Orcas Pummel Boat After Crew Tries To Deter Them With Heavy Metal Music

stopthatgirl7@kbin.social to News@lemmy.world – 397 points –
Orcas Pummel Boat After Crew Tries To Deter Them With Heavy Metal Music

Blasting underwater tunes to try and keep killer whales away is a bad idea for multiple reasons, a researcher says.


I'm glad orcas have finally had enough of our shit.

I’m firmly Team Orca.


I am wholly and unironically on the orcas' side here.

They target small sailing boats that do no harm.

It's like attacking children because their parents are bad.

I'm just worried that people will start shooting them. Otherwise I agree.

Orcas mourn, that would be downright fucking insane. Elephants mourn and will literally track you for months to trample your ass for killing one of them.

Theories are that this is how it started.

Richard Harris could tell us what a bad idea shooting one turned out to be. Apparently not enough people have seen Orca, because that shit was scary.

Wow, that seemed like a very revealing trailer. Arguably don't need to see the movie now, I guess they did 'em differently back then.

Making the Orcas feel like Doom guy when the music kicks in will surely stop them.

Headbanging music backfires on sail powered mosh pit.

Film at 11.

PS: ... keep the whales at bay? I sea what you did, marine biopunologist.

There's whole lot of genres of music to shuffle through before we may find the genre that drives away orcas. Maybe there's no genre of music that drives away orcas. You know how people say of ethnic groups they don't belong to that y'all look alike to us? Maybe all human music sounds alike to orcas.

We should try polka. Nobody wants to listen to polka.

You'd be surprised at some of the sleeper hits. It's inherent in all genres that one composition will just blow your mind.

...or maybe I just like polka and avoid the weird looks by only having one song on the ipod. Maybe.

Let's try EDM. Two sounds pulsating and occasionally woman's voice saying "orca" will bore anyone to death.

They aren't "pummeling boats", they're headbanging ffs

A half stick of dynamite or a few M80s would drive them off. However customs could be difficult with explosives on board.

Personally I think a about 110volts at 2200ohms should do the trick, just put a few electrodes in the water near your rudder and turn up the juice. Should be pretty easy to conceal from customs. Blackfish will learn quick to avoid the zappy boat…

"Bro I'd totally beat the shit out of an orca."

Are you saying a half stick of dynamite or 2000 volts of electricity next to an Orca’s head won’t run them off or stop them?

I'm saying you seem wildly insecure.

No I’m pretty secure that a half stick of dynamite and/or 2000 volts of electricity will keep a blackfish away from a boat.

This is why the orcas are attacking us. And we clearly deserve it.

Perhaps but if they endanger the safety of a vessel with people aboard then it’s time to light off some explosives or fill the water with electricity.

This is exactly why they're attacking. Humans fucking up their environment.

LMAO you think Orcas have some kind of environmental vendetta against humans like some Captain Planet episode.

Please tell me more!

LMAO you think Orcas have some kind of environmental vendetta against humans like some Captain Planet episode

…Well, kind of yes.

One biologist theorized that the attacks originated with a female orca, known as White Gladis, who may have been harmed by a boat. As the theory goes, White Gladis began to act defensively around seagoing vessels, and other orcas picked up the behavior.

White Gladis began to act defensively around seagoing vessels, and other orcas picked up the behavior

So not at all related to the environment?

I know that these orcas have somehow been personified for some people online as nature's divine wrath, but that's literally not what they are.

They're just animals being animals.

It sounds like if we eliminated or deterred the Orcas who are exhibiting this behavior it would stop others from learning it. No?

Orcas are endangered, so no, you can’t go around trying to shock them or blow them up.

Never stated I wanted to blow them up. If they attack my rudder I want to ensure the safety of my crew and scare them away from the boat.

And if either of your ideas were actual viable someone would have tried it always. But your plans risk injuring the orcas, which you can’t do because they’re endangered.

If they attack my vessel I have every right to respond and defend my vessel. It’s even easier if I’m in international waters.

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You're an idiot. When has that ever worked?

Your a moron, no one has been documented trying. Go flap that uneducated cock holster somewhere else.

Yeah, they have. Just because you have the bare minimum brain cells to stay alive and don't know shit about the subject doesn't mean it hasn't been done before.

Your word is worth less to me than bullshit. Bullshit is at least useful for fertilizer.

It's cute that you think I care. Well, I do, cos shit like this is why the world is falling apart. But your personal attacks hold no weight against me. I ain't a pretty person, I've been insulted all my life, this is nothing compared to what I've heard. But then, that's probably on me for expecting better from you. Especially since I have plenty of evidence that your intelligence is questionable...

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No go on, you're in the thread about Orcas turning on people, give us your theory you gun-totin rootin-tootin hard man.

I’m not a marine biologist, I don’t have a theory on Orca aggression.

I just know what would keep them from damaging a boat and would most likely deter them from attacking again in the future. High voltage and underwater explosions are pretty well understood by all creatures.

So you know nothing about orcas but you definitely know what would deter them in the future. Got it.

I mean logic dictates that a half stick of dynamite or 2000 Volts of electricity going off in their face would deter most if not all terrestrial creatures that we know of.

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