What is the most attractive non-physical characteristic someone can have?

WackyTabbacy42069@reddthat.com to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 113 points –


I so feel this. Whenever someone has a smart niche, whether it's just reading a lot or being skilled at something like maths, they become sooo much more attractive to me

Curiosity for things

Yep, even if someone doesn't know something it's perfect if they're open to learning more :)

They don't have to be interested in every topic, it's the openness that goes a long way

Passion for something. It′s such a turnoff when you are talking to somebody and they aren't interested in anything.

Current events? Meh. Books? Meh. Films/Shows? Meh.

I don't care if it's stamp collecting or chewing gum flavors or the history of wallpaper design, just be passionate or interested in something. At least we can converse for while on that topic.

Adlib examples for pretending to have a personality, perfect for the passionless husk of a human soul in your life!

Hey hey hey listen listen listen. Let ME, tell YOU, about the wonders of [[ psyllium husk supplements ]]. THIS SHIT!? IT IS SO FREAKING [[ full of fiber ]] AND JUST THE MOST AMAZINGLY [[ potentially constipation inducing ]] thing ever. So pretty much everybody knows that [[ psyllium husk supplements ]] is good for [[ the gut microbiome ]] right? But what most people DON'T know is that [[ quality varies between brands ]] and that [[ you should research brand quality ]]. Isn't that just just freaking great!?

Lol! Everything in moderation I suppose. But at least if I had that interaction with somebody, I would have an interesting story to tell people haha.

I’m actually pretty enthusiastic about psyllium husk supplements so you have my attention!

It's from China. Wallpaper I mean.

Yes I looked it up. Your joke made me cry.

To borrow the new age term, an old soul.

There are just people who possess a sort of cynically detached understanding of the world and people. They aren't fired by largely pointless passion or desire, they're intelligent and perceptive enough to generally understand things and emotionally mature enough to generally accept them and they have a way of just sort of gliding through life, maintaining a relatively even keel instead of getting distracted and disconcerted by irrelevancies.

Every single person I've ever known who was like that has been or is special to me.

Having an interest in sharing something with you without making you feel stupid about it.

Went to about art museum with a guy, and he was super excited to tell me about certain pieces and artists and their history. He was very kind when I asked questions about things that were probably very obvious to a more studious person.

Was on his arm by the end of the date. Absolutely smitten!

Can make smart and educated jokes. Will laugh at fart jokes.

Empathy and I can't find a single word to describe it but being able to understand and recognize other sides of opinions or arguments/debates, respectfully of course

What your opinion of the Republic party and those that support it?

Someone who doesn't impose their will, beliefs, or anything else on another person.

My ex wife worked very hard at changing me, until I barely recognised who I was. My now wife let me be myself again, and I will forever lover her for that.

Emotional Maturity + sincerity + charisma is a winning combo

Surprised good sense of humor or wit aren’t on here yet. Playfully sparring with someone or laughing until it hurts when you hang around a person are a turn on.

Wit for men. There's nothing sexier than making a woman laugh. Sheer intelligence for women. Once I had an erection listening to my ex gf reasoning.

A good personality.

Its the single most important characteristic someone needs to have.

I like to imagine the people downvoting this are vapid, miserable assholes who are angry because every relationship they've ever had has failed, in flames, because their now ex partners told them they have awful personalities.

good personality

uses most of the words in the comment to wish everyone who downvotes a terrible and miserable life

Oh, we're inventing narratives now? How very redditor of you.

Caring about people downvoting your comment is very Redditor of you too.

Sorry, I don't know what you mean by that, I just wanted to tell you in a humorous that for me your comment doesn't come across in the way you maybe wanted it to. To be more explicit given the topic, it sounds like you are making negative assumptions about others. Many people will perceive that as unattractive.

The most attractive quality a person can have is being into me.

Being nice and kind to everyone most of the time. Being positive.

I like people who demonstrate the capability to think independently and come up with original ideas. The opposite of this are people with whom I only need to hear your stance on few subjects after which I know what you think about everything else too. If you agree with your friends about most things you're probably not very interesting person. Same applies if you disagree about most things too.

The way of using their voice

Ah yes, I too value the mastery of the Thu'um in my partner.

Intelligence, and a shared interest. It's almost impossible for me to care about someone who doesn't even know how to use their own devices.

Def curisity and a desire to learn/improve in basically any way.

His name

I've been witnessing many of my comments get downvoted into oblivion for reasons I cannot explain, and now I'm starting to think people are doing it for some self-reason like getting their comments to the top, because this seems like a pretty neutral, straightforward, and honest answer to a question.