School board member blames "Holy Spirit" for making her share a Nazi meme to – 548 points –
School board member blames "Holy Spirit" for making her share a Nazi meme | Boing Boing

See, they even blame their own religions for their hatred. Abolish religion

The clearest proof that the God of the New Testament doesn't exist is that He was unable to formulate the Bible in such a way that it wouldn't get co-opted by people with an agenda that runs contrary to His central message of tolerance and compassion.

Why would God divinely inspire writers to write down the story he wants to tell, but not divinely inspire it to be copied and transmitted reliably. There are hundreds of thousands of differences between various biblical texts.

Someone says that the Bible is literal truth. The only question then becomes which version of the Bible?

Bart Ehrman goes into great detail in his YouTube channel.

Not so fast. By my calculation, this means the Christian god is still 66% not racist. That’s not the best percentage, but it’s still a majority. /s


God was all about wiping out entire ethnic groups due to the minor sleights of a few members.

At best Trinity Megazord is 33% not racist

Yeah but all that that was so long ago. Are you implying that an ever-omnipotent and omnipresent god that exists outside of time and space can’t change?

Abolish religion

Who are you taking to??

Religion is cancer, but who exactly do you think is going to be able to abolish religion?

You don't "blame" the holy spirit. That means she's saying one of the incarnations of God wanted her to do it. That's like saying God is a Nazi.

well he DID kill a large amount of Jews?

This but unironically. God is pretty much a supernatural fascist tyrant

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I always love how Christians regularly freak out about the idea that "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" is canonically the only unforgivable thing they can do, but then rationalize it as some amorphous thing that's just not believing enough such that they go on to claim the Holy Spirit does all sorts of shit.

"The Holy Spirit supervised the creation of the Bible so it's inerrant (even though the majority of scholars think things like 1 Timothy are unquestionably forgeries)."

"The Holy Spirit moved me to post Nazi memes - I was an unwilling vessel."

If that shit really is unforgivable I'd imagine the vast majority of Christians are in for a surprise down the road...

Who had "The Holy Spirit Defense" on their descent into fascism bingo card?

"When Fascism comes to America*, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

* or Canada, apparently.

The other holy trinity: the father, the son, and Adolf Hitler

it's Alberta. Both the Texas and Florida of Canada.

I thought Saskatchewan was the Florida of Canada... Then there's the Territories, but they're a class all in their own.

Hmm... Christian theologians have spent centuries debating whether the components of the Trinity have the same essence, substance, nature, personality, etc.—but have they considered whether they share the same ideology? What if Jesus is a socialist but the Holy Ghost is a fascist?

What if Jesus is a socialist

Everything in the bible about Jesus makes him sound like a socialist...

But that doesn't keep church leaders in funny hats and gold. So the stories changed over the last couple thousand years

To be fair, it's mainly the Catholic church that has the "funny hats and gold" thing going on. Protestants are all about the expensive suits and private jets.

And oddly, the funny hats and gold guys have been relatively progressive lately. Definitely a shit history, but certainly better than their modern suits and jets competition

Francis has been okay, as Popes go. I'm not sure I would say anything so generous about the rest of the RCC.

So the takeaway here is that Conservative Christian God is a fucking Nazi.

The meme was comparing the LGBT+ community to Nazis, not promoting Nazi ideology

Isn't that fascism 101 though?

Tony Morrison's first three of ten steps to fascism

1.Construct an internal enemy, as both focus and diversion.

2.Isolate and demonize that enemy by unleashing and protecting the utterance of overt and coded name-calling and verbal abuse. Employ ad hominem attacks as legitimate charges against that enemy.

3.Enlist and create sources and distributors of information who are willing to reinforce the demonizing process because it is profitable, because it grants power and because it works.

Monique has decided to play the victim card, wailing about "cancel culture."

Again facing repercussions for your actions is not "cancel culture".

So apparently she, member of the board of Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools in Alberta, Canada, posted a meme comparing pride activism to nazi activism, like they're "both brainwashing". The board stripped her of her committee duties and she's now lawyered up in response to sue other Christians about it with the claim that she's the real victim here, that this infringes on her right to express her faith like every other normal Christian.

Oh honey, when you use your faith as a shield for your politics and your politics equivocate oppressors with those you want to see oppressed, you've just told the world that God is, in your image, a fascist. 🍿 🤡

Of course it was red deer XD, I grew up in that shit hole and honestly this isn't even that surprising for the crackpot stuff that went on there. I'm surprised she got punished.

Only in Americ.... wait, what? Canadians are supposed to be better than this. :shocked picachu:

Canadians are just as fucked as the rest of us. Just look at how they treated (and STILL treat) indigenous peoples.

Who told you that? I live in Canada and it's full of assholes up here. Tons of Trumper, Confederate flag waving types.

These people confuse me. Why are you trying so hard to betray a country you aren't part of?

They're just shitty people that have had their shitty beliefs validated

You haven't met that many Albertans. This is them.

"Brainwashing is brainwashing" according to a Catholic school board member. As in those schools whose entire purpose is to indoctrinate children into the Catholic faith from a young age.

There’s no point in arguing with these people. Faith and superstition is much more flexible than logic. They will always believe they’re right. The absolute best we can hope for is empty lip service that does a passable job of imitating rationality.

Either provide proof of this "holy spirit" or fuck all the way off.

So the Holy Spirit is a Nazi? Good to know I guess.

The holy Spirit gave me devastating diarrhea, it's its responsibility to clean it up.

Not the first person who hears voices in her head, only this was the supreme commander of the universe, who MUST be obeyed.

Anyone know what the meme was about?

It was PebbleYeet, wasn't it?