Far-Right Congressman Complains There Aren’t Enough White People Joining the Army

roastedDeflator@kbin.social to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 362 points –
Far-Right Congressman Complains There Aren’t Enough White People Joining the Army

Rep. Paul Gosar blamed the drop in white recruits on the army’s supposed “woke Marxist ideologies.”


What a great photo. It's like someone distilled bigotry into it's purest form and then fashioned a human from it.

He looks like an extra from Ozark, like he owns the car dealership that doesn't sell to minorities and he also has 20 kidnapped immigrants chained in his basement manufacturing heroin for him.

He’s like a caricature of an inbred racist Appalachian hick, but real

Hey! Not all of us Appalachian hicks are like that. Some of us clawed our way out and never ever visit their birthplace.

Ol’ Sourpuss looks like he lost his job at the urinalysis lab for sampling the wares

He looks like a henchman to a Disney villain.

Not far off from the truth, although both Trump and DeSantis may not like the association with Disney, even if they're both villains who spend most of their time in Florida.

I still can't believe DeSantis has me rooting for the evil mega corporation in a legal battle.

He looks like he manages a very old but sprawling manor on an ocean view cliff, all alone, yet chooses to sleep in the pantry for unspecified reasons, and late at night he touches the suits of armor inappropriately.

He looks like he just realized he forgot to wipe.

He looks like if you put a $5000 Savile Row hand-tailored suit on him it would instantly grow two sizes too large and a racist Chick tract would appear in the pocket.

He looks like they programmed a robot to hate itself and everyone around it, then put it inside an ill-fitting skin suit.

He looks like the bad guy of the evil corporation whose name you can't remember in a movie whose main plot involves a super cyberborg doing stuff. Just get that guy a large table for him to monologue at the head of to a bunch of other people who wear suits. Like flies to honey some weightlifter type will bust in heavily armed.

Incentives for joining the military target lower income communities.

The military is continually sent into one unpopular conflict after another since at least Vietnam (right around the time the report noticed a drop in white enlistment).

Legislators pass and / or preserve policies that create barriers preventing non-whites from accumulatimg wealth.

Hmmm ... I wonder if there is a connection.

This can be used against him:

Wait, let me get that right - you’re basically saying you want more white people to be poor…? I’m not sure your “base” is going to like that.

I doubt his followers are thinking things through that far.

Fuming that they aren't getting enough trained and radicalized militants for the second coup attempt they have planned?

they are afraid the military won't take their side in a coup/civil war.

Good; I'm tired of being the only side afraid.

Fear is a major part of a conservative's entire waking life.

That's how they're trained.

Says the guy who never served in the military. What a pathetic asshole.

Check the white supremacists militia. I'm sure he'll find the far-right white men there.

They might be a little bit untrained tho (aside from shooting stationary shit down a firing range). However what they lack in skills and condition, they make up for in gear... 😅

Late edit: video link from this source https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1acfvr1/maga_dumbfucks_practice_shooting_democrats_in_the/

Have you seen the proud boys training video? That's top notch training right there. Lol

I have not, but I will look for it. Thanks for the heads up 😊

Edit: welp, couldn't find it...

Perfect to send them right into the thick of it. Alternatively, there are so many mines to be found...

nigga goes on to call it a crisis of spirit.

Listen dipshit, if you think your spirit is telling you to kill people, maybe you've confused it with your stupid shitty ego which everyone agrees needs to get fucked and go die.

It’s a bit sad that people like this exist. It’s so much worse when there are enough of them to elect this kind of idiot.

You know you’re a piece of shit when your siblings all star in a political ad… for the person you’re running against. They all said that they’re brother is a piece of shit and he still somehow won reelection

Lmao and the guy still won. What a world.

At a certain point I can't even be mad at him but mad at his constituents. They deserve what they get.

if the military is a Marxist institution, why do they keep expanding the defense budget?

Because it doesn't go to the military. It goes to the MIC.

From the Military.com reporting that the Vice article references:

"Another Army official pointed to partisan attacks from conservative lawmakers and media, which has an overwhelmingly white audience. Those groups have used the military as a partisan cudgel against the Biden administration, lambasting the services for being "woke," or so preoccupied with liberal values that they have abandoned their warfighting priorities. In most cases, those attacks have zeroed in on the services being more inclusive for women, service members from racial minority groups and LGBTQ+ troops."

I wish we could take all these shit talking politicians and draft them into active duty. They'd find out real fucking quick who the weak ones truly are, if they even survive long enough for their two brain cells to make that connection.

Maybe Heinlein was on to something. In the book the only way to be President was to have a career in both the main divisions of their military and the only way to hold any office was to hold a position in at least one.

I say this as a person who never served. So this wouldn't even really benefit me directly. Indirectly I would know that the people who rule us had at least once in their life not only do something for someone else but had a shit time of it

I would pay good cash money to see Paul Gosar fight a randomly selected minority drawn from the woke Marxist US military.

Damn he has aged horribly, like one of those "not even once" ads.

Omg that’s a dramatic change! He looks like a ghoul in the article compared to this pic

Me: "Oh, that's a big ageist... oh no, they weren't kidding. What happened?"

This dickhead never spent time in the army, so he ought to keep his shitspewer shut about its recruiting policies. Last year he even said General Milley should be executed. Gosar is an absolute snake. So much so, that most of his siblings endorse or campaign for his opponents.

Far-right commentators quickly pounced on those findings, and claimed they were “proof” that the armed forces had become overrun by “Marxists” who are forcing “wokeness” on its ranks—and, as a result, alienating prospective white recruits.

I may be reading this wrong, but the way that's worded would mean that anti-wokeness is white supremacy. I mean, I get that, that's what they've been quietly running on, but I hadn't noticed them swapping over to just flat out admitting something along the lines of "let's admit we're here for a race war".

The best parody of real life is reality. It's crazy just how I'm your face they are and still not enough people care to oust them.

Okay, congressman. YOU join, then.

Right!? They could have just as easily titled this article "White man who never served in the military complains about white men not serving in the military"

He was Arizona's Dentist of the Year 2001 though, so he's basically a war hero

When those conservative white men are cowards who don't care for their country...

Conservatives when they realise that heterosexual white men dying in war means there will be less heterosexual white men 🤯

So can we talk about the infamous draft dodger Donald Bonespurs…or no…this is different because hypocrisy?

is the politician aware that the military is like one of the most socialist parts of the government functionally?

I figure it has something to do with the lower class wanting access to an education so they serve in order to pay for school.

Why should they? I know it's not all white people, for for certain segments, "their president" say it's stupid to join the army.

How about the upward mobility of white people and their middle class standards valuing education. I guess being middle class or higher is woke?

I have begun to interpret the unironic use of "woke" as the implied sound of crying pitifully into your cornflakes about anybody other than people who look like you while accompanied by either a sad trombone or a descending slide whistle.

they're called deplorable for a reason

That’s how you lose an election, and you’ll spend every night after thinking about how right you were.

He should shove that "wokeness" up his ass, Gavin McGuiness style.

When those conservative white men are cowards who don't care for their country...