Donald Trump leading Kamala Harris by just one point with men: poll to politics – 224 points –
Donald Trump leading Kamala Harris by just one point with men: poll

Donald Trump is leading Kamala Harris by just one point among men, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by Outward Intelligence between August 11 and 15, shows that 46 percent of men back Trump compared to Harris' 45 percent.

Among women, Harris was 13 points ahead, on 53 percent to Trump's 40 percent.

The poll surveyed 1,858 likely voters and had a margin of error of +/- 2.3 percent.


Real Men™ don't vote for rapists.

Real Men™ rescue puppies:

Imagine Trump with a dog

I have seen his pictures with Lindsay Graham

Don’t compare a dog to that piece of shit.

I think they meant dog shit.

Lindsay Graham is a piece of dog shit.

I prefer my dog's shit to Lindsey Graham.

Dog shit is fertile, Graham is a sterile fuckwad. dog shit > Graham.

This thread is hilarious,

I just want to remind everyone that dog poop is not fertile and is actually toxic.

Please bury your dog poop when out in nature (or bag it and carry it out), and pick up your dog poop in your yard to help your neighborhood be a cleaner, safer place.

…. But, if you see a pile of dog shit, I mean Lindsay Graham, it probably means a dog has been there recently.

Men are dumb.

Source: am man

Taking “hold my beer” culture to the voting booth!

That's not true!

Wait, I am a man. Wait, I'm dumb.

Seriously hope this is a 'of those men likely to vote situation'. I mean not voting is bad, but I'd rather that than have my gender prefer trump.

Among women, Harris had a 21 point lead, with 56 percent to Trump's 35 percent.


But the survey had a margin of error of 2.3%, so it really could be Harris leading Trump also. The wording of this article title is a helping hand for Trump when he is pouring over his printed out "news" his handlers give him every morning.

Most importantly, a significant proportion of the American population — well beyond what should ever be considered normal or acceptable — consider a sociopathic, convicted criminal, rapist, probable pedophile, who has never worked an honest day in his life, was born with a silver spoon firmly lodged deep inside his asshole, and very obviously suffers from multiple personality and neurological illnesses; they consider this person a viable candidate, when he should be confined to a padded room.

Now ask yourself this! If the Democrats represent freedom and Trump is the greatest threat America has ever faced (HE IS), why do the Democrats tolerate a turnkey totalitarian surveillance apparatus? Why would you watch the country straddle the precipice of fascism, and let a big brother style, gustapo surveillance apparatus, exist for your successor to just take over and command. Only 0.00000001% of your employees have ever stood against your criminal behavior, and you expect us to believe that these people would defend us from a hostile government or adversary?

Also consider that she is now the closest a Democrat has gotten with the male vote in 16 years. Trump led Biden and Clinton by at least 5 points. She is kicking his ass.

Something doesn't add up then. Outward Intelligence gave Harris a +4 to +6 in their national poll. If she is losing men by 1 and winning women by 21 it suggests that women are either like 3x less likely to vote, or there is some serious +R herding going on.

It is truly sickening that this is even close.

If you take out the stupid men, his support disappears.

Correct. Men is quite broad (ha ha). Break it down by education and we have a cleared picture.

I know what you mean, but I didn’t mean education. There are well educated people who support Trump. I meant stupid people. If you take out the stupid people, educated or not, you take out all of Trump’s supporters.

That's not a real thing. That's a label you put on people for your own emotional needs. It is something you are projecting, it doesn't exist in the real world.

Fortunately, education level DOES make a big difference.

Are you seriously saying that stupid people don't exist in the real world? Because that's how it reads and they definitely exist.

There are still stupid women voting... Unfortunately

As a complete outsider, being a woman in a country where half the men are Trump supporters sounds fucking terrifying.

It’s also kinda terrifying as a dude, tbh.

Note: That in no way diminishes or detracts from any part of what you said.

Yeah, I think that's a very valid point that I didn't immediately give enough consideration.

As a man, I'm completely embarrassed by what I see out of his male supporters, and I'm baffled by his female supporters when Trump's own wife and daughter don't want anything to do with him.

I can assure you it is fucking terrifying no matter what gender you are.

And it's been worse recently with the popularity of misogynists/bigots like Tate and Rogan.

How much were undecided, and how much were Kennedy supporters? You just know all those Kennedy nut jobs will come home to roost in Trump's column when he drops out. So it could be as bad as 55 Trump, 45 Harris - or with the error thrown in - 57 Trump 43 Harris.

I'm just saying.. you can get stage blood from amazon for like $10.

Ready for something creepy as fuck?

Revelations 13:3

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast

You prove exactly how religion works and it hilarious

The even more silly part is people who still believe this stuff are the same ones voting for Trump.

This blog post got spread around the internet a few years back. Came to mind again the other day right after the shooting.

Those people want to bring the end of the world. They think theyre the choosen ones.... really much a death cult that wants to drag everyone down with them.

It was his ear. It was far from a deadly wound. Also the ear heals pretty fast.

They do bleed quite a bit. I fell and ripped a drawer pull off with my ear. The blood on my pillowcase looked terrible. My ear was fine after a couple of days.

What the fuck is wrong with men?

If you look at the all the elections of the last 28 years, men, especially white men, have strongly leaned Republican. If you look at 2020 and 2016 the only racial group that voted overwhelmingly for Trump have been white men. The only time men have not had a >1 point support of the Republican candidate were in 2008 and 1996. In 2008, Obama eked out a 1 point lead over McCain while in 1996 Bill Clinton was in the same spot versus Bob Dole, only one point behind.

Jokes and (valid) worries about how many men are still supporting this dumpster fire aside... A poll like this has got to be setting off the fire alarms at Trump campaign HQ and I am giddy as hell to see it. The last time Democrats came this close to winning the overall male vote was 2008. If this margin holds out we could be looking at an absolute blowout (or at least as close as one gets in today's climate). Shame the Senate map means we won't get a 60-seat Senate, though...

Yeah, people are looking at this all wrong. These numbers are incredibly close. Trump about a 5 point lead over Biden in 2020 and 8 against Clinton in 2016. Now he has 1 point versus Harris in 2024? Dude is losing, badly.

We really just need that twilight zone box that if you press the button you get 10,000 dollars but it kills the previous person who pressed the button.

This isn't the bad thing it sounds like folks. He led Biden by 5 and Clinton by 8 points in the male vote, on average. Having a lead that could be wiped out by the margin of error is nothing. It shows Harris is an even bigger threat than Biden or Clinton were.

Surveyed < 2000 people and thats supposed to be a good voter sample of what country? Dominica?

They probably went and surveyed the Mar-a-lago neighbourhood.

2000 is really solid to achieve a reasonable margin of error. It's a pretty simple formula taught in any basic stats class.

It's also far too small to be a reasonable example of voter opinion in a region as large as the US. If this was quantified with a region that the sample is from if might be better. But minimal sample size for making statements as broad as this just makes the stat garbage and exactly the sort of thing media should leave out of articles due to how biased a sample this small could be.

Critically, that is assuming that the sampling is perfectly random sample of the thing being measured. Political polls in particular are going to struggle since participation is voluntary, motivations for poll participation differs than the both, different levels of anonymity, etc.

She's going to lose. She's a diet Republican just like Joe.

She has the closest percentage in 16 years of any candidate. In males, Trump led Biden and Clinton by at least 5 points. He has 1 on Harris. She is trouncing his ass.

Bruh that's within the margin of error. She should be blowing away someone as bad as Trump. This is Hilary all over again.