Lemmy.world improvements and issues

Ruud@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 53 points –

In this post I will list the known issues or possible improvements for Lemmy.world.

Please comment with any issue or area for improvement you see and I will add it here.

Issues can be:

  • Local (lemmy.world) (also performance issues)
  • Lemmy software issues
  • Other software related (apps/Fediverse platforms etc)
  • Remote server related
  • (User error? ...)

Known issues

Websockets issues

There are some issues with the Websockets implementation used in Lemmy, which handles the streaming. Websockets will be removed in version 0.18 so let's hope these issues will be all gone then!

  • Top posts page gets a stream of new posts ? Websockets issue
  • You're suddenly in another post than you were before > Websockets issue
  • Your profile will briefly display another name/avatar in the top right corner

Spinning wheel issues

Error handling is not one of Lemmy's strongpoints. Sometimes something goes wrong, but instead of getting an error, the button will have a 'spinning wheel' that lasts until eternity. These are some of the known cases:

  • You want to create an account but the username is already taken

  • You want to create an account but the username is too long (>20 characters)

  • You want to create an account but the password is too long

  • You want to create a community but the name is already taken

  • You want to create a community but the name is not in all lowercase letters

  • You want to create a post over 2000 characters

  • You want to post something in a language that isn't allowed in the community

Enhancement requests

  • Can themes be added? > To be checked if this can be done without changing code.

For support with issues at Lemmy.world, go to the Lemmy.world Support community.


I scanned through the comments here and I don’t think it’s been mentioned yet, but I would love, love, love to have an option added to settings to open links in a new tab (or possibly windows if some people would prefer that). The current behavior is to open in the current tab, which I am so unaccustomed to I keep closing the tab when I’m done with it rather than hitting the back arrow.

It’s quite jarring to not open in a new tab these days, especially for external links.

New posts appear "live" at the top of the frontpage regardless of what sorting method is chosen. This disrupts the reading process and minimizes any expanded image view. Is there any way to disable this "live feed" behavior?

Also, the "sorting help" button points to a dead link.

This is such a big issue for me I currently don't really want to use Lemmy.

Big +1 here. Mastodon provides a button to click to show new posts, maybe Lemmy could do the same

In the comment listing, each comment first has an avatar, then the username, then the [—] button to collapse the comment thread. Observation: Because username length varies from comment to comment, the [—] button is in a different horizontal position. Consequence: As a user, it is tedious to collapse several comment threads because I have to search for that [—] button.

Request: put the [—] button as first item, to the left of the avatar and username.

I like this about the reddit UI where you can click anywhere on the vertical bar to collapse them. Collapse should be easier than the tiny button imo

Btw this also works on Jerboa, the Android app for Lemmy. You can basically tap anywhere in the message and it collapses.

It surprised me that the communities list can't be sorted by clicking on column headers; especially because the mouse cursor becomes a pointing-finger when hovering over them.

On the homepage lemmy.world, new posts keep appearing at the top even when not sorting by new. This causes annoying layout shift, especially when browsing all communities, not just local ones. (I use Firefox / Win 10)

I have the same issue. Makes the front page unusable with the flood of posts pushing everything down. Firefox / Win 11

This seems like a really big problem to me. I tried searching lemmy for it, but have not found anything conclusive.

I found a post or two claiming that the issue is that the API is implemented using websockets only, so it’s not as simple as just turning it off. I really hope that is not the case, since I currently can’t read anything on the frontpage that takes more than a few seconds!

The hot sort appears to be frozen for the last 24 hrs. The top posts on all or local haven't changed in nearly a day. There appears to be a bug causing a deadlock in the database (see issue 3076 for more info). The only solution seems to be to restart the instance when that thread crashes.

Yes as a workaround I restart the lemmy container every hour.

A big issue that I'm constantly having is that, I fully open a post and read it, and then all of a sudden the post has switched to an entirely new one. It has happened a few times now during my time typing this comment; here's a screenshot of it.

That's a websockets issue. Hopefully will be fixed in 0.18 (they'll remove websockets)

I have my viewing type set to "All" on my settings but when I go to the index page (lemmy.world), it's set to Local.

Not sure if it's an issue or just a symptom of lack of large communities yet but I also tend to see the same posts on the top every time ("If we want this to work out make content do not just lurk", "All the sad" and "important rulepost").

Edit: Also there's an issue when posting. I click "Post" and it gets stuck in the spinning icon despite my profile indicating my comment has been posted successfully.

There's a bug right now that causes the hot sort to stop updating. A partial fix will be coming out with the next update. The "hot score" decay is actually very aggressive on Lemmy, so normally posts should fall down the ranking very quickly.

I have the same issue regarding All in profile, but defaulting to Local in feed.

Some communities aren't updating on lemmy.world

Specifically, I moderate /c/worldbuilding@lemmy.ml and I noticed that lemmy.world's side is not updating. No new posts from lemmy.ml's side, and their side shows 300+ subscribers while mine shows ~80

When browsing in a fullscreen window the available themes only use about 25% of the horizontal screen space for content, and each post uses up a large amount of vertical space, with most of it being wasted space. Something more compact like old.reddit would be nice.

It would be very nice if communities could set a default post language that user can override. Most communitieswould want their post in the same language anyway and scrolling trough the list to select a post language every time is pretty annoying especially on mobile

Also my verification email went to spam/junk would be nice to have a disclaimer about that if it isn't possible to fix atm

An Improvement I would like to see:

When scrolling my front page, I would like to be able to click the thread picture to a) see the 'body of the post' prior to entering the thread and b) if it is a picture be able to 'drag to resize' prior to entering the thread... I know these would all take a while to do, but it would be what I would like most.

I think lemmy.world need to up the "Federation worker count" under the server settings. The more data that needs to be federated, the higher this number should be.

This makes sense. A comment I made 2 hours ago on another instance still hasn't propagated. Outgoing user activity is probably reaching insane levels right now

(I'm going to put one feature/issue in each comment to make it easier to discuss each topic individually, hope that's ok)

Enhancement requests: Again, might be better addressed lemmy-wide, but as a mod, I think there is no way to "sticky" or "pin" a reply to an existing thread, so that it stays at the top. This would be useful for "official" replies in the voice of a moderator, and I imagine it will be useful in future if mods ever need to lock posts and have to explain why.

This would be useful indeed. Check the Lemmy GitHub if it isn't already requested, else you can.

(I'm going to put one feature/issue in each comment to make it easier to discuss each topic individually, hope that's ok)

Known Issue: Probably a lemmy-wide issue. When new users sign up, there's no error message for "username has been taken", "username too short/long" or any other exception. You have to do trial-and-error to figure out how to get past the sign-in screen. Some sort of exception handling and user message would help greatly.

Immediate workaround would be to put something on the signup page to explain this ("username has to be between X to Y characters; if you see a spinning icon forever, chances are the username was taken already")

Might be more of a question than a "known issue" or "request" but, do you want individual users to be able to see the modlog for the entire Lemmy.world instance? For instance I can see not only who has been added/removed as a moderator, but what posts/comments have been removed/restored.

But also, thank you for running this, and also for having posts like this up which greatly help people like me know you're working on stuff.

That's a choice the devs made, they want to be open about the moderation so it's visible to all.

This is also a feature. Transparency is important!

Would it be possible to implement Settings -> Show Read as an option in your actual feed next to subscribed/local/all and sort type dropdown for easier access? Basically making the Settings option the default but quickly changeable when browsing.

I noticed upvotes are behaving weirdly sometimes, like the upvote count of a post will shuffle between random numbers like 55 then 735 then 345 then 56 then 902 then 736 then 4 then 57 then 346 then 251 then 58. (Yeah, I noticed some of these are counsecutive which makes me think we're somehow upvoting on different counts and it shows the most recently upvoted.) Also sometimes when I upvote a comment my upvote disappears and sometimes it reappears later... why ?

Yeah I’m having lots of issues upvoting as well, I seem to be able to comment and post fine if I just wait a minute or so but upvoting doesn’t seem to work

Me too, it happened to me a few times already. Also, sometimes it changes the whole post I'm looking at entirely but comments stay the same, wild. (This happens while looking at a post that I've clicked on.)

The rapid scrolling when viewing new or hot makes the site almost unusable. The issue for this is closed and the author says it has landed in main and will be available in 0.18. Do we have plans to upgrade? RC1 was released today. Thanks!

@TragicNotCute @ruud Try the android app jeroba it should control the stream. I don't know what they have for iOS Hope they fix it soon

Hehe, that’s my problem. I’m on iOS and the best alternative doesn’t allow sorting by Hot. Unfortunately for me that’s how I like to use the platform generally.

Can I just quickly mention that I for one really appreciate the work done by @ruul to keep this instance working as well as it does , thank you.

A couple times I’ve clicked a post and a completely different post opened. The latest one was a cat pic I was going to show my daughter and porn opened instead. I’m not subscribed to any porn communities and there weren’t any porn posts in the list on my homepage. This is a real problem. I went back and clicked the link and it worked as expected.

Also, as I was typing this comment, the main post I was replying to changed, but the comments stayed the same. Weird.

I hope all the weirdness is over when they remove websockets and replace it with http. That will be in 0.18 I'm sorry for the unfortunate situation...

Rarely the web version is laggy and things I'm not intending to click are clicked. Just now, a "Report Created" notification appeared after posting a comment - I'm sorry if something was actually reported, and I have no idea what that even was.


Is it just me, or has "Hot" not refreshed with any new posts in over a day? I know there are posts coming in, but my Subscribed, Local, and All feeds have been static when sorting by "Hot".

edit: I think it's fixed on my end. I'm finally seeing newer stuff when sorting by Hot

Yeah, hot (and probably active as well) is completely broken at the moment.

(I'm going to put one feature/issue in each comment to make it easier to discuss each topic individually, hope that's ok)

Issues: As the default sort, "Active" is a self-boosting cycle as well. Active posts show up for everyone, so first-time users participate there, and it stays on active for 4-5 days. This is going to drive users away when they see the same front page after the 2nd or 3rd day. Perhaps "Hot" might be a better default sort?

Yeah. For me, lemmy is becoming very boring because of this bug. I only see old posts all day, and I don't think there are only old posts in Lemmy.

Same issue, lots of them are over two days old.

Lemmy is an interesting alternative to Reddit. I like the fact that it uses instances, which means that communities can in theory exist without getting nuked.

I haven't been here too long, but here are some things I would like to see:

  1. When sorting posts by categories (especially by new), add the ability to pause real time updates.
  2. In the profile section, add a checkbox to unblur NSFW content permanently.

Couldn't a community get "nuked" if the instance manager decides to pull the plug? Seems even more fragile in that respect...

Personally I think when clicking 'Post' it takes too long for it to be posted. I will see what I can do about this.

Test comment; doing some federation testing with admins of other servers.

First off, thanks for running this! It is spectacular how quickly this took off once the Reddit Apocalypse started. Second, anybody having problems upvoting/downvoting on the main page? I click the arrow to vote and it flashes, but then it goes back to gray. If I go into the actual post, I can vote okay, but not from the main page.

Up- and downvoting appears to be borked on this instance specifically. If I hit the buttons, they light up, my upvote is counted - and a split second later it disappears and the button greys out again.

If I reload the page sometimes the vote got counted in the background, sometimes it didn't.

This appears to affect other parts of the UI as well. Most of the time I expand an image, it expands for a split second, then the UI resets and the image is small again.

Hmm, there are a lot of issues with Websockets, which Lemmy uses. I'm waiting for 0.18 to come out which replaces Websockets, so a lot of these issues should be gone...

Issue: Sometimes, when scrolling or reading, the screen jumps up. Making it very difficult to read comments.

Improvement: Open post by clicking on the text, not just title and comment button, makes it easier on phones.

And collapseing comment chains, which makes it easier to scroll and read posts with a lot of comments, especially if some comment chains are not relevant to you.

There was at least one other comment mentioning this: the possibility of making everything on the screen more compact. Everything takes too much space at the moment and I can't really get a good view of a discussion "at a glance". This is on desktop, haven't checked the app yet. Something at least as compact as old.reddit would be awesome. RiF was the golden standard for me in this sense, just pure discussion, using the entire real estate of the screen. Would be amazing to have that option here. I just checked, and I can literally see more words on my phone on RiF than here on my 1080p laptop screen. I know this is all new, so I don't wanna complain, but I feel like this is something many would agree with.

In the same vein, it would be nice to have the option of hiding all avatars, the user name is enough for me.

Oh and another thing, even though everything takes so much space, the "border" between comments is somehow not visually satisfying. Those lateral borders don't really help in my opinion. If they would extend to reveal the parent-child relationship between comments, at least they would have a function.

The modern "design" decision to squish everything into the center of the screen is soooo dumb. I really don't get the appeal of having to scroll twice as much or more just to get through a post.

Some issues I've seen, mostly related to interactions with mastodon. I generally use Mastodon more so I've been playing with it.

  1. I can follow a lemmy community on my mastodon account but all the posters do not show their avatar. (actually i just checked again and my avatar shows up, but others don't, so perhaps there is a long delay?)

  2. I replied to a lemmy post on mastodon, and it showed up in lemmy, but when I'm logged in to lemmy and I try to post a reply to that it never publishes, the "post" button becomes the spinner and never makes the reply. This post for reference. This is the only one that feels like a bug.

  3. when someone on another lemmy instance makes a post on our community, a mastodon toot goes out, but it links to their post on their community. It makes it a little odd to follow a link and it takes me to another instance than the one hosting the community. Maybe this isn't a bug, just kinda annoying, kinda fediverse in general it's tough to bounce between instances. Example. Ok making that link, it's clear that the "post" originated from the instance. I guess this is just how it works. Message Board systems are a bit more tricky than twitter-style systems.

  4. When I make a post, it's got a warning Warning: If you deselect Undetermined, you will not see most content. and I have no idea what this is talking about.

  5. I wish the community page would let me sort the rows by Subscribers.

Thanks! I'll see which of these I can fix at server level and which are for the devs.

#4 is the language.

Hey /u/Mac if you know more can you expand? I understand it's asking me to pick a language, I just don't understand the warning. If i'm posting in english, it seems I should pick "english", but the warning makes it sound like i'll be missing out if I do that. What would I miss out on? What does it mean to "not see most content"? Why even have an option then? It's just super unclear what happens.

Dunno m8. From what I've read it's best to leave it undetermined.

(I'm going to put one feature/issue in each comment to make it easier to discuss each topic individually, hope that's ok)

Enhancement requests: Not sure if this is better addressed lemmy-wide or here, but: New users may not know the difference between instances. Would having the "Communities" tab default to All instances be better than Local instances?

On opening a new tab or window with a lemmy instance, I frequently find that I am not intially logged in. I am logged in, and refreshing the page a few times affirms this. It does not necessarily require a cacheless refresh (ctrl+f5). It also occurs regardless of what lemmy instance I'm browsing.

This started immediately after the hackening event of the other day. I'll play with what's in site storage in firefox later on and see what happens.

Edit: Ok something very odd just happened. I did the refresh thing and it briefly showed me logged in as @andybug@lemmy.world, for reasons unknown. It didn't stay logged in as (s)he, but very briefly flashed it as such.

Edit2: I deleted cache, webtoken, and other detritus in firefox, and refreshed the page to login again. I logged in, and the site served me the logged-out homepage until I refreshed again. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Edit3: I was logged out completely this morning. No explanation as to why as yet, I'll test tomorrow and see what browser storage looks like

When creating an account, it should show a dialogue saying check your email for verification. Right now it doesn't show anything which is confusing for new users who are trying to login for the first time.

I see a couple other comments about sign up issues and I’m having the same. Don’t see anything in my spam folder, though. Both submit buttons on the sign up/login pages just spin endlessly the last couple days. Someone said they managed to fix it by using "forgot password" on the login page but clicking that button does nothing. name’s same here as on midwest.social.

If I do Posts -> All -> Top Week (or any other Top) it will show the top posts at first, but after waiting a minute or so the page will update with new posts at the top. This is usually how I browse and it makes it unusable.

Another thing is when I tried to login after signing up, the loading wheel just spun forever without any error messages. Turns out I needed to verify my email.

I've noticed that despite setting my default view to "All" in the user settings, my default view on the home page appears to be local.

It's not the worst thing ever, since hitting All is not a problem, just interesting it doesn't seem to work, unless I'm missing something!

Edit: It appears to have fixed itself, so maybe there was some time for the setting to kick in, although the local tab shows highlighted.

I am very new to Lemmy.world. I have noticed though there is no icon displayed on firefox for the bookmark (but there is for Chrome / DuckDuckGo browser).

Edit 2023-07-02 - For me this appears to have been fixed :)

Could you provide a default icon that gets used for any communities that haven't selected one?

This page in particular would benefit from it as it currently looks like a very confusing categorised list.

Same for users too I guess. My avi might be a good choice :-)

I don't think that's possible yet.

Ah, I must have misunderstood the comments on that issue. Thanks.

Federation not always working; Apparently not everything gets synced all the time. This needs troubleshooting.

I thought I was suffering from this, but then I added English to my profile languages, and suddenly many posts on other instances that I could not see before were now visible.

Issue with lemmy in general: there's no error message when your username is taken, or password doesn't meet the requirements. I had to figure out by trial and error why my application didn't go through

I've been trying to post something in c/casualconversation, but after clicking 'post', it gets stuck - spinning for hours, actually, and my message won't get through.

v18 released today, when can we expect the update to be rolled out here?

EDIT: Not a demand, just a genuine question, sorry if that came off abrasive

If I'm in a community (particularly lemmy.world) and I'm inside of a post, there's no easy way to get back to the community. the top level link brings me to the instance homepage, instead of the community. So far the only way I see to do it is to click the tiny link inside of the post that brings me to the community the post was from. Additionally, I don't see an easy way to "know" what community I'm in when I'm inside of the post other than the same thing.

Seems like communities should still show the banner even when in the post, even if it's a comrpessed banner compared to the post list banner.

You can also click in the sidebar, where it says, in this community, !lemmyworld.

Would love the ability to set a time for a post to publish. I've been posting a lot of news articles to /c/texas and I don't want users to feel like its spamming. If I could set a publish time that would be awesome

This post is on a beehaw community. Started by a lemmy.world user. As I understand it is on our local copy of the community that got pulled before the de-federation and only our users should be able to post on it.

Already that would be bad in my opinion since the copy is unmoderated and isolated. However it appears that some users replying are actually from other instances (not beehaw of course). This can only create confusion and further 'issues' with beehaw.

When logging in, I'm temporarily in another user's account. Last one was "Sean". I'm not sure if there's some sort of cache I'm hitting or what, after a few seconds or when I interact with something it fixes itself, but it's a bit annoying.

Post 0.18 update on desktop, the domain of external links is no longer visible (unless you hover over the link)

I miss this, as it goes to contextualising and trust issues - knowing whether a link goes to apnews, dailywire or theonion is a big deal, let alone the risk of malware/etc.

Could this be re-added at some point?

First off, thank you for starting this instance. This may already be solved as I am a humble ex-redditor and only recently dabbled into the fedaverse since the twitter exodus.

But when I try and connect a subscribed community to my mastodon feed, I would like to see the post. Currently, the post and every comment from that post is aggregated into my mastodon feed.

Is there a way to just see the post headline?

Edit: spelling

I jabe a question, I noticed a few users with followers but I can't seem to follow anyone. I'm now questioning whether it was a fever dream. Can we follow users somehow? Sorry for the noob question, lol.

When I'm on the main feed, new posts pop up on the top. This pushes the other posts down in the UI and it is extremely annoying. It's honestly unusable for me, I absolutely can not stand UI changing like this without interaction.

Any chance we could have thumbnails show up on the index page?

Edit: On second thought, thumbnails work as long as your post is an image you uploaded. But it doesn't pull up og:images it seems, leading to those blank squares.

@ruud@lemmy.world There are a lot of federation issues I've seen between lemmy.world and other instances.

I can't seem to subscribe to any communities from fanaticus.social or midwest.social. I made an account on fanaticus.social and can't subscribe the other way either.

There was a delay of days for https://midwest.social/post/689124 and https://lemmy.world/post/174998 to start syncing and they are still out of sync. (These have synchronized since my post here)

Any idea why I can't open https://lemmy.world/c/gardening@mander.xyz? Mander.xyz should be federated. I just get 404: couldnt_find_community

Could you try it again now? I did a search for the community on here and afterward was able to open it via your link, but I want to confirm it's not just me.

If it works for you now, I think it was related to the community not being searched/seen by the instance just yet despite us being linked to mander.xyz.

It works for me now, thank you. I guess there's just a delay in pushing/pulling things from different instances?

In a way, yeah. From your experience I'm getting a better sense that if a community on another instance hasn't been searched on your instance, it won't have fetched it yet.

What I did was I went to the top navbar and searched !gardening@mander.xyz to get lemmy.world to fetch it. Took a few seconds but it did! I think if it had been on an instance lemmy.world's not linked to yet though, you'd want to copy the URL of the instance including community, e.g. https://lemmy.world/c/lemmyworld

Nice, good info to know. I've been using this browser extension to speed up subscribing to communities across different instances, so I end up just loading the URL directly rather than searching for it on lemmy.world. I'll make sure to try searching next time if I run into the same problem.

I was setting up my account earlier today and I tried to set up 2 factor authentication but experienced some errors. I clicked the box and reloaded my settings but I wasn't able to enter an email or anything into the authentication method.

@ruud FYI, not sure if something is backed up between lemmy dot world and the mastodon server I'm on. I follow the c/gunners community from mastodon, and was getting updates in my home feed until yesterday. Posts (like this) are viewable, and can be replied to, by pasting the URL into search, but they're no longer showing up in the home feed.

(edit) and I see the reply shows up on lemmy 🤔​

Dear @ruud@lemmy.world ,

From my personal opinion, i would like to add 2 QoL improvements.

  • The ability to go back to the community pages, with clicking on the empty area of a thread ( maybe like what Reddit implements ). The reason is that we can quickly navigate to another post
  • A Scroll to Top / Back to Top Button

But this is just a suggestion based on my personal experience using Lemmy

Thank you :D

I'm experiencing a login issue related to Microsoft Edge on Mac OS.

Upon entering login credentials, the purple LOGGED IN popup box appears in lower left, but I am still not logged in. Upper right still shows SIGN IN. If I try to do anything, it redirects me to login page, credentials are entered, returned to home page again, but not logged in. Repeat ad infinitum.

Chrome and Safari work fine.

Browser: Microsoft Edge.Version 115.0.1901.183 (Official build) (x86_64)

OS: macOS 11.7.8 (20G1351)

Would deleting the browser cache help in this case?

So I've made 3 posts now and chose pictures to upload. Everytime it takes my photo and turns it sideways on the post. I've noticed that if I go to my gallery and edit the photo I'll rotate it and save it as a copy. I'll then rotate it back so it's the correct oriention and save it as a copy again. I'll then make a post using that copy of the new photo that I rotated twice and the photo will upload in the correct orientation. I think this is a Lemmy issue overall because it happened over 2 instances.

Creating a new community, and the form is completely filled out, but when I press "create" it circles back to the top of the form. Also what is the difference between Name and Display Name. Name is what it keeps highlighting.

Maybe it's already taken? Or the name is >20 characters? Or not all-lowercase?

That was it. I had a capital letter in there. Where did you find those rules?

Would it be possible to have replies in the notifications automatically be marked as "read" when I interact with them (by upvoting, for example)? Sure, clicking "mark all as read" is only one extra click, but it would make it just that little bit more seamless.

I'm trying to set up a new forum as a fallback for a subreddit I help moderate that's currently been set to private due to the blackouts, but the Create Community button seems to hang indefinitely whenever I try to do so. Wondering - is this normal for new users, or a bug?

Maybe it was already created and deleted. Which name do you want to create?

The one I'd want to create is /c/emulation - I'm a mod over on /r/emulation, and we're planning on providing off-site places for people to migrate to, the hope being that this would be an option.

It'd be nice to be able to do that, if we could!

Oh there already was one, but it was broken (there's a bug with remote moderators...) I fixed it. Maybe you can DM the moderator if you can help.. he has many communities so he can use some help. Let me know if he declines, then I'll contact him.

Did the whole system just go down for a few minutes? I kept getting an API error and it kept switching to HTTP (not HTTPS) ... Seems a bit snappier though now that its back up

Is there a server status web page for future reference?

Communities that have been broken due to the bug regarding remote moderators are still unusable from outside lemmy.world, breaking federation: https://lemmy.world/post/209377

Assistance is needed from the administrators for all such communities.

Please DM me if there's a broken community and I'll fix it.

Thanks, there are a number of them. I’ll DM you a list. (For future reference, do you have to fix this manually in Postgres?)

Just joined! Thanks!

One small thing i would add for sign up is giving a message about waiting for being approved for the community, i was confused that it sent me back to the homepage until reading the docs.

On Android Client Jerboa v0.0.37 & 36 "Server version (0.1.4 is underthe minimum supported version (0.18). Please inform your administrator and login to another instance, or sign out and use the default instance."

On other android clients: Liftoff & Lemur: lemmy.world cannot be found as an instance.

I also use liftoff so it should work.

@ruud @chezjoeong I noticed an issue with liftoff where you can't upvote and comment on post from other instance and then I tried Thunder, it has less bugs and you can upvote and comment on post from other instances.

I have the same issue, also using Jerboa v0.0.36.

Uploaded images autorotate, and I couldn't find how to manually rotate it prior to postinf. I'm using web/android if it matters


So, I've created !childfree as a local community, seemingly normal. Only, it doesn't seem to be accessible to anyone locally.

Meaning, https://lemmy.world/c/childfree gives me a 404. Instead, I have to open it as https://lemmy.world/c/childfree@lemmy.world - initially I thought maybe I had made an error creating the community and added the instance, but trying to replicate it shows that @ is not a permitted character, so the problem must have come from elsewhere.

From other instances now I can access it just fine: https://latte.isnot.coffee/c/childfree@lemmy.world or https://feddit.de/c/childfree@lemmy.world (where the @instance is the default behaviour). Locally however, that should not have happened.

Even if I enter the community locally, and click on the !childfree just below the name of the community, it gives me a local 404 (see below).

Any idea what's going on here, and how to resolve the problem? Since we are redirecting users from our sub here, it's creating quite some headaches... And apparently users trying to subscribe from other instances also don't see any posts for up to 48h (tried that myself).

Edit: Apparently I cannot access the community via feddit.de. The other one works fine though - I do have accounts on either instance.

Thanks for working on this.

FWIW, I'm on lemmy.click. When I search for this community on my instance using https://lemmy.world/c/childfree or !childfree@lemmy.world, I don't see the community in the search results.

Yes, something weird is going on. Being new to lemmy I initially assumed it to be a configuration error on my end, but that doesn't seem to be the case, I've been trying everything for the last 24h or so.

Same with https://lemmy.world/c/titanfall

https://lemmy.world/c/titanfall@lemmy.world works
https://lemmy.world/c/titanfall does not and gives a 404

And similarly when going via feddit.de, i.e. https://feddit.de/c/titanfall@lemmy.world I can see the community but only 1 out of the 2 posts.

I think OP comment and my issue are related. What can we do to help investigate this? I was planning on moving over a community from reddit and this is unfortunately blocking it. If I can help in any way to figure this out and resolve it, I'd be more than happy to do so <3

Yep that seems to be exactly the same issue indeed. Very weird.

Not sure if this has been mentioned. But as I just joined I was looking through communities to join and noticed there were several with the same name but just lower case instead or with a space between words.

Should community names be case sensitive and no spaces to make sure there are fewer duplicates/lookalike communities?

I've discovered a pattern to my logout error as referred to here: https://lemmy.world/comment/1144382

It occurs specifically when I navigate to a community page, without visiting the homepage first. If I navigate specifically to, for example, lemmy.world/c/lemmyworld, I'll be logged out. However, if I visit lemmy.world and then visit lemmy.world/c/lemmyworld, I'll be logged in.

I wonder if this is a bug with SameSite in the JWT? Reddit's token, for example, has a value of None, where Lemmy's has a value of Strict. I've changed that to None for the moment, we'll see if that changes anything

I have an issue to share and it's not major, but some of the links are wrong depending on the UI.

For instance, in the default UI, the link for your Privacy Policy page is This, but it should be This Instead (Note the trailing hyphen on the bad/dead link).

Of course, that's not a major concern and it is very minor, but misplaced legal docs could be problematic long-term.

I fixed that link, but actually lemmy.world/legal should redirect to legal.lemmy.world, which it apparently doesn't always do. So we'll look into that as well.

Thanks for pointing this out.

  • The message about choosing a language when making a post is not clear. Like, is selecting a language good or bad for visibility versus using the default "undetermined."

  • What are the best practices for uploading an image on a post here, what about technical posts that need a gallery, gifs, mp4, etc.?

  • as far as possible sub communities: astrophotography, telescopes, bicycle, bikewrench, arduino, esp32, hardware hacking, fedora, Linux hardware, and electrical engineering were some I regularly browsed or participated in on deddit. Not that these are needed, but I wish I could drag these communities over here

I also had the same issue on my first login (the email was verified, btw). The login button just went spinning and nothing happens. Trying the login on Jerboa gave me invalid credentials (it wasn't a mistype, because I used a password manager).

The workaround I did was to do a password reset and use a simpler one (was 50+ chars with special chars on, then changed to 32 chars and no special chars).

Not sure if what fixed was the reset itself, or the new password.

After this, the login went smooth on both the website and the app.

EDIT: And when posting this, the post submit button also kept spinning (the more than 200+ chars issue). But trying in a new tab, the message was actually sent.

And some minute later, on the old tab the message was sent, but the OP post changed from the "improvements and issues" to "The inability to post multiple pictures is holding Lemmy back.", but the comments below mine where for the "improvements and issues", while the comment above where to the other thread.

I think there is an issue with long passwords, I'll have to search their Github.

Submitting issue is known, it will take 30 seconds at least but the post is available immediately. That is being looked into.

The issue with posts changing and other strange behaviour I think is an issue with the websockets they use. In 0.18 they will replace websockets entirely so I hope that will solve many issues..

I've been trying to sign up for an account for a few days now and always get stuck on the spinning button. My password isn't overly complex as far as I can tell. I've tried multiple browsers and devices and can't create an account. I even left it running over night and it was still spinning in the morning.

Have you tried to go to login page, fill in with your email only and click on forget password? If this work, maybe there's also some issue not related with the password complexity

EDIT: (I mean, if you at least got the email verification)

Hey, it worked! I guess I missed the verification mail going to my junk folder. Thanks!

Change websockets to what, http? Its definitely a strange choice to be using websockets

Not really. They just screwed up the implementation and couldn't bother fixing it.

I'd love a longer bio. I can only fit a few links in there right now. It's definitely code, not config, but I haven't found if it's set in lemmy-ui or in the API/DB. I could also understand if that's too expensive, but would like to see it addressed.

Was Lemmy.world down just now?

I don't think so... what did you see?

By the way; now it was, I briefly restarted the database.

Probably an idea for the future, but a status page with upcoming maintenance or ongoing issues would help quell some of these kinds of requests. I assume you probably don't have much in the way of redundancy at the moment?

Well we're in the baby phase now, so most maintenance is ad-hoc. But after that it's a good idea. About redundancy: it's a single VPS. But when the VPS or datacenter breaks, we have a backup, and it runs in Docker so it's just restoring the backup, starting the containers and redirect the DNS

Hi. I'm trying to build community. I write all the letters in lowercase. I don't use symbols. I can't create it, though.

Which name? Sometimes the community already was created and deleted. I then need to purge it for the name to becoma available again.


Yes, it was already created and deleted. I've purged it, now you can create a new one

Thank you. I will have a suggestion. Can a simulation be done for server needs and expenses? I don't want this server to shut down and go away. If there is a system that shows how much the server costs are and how many of them are covered, we can make some support payment at the end of each month. In this way, the server is not shut down after a while.

Improvement: Support for search operators

For example:

  • Currently, when I use the """ character on Lemmy search, it searches posts/comments with only the """ on them.

My lemmy search improvement requests:

  • "hello world" should strictly show comments/posts matching Hello World, case insensitive by default (with case-sensitive check box)
    • like: "Hello Everyone" shows posts/comments with the phrase "hello everyone" on them but not "hello" and/or "everyone"
  • -${KEYWORD} or -${COMMUNITY} excludes a specific keyword or community from the search result. Using -"Hello World" filters results with the phrase "Hello World" on them. If it's a community like -"community@lemmy.instance", it will exclude the community from the results.
  • * asterisks - wildcard
  • | pipe - logical OR search.

Encountered this server error:

FetchError: request to http:&#x2F;&#x2F;lemmy:8536&#x2F;api&#x2F;v3&#x2F;post?auth=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOjE2MjEsImlzcyI6ImxlbW15LndvcmxkIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg4MjM2ODQzfQ.kI_dX1BrFqDgk2FYpGgQ0XZV5RavGoPxlSrQdFAcMIM&amp;id=15786 failed, reason: socket hang up

Encountered this error page.

It could be useful to have sub-communities like Usenet had newsgroup hierarchies. E.g. within c/tools there could be c/tools/drills, c/tools/saws, or whatever. On deaddit (formerly called reddit) they end up making dozens of related top level subreddits scattered around but I think it is good to add some kind of organizational structure.

There should be a way to set "my posting language is English" in my profile settings, so that it's automatically set to English when I post, evern single time, unless I go out of my way to choose something different for a particular post.

Former reddit user making the switch the best I can.

  • Found this guide and made an account on Lemmy.world
  • went on my merry way and found several communities here and there
  • tried to install the mobile client Jerboa and got blocked because the server is older than the app version — and for some reason the former versions crash on my phone

➡ am I right to assume that the end user risks losing its app mobile access everytime there's a update from the app and / or the server?

  • in the end I ended up downloading Thunder which allowed me to login to lemmy.world without version issues

I am trying to move some of my posts from my community on reddit to here, and they are very long. I am able to post short posts, but not long ones. It gives me that spinning circle after I hit post, and I have waited 10 minutes and it hasn't posted. Works great for shorter things. Is there a character limit im hitting or maybe a spam filter since everything of mine is new?

I also have this issue. The post is about 36K characters long, which is under Lemmy's supposed 50K limit. So far, I've only tried it on desktop Firefox.

Same here. I was using Windows version of Google Chrome when I try to post.

What's long, the post title, or the content? Any indication on how long the ones are that fail?

The content, ~5k words, 23k characters with spaces. I was able to make a short post but copying/pasting over the long ones seems to not go through. I shortened it until it posted, and the limit is somewhere between 2k words and 1371 words, the 1371 word one being able to be posted.

Hmm. Let me find out where that is configured..

Suggestion for improvement: Change default sorting to Hot instead of Active. At least currently, Active keeps a handful of the same posts permanently on top, giving the impression of inactivity for newcomers used to Reddit. Hot will provide a more varied front page.

Request: Saved and Upvoted tabs up at the top next to Communities, Create Post, and Create Community.

Search by community is not working. If you go to search page, and select a community and click search, it will search in all communities anyway.

Certain communities seem to be inaccessible from Lemmy.world and vice versa. For instance, if I try to access /c/boston in Lemmy.ml via lemmy.world/c/boston@lemmy.ml, I get a "404: couldnt_find_community" error. Similarly, trying to access /c/boston in Lemmy.world from either Kbin.social (via kbin.social/m/boston@lemmy.world) or Lemmy.ml (via lemmy.ml/c/boston@lemmy.world) both give 404 errors.

Hmm works for me, I can find it and open it. Maybe lemmy.ml was overloaded?

Yeah possibly! I think the second issue I mentioned is still occurring, though. Namely, lemmy.ml/c/boston@lemmy.world returns a 404 error (and also for Kbin.social).

Then I think lemmy.ml hasn't discovered it yet, maybe there's delay on their server?

Perhaps a personal preference, but I find it a lot more intuitive when clicking the post title opens the link to the content (webpage, image, etc) rather than going to the comments. To follow a post's link, I need to click on the "image", and that feels odd.

I respectfully disagree. I prefer opening a post's link from the comments - this way when I hit back after reading the content I'm sent directly to the comments rather being sent back to Lemmy community/homepage and having to reopen the post to read the comments. So I prefer the current way of title opening the post with the comments.

Can't sign in, had to create another account on another instance just to ask?

Hit login and it just spins forever?

Did you verify the e-mail ? (check spam) Let me know if that doesn't work.

Yes clicked on the link took me to lemmy.world but just says verify email in the middle of the page so not 100% positive it worked? name is otherpocket on this instance.

Desktop UI optimization would be nice. As it stands currently the site is using maybe 1/3 of my screen real estate and makes everything look super cramped/condensed.

I've clicked on the logout button several times and I'm still logged in.

Hmm. Which browser and OS do you use? I can log out..

I was using Firefox to on Pop!_OS.

I noticed that posting the comment above took a long time, nearly a full minute. So I figured the server was getting overwhelmed. I waited a bit, then I was successful logging out on my next attempt.

I tried to make a new test account after logging out. I wanted to see how that experience has improved with the newer release candidate on lemmy.world. But I'm not sure if the registration was successful. The submission button showed that processing animation for a while before I walked away to grab some lunch. I'm responding here from Firefox for Android.

I see the same logout behavior. Chrome on Windows 11. When I click the logout button, the page reloads but I'm still logged in until after several (maybe six or so?) attempts. Happened on three occasions, including today.

Incidentally (or not?), when I tried to create a family member's account in the same browser tab I'd logged out from, the circle spun and spun but didn't complete and we didn't receive an email. That was two days ago, and I still can't access the new account with the password. Nothing happens when I enter the email address and click forgot-password, though I can see that the account has a user page with the corresponding cake date and time.

@ruud@lemmy.world maybe you can help with the above

Anyone else having issues with login on mobile devices? I can't login at all, but I can normally enter on desktop. Tried in Brave and in Chrome, it doesn't work–after pressing button it keeps loading forever.

EDIT: turns out I kept entering the wrong password entire time. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Running fine for me on mobile chrome right now. Which I know doesn't really help you but it's a data point at least

Did you assign e-mail address to your account? Are you using it for login or the username?

On Jerboa app on Android, the feed/dashboard/frontpage has tiny font size, and when opening a post, the font size is huge. Changing the font size in settings affects both at the same time.

I downloaded the app after making an account online and I keep getting "incorrect login", what am I missing?

Could the Upvoted/Downvoted/Hidden tabs be added to profiles? Would really be useful when searching something you've already seen.

This sort of thing should be requested on Lemmy's repository. Not sure if this is lemmy or lemmy-ui.

Can we have more sort options? Like, "Top - Hour" ?

I used to browse reddits all/rising. I find engaging a post early on is the best way to participate in an active discussion. New/Top Today just aren't returning the right posts.

(Couldn't find this suggestion anywhere else in this thread)

0.18.0 adds that option as well as top 6 and top 12 hours.

You can check out how it functions on lemmy.ml since they're on 0.18.

A couple of things:

None of my posts are showing up in my profile

I just created two new posts. They haven't show up in the community I posted to.

I do see 2 posts, in the College community (and your profile)

Glad to hear it. For some reason, they aren’t showing up on my end though.

I've very curious if Lemmy could scale to sizes similar to Reddit. Would that require creating multiple instances? Is there a max active users that an instance could handle? Is there a way to load balance between servers?

I suspect this hasn't been done since Lemmy just recently exploded in popularity.

There are no "limits" provided by the Lemmy devs. This is new territory for them as well. Lemmy is getting more popular and they never had this many users on an instance.

And no, currently load balancing is not an option. This because Lemmy is built out of different pieces and they don't all scale well. So when you deploy a lemmy instance it's one backend, one ui, one pctrs and one database.

I'm sure they are working on that too. At least I hope so!

I have only signed up today, so this may be something I'm doing on my end. But on the home screen, if I sort by "All", as opposed to "subscribed" or "local", after about a minute posts start streaming down the page at a very quick pace. It looks like when people comment on discord. I have tested this on both my phone and pc, and they both do it in my browser (firefox each time). Unfortunatley I cannot screenshot it, since that would just be a static image, and I don't know how to record my screen.

@ruud I posted an image to c/weed, and after a few minutes, I changed the URL of the post to an edited version of the image. Now the post can't be seen anymore on my or the communities page, even though the community's stats show that there theoretically should be a post. I messaged the mod, they said they think it's an error or bug, so it shouldn't have been them deleting the post.

Do you have any idea what happened here? Is there some kind of content filtering going on to keep it family friendly? Or is something broken?

Is it this post? Seems ok

That's the one. I wonder why I don't see it then... I have NSFW posts enabled and everything.

Could be a language setting. Edit your profile and select all languages, see if that helps?

Right, I forgot about that feature. I have "Undetermined" as my language, but I also remember that I could set the language of the post. Maybe I accidentally set something there

edit: tried a few different things but I don't think it's the language. I set the language of the post to english, and my own language to english, and it wouldn't show up. I'd also like to note it wasn't possible for me to select all languages. well, I could select them, but all of them were deselected after pressing the save button.

edit 2: actually, it looks like I can select and save several languages, but only if I don't use ctrl+A to select them all. Also, it seems I can't actually save the changed language of the post

edit 3: it seems to me that I can save every language but one. If I try to save all languages, all get unselected, but it works if it is all languages minus one. And I still can't see the post properly in the community...

Ah I see you deleted it. I can not see any real issue with the post.

I deleted the post? That must have happened on accident, but that explains everything lmao

edit: ah, a little trashcan icon. I should have noticed that sooner... thanks.

edit: that was not it either.. super weird.

#1 - Ctrl+Enter or Cmd+Enter to post comments or threads. #2 - Create the equivalent of Reddit's Front Page.