Christie to pro-Trump crowd in Florida: ‘Your anger against the truth is reprehensible’ to politics – 590 points –
Christie to pro-Trump crowd in Florida: ‘Your anger against the truth is reprehensible’

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie was booed while walking on stage at the Florida Republican Party’s Freedom Summit event on Saturday.

“Now look, every one of those boos, everyone one of those cat calls, everyone one of those yells will not … solve one problem we face in this country,” Christie said. “Your anger against the truth is reprehensible.”

Between jeers, the former New Jersey governor tried to tell the crowd of Trump supporters that their energy is better spent elsewhere.


Well, Mr Christie, Trump is a symptom of the kind of party you've been a part of for decades. These people and their anger against the truth are the culmination of everything your party stands for.

Got a friend from NJ. The vitriol she spews at this guy...

What's that say about the republican party if the most rational sounding presidential candidate is this piece of shit?

I'm amazed Christie can be as popular as he is even.

He was really well-liked in his first term as NJ governor, but the shit he did in the last year or two is stuff so stupid and assholish we all assumed it meant he felt that he was never going to be in politics again.

Christie usually thinks before speaking about how his words will impact him, but otherwise he's no different than Trump. If he thought he could get away with it he would do anything Trump would.

I really want to dislike Christie, I really do. However, he is the only Republican that is saying truth to power.

I know I will be flooded with whataboutism retorts. (or I would have if this was Reddit)

Hey now, you can still dislike him, it's ok. This is a total "Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point" situation. He's still the worst (well, one of many), he just happens to be right about this particular thing.

A stopped clock is still right twice per day. Kind of like how Republicans are so insane that they will sometimes introduce legislation that goes full circle and is actually sensible and have a majority of Democrats support it without debate (and then they kill their own bill because they can't be seen agreeing with Democrats or giving them a "win", no matter the cost).

It's crazy that we're so far through the looking glass that he's the good guy in the GOP.

just because he's calling out assholes, doesn't mean he's not an asshole.

Christie isn't a good guy. he's just in a different faction of bad guys.

Trump and Rudy are on the Russian mafia side, Christie is on the Italian mafia side.

I will agree with you only inasmuch as that we agree to define good on a relative scale

I thought saying "in the GOP" made it pretty clear we were grading on a curve.

As of about a year ago he still wouldn't say "No" regarding whether Trump would get his vote if nominated, when directly asked.

He also helped put Trump in power.

So, yeah.

I don't think whataboutism is required to argue with someone having a hard time disliking Christie, unless you define whataboutism in some interesting and unusual way.

At best he's realized they need to try stuffing the monster back in the box, after he helped bust it open.

Here’s the thing: he only does it sometimes, never when it matters, and only ever for self-serving reasons. So think twice before you shower Christie with too much praise; he doesn’t deserve it.

Here’s the thing: he only does it sometimes, never when it matters, and only ever for self-serving reasons.

I would argue that he's doing it right now at a time when it really does matter (Trump is running for president) and there's not much in it for him (he's not going to be the GOP nominee).

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He's not the only one, but they are few. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger come to mind.

No, he's not the only one... But yes, you can probably count all of them on one hand at this point.

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Well “reprehensible” is the GOP brand so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“The problem is … you fear the truth,” he told the crowd.

Fearing the truth is right up there too

Christie is right, of course. Nearly eight years too late of course, since he helped create the monster.

Been awhile since I listened to a Bill Maher podcast, but I'm 99% sure it was only about a year ago he still refused to say "No" when Maher asked him repeatedly if he'd vote for Trump if Trump got the nomination.

Unless he's done a very solid about face since then, he'll put the monster right back in there if Trump runs.

Remember the good old days when Chris Christie was the most reprehensible republican.

Setting records for least popular governor in the US at the time

They may not be booing for the right reason, but Christie has earned a lifetime of boos.

They would be very upset if they understood what the word, "reprehensible" meant!

Anger about the truth can be fine. For example, Trump won in 2016. I'm still angry about that.

The difference between me and the MAGA folks (well, in this area at least since I don't want to list ALL the differences) is that I accept the truth and move on. I didn't start a group that claimed that Hillary really won and that some shadowy cabal cheated her out of it. (And before anyone says "Russia," they interfered by way of social media posts and the like, but I don't think they hacked into voting machines and changed votes.)

I accepted that Trump won, as tough as that was, and set out trying to figure out what could be done to salvage the future. And we did that in 2020 when Biden was elected.

(Full Disclosure: Hillary and Biden weren't my first choices and I disagree with them on plenty of topics, but they are worlds better than Trump.)

Basically, it's okay to be angry at the truth, but it's not okay to deny that the truth is the truth. That last part is that key that the MAGA folks aren't grasping.

You reap what you sow.

Back in 2009 Christie torpedoed a long planned New York / New Jersey tunnel project, because he didn't want Obama to get credit. The money was already earmarked, so it got spent somewhere else. Screwed his own people out of jobs and infrastructure to make points with the extreme Right.

Now he's shocked that the wolves he fed are still hungry.

After his speech, Christie was approached by far-right activist Laura Loomer, who was criticizing Christie for his comments against Trump and for “supporting the weaponization of government.”

“The proudest moments of my career is to be opposed like someone like you,” Christie said to her.


I actually just visited his website because it's been a minute since I paid any attention to what policies he supports. Welp, there is zero information about his policy support on his website. "The Truth Matters" yet I'm uninterested in establishing a record of those truths.

Finally one guy is coming kinda close to saying what all Republicans should have been saying since 2016, and it's somehow news. Christie and MAGA can both go get fucked, you're way too late and many dollars short to suddenly rebrand as the principled one you angry tub of mayo.

Hey hey hey. You leave Chris Christie alone. Poor guy can't even go to the beach without upstart marine biologists trying to push him back into the water.

The republicans are so insane that majmke someone as him seen sane.

christie is irredeemable but acting as rat trump fucker is delightful

Every time I see him now...

"Think about the time we bought you an ice cream and a cookie. Rented that Lambo so we could go buy milk when we played hooky. That was our ride, we rode it around, yeah momma it was good, til we hit that boy in the pink golf shirt with the pepper spray tan and he laid down on the concrete."

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Between jeers, the former New Jersey governor tried to tell the crowd of Trump supporters that their energy is better spent elsewhere.

“When you think about the problems that our country and this world is facing, when you think about that, this type of pettiness … is beneath … the process of electing a president,” he said.

“That’s what we should spend our time talking about, and that’s the place where I suggest some of our anger should be directed,” Christie said about the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

Christie echoed a similar sentiment to his speech in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, with a donation link.

Former President Trump headlined the event in Kissimmee, Fla. Christie and the other GOP candidates, including former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, North Dakota Gov.

The candidates will return to Florida on Wednesday, where they will participate in the third GOP primary debate in Miami.

The original article contains 454 words, the summary contains 158 words. Saved 65%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Republican candidates being fully confronted by how awful their constituency is.

americans wouldn't know truth if it licked them in the face

Republicans perhaps but Americans have a general consensus in what the truth is. Every population will have a percentage of low intelligent people.