
Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1191 points –

I don’t give a fuck about being remembered. I just wanna enjoy my time while I’m here.

So far, it’s not going great.

Have you considered eating a great work of art to pass the time?

Doesn't sound very enjoyable tbh

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It pains me that I probably never do something so important that I will be remembered.

On there other hand, who was the right hand of Napoleon? Who decided the great pyramid should be build exactly there? What was the name of the guy who put the last stone in the Chinese wall? (Figurative speaking)

So to be remembered you need:

  • do "great things" (not great specifically... You know what I mean)
  • be the number one (second places don't count)
  • make such a major impact on the world that even after your society has collapsed, people still remember you.

So the chances that I am in a position to do this would require some massive effort and even then, chances are slim....

When I started typing this reply I was a bit depressed. Now I am finished it just highlights the importance of enjoying oneself while it lasts.

Honestly it doesn't even matter if you do an incredible thing, you'll still be forgotten. Even somebody like Einstein will eventually be forgotten. Like what's the name of the first person to make fire? And sure you can argue that we didn't keep records back then like we do now right? Ok so whats the name of the first person to keep records?

Like what’s the name of the first person to make fire?

I'm pretty sure it's Steve.

Actually, it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.


Why not Adam, Adam, Steve and Eve and baby we got a stew going?

Adam, Adam,

add a madame

and a Steve

to the stew

– he's for Eve,

and for you

that sneaky snake

is slippin' through

Adam and Steve sounds like the gay version of the bible

If you're #2 it helps to have a cool name. Otherwise I don't think I'd know Buzz Aldrin.

Mostly agree, but the right hand of Napoleon (and other “helpers” of the famous) is well remembered, just not by everybody.

I have a training on mgmt. in a few weeks, and we are reading a case study on him, with a lot of names thrown around, including e.g. Berthier, his chief of staff.

I’m just saying that you don’t have to be the one in the spotlight to make an impact, and be remembered - maybe it’s even better to stay in the shadows and only be remembered by those who actually know the topic, and truly appreciate your work.

Set your own goals, I'm in awe of people who've done magnificent things just for themselves.

Your point with the "great" things is so true. All the "great" people of history that get remembered for a really long time are mostly some despots / royalty / tyrants that have done TERRIBLE things. Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Hannibal etc. and we now treat them like some super geniuses that built great empires. Some of them are even 'worshipped' in pop culture. Oh and yeah they killed a bunch of people but eh... price of being a great man I guess.

I wonder if Hitler will ever be talked about like this.

I want the peace of never having existed in the first place. So, being entirely forgotten is a second best kind of peace. Best one can get now.

I'll overwrite you multiple times with random 0's and 1's if you'd like that?

I think the man is asking for a DBAN 7 pass

On a somehow related note, I just remembered this memory of me burning DBAN to a CD-ROM as a kid, and drawing a skull head on the disc to warn about its dangers!

I don't exactly remember actually using DBAN back then. Though, I remember changing a forgotten Windows user password more than once by booting from some disc I had burned too, but I don't think that was a DBAN feature?

This is a screenshot of a reddit comment replying to a screenshot of a 4chan thread, posted on lemmy.

And this is a screenshot of a lemmy comment replying to a screenshot of a reddit comment that's replying to a screenshot of a 4chan thread

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Why would I care about being remembered? I'll be dead.

Agreed I dont understand the pbsession with being remembered. I would rather be forgotten so no one has to mourn me

When I was a kid one of my goals in life became to be immortal. Not in like on sci-fi way of course. Still somewhat a goal of mine but not likely to achieve.

::: spoiler This was basically the plot of Glass Onion :::

Eh, what good does it do to have strangers know my name? That's just a couple bytes of information, not who I am.

Fuck having my name remembered its long and semi pretentious. I just want to be rembered by my actions and hopefully the effect on the world, in the same way as the beserker bastard at Stanford bridge.

Good luck with that. LOL

This is probably a poor choice of words, but..."if hitler can do it, so can I in a non-genocidal way"

...eat the Mona Lisa?

Steal the Mona Lisa. In fact, that's really the only reason it's so popular today, because hitler wanted it and it was lost for a while. Eating the Mona Lisa will just be my thing.

I will be forgotten by the world, but eventually the universe will remember as I'm turned back into star stuff.

I realized this when walking along Hollywood Boulevard. I didn't think I had to go that far until I saw a star with a name I knew. Showed me that even if you are famous, it won't take long until you are forgotten.

There are only two ways to be remembered. First, alter the way of history in a significant way (or at least make everyone believe it's because of you), or second, write a book with really good ideas. Arguably both are the same.

How would you do it, though? Do you sneak into the Louvre and snack on it slowly under cover of darkness? Is it a smash and grab in which you try to eat as many pieces as possible before you're shot? Are you taking the painting home with you to braise it in a nice osso buco?

There are worse things people are remembered for. So sure go for it i would say :)

Haha who cares if you're forgotten, not everyone reaches upwards simply to be remembered.

I wanna enjoy the things out there and maybe make more things that other people can also enjoy too.

Might as well have fun c:

Ahhh, the sweet embrace of the void, darkness so welcoming the abyss doesn't even look back at you directly.

"Whyv are you always such a fussy young man? Don't want no oil on canvas or no pen in hand? ... Just eat it!"