Flying the Pride flag is a gateway to ISIS, a Connecticut official claims as town passes ban to Not The – 467 points –
Flying the Pride flag is a gateway to ISIS, a Connecticut official claims as town passes ban

A Connecticut town council voted to ban the LGBTQ+ pride flag in government buildings almost immediately after coming under Republican control.

The Enfield Town Council voted in a meeting Monday to ban all flags from flying at government buildings save for the United States, Connecticut state, and military flags. The new policy, which went through with a vote of 6-5, replaces a 2022 policy that allowed the rainbow flag to fly during Pride Month in June.

While some the council members pushing the policy claimed to do so as a way to remain "neutral," Councilor At-Large Gina Cekala, who voted against the measure, accused them of directly targeting the LGBTQ+ community and Pride flag.

“I think the real reason is you don’t want that Pride flag up on this town hall,” she said, “which is absolutely disgusting."

Tom Tyler, the interim town attorney, claimed at one point that if the the Pride flag was allowed to be flown, “ISIS could come in and want to display one, the IRA…basically anybody. You’d have to be content neutral and let everybody." He then went off-topic to accuse schools of trying to indoctrinate students with “transgender ideology.”

The decision came as a betrayal to many of the town's residents, including Brandon Jewell of PFLAG Enfield, who noted that two of the Republicans voting to ban flags previously voted in favor of the 2022 policy that allowed the Pride displays.

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Fox, OAN, NewsMax, etc. Those are gateways to the Christian Taliban... I mean ISIS. Same thing.

Y’all Qaeda is a bigger threat to the world than any Afghanis ever were.

Y'all Qaeda

That got me laughing to the point of having a coughing fit.

its ironic that vanilla isis is talking shit about original flavor isis, trying to imply that their shared boogie man wants anything to do with either kind of crazy religious right wingnuts

The most amazing part is that they've resolved all of the more important issues and have the time to consider what flags should be allowed to fly at government buildings.

Right? I mean how negligent would it be to prioritize passing an approved flags list while issues that affect their constituents still need attention.

Plus, notice the absolute freedom these people are enforcing. Republicans, truly the people who still take freedom and self-determination serious! Not like those Democrafts who always want to legislate everything and have rules and bans and shit! Just let people do what they personally want, the republican way.

(Can we please just shove them all into the ocean already? Nothing of any value will be lost and we also reduce the carbon footprint a little bit.)

Oh, the carbon footprint will be drastic.

I suspect those are the people who shun any climate science, and instead will do the opposite of anything told to do.

"ISIS could come in and want to display one, the IRA…basically anybody. You’d have to be content neutral and let everybody." He then went off-topic to accuse schools of trying to indoctrinate students with 'transgender ideology.'

Yep, that sounds like a typical conservative. Mind is just a jumble of terrified nightmare-fantasies about the big bad de jour that wanders off into total nonsense without any notice.

ISIS could come in and want to display one

I don't think ISIS supports LGBTQ+...

What are we supposed to do with these conservatives? They can't be debated with, they don't have the concept of logic.

Rethink what you mean by "what are we supposed to do?"

You're not going to convince them, you're not going to change their mind, you're not going to find the one flaw that shakes them from their delusion. Because conservativism is not founded on principles. A conservative is a narcissist, and should be treated as such. Ignore their tantrums, protect yourself and your interests, set boundaries and stick to them. Their arguments are flotsam flung from whatever position they think will help them most. Ignore them, it's all bullshit. Their priorities are lines in the sand drawn around where they stand. Ignore them and do what you know to be right. Do not compromise, do not waver, do not negotiate. That's a losing strategy every time, because their appetite for self interest is never sated. Their lust for power will grow with every inch you cede.

They are not an enemy to be vanquished with thoughtful debate, they are an obstacle to be overcome with tireless devotion to doing good.

Also do not seek revenge. Do not say "they have hurt me, I must hurt them." The conservative craves your attention and will feel validated by your wrath. "See?" they will say, "I knew you were as bad as me. You criticize me, but we are the same." Forgive them, and move on with your life. A conservative may learn that being kinder to others benefits themselves. This doesn't mean they are cured of their conservativism, merely that they have adapted to the new normal where you aren't playing their games. They will pretend they were on your side all along. They will claim to have been confused or lost or fooled, but they are merely deflecting blame for their willful ignorance. You can enjoy the time they spend feigning compassion, but be vigilant against the selfish gremlin inside waiting to latch onto any advantage they can find for themselves. If you give a mouse a cookie...

Or just fucking punch 'em... a lot less work.

It's not about issis supporting lgbt+ but about having to allow any flag if you allow one.

What fucking country do they think they're in?

How is this different than a city saying "if we allow you to fly a flag for the Steelers, what's next, a Nazi German flag?" Any reasonable person can see that there is a clear line between something like a flag that supports an innocuous mainstream idea and a flag representing a terrorist organization, it's ridiculous and clearly motivated by bigotry. Cities and towns have been displaying rainbows in various forms for years during pride month and I haven't seen any inch of progression towards right-wing Islamic terror groups being supported also.

The post is about flagging in public buildings. I can't imagine public buildings setting up a flag for the steelers and not doing so for any other team.

I expect the issue is, that you can't expect reason especially when it's in up to the public. People and organisations will find ways to exploit this.

It must be great to live in a place that has so few real problems that the town can waste time with bullshit culture war distractions.

Oh I'm sure they have plenty of problems, but it's probably only minorities and poor people who experience them so who cares!

Noisy "news" like this are actually really good at hiding a lot of real problems. Especially chronic ones that are "old news".

They're just stringing together words at random at this point.

ChatGTP is more coherent.

I'd take hallucinating ai over conservative official any day. At least the AI isn't trying to fuck the children

The party of freedom to take away everyone else's freedom!

The word for people who care about individual liberties is "liberal".

The right tells us they are not liberal. Believe them.

Anyone that goes through that much effort to ban something that doesn’t harm them is hiding something.

Probably should sue the town for violating 1A rights.

Right wingers love to pull that one out of their arse, would be funny to see them trying to cope with that.

..ISIS, which I'm not sure even exists anymore, a terrorist organization infamous for among other things murdering gay people.... Is Pro-Pride Flags?

Son, what kind of shit are you on?

Not sure how you came to this, unless you only read the title. According to the actual post content, the argument is, that if you allow one you can't discriminate and will have to allow any.

Immediately followed by a transphobic rant that I'm sure was completely unrelated.

The braindead, completely deranged "argument".

We're having a similar situation in our public schools. It started with schools being asked to serve foods that Muslims could enjoy too. This is fair and understandable. A good 10 years later, it's hard not to have to offer vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free alternatives. This is mayne also fair if you're paying for it (?) but when it is a publicly funded organization it's expensive at the cost of all of us. It's the principle of opening up a little and can't close it up again even when for reason


You seriously believe the shit that you wrote. This is simultaneously sad and worrying.

Religious Fascists claiming non-Fascist symbols are a gateway for other Religious Fascists.

Satire is dead!

So that is a violation of the first amendment

Not necessarily, since this is a government building it would be the government's speech, and they clearly don't want to fly it. They aren't preventing people from flying it on their personal property.

That said, there's a clear likelihood that this is purely anti-lgbtq sentiment in action.

Tom Tyler, the interim town attorney, claimed at one point that if the the Pride flag was allowed to be flown, “ISIS could come in and want to display one, the IRA…basically anybody. You’d have to be content neutral and let everybody." He then went off-topic to accuse schools of trying to indoctrinate students with “transgender ideology.”

"This has nothing to do with it being a Pride flag! Now I'm going to go on a transphobic rant which, as I just said, has nothing to do with this!"

Ugggh, so I really don't want to be on their side with this, but... I kind of agree that the only flags that should fly in government buildings is US, state, and military flags. There also shouldn't be religious wall decorations like the Ten Commandments or crosses. There shouldn't be Confederate flags. There shouldn't be state university flags. It's a government building, and it should represent everyone equally, and not promote any cause, group, or religion except explicitly what is part of the government.

I reeeeeeally don't like the reason they want to ban it, but I think it would be great for every government building to adopt those standards.

I think the government has an obligation to represent oppressed minorities, including their symbology when appropriate.There is no such thing as neutrality, and even if it wasn't for regressive reasons it would still be a regressive policy.

IMHO, the crucial difference is that the LGBTQ pride flag isn't saying the gays are the best. It's merely asking for equal treatment, for human rights. A government which does not agree with those goals, which does not work for the equal treatment and human rights of all its citizen, is being partial in precisely the way you describe.

Why military? Isn't that a cause/group that isn't part of the judicial, executive, or legislative branches of the US government?

Honestly, I'd personally be fine if they dropped military, too. But it is, at least, part of the government.

You don't articulate how it's part of the government or where it fits into it, so I looked it up. For anyone else reading, the military of the US is part of the Department of Defense, which is technically considered to be an arm of the executive branch of the government.

That said, I'm not sure I'd agree with the other poster that they're a neutral party with regards to ideological/group affiliation.

ban all flags from flying at government buildings save for the United States, Connecticut state, and military flags

Ah yes, military flags, very neutral. It's great that conservatives are super neutral and yet they shit on people's desire to not promote war, imperialism and genocide.

I'm figuring out how you come with these words together. I don't know. It's a new level of intellectual gymnastics.

I'm surprised that he hasn't updated his talking point to Hamas. Just shows just how out of touch this guy is.

If they believe they are doing the correct thing, why do they not write their intent in official announcements?

They wouldn't do this shit if ya'll were waiting in the parking lot with a load of axe handles.