'Trump is a coward' now trending on ex-president's own social media network

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 984 points –
'Trump is a coward' now trending on ex-president's own social media network

Funny but 400 posts with #TrumpIsACoward and 16500 with #Trump2024 . It really just shows how unpopular truth social is more than anything.

He is indeed a coward. He is also far too old.

And apparently he smells weird too

That's from all the poopy diapers. And I wish I was making that up.

Not only does Trump wear poopy diapers, but when that fact was revealed in court his supporters cult members started wearing diapers too:

Donald Trump supporters wore diapers at rallies in spring 2024, holding signs that said "Real men wear diapers."

Edit: typo

reality is far more absurd than any parody could even manage at this point

He bravely ran away

When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled

A strategic full speed ahead in the opposite direction

First out-loud laugh of the day. Truly, this was awesome. Cheers!

He ran away from a debate and tried to start a new one. What a wimp.

What a wimp.

What a baby!

he clearly hates being called a baby so we should use that more often ;)

He has baby hands. They really look ridiculous. I'm not one to make fun of physical appearance but trump is a white supremacist piece of shit weirdo.

I sense ketchup splattered walls and a wildly swinging ban-hammer in the near future.

I'll be happy when that "man" can't afford ketchup at all.

I'll settle for him having to clean it up himself.

Trump must be calling Elon to check what to do

They both call Peter Thiel

Yeah but his only advice is to harvest the blood of your children to prevent aging.

Stock market advice? Invest in blood transfusions

Dating advice? Blood transfusions make you look young and sexy

High cholesterol? More blood

Low potassium? More blood

Too much blood? Weirdly enough, also blood transfusion.

Maybe the billionaires are finally figuring out that having the Dynamite Monkey for president is bad for business.

Simple, ban the Trump counter protesters from the platform under some fake sweeping guise like "breaking community guidelines".

He probably would if his Media company wouldn't be in free fall. I believe he's happy for every user that pushes the active user number above 20000, even if it means getting memed on his own platform.

He doesn't want to get fact checked.

He couldn't care less about that, he doesn't want to look weak getting manhandled by a woman because then his bullshit strongman thing dissolves.

So, is it trolls or are his followers starting to drop?

Most of the internet's organized troll groups are already the ones pushing right wing narratives (even when those right wing narratives come with a thin coat of red paint.) Truth social is definitely infested with trolls, but they are the kind trying to get Trump elected. A mutiny on his own platform would almost certainly have to be organic.

Maybe trolls. In the article there is a picture of trending phrases, all of which have 1000s of posts except for Trump is a coward, which has less than 500, but I assume they were all made within a short time span so that's how they made the trending list

It's his NPCs search for any post correctly calling him a coward, so they can attack the person.

Are we sure they aren’t just responding to the hashtag from Twitter? I don’t plan to check but just a thought…

Yeah, it's pretty obviously not what it sounds like. This would be a pretty big headline if the story behind it was true but no other media outlet has reported it except Raw Story, which is considered to have a Strong Left bias. If I were to guess I would say the hashtag is being used to mock progressives now that the Harris campaign is being reported by right-leaning media as having "declined" the Fox debate.

::: spoiler Raw Story - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report) Information for Raw Story:

MBFC: Left - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: High - United States of America
Wikipedia about this source

::: spoiler Search topics on Ground.News https://www.rawstory.com/news/trump-is-a-coward-trending-on-truth-social/ ::: ~Media~ ~Bias~ ~Fact~ ~Check~ ~|~ ~bot~ ~support~

Ground News is a conservative op

Care to elaborate?

It presents center-biased stories as unbiased. There's no such thing as unbiased news. Nearly every news organisation that's ever been founded uses "he" and "she" pronouns (or a localised equivalent) for various people, indicating a male or female gender. Gender is a social construct; it has no objective, or unbiased, existence. Gender only exists because we believe in it and treat it as real. Nearly all news participates in the social construct of gender and is therefore biased in favour of gender. And belief in gender isn't universal. Gender abolitionists would say that gender should not be believed in or participated in. Now, I disagree strongly with gender abolitionists, but I am using their views here to illustrate the point that participating in gender implicitly is a bias. So all news is biased. But Ground News would call a centrist story that uses gendered pronouns unbiased, despite the implicit pushing of socially constructed and subjective identities.

Implicitly affirming gender isn't bad. It's a good thing. But it's not unbiased. News SHOULD be biased. It should be biased in favour of fair and just treatment of all people. You have to be biased, biasless news is impossible. But Ground News lies and says biasless news does exist, and it just so happens to be the news that occupies the center of the overton window. A window that is rapidly drifting rightwards, and a window that Ground News is intentionally following, while telling users to come join them.

I believe they're saying it's impossible to not have a bias. The center of left and right isn't unbiased - it's a bunch of biased positions, as well. And you can figure out the position of a site like this by what they think is neutral.

I kinda got that part, the part that caught me off guard was the big gender rant. Like, I'm very amused because I can tell what their current brainworm is lol.

Do you consider biases hierarchical or all horizontally equivalent? Because believing in a core of grounding facts and agreeing on basic principles is what allows you to agree, disagree and to communicate. If you go around saying nothing means anything in an equivalent manner, you just explode social cohesion in exchange for very little.

If you take a hierarchical approach, people can deviate from convention (what has brought us here) as much as they are willing and have the time to read up and explore, but always with a way to pull back into safety at a less abstract layer where more people recognize each other's positions.

E.g. you may debate gender definitions if you are settled on the idea of civic rights, human rights. Do you think that makes you a civic rights "conservative"? But civic and human rights rest on an already high abstraction level that depends on people being well-fed, educated, an economic system that works in practice at scale, etc.

I am impressed that you were asked about bias and could have gone with anything and decided the best thing to do was out yourself as a transphobe with dogwhistles. Why did you do that?

I'm perplexed: How do you go from someone saying "gender is a social construct" to them being trasphobic? I got the "spot the vegan" vibes that they were trying to suddenly make this about trans rights..

I didn't out myself as a transphobe, in fact I made it very clear that I'm in favour of trans rights by adding an aside about how I disagree with gender abolitionists. The fact that I said recognising gender is a bias doesn't make me a transphobe. And I was worried people would think that, so I made it clear that I think recognising gender is a good bias. But clearly you stopped reading before you got to that point.

Why did you go off on one about gender at all? It had nothing to do with anything and yet you filled your comment with transphobic dogwhistles. Of all the things you could have chosen you chose that?

Gender is an easy example of a social construct. It was more relatable to most people than talking about how consensus reality is fake.

One of the things I'm confused about is when you said Ground News is a conservative OP and was asked to elaborate you went on a long rant about gender bias but said nothing about why you believe they are conservative. You completely changed the point and never answered the question.

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