Trump supporters post names and addresses of Georgia grand jurors online to politics – 858 points –
Trump supporters post names and addresses of Georgia grand jurors online


"These jurors have signed their death warrant by falsely indicting President Trump," read one post on a pro-Trump forum in response to a post including the names of jurors, which was viewed by NBC News."

What about second indictment, Pip?

I mean, honestly, the FBI or relevant SBI needs to go dig these losers out of their trailer park and throw the book at them. We cannot tolerate traitors and fascists. These people are just begging for the FO stage.

Even just intimidating jurors is bad enough. Juries are the only thing keeping the courts from running roughshod through democracy is they chose to.

I'm sure after a year and a half Garland will allow the FBI to think about taking a look.

This was downvoted. Just pointing that out.

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How did they even get this information? Shouldn’t this be pretty closely guarded? I assume there are maybe a few dozen people with their hands on it…

The names are public. Per Georgia Code Title 17. Criminal Procedure § 17-7-54 it looks like they're spelled out as part of the standard form that indictments take. Addresses aren't that hard to get once you know the name.

That's just fucked up. It's like nothing in the US is considering privacy.

You're just asking for mob bosses to start killing or threatening jurors.

Most of our justice system relies on people participating in good faith. Turns out that's a shitty way to hold people accountable

Well thanks for the information. I would have guessed at least in a case like this it would be semi-private at least.

I understand the need for transparency, but I guess the people abusing that are typically breaking the law anyway.

Probably the same idiot who released the charges early.

Gave you an early day to cry about how your traitorous fuhrer is absolutely fucked and is absolutely going to prison.

Again, only active enemies of the United States still support that fucking traitor.

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Great way to prove your guy is innocent. Imagine if a democrat would have released this information about pending case against Biden or Obama. Republicans vilified the email lady just for being a woman.

Republicans would be lining up all the way to Russia to crucify a Democrat who did even a fraction of what Dullard Grump bragged about on television.

Russia Russia Russia...... How did that work out for you.

Fine, thanks. The connections between Trump's campaign and Russian intelligence assets are thoroughly proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and the fact that he's their favorite American politician isn't even up for debate.

Sorry it's so hard to support the traitorous fucker, but have you considered... not supporting the traitorous fucker? I mean, since he's going to prison soon, might as well start reclaiming your mind from him now.

Fourth time is the charm, I guess. Not.gonna happen. Just keep throwing shit at the wall. It won't stick.

Bet you thought Hillary was going to be indicted, too. And that the wall would be built. And that infrastructure week was real. And that Trump would win reelection.

Here's what's going to happen... Now that Trump isn't protected by the presidency, he's going to be in court as a defendant in multiple jurisdictions. And just like he lost every one of the 60+ cases he filed falsely claiming election irregularites - many in courts run by judges he himself appointed - he's going to lose as a criminal defendant.

During the trials, you'll hate every second of it and you'll scream and rant and holler about how unfair it is, how somehow it's the "deep state" all coordinating together, how all the Republican witnesses were secretly Democrats all along... Just generally getting more and more unhinged as you watch your demented orange shit-gibbon messiah face the consequences of his actions.

Meanwhile, you'll privately be worrying that the mountains of evidence presented by the prosecution in each of the four different cases is absolutely damning. You'll strive with all your might to ignore the little voice in your head whispering "he's guilty," because you don't want it to be true. After all, if its true, then the way you've invested every iota of your being into your Identity as a Trump supporter is all just wasted. And you can't stand that.

So you'll buy into every cockamamie defense his "lawyers" (for lack of a better word) come up with. First amendment? Shit, who hasn't called the Georgia secretary of state and demanded he manufacturer extra votes? Can't imprison a man for that! Presidential Records Act? Sure, why the fuck not? Every document created by the government is a presidential record, right? Right?

When the day finally comes, and he's inevitably found guilty, it's going to hurt you even more. That day it'll feel like you've been imprisoned, because so much of you is invested in him.

But there's a way to avoid that. Stop today. Ditch the asshole. He doesn't deserve your love and adoration. Do it now, and it won't hurt so bad when the time comes.

You forgot the best part. When he eventually dies of old age in prison, we're going to put a hydroelectric generator in his coffin, and it will be able to power a large city off of the torrential quantity of piss that is going to be raining down through it.

If he did wrong throw his ass in jail. And throw all the other corrupt ones with him. Your side also has corruption just be fair when throwing stones

The Democrats did not attempt to overthrow a legally elected government. You can't "both sides" that.

Mostly peaceful protest at the capital.

Just a straight-up insane lie. "Peaceful" breaking windows, smearing shit on walls, threatening to hang the VP? "Peaceful" beatings of police officers?

You don't believe that. You don't. It's not even debatable. It's so jaw-droppingly stupid, the idea that anyone who can work a keyboard would actually believe that is laughable.

So, two options: You're throwing everything at the wall to see if anything sticks, exactly the accusation you hurled earlier... Or you're a troll.

Except for breaching police barricades, breaking windows, breaking doors, beating police officers with any and all available objects. Getting people killed.

But that's just on the goon squad side, on the admin side they conspired criminally to submit fraudulent electors and attempted to push Pence beyond his Constitutionally defined role to tabulate the electors for the 2020 election.

That's, in large part, what the indictments in D.C. and Georgia are all about.

There is no Democratic equivalent here. Gore conceded. Clinton conceded.

Now, Gore probably should not have. A full recount of Florida showed that no matter how you counted the ballots, Gore actually won. But that was not discovered until after Bush was already installed.

Clinton has other issues, refusing to acknowledge her own role in her own loss. Going to the heart of coal country and talking about how she wanted to put a bunch of people out of work absolutely killed her in PA. She has never acknowledged that. Same for utterly failing to campaign in states she took for granted like Wisconsin and Michigan.

But the key difference here is that I'm free to admit where Democratic candidates fucked up and demand they do better. You will never see that on the Republican side.

I'm going to save this and change the name to Biden and send it back to you and watch you flip tf out.

Go right ahead. It's silly and stupid, but you do you.

Stupid is as stupid does.

I'm curious why people think Trump is some kind of Emporer capable of doing no wrong now. It amazes me that a guy who habitually lies and refuses to pay people who work for him is considered smart to some people.

Funny he was never labeled as such till he ran for president. Numerous awards from the NAACP. To be honest he is a bit of a troll and a loud mouth and I don't like that. Do ya job and STFU.

Numerous awards from the NAACP.

You mean the same guy who got sued for discriminatory rent practices toward minority black people in his rental properties? That same guy?

Partly false. Was he convicted?

Convicted of being sued? Being sued isn’t a criminal trial.

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I understand you guys are frustrated by Republican hypocrisy but it is literally designed into/a selling point of conservatism.

Wilhoit's Law:

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

That’s very interesting, I had never heard of it. Thanks!

Edit: looked into it more; here is an article about it that includes an interview with Wilhoit himself. This is the actual site where the comment with the quote was made (scroll down some in the comments section).

The actual comment in its entirety (very impressive comment section on that site tbh…high quality):

Frank Wilhoit 03.22.18 at 12:09 am

There is no such thing as liberalism — or progressivism, etc.

There is only conservatism. No other political philosophy actually exists; by the political analogue of Gresham’s Law, conservatism has driven every other idea out of circulation.

There might be, and should be, anti-conservatism; but it does not yet exist. What would it be? In order to answer that question, it is necessary and sufficient to characterize conservatism. Fortunately, this can be done very concisely.

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit:

There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time.

For millenia, conservatism had no name, because no other model of polity had ever been proposed. “The king can do no wrong.” In practice, this immunity was always extended to the king’s friends, however fungible a group they might have been. Today, we still have the king’s friends even where there is no king (dictator, etc.). Another way to look at this is that the king is a faction, rather than an individual.

As the core proposition of conservatism is indefensible if stated baldly, it has always been surrounded by an elaborate backwash of pseudophilosophy, amounting over time to millions of pages. All such is axiomatically dishonest and undeserving of serious scrutiny. Today, the accelerating de-education of humanity has reached a point where the market for pseudophilosophy is vanishing; it is, as The Kids Say These Days, tl;dr . All that is left is the core proposition itself — backed up, no longer by misdirection and sophistry, but by violence.

So this tells us what anti-conservatism must be: the proposition that the law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone, and cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone.

Then the appearance arises that the task is to map “liberalism”, or “progressivism”, or “socialism”, or whateverthefuckkindofstupidnoise-ism, onto the core proposition of anti-conservatism.

No, it a’n’t. The task is to throw all those things on the exact same burn pile as the collected works of all the apologists for conservatism, and start fresh. The core proposition of anti-conservatism requires no supplementation and no exegesis. It is as sufficient as it is necessary. What you see is what you get:

The law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone; and it cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone.

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Domestic terrorism.

"We are all domestic terrorists" No republican sadly gives a shit about laws or rights anymore. They just care about power

The lack of political leadership on the right to denounce these threats — which serve to inspire real-world political violence — is shameful.

Well, it would be, if the Republican leadership had the capacity to feel shame.

It is shameful, and the rest of us should feel that shame due to not preventing this, but unfortunately most of us just feel shame for our parent/grandparents for letting this happen, and leaving it up to us to fix it, just everyone please vote, it's your right to have your voice heard.

Violence that results from citizens being doxxed for engaging with their civic duties should carry harsh mandatory minimum sentences. This is not the same as "protesting" against government officials. They are literally engaging in stochastic terrorism, and attempting to foment domestic terrorism in the process.

What the fuck is wrong with these people, and how do we deal with this in any other way than removing them from society so they cannot harm their fellow citizens.

The only way to break these people out of their echo chambers is to enact anti-cult tactics. Trying to get someone out of a cult is an extremely hard thing to do. When it's 30% of a country's citizens, however, it may be impossible. If Capitol Police testimony, video evidence, and other MAGA members speaking out couldn't break the spell, what will insulting them and their beliefs prove?

I don't have the solutions to fix this and I loathe the MAGA cult, but the harder you insult, point out hypocrisy, and humiliate these supporters, the deeper into the cult they retreat. This is seen time and time again with friends and family who attempt to help someone escape an obvious cult or religion.

I am 100% in the "punch a Nazi in the face" crowd, but what we need to do is treat these people like they have been brainwashed, rather than them making the conscious decision to support fascist rhetoric. To them, in their cult, we are the outsider trying to prosecute their leader and destroy their beliefs and way of life.

You will never out-debate them in their beliefs. You will never insult them into leaving. And treating them all like the enemy is exactly what their leaders are telling them you will think.

I'm not saying every MAGA member is possible of redemption, but the most success we may find, to remove this fascist rot is with those who were deep in and have found their way out. The call to leave needs to come from "inside the house," so to speak.

I'm too tired to respond to this fully right now, but I will try to do so later. For now, I will just say that I agree with your general premise, and the few things I have a slight disagreement with may not be important enough to quibble over unless you care for a formal explanation. Also, thanks for your well thought out response.

I appreciate you (and others who may not have bothered to comment) for not immediately jumping to the, "this guy's a fascist sympathizer," because I don't think the emotional responses to this will bring about rational change.

It's refreshing to see someone put into more articulate words what I've been feeling for so long. You cannot fight these people out of their delusions. My fear is that the next time they lose an election, they'll all just take their ball and go home, so to speak. Fracturing the country and creating one or several new nations run by despots and increasingly impoverished as the years go on. I really hope I'm not stuck living in or adjacent to an American North Korea in 30 years, but that's how things are looking.

We should treat them as the law suggest we treat terroristic traitors to America.

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What the fuck.

We know the names of the terrorists that have done it. Track them down, arrest them, 10+ years un prison.

Ruin their shitty little lives.

Make an exapmle out of them.

What a bunch of jackasses.

Bet it was the same group that was pissed about protests at the Supreme Court Justice's houses, too.

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Literally terrorists.

When Randall fucking Flagg calls someone a terrorist you know they're bad!

This is the best summary I could come up with:

ATLANTA — The purported names and addresses of members of the grand jury that indicted Donald Trump and 18 of his co-defendants on state racketeering charges this week have been posted on a fringe website that often features violent rhetoric, NBC News has learned.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis faced racist threats ahead of the return of the indictment and additional security measures were put in place, with some employees being allowed to work from home.

The grand juror's purported addresses were spotted by Advance Democracy, Inc., a non-partisan research group founded by Daniel J. Jones, a former FBI investigator and staffer for the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

“It’s becoming all too commonplace to see everyday citizens performing necessary functions for our democracy being targeted with violent threats by Trump-supporting extremists," Jones said.

Advance Democracy also noted that users were posting on other social media sites the names and images of people believed to have been grand jurors.

— Advance Democracy noted that Trump supporters were "using the term ‘rigger’ in lieu of a racial slur" in posts online.

I'm a bot and I'm open source!

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Who would have had access to this information? I bet this leak could be traced back to someone on Trump's defense team if we investigated hard enough

It's public information by GA law

Grand jurors addresses and phone numbers are most definitely not public information

Give me your name and the state you live in and I could probably find your address, phone number, age, the name of your spouse, siblings and other family members, maiden name (if applicable), previous addresses, and even arrests, with about 10-30 minutes of googling and using only the top 1-3 results. Unless your name is John Smith or something very common, then it would be much more difficult. So, yes, it is public information and nobody has to have had to leak it.

As a Smith with a common first name, it usually sucks but I'm happy when it sometimes causes me to have some anonymity. If gone to pay my tab before and given my last name and there's multiple Smiths, which is fairly common. Then I give my first name and there's still more than one. It's somewhat annoying in that case, but good luck looking me up online.

"Post names and addresses of jurors" is a really wordy way of saying "terrorism". Because that's what this is. Someone, or a small group, is trying to use fear to affect the decision making of our society.

That is textbook terrorism.

We need to start calling this shit what it is.

They've already performed their duty. Silly boys can't even stochastic terrorism right.

I guess this is what the bloviating one was talking about when he twatted "if you come for me i'll come for you."

Little slow on the draw there, gordito.

It also acts as a threat that they'll do the same to jurors involved in the trial should it not go their way.

Morons probably don't even know how to use a VPN, so they're gonna get caught and fucked and Trump won't care.

They are cowards after all. It's time we start hunting MAGA boomers and beating them in the streets.

...beating them in the ballot booth.

That's what you meant, right?

I mean... I agree violence isn't the answer, but neither is the ballot booth. We did that in 2020 and it changed absolutely nothing about them.

I kinda think they're a lost cause as far as external influence. They need to "find the plot" again on their own because to them everything that confronts their beliefs are just "communist lies. Fake news. Liberal blah blah blah..."

Oh, definitely. Most of them are so thoroughly brainwashed by a steady, decades-long diet of objectively, factually incorrect garbage spewed by the Fox infotainment channel (I refuse to call it "news"), it would take professional deprogramming to break them out.

Every time reality intrudes on their fantasies - Hillary doesn't get indicted, COVID-19 doesn't vanish in the spring, the "storm" doesn't manifest, JFK doesn't come back from the dead, Trump actually leaves the White House, etc. - it leaves them in a state of shock, followed by the irresistible urge to double down even harder.

You don't bring people back from that, at least not en masse. You just consistently, continuously beat them during elections, depriving them of their ability to force their bizarre worldviews on others.

And, bluntly, you wait for them to die off. They catch COVID-19 at high rates, most of them are boomers, and because they're dying faster than the national average, the Republican party is actually shrinking. The oldest boomers are approaching 80, and it won't be long before we start seeing some serious demographic shifts because of that.

Whicher way it needs to be.

You need to be in jail just like every other lunatic using social media to radicalize people into commiting violent acts.

It is morally okay to punch fascists.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Typically you point out the word when you say the line.

Are you saying that violence should be met with non-violence? Are you saying that these particular stochastic terrorists are not fascists? Are you saying punching is an inadequate measure to deal with fascists?

Why, feel free to explain yourself, lest you look foolish.

Cry some more GOP voters. Go beat women like the people you vote for.

First of all I am not American. Secondly what does political affiliation have to do with believing people who call for this level of violence need to be imprisoned.

And just to piss you, I actively support a real life socialist in my country and I am proud of that.

Come to America and see them police murder people in the streets. It may change your worldview on the facism we have to live in. Also good for you. Keep supporting them. We need that too.

You couldn't pay me to visit the US.

Can I pay to sleep under you're house instead of living in this shithole?