๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ 2006 was 18 years ago

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 562 points –

Reading this makes me feel ancient

I refuse to believe anyone born in this millennia is over 18.

Hi, I'm from 2002, I'm 21

Kids can drink that were born after 9/11.

That goes for the US, in germany kids from 2007 onwards can drink

Register to vote. Vote in every election that comes along. Primaries, special elections, whatever.

It's not as bad as you think!

Yeah, turning 30 is way worse

I started living my life to the fullest when I turned 30. But it also was the point my body started betraying me. Backpain became my all time friend, organs started mutinying, that one fart I shouldnโ€™t have trusted. That surprised O-face in comedies? Yeah, thatโ€™s the actual face you gonna make the moment you destroy your pants.

Buddy, I don't think it's normal to shit yourself at age 30. You might want to go to a doctor.

I mean... It's not not normal. It shouldn't be a frequent or common thing, but a one off? Yeah, shit happens.

Yeah seriously this year alone back pain, unexplained temporary hearing loss, eternally clogged sinuses and to round it all off I think my pancreas has started a revolt.

Indeed turning 18 is fantastic! Turning 30 not so much. Source: I'm 30+

Donโ€™t worry. When you hit your 40s you use all the knee and back pain as a catalyst for your eternal rage. You also develop a shortage of fucks for export. Itโ€™s wonderful.

seeing that the xbox one is already getting obsolete and the xbox 360 is a retro console now is fucked up

gotta love this meme being posted every year for the last 5 or so years. absolute classic.

Just remember, don't wait for your life to start. Your life is here right now.

I'm 18 in 2 years?

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fu-

That means you still have 9 good years left. Live for me, wake up without your back hurting, stay up until 2 and have it not affect you. Eat garbage food and not gain weight, or spend the morning on the toilet.

Time doesn't stop, everyone will get old and out of touch

Jfk, way to ruin my morning (I also shared with my wife, to ruin hers)


I am in this picture and I don't like it. Why did you have to remind me of my coming of age? Ugh. I don't want to grow up.

you'll do okay

it sucks sometimes but it's better more often than not

I just don't want to become a zombie. None of the older folks have any free time.