Too soon?

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 622 points –

This is AI, right? So much cursed shit when you zoom in lol

Even without zooming in there's the double speech bubble tails and a missing end quote

The double tails thing is sometimes normal/used, but that missing end quote for sure is a boo boo.

Still, pretty good all things considered. Wonder what model was used.

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The double tails are because the house is also sentient and speaking in unison with the Kool Aid man

It's just very happy the kool aid man didn't bust through one of its walls.

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You know it's AI when the anthropomorphic pitcher of Kool-Aid is the least disturbing aspect. What's with that cabbage patch head in the front?

Factual haha. Tbf I'd be a bit disturbed if the AI was good at drawing dead bodies tho

Freshly dead bodies look an awful lot like sleeping bodies, so it wouldn't be too bad.

you don't find its plan, revealed here, to cut you in half and attach your legs, at the hips, to another pair of legs (instead of an upper body) disturbing?

idk if you can call image generation derived from colored static based on preexisting statistically common knowledge/examples "planning" per se xD

Humans have come up with plenty worse, this is just more of the same at worst imo haha

I was going to comment the same, some bodies have a feet and a hand in the lower part of their bodies.

Yes, and it's a great use of AI. Ai is great for this sort of surreal shit, whether for Humor purposes or just to be wowed. This is a much better lane for Ai.

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wrong mascot. youre looking for whatever flavor-aid uses.

e. maybe kool aid man here is late to the party?

Yeah, I believe that straw would commit mass murder.

Oh, that straw wouldn't be doing that, just plain old mass murder.

TIL, all popular references are wrong then

youre not alone. this is a common misconception because of the catchphrase created at the time 'drinking the kool-aid'

"While initially gleeful at the imminent damage to his competitor's brand, Kool-Aid Man would soon be confronted with the irony inherent in his own vast advantage in consumer mind-share."

You'd think Jim Jones would've been able to afford the good stuff, but I guess cult leaders don't make as much as I would've thought.

those bodies are some weird AI hallucination shit

edit: after some time looking at this, i think all of the insane AI body hallucinations are way funnier than the joke.

edit 2: i can't stop looking at this image. it's so crazy. the more i look at it, the more insane shit i find! this is my new favorite pic on the internet!

4 legs torso

"head" of cabbage

That one got me as soon as I zoomed in. It’s perfect. No notes needed.

Big fan of this person, who looks like they died in the middle of birthing the three stooges…

wonky woman

I don't know if I want to know what's going on here ...

hieronymus bosch is like, "whoa, now... chill"

Was this drawn by AI? Some weird shit happening with those bodies.

I absolutely hate the idea of AI replacing working artists, but the meme possibilities are incredible

Mass amounts of AI weirdness going on there...

Don't zoom in if you want to sleep anytime soon.

Maybe everyone should listen to the Jonestown tape at some point. It's truly horrible, but may provide some inoculation against demagoguery.

They were told the poison was painless so they gave it to the kids first. The tapes show that the kids were in agony and the parents were freaking out, to the point where many wanted to leave and not take the poison but they were forced to at gunpoint

Oh! And be sure not to forget the part where Jim Jones then proceeded to turn his gun on himself and take the quick death instead of suffering the way he forced everyone else to.

Funny how often monsters turn out to be cowards as well. History rhymes, I guess.

Would be great if there were a huge MAGA flavor-aid rally.

At this point, I wouldn't put it past Trump to tell them all to kill themselves if he gets found guilty at his trials.

At least something would improve this stupid timeline then.

Can you prosecute someone for mass autocide?

Like is it suicide if an entire cultural demographic all do it together because they just spite the world for expecting them to know shame that much?

I am absolute sure this image is a clear reference to Mass Suicide at Jonestown

And you would be correct.

That was Flavor aid not Kool-Aid

Also, it was grape flavour, not cherry flavour Flavor Aid.

jeez what a terrible way to go. Off-brand punch and they chose the worst flavor. Oh yeah and it was laced with deadly poison too

What happened?

Huh, I'll have to read the rest of this bizarre story. I never knew the cultists shot and killed a congressman!

You should (or really shouldn't) listen to the recordings. The leader was recording himself during the event and left the tape running after everyone started dying. Pretty haunting shit. They started with the kids first.

Get the easiest stuff out of the way first, makes sense

Sucks for Kool aid cause they actually drank flavor aid, not Kool aid

Not that many keeping up with the Jonestown these days

According to South Park - Jared Has Aides, it's 22.3 years.

You're fine

Jim Jones and I both went to Indiana University (I also grew up in that university's town, Bloomington), and now I live in Terre Haute, Indiana, which has the federal prison where Timothy McVeigh was executed and a school for "troubled" teens that Charles Manson once got sent to.

I can't help it if mass murder surrounds me, right?

I see insufficient evidence that you are in fact the harbinger of death and destruction by your mere presence

I'm soaking it all up slowly and it will turn into a burst of serial killing within a decade or so.

Hey man, when the serial killing manifests itself just remember I'll always make you a kick-ass bloody Mary and I'll never ask you to play Scrabble.

In that case always remember I love and support you. Shoot the other guy not me :)

That can't be Joanestown, there are not enough kids in the picture

And it was Flavor-Aid. I don't know how they expected to spend the money they saved buying the cheap shit.

Not soon enough, if he was there an hour earlier a big accident could have been avoided