X runs ‘timeline takeover’ ad promoting anti-trans film

Jure Repinc@lemmy.ml to Technology@lemmy.world – 348 points –
X runs 'timeline takeover' ad promoting anti-trans film | TechCrunch

Thursday on X (Twitter), all users saw the same pinned topic under the “What’s happening?” sidebar. As part of a “timeline takeover” — which gives advertisers “priority access to logged-in users’ first impression of the day” — conservative media nonprofit PragerU is promoting the hashtag “#DETRANS” to advertise its new film about “the stories of detransitioners.”


Every day I miss my twitter account less and less. I now wish there was a way I could block twitter content inside news articles and such.

We've got it blocked at our router. The DNS server just responds with no such address.

It cleanly didn't block this post.

Yes. Because this post is not on twitter. It's on a site called lemmy.world. I don't think it even looks like twitter?

If you want no mention of twitter or the musky chodelet, I recommend Connect, a Lemmy app for Android. It features a keyword block list, so you can add as many twitter related keywords as you need.

I thought that's more what the original comment was asking for, maybe I misinterpreted. Ps. Sorry for wasting your time explaining things I already know by not clarifying my sarcasm, but you helped someone else so it worked out alright.

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I'm sure there's an addon for Firefox if you're really inclined.

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Man, musk really fucking hates his daughter

I just realized I had no clue what her assigned gender was. Probably says something about the media I consume.

Don't worry, it's completely acceptable that you neither know about nor care about a billionaire's daughter.

This is a good time to remind people one of his kids is trans. What utter garbage he's turned out to be.

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Despite pushback from some users

Well there's your problem. You're still using the fascist platform.

Any active user who "pushes back" in an attempt to "fix" the fascist platform is either delusional or being disingenuous. There's no fixing it, guys. Just walk away.

Imo the best pushback is to leave and make twitter irrelevant

Boycotts can work. Leave, and let people know why you're leaving. (The second part is important!)

Yep. I could see people sticking around if there were not viable alternatives. And while those alternatives have indeed been around for a good while, they are very available now. There’s really no excuse now.

Now, while I do think Mastodon is the better platform, I’m curious to see how BlueSky affects Twitter’s user base once it comes out of its “beta”. For all of its faults, it does have the smallest learning curve - if really any at all - when comparing it to Twitter.

Can we please just stop talking about the clown in command, and his dogshit bigoted platform?

And how is this even about technology anymore?

It is about an abuse of technology so it is relevant

Everyday there is some "tech news" about X. These are not tech news anymore. How is a trans film promotion tech news? Where is the technology in this? This is just drama news at this point.

So, any news regarding a tech company is not, in your eyes, "tech news"?

That's right. I think of tech news to be about the technology not about some political, racist, transphobic, etc... things. If it was actualy about tech then so be it but this ain't it chief.

I'm sure if we ignore him, he'll just go away. That's how this works, right?

And also can we not mention the things they want mentioned on the internet?

Let’s spread the hashtag to multiple websites… that’ll prevent it from trending!

Downvote Musk spam.

The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring him and his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle. Don’t be a useful idiot.

If I was still on kbin, I'd boost this.

Anyone who hasn't moved on to mastodon at this point is a clown.

Don't forget the clown-car that is BlueSky, a bunch of clowns offloaded to that instead.

I'm amazed that bluesky hasn't opened to everyone yet. The opportunity is right freaking there!

I don't know for sure but I know their moderation is dogshit. I think they don't want to face down the deluge of Nazis like we have had to here, they'd rather be a clique-y cool kids clubhouse of Twitter brainrot

Followers and online friends are very important to some people, but at what point do remaining Twitter users give up?

I understand there are some pathetic individuals who agree with Musk. I’m not talking about them. I mean the ones who should know better, but haven’t left yet.

What does it take for people to realize “I’m helping an utterly wretched man keep his business alive?” Don’t they realize they’re burning their all-important reputations by staying? Is it worth it to them? Why?

I feel like you're underestimating the amount of apathy most people have.

You may be right. It could be just that simple.

It absolutely is that simple. Most people just do NOT give a fuck until it directly affects them negatively. They don’t want to lose their followers and shit so musks bullshit is acceptable in that context

I wish people (especially just regular ol’ people, not big names) realized that if they started using Mastodon or BlueSky their engagement would go up tremendously. I’ve had full blown huge threads with all sorts of people on both platforms, even when I had literally just made my account.

On Twitter you’re lucky to even get a like on a post unless it’s some hot take on a political topic.

I’m helping an utterly wretched man keep his business alive

every business basically

Twitter already sucked in its own ways, but X-formerly-known-as-twitter is so utter shit I have a hard time imagining people browsing and enjoying it.

That's because you have a hard time imagining what it would be like to be one of the people who browses and enjoys it.

Those people are called "material supporters of fascism".

Most people struggle to turn off their brain enough to be able to think as stupidly as those people do.

Detransition is the equivalent of people who decided they actually aren’t gay. It’s rare enough to not make policies or be an ass about it, it’s super rare for it to go all the way to straight/cis and instead is typically “actually it turns out I’m bi/nonbinary”, and there’s a group actively funded and encouraged by the right wing, many of whom later retransition. It is a real phenomenon, but so is quicksand, both of which turned out to be less common in real life than certain media would have you believe

It’s also sadly common for folks to detransition because of hostility and a lack of support. Hard to afford hormones if you can’t get a job because you’re trans.

Very true. And it’s easy to decide that physical safety is more valuable at the moment than self fulfillment.

This is why they're losing advertisers left, right, and center.

This is why they're losing advertisers left right and center.

Fixed that for you.

This is why they're losing advertisers left right and center.


Yeah no way that anyone who is actually center would be happy with transphobe ads. That's only the techno-right Elon Musk praisers that believe that because they accept technology, they're not far right even if they are unaccepting of large swathes of society. Center implies accepting points of view in both sides, which is not compatible with intolerant stances.

BuT cEnTrIStS aRe AcTuAlLy NaZiS!1!!1!1

Great "technology" article.

Social Media isn't technology?

Oh I hate this argument.

With an election year next year, politics is about to get shoe horned into everything with the "(insert subject) is politics" is justification.

I think most people think of technology as scientific based rather than social media trends and events.

That’s only if you live in the US though….the rest of the world doesn’t care that much for your local politics….so it won’t be “shoehorned” into all posts as there are internet users outside the USA….gasp

Non American Internet users likely talk American politics just as much as Americans. Even if it is just to criticize Americans

I wouldn't call the possibly intentional destruction of a social media infrastructure "social media trends and events."

This is the best summary I could come up with:

PragerU, which is not a university, aims to “preserve American ideals.” The organization has been criticized for doubting climate change and downplaying the realities of slavery.

“PragerU has chosen X/Twitter specifically for this campaign, as it is one of the least censored social media platforms,” the organization wrote in a press release.

PragerU calls the short documentary its “most important” video yet, but extensive research shows that detransitioning is incredibly uncommon.

In spite of research indicating that these procedures are often life-saving and rarely result in regret, right-wing figures continue to drum up panic around gender-affirming care for LGBTQ+ people.

X CEO Linda Yaccarino claims that the company will be profitable by 2024, but other evidence shows that the platform’s advertising business continues to suffer.

As recently as this week, Musk has posted that he believes the word “cis” is a “heterosexual slur,” a personal position that reflects changes made to the company’s content moderation policies under his leadership.

The original article contains 610 words, the summary contains 159 words. Saved 74%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

PragerU vs trans bitching ... choose your punishment ...

The film purports to feature young people who sought gender affirming care, but now regret doing so.

This isn't anti-trans

It's Prager U, it's absolutely anti-trans.

Out of context, on its own, it wouldn't be. But if you look at who is pushing it, that changes the picture.

If a known anti-trans person pushes the media so hard, you can be certain it is anti-trans.

If you look into the detransitioner movement, it is indeed anti-trans.

Only fascist trans murderers question the given narrative.

Only fascists refer to the existence of certain people as a "narrative".

People by their very definition are narrative. If one has ever taken an action that effected another, they are part of 'the' narrative.