do you consider yourself to be religious or otherwise spiritual, Beehaw?

alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgmod to – 35 points –

No, but I also recognize that I may be wrong. To be honest, arrogant atheists bother me even more than arrogant theists.

To me, the whole point is that any answer is impossible to prove. Trying to definitively, factually state that no kind of higher power exists is irrational, and thoroughly undermines any claims of logic or reason. The stubborn, uncompromising kind of atheist frequently claims to be a logical, rational person, so I expect them to see this problem.

That the existence of any supernatural force is unprovable is exactly the problem. I consider myself an agnostic atheist as well, because it's the only rational position you could have, but there's a reason the term "god of the gaps" exists. The supernatural will never be found because anything legitimately found is, by definition, not supernatural.

Not really.

I like witchy stuff but only if its considerable to placebos. A rose quartz bracelet, for example, might not be scientifically going to attract love and good fortune---but its cute and makes me happy, so who knows, THAT might help.

If I had to choose a religion though, I'd probably go with one of those polytheist religions because ever since I was a kid and first went to a church camp, I decided that a singular "God" scares the shit out of me. I basically considered "God" too overpowered and decided that wasn't for me.

Big up for happiness having a positive effect on your life.

No. It took me a lot of hard effort to get here with my upbringing. I think parts of it are fine and for the most part regular people practice in ways that aren't harmful to others, but (at least in the US), the entire structure of it is deeply harmful and results in good, decent folk taking actions or supporting others who do real harm.

I am atheist but I do enjoy religious spaces. There's a stillness that I like, gives you the opportunity to just be in the moment. You don't get many spaces like that for atheist folk (libraries are the closest I can think of). I sing a lot of choral music so often find myself in churches. I like the structure of a service and the ceremonial aspect, I just don't believe in the content itself.

definitely relate to this. i attend church regularly despite not being religious because my family is, and though i don’t believe in the christian god at least, i do appreciate and like the environment, community, and lessons being taught. it’s very peaceful and makes you feel like you’re part of something a bit bigger, even if that’s likely just because there’s a few hundred people at any given service.

Hell yeah! I'm Hindu and I love it.

I loved mythology as a child and devoured every myth from every culture I could get my hands on. Later this evolved into exploration of religion. I've read religious books of many religions - Hindu epics and scriptures, Buddhist scriptures, Jain scriptures, Quran, Bible, Guru Granth Sahib, and the Avesta - I enjoyed them all, and my parents encouraged this exploration.

I ultimately came back to Hinduism because a lot of the stuff in it made sense and resonated with me, and let me adopt a mindset that works well for letting me process and ascribe meaning to the various experiences and phenomenon of life.

Hinduism is a collection of hundreds of belief-systems - a lot of which are uber chill, some literally cult-like, some polticised and weaponised for oppression, and some that are intense but harmless. You can choose what makes sense to you - I personally follow a pretty chill belief system, but it also makes me seem not serious about it.

Oooh and it is fun in the community - festivals, temples, ceremonies, and various cultural events -there are so many of these, and each of them very fun depending on the people involved in the celebration.

See, this is what I legitimately can't comprehend about religion, you yourself call it mythology. Being a member of a religion requires that you essentially pretend that you're convinced of this stuff. I can't comprehend someone literally shopping around and picking how they're going to view... reality. It's just reality. It doesn't work like that.

Hmm, I think "pretend you're convinced of this stuff" is a long-winded way to say "believe" - belief is an inherent, basic feeling in humans - you believe your loved ones when they say they love you, you believe someone when they ask you to trust you, you believe someone when they claim something about themselves, your dog believes you will come back even though you have disappeared suddenly when you go to work, people believe love to be more than a chemical reaction inside your brain - all of these things happen without you knowing 100% sure what the exact situation is, without you knowing a numerical value for all the stats, or what will exactly happen. Sure, you could base your thinking around probabilities based only on what you have observed or simply just believe things. I think belief is one of the things that seperates setience from plain sapience.

It's probably best to seperate a fanatic from a general religious person - I use religion to frame and try make sense of things that I can't know by pure observation or those that don't have a straightforward answer - what happens after death, what is purpose, why is there suffering, etc. - in an attempt to look for something other than "it's all meaningless, everyone and everything happened by pure chance", plus there are a lot of philosophies and stories that make for good thought experiments.

I can’t comprehend someone literally shopping around and picking how they’re going to view… reality. It’s just reality

It's also probably best to shed the narrow "Religion = mindless god worship" view - people are complex, as are cultures. Not all religions push aggressively for blind faith and discarding of logic in face of reality (many do, yes, and I'm sure that has shaped your view on religion). In a way, you can think of religion to be positive nihilism for many - ascribing meaning to the meaningless or unexplained.

just a heads up, i’m not sure if the person you’re replying to seems very… interested in a genuine discussion. i’m another comment in this thread they said:

I hate that people willfully delude themselves into believing things that they clearly know to not be true, on some level, and then argue wholeheartedly for their actual truthfulness. It’s the most nonsensical practice I can imagine someone engaging in and I struggle to see people who do so as willful, rational human beings.

which doesn’t exactly seem super open minded imo. but, for the record, i really like how you’ve explained yourself here- as someone who is curious about religion and spirituality but hasn’t found anything to specifically believe in, it’s really nice to see how others reconcile things like “shopping” for a view of the world.

do you think you could elaborate a bit on why you settled into hinduism specifically? i’m not very educated on it, but love hearing others experiences and beliefs :)

Aw that's a bummer. But based on their full comment, they don't seem narrow-minded about it just a bit.... frustrated? Oh well I can empathise.

Haha thanks for liking it - I'm grateful I got a chance to explore without people being down my throat about it.

Regarding my choice for Hinduism - I guess it all started when I wondered about what happened after death. I grew out of the idea of eternal heaven or hell pretty quickly - started to dislike it a lot, infact - because eternity of consequences for a jiffy of a lifetime seemed too inflexible - so this eliminated the Abrahamic religions, Zoroastrianism, and some ideologies of Hinduism that believed in eternal heaven/hell.

I really liked the concept of reincarnation and karma. It made sense to me. You live a life, and the circumstances and options of your next life are decided based on the deeds of that life - you repeat this cycle until you feel like your soul has experienced all it needs to, and break out of the cycle, complete and one with the world. So the options left were Greek/Roman, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikh.

I didn't like the Greek gods they seemed more like mortals with power than divine beings. I dropped Sikhism bc it's monotheistic and I like the idea of multiple gods for everything. Following Jainism sincerely was a bit too extreme for me.

There were other factors like the way each religion described morality, mortal priorities, and ideal way to lead life - I liked some and disliked some, but I mostly avoided religions that were too rigid and inflexible on how daily life was supposed to be lived.

Ultimately, It ended up between Hinduism and Buddhism. I picked Hinduism because of its scriptures - Gita, Mahabharata, and the Upanishads - there's a looot more but these influenced me a lot. And also because of the flexibility it offered - I could pick a belief system, or make up my own belief system as long as it was in line with the core beliefs of Hinduism, and you could philosophize enough to justify your beliefs (There's even a school of thought, that believes in the gods but actively chooses to ignore them lol, and it is considered a valid Hindu ideology).

While I identify as Hindu, I haven't picked a definite school of thought to follow - am currently following a blend of different schools of thought interweaved with my own logic, and haven't yet solidified my beliefs - I still have a lot of reading left to do.

Ahh, I think I rambled a bit too long, thanks for hearing me out :)

If you're interested, the short story The Egg by Andy Weir is a fun read - it is by no means a descriptor for any Hindu beliefs, but the concepts and vibes of reincarnation and one-ness of everyone/everything are pretty similar.

thanks for sharing your experience :) i’ve been vaguely interested in pursuing investigation into a religion or belief system for a couple years now, but it can be difficult to find a place to start with a lot of them. there’s so much out there to learn about so many, i think i’ve just gotten a bit paralyzed and ended up ignoring the part of me that really is interested in learning more about different religions.

The ones you’ve listed (Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Hinduism, and Greek/Roman) are all actually ones i’ve been particularly interested in, but another hurdle i’ve had for most of them is the language barrier. there’s just a LOT of new terms and names to learn and remember- did you find that you had a similar experience just starting out? was just more exposure and reading what helped get over that little hump?

No problem, thanks for hearing me out - It's the first time I've been asked about it on the net and it was a fun thing to write.

Ahhh I really understand your difficulty and hesitance - there's so much confusion on where to start and how to read, and also so many translations butcher the work and frame everything in a western perspective. I had a similar experience, yeah.

I have a suggestion that sounds silly but I think is very helpful for this: Start with kids books. Pick up a religious book for kids that tells the stories and the teachings - they highlight the main events, and convey the themes and intents of that religion in a simple, easy-to-digest manner. Then read a book for young adults - they lay out the deeper parts of the religion, and grislier parts of the myths and teachings. After doing that, you become familiar with the names and places and stories, and reading the big books with all the depth of that religion becomes a tad easier. Also, you learn how much fanaticism is present in the religion from the subtext.

Oooh and I recommend listening to the lectures by some of the gurus and religious teachers online - there's loads of them, and some are crap, so just filter them out as soon as you hear something stupid or sexist or any other crap. Religious books are a big chore sometimes, while these lectures are usually pretty easy-to-digest, and tell you a lot about the currently held beliefs of a particular religion.

After that, I think it's just something that becomes easier as you read more of it. It does become a bore time to time, and for Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism, you'll have to read works by different authors if you want to get some actual info, as there are so many versions of a scripture and so many translations of it.

thanks for the advice- the part about reading kids books is actually genius, i would’ve never thought of it! i’ll definitely look into trying my hands on some, i think that’d really help with just laying down the groundwork of understanding the religion as a whole. on the upside though of having so much content to get through, at least there’ll always be more to learn!

thanks again for the advice!

Yes, I'm Christian. I am also queer and staunchly opposed to American bible fascism. An unfortunate number of people seem to believe that these traits can't coexist in one person without hypocrisy or denial.

Myself, I enjoy how my religious beliefs and my queer identity support and bolster one another. 😁

love to see queer christian’s here! so many people, especially LGBT folks (understandably to some degree) harbour so much hate for christianity as a whole, when in my opinion it’s crazy to generalize everyone in an entire religion as “bad people.”

may i ask what denomination you follow, if it’s a specific one?

I'm bisexual, but left the church after attending seminary.

So maybe I kinda count? heh.

I'm not part of a specific denomination atm, having come from a vaguely evangelical background*, and my childhood religious education was woefully lacking in explanation of the different denominations and schisms. I want to try attending a variety of affirming, universalist churches to broaden my experience and figure out where I belong. I've heard good things online about Episcopal churches but I've never attended one.

*My parents were a Catholic/Protestant couple and made some odd decisions, like explicitly telling me we were attending such and such church but we're not members of it, but then never really educating me in any other denomination's teachings.

me too! im catholic and lesbian (maybe nonbinary too??)

Every religious community organisation that I have had first hand personal experience with has been involved in a myriad of verified claims of abuse Including: sexual, financial, and elder. My confidence in these institutions is now nonexistent. And I find myself misidentifying with them completely. I think I am now de facto apathetically agnostic.

Religions have been perverted into a system of manipulation and control of the masses. Granules of truth in each one keep people coming back, but in the end they are like a virus in human consciousness that is designed to control us. I really believe each person can only find real truth by turning inward and deeply exploring their own consciousness.

I disagree with this. Definitely there are many examples of organised religion being perfect case studies of the adage that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But there are also many ways that religious communities support each other and their wider communities, outside just providing a doctrinal "granule of truth".

Sikhism I think are most famous for this, and I feel like at least where I live whenever something bad happens in the background on the news I see Sikh communities mobilising to render assistance.

Similarly, the denomination I was brought up in (church of christ) have always been oriented, both in theory and practice, around doing community work first and debating doctrine a fairly distant second (also, each church of christ congregation is an independent entity, which I think has probably contributed to it being able to maintain its strong community-first focus over time).

thank you for pointing this out. i understand why some people tend to blanket religion as unrational, cold, hateful, and/or controlling, but it’s really unfair to generalize such a diverse group like that. there’s a lot of religions, boiling them all down to whatever awful thing you hear in the news about one specific religion is pretty bad imo.

It's complicated. I am not religious, and have considered myself to be an atheist for most of my life so far. I also have strong negative feelings towards most mainstream religions, because of their long-standing hate towards people like me and my loved ones. I also grew up in a Presbyterian church and honestly, fuck everything about calvinist-derived theology.

But, it is hard to shake some amount of magical thinking. And honestly, if it brings joy, and isn't harming people around you, why not? So lately I've been leaning into it a bit, in a vaguely neopagan direction. I definitely don't take any of it literally, but if a sprinkle of it helps keep me from descending into despondency, I will shrug and go with it. It isn't rational, but I am a human, not a robot.

I have also considered finding a local unitarian universalist church or something along those lines. Somewhere that is chill with me as I am. The last few years have been isolating and I think I need more community in my life to thrive.

Nuh uh. "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M. still feels surreal and sad for my heart.

I was raised particularly southern, like three denomination deep Protestant, (that only existed because some people argued if you should speak in tongues in church or if that would be "distracting from the lawd".) And my family participated in the activities so I was forced to attend EVERY SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHT until I was 18.

I don't have a lot of good things to say about it. After I realized I only tried to follow it cause of where I was born (and what measure of truth is that?) I started to address each moral question as it came and settle it myself based off of morality I could stomach.

A lack of belief is easy when I've seen nothing to believe, in fact I used to feel alone in it. Eventually I realized I cannot fake it, and what reason would there be, what diety would accept it?

Agnostic atheist here. If you twisted my arm to choose something I'd make a religion out of this story []("The Egg")

Other than that, I don't have any reason to believe its anything other than nothing, non-existence after we die.

I was looking for someone who labeled themselves in both axes of religious belief: theism vs. atheism and gnosticism vs. agnosticism.

For those who don't know, the idea is very roughly that theism is the axis that defines belief in higher powers/spirituality, and gnosticism is the axis about whether the beliefs are knowable/proveable.

So, for example:

  1. A gnostic theist might believe in god and believe they have proof of its existence.
  2. An agnostic theist might believe in spirituality, but that organized religion is just based on other people's ideas about spirituality, not the divine word.
  3. An agnostic atheist might not believe in spirituality, but that it's impossible to prove that spirituality doesn't exist, either.
  4. A gnostic atheist might believe there is nothing spiritual and that the origins of all "spirituality" can be explained by anthropology, history, or human psychology, so it's all provably false.

I fall into the gnostic atheist camp, myself. A minority within a minority. ;)

This breakdown helps, I guess I'm also a gnostic atheist. I've also read "The Egg" and found it an interesting story.

Thank you for the detailed breakdown... also a gnostic atheist and I rarely find someone who knows wtf I'm referring to, lol.

If by 'spiritual' is meant to be belief in something that is outside of our current understanding of scientific knowledge, then yes.

Obviously, the scientific fields of inquiry do not have answers to all of humanity's questions.

So, that would be the sense that I am 'spiritual'...there are things going on in the immense universe that are outside (or unknown) our collective scientific understanding.

I would go a step further and say that there are many things that science, by nature, cannot answer. For example, what consciousness is and how it arises as a phenomenon.

I think a scientists reply to that would be: the phenomenon of 'conciousness' is a result of the complex chemical reactions between clusters of highly organized matter. Science's ability to answer questions about consciousness is limited only by the precision of our tools and the sophistication of our methods, both of which will only continue to improve. The fact that we are currently limited in our tools and our methods, is the only reason that other less quantatative methods of understanding consciousness (like philosophy) are more effective.

This is a typical take, but the the hard problem of consciousness has very strenuously denied neuroscientists for well over a century at this point. We know a lot more about the systems of the brain, but no more about the nature of consciousness itself.

It's still an open debate, some people don't believe the hard problem is unsolvable, but on every debate there are really smart people who defend absurd positions. The reason I think it is unsolvable is that consciousness is by definition unobservable, except by the subject.

We can know a lot about the brain, neurons and structures etc. But that doesn't really get us closer to understanding how an aggregation of impulses and chemical signalling takes us from what is essentially inert matter to a brain.

If you're interested, the book On Purpose by philosopher Michael Ruse has a chapter on it that is succinct and up to date with the latest neuroscience research. I am sure there are better books out there on the subject but I can only recommend what I've read.

This is pretty much how I feel. I can't even understand my own thoughts about "creation" let alone explain them to someone else.

In a way I guess that does make it spiritual but not necessarily religious.

I'm quite drawn to the ritual aspects of religion but there's another part of me finds it all hopelessly silly.

Ritual can be entirely divorced from theism or a belief in the supernatural. Nothing wrong with creating a secular ritual if it helps you in some way.

I hate religion. I hate ""spirituality"" (what does that even mean?). It makes my skin crawl. I hate that people willfully delude themselves into believing things that they clearly know to not be true, on some level, and then argue wholeheartedly for their actual truthfulness. It's the most nonsensical practice I can imagine someone engaging in and I struggle to see people who do so as willful, rational human beings. Just look at all the people in this thread searching for one that "speaks to them as if they can just pick the nature of reality out for themselves. How in the world can people do that and not make themselves crazy with cognitive dissonance?

BUT. What I do understand is that people are searching for structure, community and a sense of reverence towards... something. There have been attempts at replicating that experience sans-nonsense, but every time it's tried it's mostly ridiculed and laughed at by the sort of jackass atheists who can't even empathize with that longing. It's sad.

spirituality, as i understand it, tends to be more mindful/spiritual practices minus any typically associated religious aspects. for example, meditating and yoga would be typical examples of this, but i think spirituality can also be watching the sun rise/set, going for a walk in the woods, or taking a hot bath. anything that can help bring you to a more peaceful place of self reflection and introspection could be considered spiritual in my opinion.

how can you say that you hate that while not even knowing what it is?

I do all of those things. I choose not to call them spiritual because to a lot of people, spirituality implies a belief in the supernatural, spirits, some nonsense about vibrations, etc.

i don’t really think you get to label others’ experiences ;) imo these experiences tend to feel different to me- more checking in with my physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as feeling connected to the earth and environment around me. that’s what makes them spiritual to me personally- they just feel like more than a regular walk in the woods or hot bath. it’s like i’m connecting with something deeper inside myself and in the world itself.

Well, yes, they're certainly more than a regular walk in the woods or a bath, which is why I said self-administered mental health practices. Meditation be like that. Still no spirits involved, which is what the word spiritual implies.

i feel like the spirit involved is my own, hence why i would consider it spirituality. but it doesn’t look like this is going anywhere though, so i hope you have a lovely day :)

I'm very curious to hear about the attempts you're referencing in your second paragraph!

Sorry I didn't get to this comment earlier!

The broadest answers to that question are Humanism and Scientific Pantheism, which I'm partial to. That's what a lot of atheists have made a whole lot of fun of.

Of course humanism is still sort of opposed to what I'm talking about in thr second paragraph,, or at least most humanists would be, as far as I'm aware. And most "earth religions" fall under some form of what I'd call spirituality.

In the U.S., at least, I've started attending my very local Unitarian Universalist church and I think they're your best actual practical bet. As much as I whine about most religion, I deeply respect the UU's commitment to include everyone, atheists included, and so I do my best to respect what people believe and what they want to talk about (which naturally doesn't usually involve trying to convert people). Third spaces are too important to keep people out because of some sense of sectarianism.

And, of course, Buddhism is at it's heart a very skeptical religion to the point that some interpret more as a philosophy, which is how I choose to see it, and it's a philosophy and a practice that modern psychology owes a whole lot to (and should probably yank even more from). It's literally just a framework of how to stop "suffering" and live a good life regardless of whether it seems like a good life externally. I do mostly stick to more secularized, almost new-age interpretations of it, I love the blog Deconstructing Yourself for being thoroughly dedicated to "Nondualism" while rejecting the schizo craziness it usually brings with it. But I like to learn from something closer to primary sources, too...

For which I'm relying on the Buddhist University. Of the two "original" explicitly supernatural elements of Buddhism, reincarnation was an assumption of the culture the Buddha was born into, and with that stripped away, Karma as cause and effect is just determinism without any "you're screwed because your past self screwed up". The second chapter of What the Buddha Taught (which is a great book) practically made me a Buddhist by illuminating just how dedicated the Buddha was to making sure people actually remained skeptical of him, only searching for what they could personally prove not really caring whether something was his idea or anyone else's. This is a quote (supposedly from him, not that it matters) that sums it up:

Yes, Kālāmas, it is proper that you have doubt, that you have perplexity, for a doubt has arisen in a matter which is doubtful. Now, look you Kālāmas, do not be led by reports, or tradition, or hearsay. Be not led by the authority of religious texts, nor by mere logic or inference, nor by considering appearances, nor the delight in speculative opinions, nor by seeming possibilities, nor by the idea: "this is our teacher". But, O Kālāmas, when you know for yourselves that certain things are unwholesome, and wrong, and bad, then give them up... And when you know for yourselves that certain things are wholesome and good, then accept them and follow them.

There's also a story about him telling off one of his followers for insisting that he reveal the "mysteries of the universe". He was pretty much like look, you're being a dumbass, that's won't help you live well, that's not important." I can respect that.

In any organised sense, no, not really. Beyond that, maybe?

But no more than feeling a sense of belonging within the universe which we are a part of and connection with other parts of that universe, be they human, animal, plant or other.

If there is something else out there or on a higher plane of existence than us, I don't believe it is within the grasp of any human to understand it, let alone write down it's wants and desires in regards to the way we should live out lives.

I am agnostic. My personal point of view is that if there some sort of all-powerful being(s) and they want something other than "don't be a jerk" out of me, I don't care enough to put effort into impress them.

I do love learning about other people's belief systems, though, as long as they don't try to prostelytize to me.

Yup. Any higher power that can’t even be bothered to unambiguously prove their existence just isn’t worth my time.

I'm apatheistic when it comes to if there is a god and/or gods and I actively dislike all organised religion. Religion has no place in modern society and causes so much suffering. It's time has been and gone.

I'm spiritual and I guess some would say religious, though I just call it witchy. I was raised by strict parents as an evangelical Christian (Southern Baptist), but that made less and less sense as I grew older and learned more about the world around me.

I found my way to witchcraft, and working with and in nature made way more sense to me. I'm eclectic, and not very into ceremonial magic, but I do believe magic is real, and I believe we all have different paths to take in life. I currently worship Persephone, Hestia, and Loki, and I try to honor other deities where applicable. I'm studying everything I can, and love hearing about other people's experiences.

love to see a witch in this thread! i was very interested in witchcraft back when i was deconverting from christianity, as a sort of way to wrestle control over my beliefs again, but honestly haven’t touched it much in awhile. i could never really get myself to believe in any of the pagan gods, even though i really wanted to, and still would like to if i could only bring myself to have faith and believe.

tarot is the best thing i’ve taken from that time, i love it as a tool to analyze emotions and thoughts i don’t fully understand, though i don’t use it much these days. i should try and start using it again :)

may i ask what’s driven you to worship those deities in particular? and, if you had to get over a “belief” hump like i’ve failed to, what pushed you to really believe in the old gods?

I did have to get over a belief hump. It was a slow shift from Christianity to where I am now. I felt a lot of guilt at first, and didn't worship any particular deity. I just worked with energy and tarot, and joined a local group and took their seeker class. I didn't feel called to work with a particular god, and I was in a place where I couldn't really do much magic because of who I lived with and rules they had. I was feeling stifled, and I could only do research and read. In order to get through some of that hump, I read anything and everything I could get my hands on. And it really took some deep dive journaling for me to feel more comfortable with the path I was on. Everything just made more sense to me, and I was a lot happier with witchcraft than I had ever been with Christianity. The guilt just kindof faded over time, and I was able to move past it.

Then Persephone's name just kept showing up everywhere a few years back, including in my apartment. Like a collectible card from Firefly/Serenity constantly showing up around my house, hearing about Wendy Rule's Persephone album, Then hearing about the Spring Mysteries which go through her/Demeter's myth. So I started researching her mythos and I really connected with it. She's not just one thing, She's both Iron Queen of the Underworld, and soft Maiden of Springtime Blooms. She helps the cycle of life continue and helps people with change. She helped me move away from that living situation where I could practice more freely. She's someone I needed to hear from at that time due to complicated relationships with my parents, and helped me process going no contact with them. I'm currently trying to work more with plants to work with her energy and honor her. I sometimes get hints that she's around, a strong whiff of vanilla out of the blue, or a beautiful patch of flowers. (That's just me though :) Everyone has their own experiences)

Hestia, I started worshipping because she helped me manifest a house - I also like her energy and continue to worship her. She's warm and comforting. I can honor her whenever I bake, especially for others, or light a candle for her when I celebrate holidays with my found family.

Loki is newer for me - I just feel a pull (Honestly, I've felt it for a while) and I'm starting down that path of researching the mythos. I've just set up a small altar for them and am going to learn to work with their energy. I'm kindof excited to see where it goes.

I would say if you are truly wanting to work with a deity - research all of their myths and see what you can glean from it and how you can apply their stories to your life. Maybe you just haven't found the right fit for you, or maybe you did and it was the wrong time.

Technically speaking though - you don't have to work with deity to do witchcraft. Witchcraft is a craft, and a lot of people work it into their existing religious structure (There are Christian witches, for example). There's also a lot of people who are agnostic or atheistic witches. Some believe that the pagan gods are archetypes rather than actual beings. They use their stories as tools similar to how you use Tarot! There was a group on Reddit called "SASS Witches", I don't know if they've relocated at all, but its something you could look into. I know there are a lot more books coming out that aren't so Wicca-based, too, so there will be more information out there. There's a lot of different paths to take, and you just have to find yours.

thank you for sharing your experiences! i appreciate the insight, and may take up looking into the gods again soon, or even just practicing a bit of witchcraft. it’s such a big world, it can be daunting to try and get very into it when you’re on your own.

I’m not religious but always thought of myself as very spiritual… which I think is just living on a deeper level. I feel like I have my own custom-made religion, and I can borrow here and there from different religions if I want to. I especially like Buddhism, but I’m sure every religion must have some nice things to say. But I prefer learning about life from science, especially psychology, it seems more accurate.

But lately I became accustomed with energy healing… and it’s making me wonder about life and my belief system. I started watching the Goop Lab on Netflix, which led to me wondering if there really are people with psychic powers, then I got curious about energy healing, tried it a few times and became convinced that no, it’s not just a placebo effect and it works from a distance. But it’s also not supported by science. It’s been boggling my mind for a few months… Then I start looking at what these people believe, these healers who practice energy healing. They all believe in an afterlife, in spirit guides, crystals, psychic powers, etc. I never believed in all this, always looked down on what I consider to be New Age (except for yoga, mindfulness and meditation), I always looked to science for answers. So, do I believe in all this? I wouldn’t say that (yet), but it did make me wonder. My thinking was, if there really are people with psychic powers, wouldn’t they know more about life than I do? My thinking prior to this was more along the lines of I don’t know what happens after death. But I also thought, it seems like a cold, cruel world, so there probably isn’t anything after death. And you’re just alive for a while, it’s a struggle and then it’s over.

What’s interesting is that I started contemplating the way these energy healers and psychics make sense of the world, and I decided to sort of ‘try’ it. Because I like to learn about life and experiment. And it does ‘feel’ better, actually ‘much’ better. I always thought, I don’t want to be delusional and I’m one to try to get in touch with reality. But now I’m kind of enjoying this new way of thinking mostly because it feels better. It’s comforting, reassuring, it can really change how you feel about life and how you live it. So it’s been an interesting experiment. It’s also been making me wonder how this science-based way of thinking is affecting us and whether we’re missing out. Humans have always had spiritual practices (up until recently) and believed in an afterlife and a God and maybe there’s a good reason for that, maybe it’s something we need. But also seeing all the different beliefs and religions around the world it’s clear that there’s no consensus and what people believe has much to do with what they’ve been taught… But you also have to look at the similarities and how it must meet some of our needs.

Then I’ve also been meditating for a long time, and now synchronicities happen much more often, they barely ever happened when I was younger. I also feel like more often I get ‘lucky’ or it seems like my intuition leads me in the right direction. This also makes me wonder what it is and how does this happen? Also, I’ve seen how much I’ve grown from practicing meditation, how it gives me insights, how it has improved my mental health and how it has changed me as a person. When I started practicing meditation, I didn’t readily believe what it claimed it could do, but I thought it would be interesting to see what happens, if anything. Everything they say about meditation actually is true. But whether someone can become enlightened, I don’t necessarily believe it... I think we’re always learning and growing. Even people that are put on a pedestal are nowhere near perfect once you get to know them. But there’s no doubt practicing meditation can help you grow as a person and reach a better balance.

I mean, I have beliefs, just not religious ones. The only religions that I could ever vibe with were Wicca and Discordianism, and in time I realized that was because the only forces that I could ever accept having power over me are nature and chaos.

Yes, very much. I think it would be impossible for me not to be religious. If I wasn't Anglican I'd be Buddhist or Baháʼí.

Not even a little bit. I'm still in awe of the universe, aware of my own insignificance, and terrified yet resigned to my eventual death though!

im pretty neutral on it maybe theres a god maybe there isnt doesnt make a difference me people can believe what they want as long as its not actively harming them or others

I have a complicated relationship with religion. I was raised in a very hardline and honestly kind of culty ‘born again’ environment so I have a deep-rooted distaste for conservative Christianity, but I also don’t really love the fairly shallow ‘atheism, monism, logical positivism, and physicalism’ that’s taken as the default for most people these days. I’m open-minded to spirituality but I’m cautious about taking a leap of faith directly into oncoming traffic.

Nope, my parents are atheists and my siblings and I were raised as same. Never went to churches or had a bible at home etc.

I'm a Christian. I'm in a weird state where i'm trying to figure out where my faith sits and trying to find a new congregation I am comfortable with, since there's so much bad stuff coming from Christians nowadays.

We ended up in a reconciling UMC congregation, which is a big change from the fundie stuff we grew up with. Our congregation has been protested by evangelicals so I think it is doing something right.

I've been looking at UMC, presbyterian, and UCOC since some are LGBT affirming and that's really the big thing I look for (or at least a clear statement that they aren't discriminatory about gay/bi and trans people). I am trying to dip my toes in, but it's very different from what I grew up in, with robes and organs and what not. It's definitely a journey!

I grew up conservative evangelical (like I was a missionary on three continents) and ended up in very progressive and flamboyantly affirming UMC church. I’m agnostic to the existence of an afterlife and believe in God probably 51% of the time. I decided I would only go to a church that I would still be ok with being around those people the 49% of the time I think it’s BS.

UMC congregation has fit the bill. Fully embracing LGBT+ community and accepted science, psychology, etc. Extremely diligent in protecting vulnerable people and children from abuse. They view the Bible as a complicated book of people writing about God, not the inerrant word of God. The purpose is self improvement and community care with Jesus as the example.

I used to be a pretty staunch atheist, but had an experience earlier in life that changed my perception. I spent months trying to find a scientific explanation for what I experienced, something within the realm of physics for it to make sense, but could not. Even today I try to debunk my own experience but I know that it happened and have somebody else who can confirm it as well.

I don't know the nature of the universe, I do know that we don't know a whole lot about the universe though. The atheists that claim with certainty that there is nothing beyond the veil of our reality sound just as ignorant and stubborn as the orthodox priests of any major religion though. As a science minded person, you should always try to keep an open mind.

Today I would describe myself as a scientific pantheist, I guess, if we have to put labels on things. Which is to say that I believe that what we see as the universe is synonymous with what we think of as God. That science, mathematics, physics, etc are the languages in which "God" speaks to us.

I've found myself surrounded by a lot of spiritual people lately and I've used it as an excuse to try and get in touch with that side of myself. It's been a very interesting experience. There's a lot of it I still don't understand but a lot of it is just nice vibes? Like I don't ascribe any meaning to the moon or when I'm born or male and female sexual energies or being actually connected to the souls of anyone else but sometimes it's nice to recognize when things are just unexplainable by conventional means and to use a common language to recognize it. To speak in soft or uncertain terms as a way to acknowledge something you can't quite put your finger on, only to have it create a wonderful connecting conversation with another human is honestly kind of nice. And it makes approaching certain subjects a little bit more accessible because it's not rigorous and scientific but more human centered and amorphous.

i don’t have much to add, but just wanted to say i really like this comment. i think you captured my feelings towards spirituality as a non religious but curious person- there’s just soft nice feeling that can be hard to explain but definitely keeps me coming back to investigate more. being able to lighten up, and look at the world in a less rigorous, always science focused way is just nice.

No, I am an atheist and do not believe in anything super natural.

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer... sets up power point

My history with religion/spirituality is all over the place.

Those of the more religious bent in my family were/are Baptists. My single working mother never made religion a super big focus for me and sis. She let us discover that part of ourselves on our own. I had issues with Southern Baptists early on as a child when one pastor pressured me about getting baptized. I kinda just ran from organized religion after that.

As I grew up, I had explored Catholicism. What I discovered was I really was drawn to the divine feminine. I was aaalll about some Mary. I flirted with Wicca, Norse Paganism, Pagan Paganism, and finally settled in as an agnostic. "Nobody knows ANYTHING", I figured.

Then, about a year and a half ago, a fella I followed on instagram was streaming his DJ program on Twitch. One of the tunes he spun was Ganesh is Fresh by MC Yogi. It was a bangin' tune! Then I remembered a Hindu mantra I had heard in a new age book store when I was a teen. It left such an impression on me that it just kind of stayed in the back of my mind. I took a chance, and looked it up on YouTube. Sure enough! There it was! Then I looked up the meaning: "A mantra of purification and seeking the oneness of God in all things"

I just sat there listening to my mantra with "new ears". Then I said "Okay. I'm on board. Let's do this." I embraced Hinduism, and honestly couldn't be happier. As I read and researched more about it, it really fit with my outlook on life, the universe, and everything. It's a seeking path that doesn't have rigid dogma. It acknowledges change, and encourages exploration and questioning. I've had to learn to drop a lot of the Western Abrahamic thinking that came along with American culture, which seemed small and kinda dark in comparison.

These days I find chanting, meditation, and kirtan to be great sources of comfort in a world gone higgledy-piggledy. I do my best to make my corner of the universe as kind and welcoming as I can. I refuse to hate, and don't wish ill on others. There's just better ways to spend my energy.

i’ve always been interested in learning about different religions when possible, but sometimes have difficulty knowing where to look. hinduism is one i’ve vaguely had in the back of my mind as something to look into for awhile- do you have any suggestions on books/websites/videos to look into to learn more about it? :)

Oh, man. Where to begin...

The major difference between The Abrahamic faiths and Hinduism is this: The Abrahamics have a book. Hinduism has a library.

The first book to check out would be the Bhagavad Gita as translated by Eknath Easwaran. The audio version is here on YT.. The Gita is the essentials of Hinduism and especially helpful for anyone exploring consciousness and awareness.

Then there are the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Puranas (all 18 volumes), The Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.... Don't be overwhelmed, though. Take your time. If you have one in your area, visit a Hindu temple. There a LOTS of YT videos. The Hindu American Foundation is also a good resource.

Hinduism is big. Enjoy the journey.

thank you so much!! this is a lot more than i’d anticipated, and i appreciate it a ton :) i’m not sure exactly what i believe in right now (probably something along the lines of agnostic), but i’d really love to be invested in some kind of spiritual or religious practice, it’s just been difficult to really find anything that resonates yet. even if hinduism isn’t something i’ll end up clicking with, i’m excited to start learning! thanks again :)

No, not for me. My wife and I are both athiests, but she believes in spirits, some sort of afterlife where some are able to communicate with the living world (like mediums).

I'm very skeptical, and I'll reserve judgement until something can be proven.

I'm all for individual spirituality if it makes you happy and doesn't negatively influence your decision making process.

I have a problem when it makes people hurt others, or vote for those who would legislate hurting others.

Not at all. First of all... Religion isn't a huge thing in my country - or at least not in the area I grew up in - so we never went to church or anything (although my parents went through the motions with the baptisms and such). I did get some catechism and stuff like that, but it was like... "more school".

Later on, religion just never clicked. I was into mythology, so I always got stuck at "Why would THIS god be real and not all of those? They were there before."

I grew up as a Seventh-day Adventist, but lost my faith and left the church/religion in 2012 (was born in 1989)

@alyaza I was quite religious when I was very young. My parents were not too religious, but my grandma, where I would spend a huge part of my childhood, was. She never asked me to keep a lent or an advent (I don't know what it's called in English, but on the Orthodox side we have various periods of the year when we basically become vegan 😀)) We call that post - religiously it's mainly about food, but not only. You're supposed to clean yourself up in a way), but I would occasionally go to church with her, and I got the habit of crossing myself whenever I would pass next to a church (both walking or when taking the public transit).

Later when I grew up, I would find some awesome friends that gradually got me less religious, to a point where I would simply become agnostic - which was pretty much the same to this day 😁

I was born and raised Roman Catholic and attended Catholic schools up to college. I feel very disconnected from the religion because of how it upholds discriminatory views against gender minorities. There was also a lot of fear instilled in me when I was younger and I just grew out of it eventually. It didn't make sense that I would do good just because a higher being promised salvation when I die. There well also too many hypocrites around me who would go to church religiously but never practice the teachings from the priest.

I now try to make sense of life as I see it and I still practice spirituality through Tarot. It's brought me a lot of peace but I still struggle every now and then

was raised catholic, then kinda fell out at 14ish, now im more catholic than ive ever been

Interesting, what made you go back to the faith you were raised in?

it started at a retreat i went to with my religious class for a few days in the mountains. i was just in the class to keep my mom happy. on the first day, someone asked me how much i believed and i said maybe a 3 or 4 out of 10. on maybe the second day, we had adoration which i had never heard of before, but the eucharist was in a monstrance and they said jesus is present. we all sat in silence for an hour and then that was it. i didnt immediately feel different or realize what had changed, but soon after i thought to myself how my belief felt like a 9 or 10 now, and its been that way ever since. this combined with a miracle i had has solidified my beliefs.

Thanks for the reply. I do wonder about the miracle though it might be pretty personal.

i dont mind talking about it. i dont think ive ever told anyone before but i think it is a good story to share. im not sure how graphic i can be on here so ill be kinda vague but u can message me if u want the details.

i have had depression since i was ~12, and it was extremely bad when i was 13-16. when i was 13, i tried to commit unalive in the shower. as i was trying, it was not working at all. i kept trying for what felt like forever, probably like 30 minutes but there was nothing at all. it was impossíble, there should have been at least some amount of damage.

i didnt know this until a few years later when my mom and i ended up talking about the incident, but somehow at the time my mom knew something was wrong and during the shower she was praying intensely outside the bathroom door until i came out fine. i dont know how else to explain it other than her prayers along with gods protection that im still alive today. there is no other way answer how there was absolutely nothing that happened to me.

you would think this is what would have made my beliefs rock solid but actually they didnt really sink in until the adoration i mentioned earlier. either way im very grateful for it today.

That's a heavy thing to experience. Thanks for sharing. I could see why these experiences would lead you to return, in any case it's a good thing that you are still here.

Yes, kind of. However, I was raised Pentecostal and strictly conservative, and have lingering religious trauma that I'm working through. For a while (from my teens through my mid-twenties) I described myself as atheist. However, I got into witchcraft and the occult a few years ago as kind of a time-waster hobby, not really sincerely believing in it at first but just having fun with it, and that grew into learning about other religions and becoming genuinely curious about spirituality and religion. Now I'd describe myself as a Unitarian Universalist. I've still never been to a Unitarian Universalist church in-person because there's not one near me, but I attend online stuff occasionally and whole-heartedly love the way they do religion. And I feel welcomed there despite all of the things that would have gotten me dirty looks at any of the churches I grew up in. In terms of belief, I'd say I'm agnostic and I like to "put on" and "take off" beliefs (or "suspend disbelief"), which I got from doing chaos magic. I think magic and ritual helps me organize and make sense of my mind more than anything else... if anything, just having a meditation and journaling habit has helped my mental health, especially since i re-started those habits after starting my gender transition. And yeah, it also maybe helps with everything else gestures to the world at large...

And yeah, I just realized this is the most I've talked about my spirituality to anyone since going down this road. One of my big things is that my spirituality is a very personal thing and I keep it mostly to myself. Nothing against people who proselytize (I've come to understand and forgive people who sincerely believe they're saving my life by "ministering" to me, like some of my older relatives who genuinely care about me and who are probably happy to hear me say "yeah, I'm kind of getting into a church now") but I don't feel compelled to tell people about my shit because I definitely have no answers. That's my whole thing, I have no answers. I'm just kind of reading everything and trying everything, for no purpose other than to just understand people and myself a little better. And maybe it works for me, but I also know folks who definitely don't want or need religion and that is 1000% okay, and I hope I don't disturb them. So I only really speak of my stuff when people ask.

Yes, absolutely. Just not tied to any specific church or religion.

I used to be religious, became an atheist in my teens and now as an adult, I'm agnostic

I just don’t like having someone tell me how I should think and that’s why I was never interested in religion. :D Also seeing how religions make people behave really turned me away from them.

I was not raised religious and never went to Church. I had a period of time where I was interested in paganism and witchcraft, and I have sort of dabbled in getting back to that, but I think it is just not clicking for me right now.

I don't know if there is a divine being that exists and if it does, is it something humans can even comprehend? I do believe in luck and karma (or at least some basic form of 'you will harvest from the seeds you plant'). I don't seriously believe in a heaven and hell, but I do like to imagine my loved ones in a sort of heaven, just hanging out together happily.

I am not especially a fan of how religions have been used as a tool to oppress other people. I suspect the cruel people who use religion as their hammer would find anything other excuse to be terrible if they couldn't use religion though.

I am, very much, not religious. My father is Catholic, my mother doesn't go into her spirituality but it's not Christian. So I was taught about different things and given the choice to believe in what makes sense to me. If there's one way to describe what feels to me like what I imagine faith to be like to someone who's religious it would be the messages of hope and of passion for discovery and learning that Carl Sagan showed. The Pale Blue Dot speech is a sermon. It inspires me to be a better person and to try and be the change in the world that I want to see. But ultimately science doesn't know everything and at some point even with it you must make assumptions and have "faith" in the process.

As far as divinity goes, I've always struggled to believe. I just don't see the extraordinary evidence that would be required for me to say "Oh, that makes a divinity-free universe impossible". And by the same token it is impossible to prove that the universe was not crafted by some all powerful being last Thursday with all our billions of years of history baked in for us to pour through. So I figure, I'll find out on my last day and until then I'll just focus on being as good a person as I can be.

Absolutely not. Raised in a strictly Catholic household and 12 years of Catholic education but a) none of the religious education sank in* and b) my personal experience turned me off to religion-as-an-institution entirely.

  • Religion class was typically my worst grade in school, except for 8th grade where the teacher gave me an A despite low scores on most of the tests. When I asked her why she thought I deserved an A, she said that she gave grades based on our ability to grasp the material and she thought I was doing as well as I could. I cried -- not because this meant I was doing well, but because I was given something I knew I didn't earn and I didn't even want an A in a subject I fundamentally disagreed with.

My parents and grandparents were but my generation (all my siblings & cousins) don't follow the church much if at all

I am a Unitarian Universalist atheist. I have volunteered at church and go to church fairly regularly. I don't believe in some power greater than us. I don't believe we go anywhere after we die. More personally, I don't think there is any special purpose to our existence.

I don't, I'm an atheist. I grew up in a very strict christian household (my dad took away my yugioh cards and my Harry Potter books for being "demonic" lmao) kinda turned me off to religion.

No, I'm too gay lmao.

My "spirituality" is more just driven by my experiences with living, psychedelics, art, and science. Which is to say, I see myself as the atoms which comprise me, which will and actively are becoming other lifeforms (and viruses/prions) when my homeostasis is thrown off hard enough (cell death and the big death). I feel less like a "person" and more like a meat computer. Could be because I'm autistic and dissociate a lot from trauma/undiagnosed ADHD, but like, I do like the feeling of just "existing". I feel like one of countless experiences of the universe experiencing itself. I try to do what makes me happy, (art, gardening, video games, programming) which includes helping my community and surroundings to be healthy, happy, and free, as one person can manage to make it.

I can't always meet my own standards because I'm only one person. I still try to strive to do what I can.

Is anarchism a religion? Or is it faith in the inherent interconnectedness of nature? I think all creatures are better than we (human society) give them credit for. I don't feel anthropocentrism will get us anywhere. I believe we're more than the systems that control us (capitalist megamachine, fascism, racism, sexism, colonialism, ableism, speciesism, etc.). We, creatures of the earth, are no better or worse than anything or anyone else. And these specific bodies make us able to discuss and address inequality and injustice, and try to get as close to planetwide systemic homeostasis as possible. You are me are nature are gods are the universe. We'll meet again in a different context, as different creatures, as not quite the same set of atoms. But some of what comprises "us" (myself and anyone reading this) will be there, in the future, perhaps even in the same creature. I don't think there's an "afterlife" just a different ongoing thread of "life". I'm still terrified of dying of course, I'd like to keep this "system", this "body", alive as long as possible. But I'm a bit more ok with it than I used to be. And mourning my own death after being zooted out of my mind helped a bit.

TLDR "Ego death^TM^" to sound even more like a stereotypical stoner/psychedelics user lmao.

It literally hurts my entire being that religion has brainwashed billions of people. Generation after generation. It's sad that one brainwashed family indoctrinates their children. IMO: religion is a scourge on humanity. So many deaths in the name of one religion over another. Countless amounts of $$ stolen from those that gave cash/equivalent or slave labor.

What's more sad than religion based on thousands of years?

Seeing the insanity of cult behavior for following clearly ridiculous people like Donald Trump. The power of social media with misinformation, blatant propagada, addition to actual live news programs pushing the same inane, disgusting and pathetic shit is flabbergasting.

It may sound twisted....however, COVID, had the potential to unionize and solidify entire populations to join forces against a common enemy. I'm still in awe and disbelief as to how divided people became against the truth of science.

You know what the COVID episode demonstrated with 100% certainty?

Humanity will be extinct far sooner than people could possibly imagine from the apocalyptic level of damage caused be climate change. I truly wish people the best they can manage in the nearest future.

Hmm. On the one hand very much no, in the sense that I am a scientist, and I believe in the scientific method, and I think society should deal with facts and evidence when agreeing how to manage itself.

But on the other hand, individually, I am a creature of emotion and I feel connected to the universe, and I believe everything ebbs and flows in connection with everything else.

I don't feel the need for my scientist brain to hold that emotional part of myself to account or ransom, though. I don't need to know how it works or why it might be because it just is what it is.

But don’t you think that not everything can be proven and tested? And that science most likely doesn’t have it all figured out?

Yes Karl Popper says that science must limit itself to working on ideas that are falsifiable.

But that doesn't mean that we can just go about making life-changing decisions for ourselves or for others based on any beliefs we want and claim science has no say because those beliefs are unfalsifiable. Its the other way around: public policy must be constrained by fact and evidence even if our individual beliefs are influenced by more than that.

When Hugo Grotius was working on the law of the sea, which became one of the bases of modern international law, he imagined laws that would hold fast even in the absence of God. If we cannot do the same then we are doing no better than throwing rocks at each other for our individual betterment.

That does make perfect sense,👌for public policy at least. But as an individual I feel like I can experiment a little and decide for myself if I believe in something. I don’t have to wait for science’s approval to tell me that something actually works. And I appreciate having the freedom to do so.

To give you an example, I started practicing yoga and meditation about 20 years ago, back then it was still seen as something strange... some weird spiritual practice. Telling people about my yoga practice was more likely to make me seem like a weirdo or be labeled as New Age, which I’m not. During this time it became more and more popular and now even therapists recommend it, everyone is talking about its benefits and now science approves it. If I had waited for science to tell me that it’s a valid method, I wouldn’t have benefited from those practices as I did.

Now I recently started energy healing, and even though it seems a little crazy, even to me, I can’t deny that it works and it’s not just a placebo effect. So again, I don’t feel like waiting for science’s approval. If it works I will use it. If people think I’m crazy for believing in it I don’t care because I know that people are very judgmental and often wrong.

What is the law of the sea?

Very well said though… food for thought! ;)

Oh yes definitely do what makes you happy and heals you!

The law of the sea was an early attempt to codify and organise the customs and rules of conduct that applied in international waters. We kind of take it for granted that there is a thing called "International law" but its actually a relatively recent development and not as obvious as we might think. I mean historically most legal jurisdiction springs from some claim of right that one family has because they were once powerful enough to assert that they were destined to rule by God, for some definition of God. But no such claim exists for international waters. The national territorial claims just kind of fizzle out and become less believable the farther away from land you get. Er that was a bit of a tangent I know.

I guess that’s why we need science, people will believe anything and make up their own convenient rules… Thanks for sharing! :)

No. I am a person who bases beliefs on logic and reason. There is no logic or reason for religion or spirituality. I see it as a delusion based in the hopes and fears of a person, instead of reality that can be measured and quantified.

I don't begrudge others having such religious or spiritualistic beliefs, as long as it is kept within oneself. My main issues for religionists:

  • Don't legislate it
  • Don't have it in schools
  • Don't indoctrinate children
  • Keep it strictly personal.

Sadly, I will die and decompose back to the universe with millions (or billions) of people who still want (and succeed in doing so) to make laws based on their specific religious ideals and brainwash children into it.

I grew up in a christian household. My larents even went to two seperat churches (one service on saturday, one of sunday). They were very uptight about what was acceptable and what was evil. For example pokemon, star wars, yu-gi-oh, dragonball and harry potter were all forbidden for me. In my teens i became an atheist and never went back. Even though i do not believe in anything super natural anymore, i came to enjoy talking about religion with people again eventually.

Yes,'s complicated.

Baptized Christian in infancy. Not raised churchgoing. Had several direct contacts with God in my early twenties...but I was on acid at the time. Gradually developed a keen awareness that the universe is much larger than me, and that there are things out there I can't explain, and that I do still feel a divine presence at times.

These days I consider myself a Christian, but with the caveat that it's simply the faith that's most embedded in my cultural upbringing. I'm not convinced that it's necessarily better than any other way of relating to the spiritual world, but it's the one that works for me. Not churchgoing at the moment due to living in a very conservative area and not being able to find a congregation that I feel good about, but that will likely change with an upcoming move.

No, but I used to be far more derisive of religion than I am now. My wife is Christian and speaks about how she finds God in the woods, the lakes, and the natural world around her, and I have come to view God less as a specific person or all-knowing entity and more as an embodied collection of feelings and thoughts that people have regarding justice, truth, and love. This helps me reconcile many kinds of spiritual beliefs with my own understanding of the universe as garnered by mathematical processes and the Earth as it is shaped by human hands.

Yep! I grew up nominally christian but actually pretty personally areligious, even with a long atheist phase, but in a pretty diverse religious upbringing both family and community-wise - mostly a mix of Unitarian Univeralism, Catholicism, and Judaism. I had a lot of anger at religion as a queer teenager from the US south but thankfully ended up falling in with more positive ex-Christian interfaith groups and not the antitheist community, which led to a lot of open exploring down many different religious paths just to better understand and see what the fuss was all about, to where I am now, an animist polytheist with a pretty solitary practice. No pressure, just me and my own relationship with the world and the many kinds of persons, human and not, who inhabit it.

Never was spiritual. Grew up in a high demand religion, some aspects quite cultish. Left in my 20s. All my family is still trapped in it.

I'm not entirely sure where I stand, religously. I want to believe in some sort of a god but I cannot grasp onto the idea no matter how hard I try. Whenever I try to do any sort of praying, it's like I'm just talking into darkness. As for a specific religion, I was raised nondenominational christian, but I've been drawn towards islam as of recent.

As someone who was indoctrinated into islam as a child, I cannot recommend. 0/10 stars. Or any of the abrahamic religions imo. Way too dogmatic and patriarchal. While the culture and ritual is interesting from an anthropological point of view, you'd likely have a better time hanging out with people you care about, instead of prostrating yourself to a god who thinks anyone with a uterus is subhuman.

Yeah, I can see how that could affect your point of view. While I was never really raised around religion in a strict way, I do believe that religion can be life-changing for some people and give them purpose (not to say that you can't have a life purpose/morals without religion, you absolutely can).