Police are not primarily crime fighters, according to the data

bboplifa@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 429 points –
Police are not primarily crime fighters, according to the data

My job was broken in to. They sent a detective. He looked around and told us there was basically zero chance he'd catch the guy.

I found a cigarette butt outside. He said "It could be anybody". I said "nobody here smokes". He said "even if it's his, there's little chance it's a DNA match."

To his credit, the detective took the cigarette butt and tested it. There was a DNA match to a guy living in our small town who'd been in jail three times for robbery meaning the cops knew exactly who he was and what he did for a living but weren't doing anything to stop him.

When they went to his house they found everything of ours that he couldn't sell.

Cops are just next level lazy pieces of shit in my experience. They average six figure salaries in most cities. They just fucking sit around and eat donuts. Act like your a piece of shit for even suggesting they do their jobs.

Really mind blowing how few crimes are actually solved. I've had real world experience of being a robbery victim and there was absolutely no attempt at solving it.

Someone told me if you have a problem and call the police, now you have two problems.

I was robbed when I worked as a cashier. I literally did all the work and found the dudes name because he came in earlier and paid with a card and signed his name. Gave them his name and they didn't care. Nothing was ever done, I still see the dude walking around frequently.

We had a guy come in for training. His first day. During lunch he left, slashed a tire on every car and smashed two windows.

We had him on tape and we had all his info because he was just hired.

Cops wouldn't do shit about it. Didn't even look for the guy.

Many years ago, before identity theft was a thing, my mom (who live with me), had our mail stolen. That day was the day that Oregon was sending out our "kicker checks", those are refund checks from the Oregon Dept of Revenue, and also the day that my mom's bank sent out her bank statement.

We found out because I got a letter from the Oregon Dept of Revenue that my kicker check was cashed at a different amount than it was issued. I did get a replacement, but I pointed out to the Oregon Dept of Revenue that the kicker check did have my social security number on it. They agreed and stated that will be the last year that will be a thing.

My mom fared worse, since she had a bank statement that was stolen. The thief went to an office supply store where they sold paper check templates and used the bank account number that the bank helpfully included in full on the bank statement, and printed out fake checks and wrote several at WalMart. To this day my mom is banned from writing checks there.

I never did get the police to care. Identity theft was not a thing at time. They flatly stated that they were not going to even write a report because I was getting a replacement check, so there was no crime.

That never did make sense. If my car gets stolen and the insurance company gets me another one, the thief, if caught, will get charged with something.

Cops will often not do jack shit if it means they have to actually get off their fat mattress and work.

Next time something like this happens, report it to USPSIS, they're much more serious about investigating mail crimes (which this falls under since they stole your mail), and they don't fuck around.

Couple of years ago, I received a package from the FBI which contained a number of bank statements and DMV letters that apparently had been recovered in Florida, clear across the country from where I live. These were letters dated less than a month before.

Apparently the FBI were investigating some identity theft, and found thousands of people's mail and other identification at this place in Florida. And then they sent back the material to the various victims. Luckily, I never found any fake accounts or anything in my name but that was pretty crazy.

So apparently the FBI are still doing some work...

Yeah the dude who robbed me didn't wear a mask and you could clearly see his face on the tape. They didn't care.

I'm sorry that happened to you.

They've basically became untrained social workers who are terrible at their jobs. They spend lots of time dealing with mental illness and substance abuse issues and they think those can be solved with violence.

Not even that. Read the article. They spend 11% of their time responding to calls. The rest of the time they're harassing people which are 50% of the time minorities.

they’re harassing people which are 50% of the time minorities.

That you got wrong, it's way more than 50% minorities.

They spend lots of time dealing killing people with mental illness and substance abuse issues and they think those can be solved with violence.

Usually only if they aren't white. If they're mentally ill an white, they still might get roughed up and tasered, but they usually reserve the gun for darker skin tones.

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Why not just automate traffic violations and remove 83% of police?

Some cities have been sued for doing that. You can't face your accuser in court if your accuser is a computer.

That doesn't sound right. The accuser is the state regardless, no?

what if your family member or friend was using your car? what if your car was stolen? also, some of those cameras will ticket for legal right on red.

they just catch plates and send a ticket in the mail to the registered owner. it's not great. source - i live in a city with these, though state law now means the city can no longer enforce tickets. also, the idea of camera/computer generated rosters of law-breakers is unsettling.

If your car was reported stolen, then you document that and get the ticket canceled. I don't see how the presence of a police officer changes anything about that.

I don't have a problem with the owner getting a ticket if someone else was driving. I also, again, don't see how that's relevant. It's not like the police officer is going to remember who was in the car.

The camera ticketing for something legal is a technical issue that should be fixed.

Sort of, the idea is that you can face the citing officer in court. Granted, all the officer has to do is lie and the judge is likely to side with them over a rando citizen, but that's the intent of the law.

I don't understand why that's important. The officer is just a biological camera. They're there to document what you did wrong.

Red light cameras, sure. It can be done fairly - not that it is everywhere.

Speed cameras just trap people new to an area. The people who live in an area learn to avoid them and thus they don't stop habitual speeders who are a danger. Plus they can't be everywhere.

The bias needs to be taken out of it. Police can't seem to stop themselves from racial profiling. Its like a compulsion.

I used to drive truck over the road, and I can attest to the fact that those red light cameras can also be made very deliberately unfair. The city of Hannibal, Missouri had these cameras at the intersection of Highway 61 and Red Devil, at the bottom of a steep hill. About 1/5 of a mile up the hill south of the intersection was a pole with a sensor on it set to about 12'6". I observed that any time any vehicle over that height passed that sensor, the light would trip to red. And it was set at a distance that a loaded semi would be all but guaranteed to run that light. Those of us who traveled that corridor with any frequency knew the sensor was there, and would try to want other drivers over the CB, but a lot of drivers had stopped routinely using the CB by then, so the light proved quite lucrative. At least, until it started causing wrecks from the trucks jackknifing in the intersection in the winter. That setup ran for three or four years before the city was dragged into court over it and forced to remove the red light cameras, though it was done in such a way as to question the enforceability of the tickets and without ever directly acknowledging that the cameras were set up to entrap commercial vehicles.

Gridlock cameras can be added to red light cameras, also reducing congestion policing costs.

Speed cameras trap people new to an area.

Or they could just, not speed? And speed cameras can be everywhere. They cost up to $50k to deploy and collect to 2k+ fines per year (based in my location, this obviously varies wildly), so they run net positive. Rotating locations can also get after the habits of locals, though that's the 50k cost, I'd guess statics are cheaper.

If immediate reduction is most important than habit changing over time (i.e. a school zone or highway transition) speed linked red lights can achieve the effect. Such to say, if you drive over the limit, the light turns red. This forces you to stop and pisses off everyone behind you, providing social pressure. These are only in the pilot stage, so I don't know the real deployment costs.

Speed traps are called speed traps because the limit suddenly drops like 20-30 mph in a very short distance. Saying "just don't speed" completely ignores how speed traps work and why they exist .

Just realised this is a US politics forum, my insights my not be useful.

Speed cameras in my region require at least one warming sign and a sign on the camera itself, yet they still catch people (myself included...)

The short distance limit dropping sounds like a failure in road design if cars aren't naturally lowering speeds due to the changing streetscape.

Regardless, the point of enforcement (and the rules they informed) should be based on keeping roads safe, not "trapping" people. I'm sorry you have to go through that.

But I want to drive 65 in a 30 zone! It's a conspiracy by the deep state agenda 21 liberal fascist police to prevent me from doing that!


Here in L.I it definitely is not done fairly. 9/10 times the cameras are only in low income neighborhoods... It's disgusting.

Over the past decade, “consistently less than half of all violent crime and less than twenty-five percent of all property crime were cleared...

The response to a car break in is always, just call your insurance company. Imagine if they took it seriously and used forensic tools. Most car breakins are done by a small number of the same people.

Tax collectors for the rich

Behind the Bastards did a six part special on the origins of the police called Behind the Police. It is very good, highly recommend.

I remember once my car got stolen. I reported it, and the police came to my house and accused me of stealing it. I was like “why the fuck would I do that.” Which they responded by threatening to make me take a polygraph test. When I was like “okay, fine, let’s do it” they decided to leave. I didn’t get my car back until it was in the impound, and I had to pay 200 dollars to get it back (?!?)

This whole experience is what made me truly realize that the police don’t do fuck all for working class people. They’re just there to take your money. Fuck those useless cops, and fuck the system that makes me pay when my car gets stolen.

As anarchist Allen Thornton observes, “Police aren’t in the protection business; they’re in the revenge business.” Forget about Batman driving around interrupting crimes in progress. Police patrol does not prevent crime or catch criminals. When police patrol was discontinued secretly and selectively in Kansas City neighborhoods, the crime rate stayed the same. Other research likewise finds that detective work, crime labs, etc. have no effect on the crime rate. But when neighbors get together to watch over each other and warn off would-be criminals, criminals try another neighborhood which is protected only by the police. The criminals know that they are in little danger there.

Anarchy 101 by Bob Black

Here's an article about the Kansas City experiment on Wikipedia.

I'll never forget this woman I worked with a long time ago. She was in a clerical type of position, but she had an absolute shit-stain of a miserable scumbag for a husband that was actively dealing drugs in the community. She broke down and vented to me one day about the whole thing and I told her she really needs to report it to the police, and that she needs to really do it for her kids to get rid of the exposure they had to the drugs in the home.

She eventually willed up the courage to report it, and I helped her get info from the local sheriff's dept and PD. They had a deputy and detective who headed up this team.

Long story short, she gave them everything. Dates, times, locations, and all the people to bust. She agreed to be a witness, and it was enough to take down a significant distribution ring. Nothing ever came of it. 5 years later her husband was arrested for a traffic infraction, and then he finally ended up in prison because he had ten pounds of cocaine, and 50 some pounds of meth in his vehicle. They never busted up the ring.

I remember the feeling, that the whole thing was just a dog and pony show. I was in my 20's but I learned way back then that law enforcement is a silly joke. Cops don't do shit for the working class.

Police spend most of their day inserting themselves into the everyday lives of citizens who aren't doing anything wrong.

I have a criminal record. Minor drug charges. I still get pulled over constantly, for zero reason, just so the cop can take a look and see if they approve of my hair clothes etc, and whether or not they wanna ruin my life...because they can, without provocation. Ever get slapped with a resisting arrest because the other charges weren't gonna stick in court? Happens all the time.

Fuck cops.🖕

When i was a kid, I was weird and from a small town. I had no criminal record, gifted program at school, but I had a weird haircut and liked to walk to dunkin' donuts late at night because after midnight their donuts were on sale. This was enough to convince the local cops that I was one of the bad kids and, obviously, on drugs. Any time they saw me, they would stop me and harass me. It was the 90s, so the police could do anything to anyone as long as they said "Where are the drugs?" while they did it. You'll notice that nowadays the fashion seems to be to yell "stop resisting" or "gun" before they abuse private citizens without probable cause, but at the time is was "where are the drugs?" So, after a while of being stopped and harassed every time I left the house, I eventually got fed up and talked back to them. "Where are the drugs?" "The guy you're ignoring while you fuck with me has them". For that, I got my face busted off the hood of the cruiser a couple times before they let me go. They never found anything on me, because there never was anything on me, but being small town idiot cops they were sure that every time they didn't find drugs it was because I was really good at hiding them.

Sorry that happened to you. The drugs are a systematic and bullshit pretense now to meddle in anyone's lives they don't like. It's fucked.

I moved from a city, into a small town. The cops don't like me round here. I get cuffed every stop.

They even cuffed my partner once, while yelling "stop resisting" like you weigh 150 more lbs than her bro. She ain't doing shit.

This article brought to you by "yet another thing we all already figured out years before the study."

Police in the U.S. is a shit show and other countries are following because they all reduce the screening procedures, psychological care and training time. But just defunding them, without doing anything else, will make it worse.

You propaply have to build up some completely new type of police force, break it up and fill important positions with new people and start again from there.

Otherwise this will continue to spiral downwards. And with increasingly bad reputation of police you will attract more an more bad people into the job.

That's actually what one city did. They fired all their police, created new procedures for training and screening, amd hires all new police. During the months it took to do this they relied on country amd atate police, so there was very little poloce presence in town. The end result was people had more faith in police and no real change in crime, but fewer citations where issued

There are countries in this world where the police actually consists of a body of well-trained specialists. People who don't shoot first and ask questions later. People who got trained on de-escalation procedures, psychology, foreign language basics, how to deal with people having issues, etc.

Here in Australia, they are more like revenue collectors.

They do that here in America too. And it's not just traffic tickets. Go watch the John Oliver episode about "civil forfeiture." The TLDR is that while you are not entitled to police protection, the police are entitled to your money.

Yeah but you guys cops are scary, like fear for my life scary, trigger finger maniacs with ego/power problems.

Police in my town spend a significant amount of time at the scenes of car accidents. I wonder what percentage of their time?

Their priority should be on crime and accident response and prevention and I feel like it is in my small town. I don't know how this compares to police in larger cities, which makes studies like these valuable.

I remember calling 911 and reporting multiple gun shots across the Street. I was told it was probably fireworks. I told them I own guns and know what a gun sounds like, they told me I don't, but they will send someone, I waited and they never came. I wake up the next day and guess what they found a dead guy in the park that had been shot... They never came to ask me questions or anything even though I had notes on how many shots and the time and they knew who I was and my number and address. Cops are useless, I also was a victim of the cops getting the wrong address, I woke up to a bang bang bang open up! I opened up to a shotgun in my face cocked and ready to blow my head off. Only after they realized my house wasn't the same as a house on a different street did they stop pointing guns at me

The article specifically mentions deputies, and how they don't spend time on violent crime, but the article never mentions ONCE, detectives, whose sole job is investigating violent crime. I'm not pro-police in any way, but... yeah. Also it seems like this article was written by an angsty teenager with lines like:

The departments were mostly non-responsive to my questions.

Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco said the data -- which is self-reported -- is flawed. All four departments declined to answer specific questions about how officers spend their time, and didn’t provide contradictory information.

I'm all for criticizing the police, let's just write it a bit better next time, huh?

This is all fairly standard information for reportage involving coverage of an institution or organization--i.e., noting that they were contacted regarding the report, asking for a response, and detailing any pertinent information from the response. In this case, the response did not provide any further information on the report. What are you taking issue with? The comma splice?

So traffic violations are something we no longer want to enforce then? Nearly 43000 deaths in 2021 from automobiles.. https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/traffic-crash-death-estimates-2022

When 3/4 of traffic stops are warnings you know most of them are just the typical person making dumb mistakes since warnings are typically only given to people with no recent record.

No idea why "resonable suspicion" crimes are such a big focus.

Better roads help prevent crashes. People won't change just because they got a ticket. "Drive as fast as you can afford" is a warning I got when learning to drive. If all it is is a $300 ticket there are people who are more inconvenienced from being stopped than paying the fine. People don't care about car crashes.

Then you have to increase fines, make it a percentage of the person's income that hurts everybody equally.

Sounds to me like you just want to hurt people as opposed to fixing the problem.

You got to realize 100% of anything isn't feasible. Having better road engineering, and reducing the number of cars on the road will have results.

The drug wars stopped people doing drugs right?

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Wow who would have guessed. Certainly not marxists who have been saying this for hundreds of years!


This user worships Lenin (known for killing over 8 million people). Look up their username and you'll see they're known on Reddit for posting tankie spam everywhere.

A thought-terminating cliche that has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted. "Don't listen to this person's completely reasonable point, they're [redscareword]"

You spam the same tired images praising Lenin who murdered 8 million people. Don't listen to this person because they idolize mass murderers. They're not mentally well.

Many Stalin, Mao and Lenin worshippers around here.

These have hard time realizing the crimes that these clowns committed. Must be nice to pick and choose history like that, as long as their politics stay safe, I guess. Victims were mostly eastern Europeans and central and east asiains, who cares. A small price for a western tankie it seems.

Victims were mostly eastern Europeans and central and east asiains, who cares. A small price for a western tankie it seems.

Half my family grew up in the soviet union. Czech.

You two are the ones that completely derailed this conversation into talk about lenin and other crap. I commented about cops ffs.

You brought politics into this discussion. You got called for having unsavory post history praising mass murders. If you are eastern European, that's a very weird position to take. I am guessing they didn't raise or you are too dense to realize what was done there.

I doubt any here is an ally of the pigs in blue, so really you derailed this discussion by inserted you shiti politics.

I just don't get how adult men still fall for daddy worship on either side. 21sr century problems requires modern solutions, not repeating same clown history and sinping for dead clowns daddies.

I just don’t get how adult men still fall for daddy worship on either side. 21sr century problems requires modern solutions, not repeating same clown history and sinping for dead clowns daddies.

I am not a man. Stop misgendering me. This is the second fucking time in this thread.

You brought politics into this discussion.

I just said we're the ones that we've been saying this forever, and linked to some further reading.

You got called for having unsavory post history praising mass murders.

I've never praised "mass murderers". Get a grip.

If you are eastern European, that’s a very weird position to take

No it isn't. You have a warped view of what eastern europe believes because you see us as caricatures to use as a political weapon. I have gone over this in the past, there is a very large amount of positivity towards the soviet union here:

7 out of 11 countries believe the end of the USSR harmed their countries rather than benefited them

Reflecting back on the breakup of the Soviet Union that happened 22 years ago next week, residents in seven out of 11 countries that were part of the union are more likely to believe its collapse harmed their countries than benefited them. Only Azerbaijanis, Kazakhstanis, and Turkmens are more likely to see benefit than harm from the breakup. Georgians are divided.

Hungary: 72% of Hungarians say they are worse off today economically than under communism

A remarkable 72% of Hungarians say that most people in their country are actually worse off today economically than they were under communism. Only 8% say most people in Hungary are better off, and 16% say things are about the same. In no other Central or Eastern European country surveyed did so many believe that economic life is worse now than during the communist era. This is the result of almost universal displeasure with the economy. Fully 94% describe the country's economy as bad, the highest level of economic discontent in the hard hit region of Central and Eastern Europe. Just 46% of Hungarians approve of their country's switch from a state-controlled economy to a market economy; 42% disapprove of the move away from communism. The public is even more negative toward Hungary's integration into Europe; 71% say their country has been weakened by the process.

Romania: 63% of the survey participants said their life was better during communism

The most incredible result was registered in a July 2010 IRES (Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy) poll, according to which 41% of the respondents would have voted for Ceausescu, had he run for the position of president. And 63% of the survey participants said their life was better during communism, while only 23% attested that their life was worse then. Some 68% declared that communism was a good idea, just one that had been poorly applied.

Germany: more than half of former eastern Germans defend the GDR

Glorification of the German Democratic Republic is on the rise two decades after the Berlin Wall fell. Young people and the better off are among those rebuffing criticism of East Germany as an "illegitimate state." In a new poll, more than half of former eastern Germans defend the GDR.

28 percent of Czechs say they were better off under the Communist regime

Roughly 28 percent of Czechs say they were better off under the Communist regime, according to a poll conducted by the polling institute SC&C and released Sunday.

81% of Serbians believe they lived best in Yugoslavia

A poll shows that as many as 81 per cent of Serbians believe they lived best in the former Yugoslavia -”during the time of socialism”.

Majority of Russians

The majority of Russians polled in a 2016 study said they would prefer living under the old Soviet Union and would like to see the socialist system and the Soviet state restored.

Americans always say this stuff about europe because their brains are riddled with red scare brainworms and are completely devoid of any knowledge or understanding of what the left in Europe actually thinks because Americans do not have any experience with a left, they don't have one.

Being an adult woman into daddy worship ain't any better but OK.

OK we are using trust me bros surveys to justify USSR crimes now?

I am sure every country will have their bootlickers. You know those regims required plenty of collaborators to operate, I am sure they would still be simping for the good olds days when they were in charge.

Serb and russian example is disingenous also since their dear 'countries" lost a whole bunch of second class citizens that they liked to exploit for profit and mass murder fun.

Proper polling by some of the most respected institutes in the world isn't "trust me bro".

You can't dismiss actual evidence when it's presented to you just because it doesn't confirm what you want it to. I understand that you have this impression because it's what you've seen far right american losers repeat in reddit comment sections thousands of times over and over and over again, but these comments that you've used to build your worldview are not actually representative of reality. They are anecdotes by either people like yourself who have been led to believe it by seeing it repeated over and over, or by people who know it's false but continue to repeat it because they are ideologically committed to spreading it as propaganda.

You are not immune to propaganda.

You take your politics way too seriously, you are entitled to your opinion. Readers can make their own minds on the issue.

Tianamen square didn't happen and Russia didn't invade ukraine but if it did, Ukraine deservered anyway ;)

You take your politics way too seriously

I'm glad that you're privileged enough to be able to take them not seriously?

I'm honestly baffled by this statement. Politics should be taken seriously.

Tianamen square didn’t happen and Russia didn’t invade ukraine but if it did, Ukraine deservered anyway ;)

I've never said either of those things but go off with the strawman I guess? I will say however that tiananmen is often misrepresented as something that happened in the square when in fact it was actually several battles that took place over many surrounding streets covering several miles. Confirmed by leaked US Cables.. Not that this diminishes the event, but understanding the truth of what really happened in proper detail is useful.

It takes more courage to stand up for something you believe than to give in to populism. I really do appreciate the points you brought up. I may still disagree with several things about communism, but I have to acknowledge that even in this capitalist society we have many issues that are only resolved by a "heavy handed" policy due to a lot of the greed going on in the west.

Despite this back and forth going on, you have very succinctly got some good points across and I very much hope you stick around for the discussions here. I might not agree with all your philosophy, but conversation with someone like you is a real good thing as opposed to sitting in echo chambers with narrow perspective.

You'll probably enjoy when Hexbear.net federates in 5 days time. Some of these other people won't lmao.

I don't like echo chambers. Reinforcing populism is to the detriment of us all. I'm a free speech absolutist. When you can constructively support your point of view, allow it to be challenged, and then respond with something that really taps into the basis for why your philosophy is solid ground to you, I find that compelling.

"We all want clean water", and on the same token I think a more core freedom is the freedom of expression or access to health and well being. Here we're squabbling over philosophy when there are core tenets we universally agree on, and remembering that common ground for our common humanity should be more valuable than "I told a (insert perjorative here) off". Is communism right for the west? Idk, maybe never, but I look at the countries whom spend the least on healthcare but have higher standards of living and I can't help but think these fictitious dreams of free market and eternal growth have collapsed long ago.

I mean, how about a fucking place to live? I'm amazed that anyone wants to argue capitalist vs communist when we have bizarre issues that are fucking ruining the lives of hundreds of millions of people in just the US and someone wants to get hung up on hating on tankies.

I liked you until the "free speech absolutist" remark. Nazis should have been rounded up and put through re-education a long time ago. Call it rehabilitation if that appeals more to lib sensibilities.

Liberal lack of action on this has taken it past the point of no return and now the only possible outcome is a violent one. It was possible to contain it, had sources of radicalisation been suppressed and the affected fixed, but now it's impossible, there are simply too many fascists.

I find the idea that you think marginalised people like myself should just exchange ideas with the people that want to exterminate us repulsive.

“We all want clean water”, and on the same token I think a more core freedom is the freedom of expression or access to health and well being. Here we’re squabbling over philosophy when there are core tenets we universally agree on, and remembering that common ground for our common humanity should be more valuable than “I told a (insert perjorative here) off”.

We don't universally agree on this. The capitalists do NOT believe that access to water is a right, nor food for that matter. They believe fundamentally in the ideology of "if you don't do work that enriches me, you do not deserve to have these things that you need to survive".

I mean, how about a fucking place to live?

Yes they don't believe in that either. These aren't "bizarre issues", you're missing the fact that they fundamentally don't believe you should have these things unless it involves enriching them in the process. And that they fundamentally believe people should die if they don't want to do that. This is the core of their ideology.

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I'm just curious how anyone should have known you're not a man.

From the multiple other times I've said so in this thread, and from the other times I've told this guy who regularly does this. It's not the first.

Either way you shouldn't be defaulting to male.

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Ableism really gets your point across and makes you look good.

Worshiping mass murderers really gets your point across and makes you look good.

I don't worship them. I simply don't agree with your take that they're bad. Life was significantly worse under the Tsars and this is empirically provable with very simple data. For example a look at prison mortality rates before and after the revolution:

What you are functionally doing when you attack Lenin is say that you think the revolution shouldn't have happened. You're defending monsters yourself - the tsars.

The point isn't to defend the mistakes of past socialist endeavours of which there were certainly many, but to uphold the obvious improvements that they most certainly made over what came before them.

And you consistently ignore the fact that good people throughout history agree with me that Lenin was a revolutionary that fought for good, not a monster.

Your username betrays your very first sentence (you claim not to worship Lenin). You can't even start by making a truthful, coherent, or logical point. Look at how many images you've posted praising Lenin. You're seriously claiming that you're not worshiping him? You're delusional.

You're defending a man who murdered 8 million people. Full stop. You also defend modern day Russia and their genocide against the Ukrainian people whenever you get a chance. Everything you say revolves around supporting Russia and their unwarranted murders. You're not fooling anyone.

Wow, I could excuse the Lenin worship for a second (his list of atrocities isn’t widely known and he did depose a despotic regime), but Putin’s Russia???

Your username betrays your very first sentence (you claim not to worship Lenin). You can’t even start by making a truthful, coherent, or logical point. Look at how many images you’ve posted praising Lenin. You’re seriously claiming that you’re not worshiping him? You’re delusional.

A revolution is not a mass murder. You just keep repeating the "killed 8 million people" line over and over again, devoid of context or historical analysis in order to repeatedly put the deaths that occurred during that revolution all entirely on one person. While simultaneously ignoring the fact that the revolution created a vast improvement in people's lives.

You also defend modern day Russia

I do not. You are building a strawman and repeatedly make stuff up. You do not participate in good faith and if you think harrassing me over and over again will get me to stop participating you are going to be disappointed. It's been tried many times before.

Lol you claim to not defend modern day Russia, yet you constantly spout their propaganda like "Nazis are in Ukraine". Then when I told you that there are Nazis in Russia too, you completely pivoted to another argument and defended Russia again.

Are you too dumb to remember the things you've written? It's not a strawman argument if you're too dumb to remember the bullshit that comes out of your mouth.

yet you constantly spout their propaganda like “Nazis are in Ukraine”.

Again you are misrepresenting a previous thread, where I said that by all means feel free to support ukraine but please reconsider using fascist slogans to do so, where I linked to the number 3 newspaper in Israel as a source.

You, "I don't worship Lenin"

Me, "Here are several images just from this thread alone that shows you worship him. Your name also proves you worship him."

You, "Uhh let's talk about something different! I can't admit when I've been proven wrong so I'm going to pivot to different bullshit"

Lol. Every time you're proven wrong you move the goal posts. It's no wonder you support mass murderers (and Russian nazis) while I support underdogs like Ukraine who are fighting Imperialist Russia to defend their homeland. SLAVA UKRAINI

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Your comment didn't bring anything meaningful to this discussion either. All you did was post a website link.

Maybe your post could actually include some meaningful discussion and comments that can stand on their own. Maybe next time?

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