Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach to – 1211 points –
Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach | CNN Politics

Atlanta-area prosecutors investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia are in possession of text messages and emails directly connecting members of Donald Trump’s legal team to the early January 2021 voting system breach in Coffee County, sources tell CNN.


They are so mad they cheated and still lost. This country is going to take so long to heal after this. It really makes me sad.

its amazing how much back and forth happens the richer you are in the legal system. one woman accidentally voted twice, straight to jail.

donald trump indicted 3 times, and god knows how many other terrible things . days in jail : 0

2 sets of laws. which one do you think you fall under?

One could afford bail of course. Because we let rich criminals buy their way out of sitting in jail.

When those whom society rewards don't respect the law

No one will respect the law.

She didn’t even accidentally vote twice, she was sentenced to 8 years for the crime of completing a provisional ballot while the state figured out if she was eligible to vote or not.

Which is what she specifically asked about and was told to do by the voting officials.

Is Trump rich though?

If he wasn't before he was elected, he certainly is now. He put personal profit ahead of absolutely everything while he was President. The grift is strong with this one.

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Keep digging and guaranteed to find the Russians as well.

The most terrifying thing of all is how almost accepted all this is. None of it is particularly shocking. Hard core Republicans will even justify it, possibly even flaunt it. This is how far down the rabbit hole we've allowed things to get.

Yeah for sure. I have no idea how to fix the republican side either, which is even more disappointing

”Rudy Giuliani had nothing to do with this,” said Robert Costello, Giuliani’s attorney. “You can’t attach Rudy Giuliani to Sidney Powell’s crackpot idea.”

“Just landed back in DC with the Mayor huge things starting to come together!” an employee from the firm Sullivan Strickler, which was hired by Sidney Powell to examine voting systems in Coffee County, wrote in a group chat with other colleagues on January 1.

Former New York Mayor Giuliani was consistently referred to as “the Mayor,” in other texts sent by the same individual and others at the time.

“Most immediately, we were just granted access – by written invitation! – to Coffee County’s systems. Yay!” the text reads.

Props to the authors of the article, Zachary Cohen and Sara Murray, for the excellent comedic structuring.

Lol you gotta love how they have to write in a way that doesn't blatantly say "Giuliani obviously lied through his teeth when denying the claims" and instead come up with fun and creative ways to be like "he denied it and here's the written proof that he's full of shit."

Maybe this is why its taking so long. Shes gonna file indictment proceedings against them all?

And this will be state charges.

No presidential pardons for you.

Oh wait.

What if Lyndsay Graham is in there lmao. He called Rathensburger ( I think that's how you spell it) as well.

Graham is up to his ass in this. 20 years ago I thought he was a bigot, but one who had opinions worth listening to on national security and military affairs.

What a sad little wrinkled balloon he turned out to be. Hope his ass gets indicted too.

If anything, Graham loves things in his ass.

I think he's Ace actually. He's just never seemed like a sexual being at all, like he was carved out of fatback at a Daughters of the Confederacy hall.

He's actually got a codename amongst DC and SC male prostitutes iirc

No presidential pardons for you.

Correct. He will get Republican Governor pardon for this one. Everyone acts like any of these felonies will have consequences. Dudes gonna skate, he needs one dumb red hat in that jury box. One.

Georgia's governor is a Republican.

Thankfully not a full on trump knob slobber though... Still a piece of shit but thank God for small victories.

Except I didn't read anything about Trump being directly in communication...

From the linked article...

Last year, a former Trump official testified under oath to the House January 6 select committee that plans to access voting systems in Georgia were discussed in meetings at the White House, including during an Oval Office meeting on December 18, 2020,  that included Trump. 

That makes him part of the conspiracy.

Not a lawyer, but that doesn't seem like enough to nail someone like Trump. We need actual messages from him. Hopefully I'm wrong.

We don't have all the information that they do, but if someone told Congress, under oath, that Trump was involved with this then that is compelling evidence. In case you are unaware, it is a crime to lie to Congress even when you are not under oath.

You’re right. There would have to be additional evidence for them to even bother indicting. And it seems that there most likely is. But what we do know now in and of itself is a substantial amount of evidence. Testimony that rises to the level of Congressional testimony with corroboration would absolutely be enough.

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He was in the room FFS.

I think most people here are under the impression that I'm defending Trump or something. I'm not, and I personally think he should be in jail. What I'm saying is, given the political circumstances, there's going to need to be something directly from him for this to really matter. Prosecutors and judges are being extremely careful to not look biased. But I hope my scepticism is proven wrong. I'm really still in the "I'll believe Trump gets convicted when I see it happen" camp. This all still feels like a show to me. Again, I believe he deserves to be in jail, but I don't think he ever will be. My personal theory is that all these trials are just an attempt to distract him and eat up valuable time and money that he needs to be able to campaign. He ain't getting convicted though, unfortunately. We all know we have a two-tiered justice system in the US. Any average person would be in a dungeon already for what Trump has done.

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'Member how Trump and Roger Stone were instrumental in Bush winning in 2000?

Pillsbury doughboy 'members.

What the FUCK?! I was alive when this happened, remembered all the recounts and buzz about how close it is, and this is still literally the first I'm hearing about it. I didn't realize just how disconnected from politics my family and circle was. Now I understand the few grumbles I'd hear over the years about how it "should have been gore" I

In the 2000 election in Duval County Florida they threw out over 22,000 votes from the 4 predominately black precincts that trend hard for Dems on the north sdie if Jacksonville. Out of 14 disctricts. A machine discarded these votes and the receipts for count machines were discarded similar to other counties that rushed to discard recorded evidence.

The Secretary of State that ultimately certified the faked vote tallies was Katherine Harris, under the Governor, Jeb "Please clap" Bush, brother of Bush Jr. It was a full rat fuck scenario.

How the fuck is it even possible for a political party to steal an election and we all just roll over and take it because the Supreme Court sided with them?

I thought the system was ours to use as we please, not them.

FWIW Bush Jr. was showered with abuse and had eggs thrown at him and he had to abandon the traditional walk to the Capitol at his inauguration, and he was deeply unpopular at the start of his term. Only 911 bailed him out.

But it never should have even gotten that far. The people should have revolted and did the election over again.

If there's one thing I've learned it's that the revolution will not be televised, because it isn't coming.

Your best hope is to pray the aliens come and take us away from this place, leave the corpos, let them do with the Earth what they want.

This is not a realistic thing to hope for.

The revolution is whenever people quit doing whatever the tv tells them and start unionizing/growing their network of relations to demand change.

I remember demanding revolution as a college kid on Reddit and getting torn out for it. It's part of why I hate Reddit. And of course I was right, but they didn't want to listen because they either secretly agreed with the authoritarianism or they only cared about being able to keep going to McDonald's and 7-11.

Our people have turned out to be so disgusting and disappointing. I honestly wonder if I shouldn't expatriate.

This world is lost, all that's left is to hope for the next life to be more than a fantasy.

Unfortunately I've heard it all before "The Right is just being given enough rope to hang themselves, these are the death cries of an old system" or "Eh, Donald Trump's a joke, those really in command already have it set for Hillary" or "People will revolt this time for REALSIES! They've just gone too far THIS TIME!" or "We'll find a way if it comes to that."

I pray for death, and for death to not be the end, the world is already lost.

Think of it as one party with two major wings inside it.

Neither wing will usually go too hard on the other side because they're just there for show.

Democrats, as a party, think that way. Republicans absolutely hate Democrats, though, and would light them all with gasoline if they could.

The plebs on both side think like that. The actual eminences gris don't.

As long as politicians appoint the judges they'll be in their pocket to maintain their bright careers.

I'm not a fan of either of those individuals. I know Stone has claimed to have played a part (he claims a lot of things and frankly I don't trust a word that comes out of his mouth), but are you saying Trump was tied to the Brooks Brothers riot in 2000? That's news to me, and I would be interested to read more about that if you could point me in the right direction.

Trump was doing a third party run to pull votes away from the democrats and then he killed that party by calling them nazis (which they clearly weren't)

Also, this part I'm unsure of, I think he bankrolled Stone at the time?

Point is it was a very wide net of fucking the system.

Classic Republican playbook, start shit and then project it on the enemy to make them look bad

It's actually an old fascist trick.

It's really effective too. You always know the horrible things you're doing before anyone else. So you can always beat the opposition to the accusation.

"You did X!"

"No I didn't, why would you even think that?"

Months (or years) later when there's an investigation...

"Hey wait, you actually did X!"

"You're obviously making it up, everyone knows it's what you did. People have been talking about you doing it for years!"

"This corruption goes all the way to the top! of my office... cough cough cough"

If she has a winnable case, the D. is fuuuuuucked.

Only if they also have evidence that the orders for it came from him. Otherwise it is similar to the shit with Michael Cohen: he can claim he expected lawyers to follow the law.

That is what they have to prove. Will have to see.

Nope. He'll never spend a day in jail. Nothing has seemed to slow him down. He's been effectively martyred in political history, and the longer he stays relevant, the greater chance he gets in.

Lock him the fuck up. Also, you better believe that republicans are in some pizza shop basement raping and mutilating kids. Every accusation is a confession. 100% of the time.

Ok now do the Republican Senators that helped the coup like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Boebert etc

Wait... there's a Coffee County in Georgia?

What if he was planning this since 2017, and their code name for the operation was "covfefe"....

A covert operation involving coffee county, but executed poorly? I think you cracked the case!

Honestly, it was probably supposed to be covffee, but the dumbass not only tweeted it instead of texting, but also misspelled it.

There's a whole damn Waffle House of counties.

Early, Cook, Crisp, Bacon, and Coffee are all GA counties.

As a now-westerner, the only explanation I can come up with is that it's a job-creation scheme for crooked sheriffs.

(We got a few of those out here too mind you, seems to go with the job)

Georgia has more counties than any other state*. We're fuckin' overflowing with counties 'round here!

(* Edit: except Texas, which I forgot about, but which doesn't count because having a lot of counties makes sense for a huge state)

This is BIG!

Is it big guys?

It's more proof that the republican party are a party made up of traitors to the republic, and their enablers.

Will it lead to any consequences? No. Republicans get to do what they want.