Las Vegas staff say MrBeast should be blacklisted, cite OSHA, setting medics for failure to – 438 points –

My guess is in 10 years we will see him run for president similar to Trump. This won't end well.

Iirc he has expressed interest in running for president before.

In the wise words of Billy Connolly,

The desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever becoming one.

At the founding of the United States, the public sentiment reflected that idea. The thought of someone promoting themselves for public office would've been seen as a power-grab. In fact, George Washington didn't campaign at all - others nominated him. Even when he won the vote unanimously, he still wasn't sure if he would accept the position, as he doubted his ability to handle the responsibility.

Washington set a lot of precedents for the office that still remain today. It's a shame this humble honesty didn't stick.

It's true for leaders in general. The best leaders I've had were people who didn't want to be, and each person I've seen focus on "leadership skills" and trying to climb a corporate or other power ladder has been abysmal at it.

Resonates with my experience. A company that comes from nothing to be successful is likely to have a good leader. That hugely successful company that attracted the sharks and one of those managed to gain leadership? Bad times ahead...

I would like to see a minority of the house representation of elected people from individual regions with term limits, with a majority of the house being regular people randomly selected to serve for a defined amount of time.

Yup. We keep learning the same thing over and over: Don't hero worship people, demand they be better and stay better or don't support them.

He will eventually do something that will make the OP situation look like nothing, just like Elon, Joanne, or Trump. It's just a matter of time.

I think that means we're not learning.

He made the most 10 year old statement that if he ran for president he would just talk to both parties and reach a compromise.

Good thing his target audience can't vote. Hopefully as they grow up they learn he's full of shit and stop supporting him

I'm that case I'm making "Swift 2032" bumper stickers now, get in the game early.

I would take him over trump

You should demand better then either, neither should be in charge of a sandwich shop, let alone a country.

Obviously, I'm voting for Harris. I'm just saying, on the relative scale, there's a hierarchy.

There's a hierarchy, but surely there's also a minimum level that a candidate should meet.

"Should"? Absolutely. At some point if both candidates are truly awful I suppose I'd have to vote third party.

It's always a vote between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Probably always will be too.

Good luck explaining to people around here that the lesser of two evils is still evil.

It's as hopeless as me trying to explain why not voting is usually worse than voting for the better option

You're never going to be offered a choice between Mr. Beast and Trump, you may be offered a choice between AOC and Mr. Beast though

They really went all-out in recreating squid games

I think this is the key line to take away from the article that sums up what a massive fuckup this whole thing was, solely based on one person's ego:

MrBeast producers had forbidden medics from being stationed inside the set—even during challenges—because they did not want to ruin the atmosphere, said April.

You know what ruins the atmosphere? Injured people

Apparently not, since they said you could hear bones breaking while cameras were rolling and someone had a seizure and was just left on the field for an hour.

Honestly, the whole thing sound like MrBeast just wants to jerk off to people getting tortured.

Is this the recent fuck up from that mrbeast guy? I knew he had legal stuff, but I didn't care enough to look into it. I just was trying to be like the cool kids and kick him while he was down. I watch a whole Erik video about him and didn't learn what he did. 😂 I was wondering when I would find out some details.

Well the guy is a grade A clown. If his fan base wants to be treated like garbage for a chance to eventually get sexually molested by mr beast or his inner circle of douche bags….🤷‍♂️

Most of his fan base are children.

And that makes it worse

Not really sure how anyone could think I was suggesting the opposite, particularly as I was responding to a comment blaming the victims for being abused.

Its so validating to be right about Mr Beast. My sixth sense about people is never wrong. Now I'm just waiting for Louis Rossman to be outted for something too.

Louis is self-admittedly an asshole, but he's a fair asshole and his people stick by and swear by him, even after they leave.

I respect him and truly feel he's honest, especially when he has so many receipts.

I'd rather an honest asshole than a kind manipulator.

I hope I'm wrong for once. He does a lot of good, but people said the same about Mr. Beast when he was paying for surgeries.

I get that, I think the difference is Mr. Beast never admitted to being a dick and presented himself as "fun and kind", whereas Louis expressly and repeatedly says "I think I'm doing a good thing, verify if you want, fuck you if you disagree, I don't care about your opinion."

I've had both kinds of people as bosses and employees, and I would absolutely work with the second kind again.

I don't think anyone with a base level of 2 perception was saying this about him at any point

I never really paid much attention to him, but to the extent I expressed skepticism about him folks would generally act like I was too cynical.

I've never seen one of his videos. I was able to make this judgment by looking at one of the thumbnails

Any criticism got met with "Well, what have you done with YOUR life?" or "How many children have YOU given sight back to?" So as obvious as it seemed to those of us that saw it immediately, most people see a guy seemingly doing something good and become blind to the rest of it.

I mean, the dude made obscene amounts of money by getting poor people to debase themselves for a little bit of his horde. I question the judgment of anybody that didn't see it coming.

I do not trust anyone who engages in philanthropy porn. It's always more about the show and the ego of the person or people behind it than it is about the people supposedly being helped.

Did people ever doubt that though?

Yeah he's inflating his ego. And he's making money off it. The only reason I sort of like MrBeast is that there are plenty of other people ALSO doing a bunch of shit for show and making mad bank from it, mostly nobody gives much back, but he realized that philanthropy can be self-funding if done with enough show.

But it's still very much obvious philanthropy porn with MrBeast, not true philanthropy.

Do people doubt that he can't be trusted? Yes, at least 2000 who were in Las Vegas not to long ago.

Or the (assuming more than 2000) people that watch his clips

I don't have anything specific to out him with, he mostly seems like a genuinely nice dude, but here's my take on him:

Louis Rossmann pretty much supports right to repair because he ran (runs?) a board-level Apple device repair shop and his life would be much easier with access to schematics. And he's got a YouTube channel that got loads of views from blasting Apple with all this, so he must've realized that this would be popular with his viewers too.

He's also a libertarian. In many areas, it seems like he's for LESS regulation of companies. Including on workers' rights, because "the free market will make everything great". Are we really sure his right to repair stance is genuinely because he wants the best for everyone?

That said, if I had an Apple device with a bad logic board and I was in the area, I'd take it to him without any hesitation. I honestly doubt he's scamming his customers. Like, ever. I think his business practices are good, it's his political views that are suspicious.

I think Louis Rossmann has gotten to be a lot better of a person. Did you see his video about old vs new ThinkPads? The man was insane

Tbh I haven't watched him in a while.

What's wrong with Louie?

He can be a bit petite bourgeoisie. Other than that, he's a stand up guy who doesn't have to worry about YouTube demonitizing his videos so he can say whatever the hell he fucking pleases.

Well.. he was doing ok in NYC for a while, and that's a tough gig. I'd call him a petite bourgeoisie if we're talking about the actual definition of the word lol.

If we're taking about his chutzpah, giving a billion dollar company the figure on the regular, that's just the NYC mentality. The social stratum in the city can be very strange, for ex living in the building next to trump himself, but knowing he's completely divorced from the realities of a regular guy.

We might be from the same city, but some of us are new yorkers, some of us merely do business there.

Ahh, the days where something was "a billion dollar industry" or a "billion dollar company" was big.

The company he's constantly giving the finger to, is more of a trillion dollar company now.

I'd call him a petite bourgeoisie if we're talking about the actual definition of the word lol.

That's exactly what I mean.

There's several videos where he's effectively saying capitalism is great, and all companies need to do is be a good employer and treat their customers well. And I'll even say that by all accounts, he is a pretty good employer and his company does good work. There's also reasons he's an exception, not the rule, and expecting the rest of capitalism to fall in line is untenable.

My gut says it'll be diddling.

Self righteous assholes like him always end up being diddlers.

Honestly, Louis has been giving pedo vibes past couple months. Maybe it was the sunglasses, maybe it was one too many incel comments, but it's a bit harder to watch him now

Eh, I'd say the diddler vibes have been there for more than a couple months, lol

This reads like another Fyre Festival. Just when I thought my opinion of him could not get lower.

Fucking crazy that they took peoples meds from them. Its like they were trying to get people killed for clicks. Honestly also crazy that people didnt just walk out right away but i guess money makes people do weird stuff.

That's the thing, I totally get why people say he's a sociopath cause even though he's fucking rich, he can't even pay for an hotel room for the participants. I have a feeling their belongings were taken so they would not have to deal with people stealing each other's stuff, which would have been wayyy less likely if people got their own room. I highly doubt it's that much cheaper to rent a fucking stadium, buying 2000 sleeping bags, paying for portable toilets, etc. than to rent a whole cheap hotel or motel.

He really wanted those participants to be desperate for that money. "At least if I get to the end, all that crap before will be worth it". It's disgusting... He's not considering those people as humans but as cattle.

Putting everybody in a hotel room doesn’t let you display them all simultaneously like a herd of animals.

Oh totally not, but that's my point. If you are going to exploit those people, at least treat them with dignity before they go in front of the camera. Even Jerry Springer had at least the decency to pay for the flight, the hotel, the limo... before treating his guests like monkeys for his show. Not that it would excuse it, but it would appear a tad more humane.

They literally let someone who had a seizure just lay there for an hour before getting them medical attention. Fucking criminal.

Production company Off One’s Base LLC wrote in a synopsis sent to the Nevada Film Office that challenges would involve “brains, brawn, and character.”

Brains to plan Violence, Brawn to preform violence, and a (lack of) Character to enact violence, seems to be what they meant based on this article.

They collected everyone’s medication???!!! Wtf? What could possibly be the reason for that? Also collecting a change of underwear for 2000 people is just ridiculous.

Not having any system in place to keep track of what underwear belongs to any of the participants is just icing on the cake.

Why are you taking people’s medication and underwear and then mixing it altogether? Just to create chaos?

I am so confused by all of this.

It's definitely one of those "The longer you look, the worse it gets. "situations

This is just brutally bad. There are people who organize large scale events. The knowledge is out there, he obviously either did not hire them or ignored their advice.

About a dozen portable restrooms were set up on the field to accommodate the 2,000 contestants who were limited to the field’s confines.

there's me, shitting my pants again

And now you have to find an organizer who knows where they stored your spare underwear.

But that does bring up a glaring omission. Contestants had access to porta potties, sure, but nothing in this article mentions access to showers. 🤔

Yeah, there was a point in my life where I liked Mr. Beast. Then I came upon a video where they were trying to imitate gangsters and thugs and I got a racist vibe from him. Since then, I’ve been really hesitant to support him.

Unfortunately he won't. This is just press for his show now. It'll draw more of an audience to watch the shitshow and net him millions and he won't learn a thing.

Las Vegas Production (KSNV)

Comments are about the Beast Games and lack of experience, safety, and general foresight.