitate to throw white collar criminals in jail. They ruin criminals' lives like it's their day job, because it is.

Prosecutors don't bring cases they can't win.

(Cough, cough) Rittenhouse (cough)

That wasn't a federal case, was it? I think it was prosecuted at a county level.

There’s no way anyone is getting away without a felony conviction.

They only need one MAGAt on the jury, and you only get so many challenges to get them out of the pool. It's why he wants to move the case to West Virginia: higher proportion of Trumpsters in the population, better chance of no conviction.

Not a fan of the establishment, but I think they see him as a legitimate threat. The consequence of not holding him accountable is further disillusionment in the institutions that hold our society together.

he has a very high chance of dying quite soon, so there’s that!

Evil dies hard, look at Charles Koch.

Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger say hello.

Dick Cheney IS dead. that robot heart of his whooshing his blood around doesn’t count as life.

His original heart is in a phylactery, hidden away from humankind and guarded by dark magic.

the real joke here is the thought that Dick Cheney would have anything to do with Judaism, even if his life literally depended on it.

He has no interest in any deal. He's banking it all on delay till he can get back in office and pardon himself or delay till he dies

The chances of him getting a hung jury is actually incredibly high. I doubt they'll weed out all his supporters in jury selection. I honestly don't think they can convict him.

The only way he’s getting a hung jury is if Hunter Biden is called. /s Bazinga!


You're allowed to seek a new judge, but you have to give a good reason that isn't "I think I'm gonna lose" and there isn't one mentioned.

So in this temper tantrum, he uses quotes to imply that this judge ... Wasn't actually assigned to the case? And that she can't be fair? ... Because ?

Is it Trump's brief that the only fair trail is one where the defendant had given the judge her job?

The case was assigned to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, according to the docket in federal court in Washington, D.C. Chutkan, 61, was appointed to the district in 2014 by then-President Barack Obama. She is one of the only federal judges in D.C. who has delivered sentences against defendants in cases related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot that are longer than the sentences that the DOJ asked for, according to NBC News.

A judge who's actually handing out justice to people who commit crimes?! Can't have that with Trump as the defendant!

yeah he wants another judge cannon to debase themselves for him for no reward.

Desperate acts of desperation deserve mockery and condemnation, not serious attention. Trump can beg for whatever he wants, but that clown is going to jail.

I think we should all plan a Trump goes to jail party. Like the Super Bowl but with more entertainment value.

Right, but the judge presiding over his other case was personally appointed by Trump and has shown personal bias towards supporting Trump in the past. She hasn't recused herself yet, that makes sense right?


— Donald Trump

On what grounds?

Trump previously said it would be “IMPOSSIBLE” for him to get a fair trial in Washington, in part because he has called for “a Federal TAKEOVER” of the district “in order to bring our Capital back to Greatness,” according to posts on his social media site.

So the logic is that if I say some crazy ass shit then I can just keep delaying my trail and picking judges that I like? I don't think that's a great lead chief but let's see how that plays out.

My favorite line he says at his rally is "They're not coming after me, they're coming after you" - case example that the 2024 campaign is about making his greivences the greivences of his followers. Where in 2016 to his credit, he got in the White House for making other people's greivences his own.

It is comforting to think of Trump as an idiot, and he may be, but don't disregard that he has consistently shown that he is superb at manipulating systems. This strategy is the M.O. of the wealthy who can afford legal fees and cheat the system over and over and over again. Every one of these judicial ploys seems ridiculous in itself, but taken together, they show how he can just delay/bog down the system to HIS advantage. The courts have to play by the rules, were he does not. This guy will never serve time. The only way he would is if he pissed off OTHER WEALTHY PEOPLE.

Don't you almost wish you had a Truth Social account right now? I bet you could make S'Mores off the seething, flaming, butt-hurt coming off his feed right now ;)

I'm happy not having one. I don't expect that to ever change.

I was gonna make one to troll them, but you can't make an account without linking a phone number, and I actually use my Google voice account.

And they would quickly boot you off the platform once they realize you aren’t their type.