Tulsa mom pleads guilty to allowing 12-year-old daughter to get pregnant by grown man

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Tulsa mom pleads guilty to allowing 12-year-old daughter to get pregnant by grown man

It was one of the most bizarre sex crimes in recent Tulsa history. Now it's over, and both adults involved are headed to prison.

The 12-year-old girl showed up a Hillcrest Hospital in midtown Tulsa in July 2021 in labor.

The father-to-be apparently expected to walk out with the girl and their new bundle of joy.

"They walked in just like any other couple would, excited to deliver their newborn child," Tulsa Police Officer Danny Bean told FOX23 News in 2021.

When the child, well below the age of consent, showed up to give birth, doctors immediately called Tulsa Police to report what was happening.


No one would have been in trouble if they were married. In Oklahoma, there are no age restrictions for marriage. An adult can marry a toddler if they want. Child marriage is a long-standing conservative tradition, unfortunately.

No one would have been in trouble if they were married

Would being married actually nullify age of consent laws though?

Genuinely asking.

Yes they do and to a cheryy on top. It does not grant the child the right to sign othet contracts. So they have to get permission to hire a divorce lawyer. American law, American order at it's finest

Just an FYI, minors CAN enter into contracts. It is true infancy imparts a lack of capacity. However, minors can still enter contracts. They are voidable at the election of the minor party until a reasonable time after reaching the age of maturity unless the contract is for necessities, then it is not voidable.

Wtf I did not know it went to new levels of horribleness

Most consent laws used to be written so that marriage would be an exception. Whether Oklahomas have or not is a toss up, but given that they didn’t add a lower limit on marriage age, I’d guess they haven’t updated many of those laws in a while.

Yes. If they were married, the sex would be legal.

That's seriously fucked up. Even for the US.

I grew up in the south surrounded by conservatives. They absolutely don't see the problem with it. Conservatives see all straight same-race weddings as "traditional marriage" which is "sanctified by god", which transcends age and man's law.

An adult can marry a toddler if they want.

No way that’s true. How is this the top comment?

Even if hyperbole, come on. Even famously backwards Oklahoma isn’t that bad. Jesus.

I felt like this couldn’t possibly be true. I was wrong.

You must not know many American conservatives. Child marriage is a big thing for them.

How do you have an entire fucking family show up for a baby shower and not one god damn person says a thing? How do these people show up at a hospital with a pregnant 12 year old thinking this was going to have a happy ending?

That's some George Costanza shit right there. "Was I not supposed to impregnate 12 year olds? Because I had no idea. I mean if someone had told me that was frowned on around here, I never would've done it."

The rapist was at the hospital for delivery and proudly told everyone he was the dad, even the police that the hospital called...

Cops said even after he was in the cop car he didn't understand why he was being arrested.

generational dysfunction. this type of thing is normal for them. i bet this kind of thing has happened in their family before.

Please do not compare funny man George to this piece of human garbage.

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RAPE! She helped him RAPE!


A 12 year old did not "get pregnant by grown man." She was FUCKING RAPED!

Holy shit, it implies the issue here was the getting pregnant. There's a little something that occurred before that and it was called RAPE!

I would also point out the human trafficking by pimping out your own child. Really need some sort of extra charge for that one, something about abusing a position of power.

There actually is in a lot of states. There is a specific charge for, "sexual abuse on a child from a position of trust", that is specifically used for parental guardians. The charge is treated as a higher class than just sexual abuse on a child by itself, and I think the minimum is around 10 years for it. It should probably be higher considering people go to prison longer for drug charges, but at least its something.

I learned this from watching too many true crime documentaries.

Yes, that was what I was eluding too as well. Most nations have some form of tack on sentence for abuse of a trusted position.

I'm not sure whether the rape or the non-consentual pregnancy and forced birth is worse...

Then there's the fate of the child born to the kind of monster that would pay to do this...

I read this article about an underage marriage, and while it explains how they get to that point in a more specific way, these are still men who rape children incapable of consent. No matter how you slice it, it's rape.

After reading the title, I did not expect this to get even more fucked up

Miranda-Jara was initially in a relationship with the girl's mother but when things soured between the two, mom allowed Miranda-Jara to move on to her then-12-year-old daughter. Eventually, they would begin living together as a couple

The last sentence is a punch in the gut.

"The girl's father was in prison for a separate sex crime and has no involvement in his daughter's life, Tulsa Police told FOX23 News at the time of the incident."

This is obviously disturbing and disgusting. But, are we not going to talk about those eyebrows?

Holy shit those are eyebrows.

I thought a crow was flying between me and my monitor.

The weird thing is they resemble his eyebrows

When I first saw the photo of the rapist I thought he was wearing a MAGA hat. I guess he might as well be.

I think we can talk about both. Why do they look like punctuation marks somehow?

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Give her the book for what she did to her child

And add time for those eyebrows

How is this going to work out legally for the girl and her baby? The girl isn’t even old enough to have her own bank account. Is she old enough to make parental decisions for her baby? Will the state take the baby away from her?

As terrible as it is, I wonder if that might be for the best.

The State will take the baby. I guess there are no good outcomes here. I expect both children are currently in care.

Yeah, a “good” outcome is unrealistic. I think the best we can hope for is the “least terrible” outcome.

The good outcome would have been someone shooting the mother and the rapist before they traumatized the poor kid.

I feel terrible for agreeing with this, but it's true. This poor little girl literally would have been less traumatized if someone just killed her parents.

The girl's father was in prison for a separate sex crime and has no involvement in his daughter's life, Tulsa Police told FOX23 News at the time of the incident.

so i guess that explains why she was comfortable with allowing an adult to rape her daughter. these are the kind of men she dates.

Looks like they grabbed a shapie, and not a normal sized one but one of the gigantic oversized sharpies, a protractor, and a geometry book.

This is quite messed up. I understand the decision to charge her.

Where are the people defending the drunk girl that shoved the elderly woman and killed her yesterday? Crimes need punishment.

Everyone in this case is just stupid, and stupid people aren't a threat to society, and putting these people in prison hurts the already-traumatized girl even further. She should be removed from the home and both adults should be liable for child support while also under a no-contact order until the child is 18 and can decide to continue it or not.

This probably doesn't need to be said but Oklahoma is a shitty hellscape.

Sure, let's just ignore all the rape because the defendants are stupid.

As you can see by reading my post, I did not ignore the sexual assault.

However, no one gains from these people being imprisoned and people who want others "punished" should not be in the room when adult decisions are being made.

A vengeance-based prison system is immoral to the point of being evil, and a sign of barbarism in the person advocating for it.

You totally ignored the sexual assault. You said it’s just “stupidity.” Raping an 11-year old girl is a lot more than stupidity. They all need to go to prison.

My comment is pretty short and this should not be difficult to parse. I never forgot nor justified the sexual assault.

My other point is that your personal feelings here

A) are objectively wrong

B) are evil

Once again for the folks in the back...

A vengeance-based prison system is immoral to the point of being evil, and a sign of barbarism in the person advocating for it.

Without rehabilitation and lower recidivism it only makes things worse not better for society. More and better rehabilitation programs are needed. And we need to do a far, far better job of addressing poverty and child abuse.

Also, privatized prisons stand in the way of achieving the greater good here. Sort of like privatized healthcare and health insurance.

In this case we do gain, because less stupid people will otherwise go scotts free with playing stupid.

The law must consider intent to a certain degree, but it cannot be bent all the way if someone is considered too stupid to think about his own behaviour as problematic.

If we're putting stupid people in prison for being stupid, were going to need a LOT more prisons.

I'm all for abolishing the vengeance-based system we have, but deterrence is a thing. So is keeping dangerous people away from potential victims. Obviously it only works to a point, and some people won't be deterred no matter what, so unreasonably harsh penalties don't help, but if people are allowed to rape children right out in the open with no consequences, more people are definitely gonna do it, because wanting to rape children is such a common thing there's a whole political party that wants to make it legal (and has succeeded in many cases).

Hey thanks for at least not assuming I'm a pedophile because I have issues with the criminal justice system

I'm sure there's a middle ground here wed find mutually acceptable

We imprison rapists to ensure they do not harm others.

Honestly 95+% of rapists go free, so I lean toward restorative justice models, too, personally. Gotta destigmatize offenders getting help while taking accountability and helping victims. I say this as a victim of rape btw, and sexual assault, and harassment and distribution of sexual material without my consent. Prisons aren't a viable solution.

Violent rapists are indeed some of the few people I do support prison (with heavy reforms) for. They tend to have crazy high recidivism rates and need rehabilitation before release.

People have a right to defend themselves. If society refuses to protect us by locking up criminals then you better loosen self defence laws A LOT and prepare for violence.

Nah. You can just stop being afraid all the time

"Hey 11 year old girl, just stop being afraid of being constantly raped by a grown man, it'll fix everything."

I'm clearly talking about you, and not her

No you're not since I'm not the same guy you were replying to. You have some SERIOUS deeply set mental issues that require serious time in therapy, I hope you get the help you so desperately need.

Lmao no I really don't. Lots of people on Lemmy do seem to, though.

Looking over your post history, you just don't seem very intelligent, so I forgive you for the now two asinine comments you've left me.

Edit: spoke too soon. Hope you get the help you need, and unlike you, I do mean that genuinely.

Bro I’m barely hanging on. I can’t pay my bills anymore, I can barely afford to eat, I have zero energy and I’m depressed constantly

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and it hurts everyone you love. You'll get through this.

Jesus fucking Christ. You really think you're clever here don't you? Do you really not take a step back and question yourself when everyone is telling you you're wrong and actively downvoting everything you blurt out of your sick head? The fact you think pulling that comment up is a gotcha' moment is incredibly telling of how sick you are. GET HELP. JFC you're actually crazier than the hexbear psychos.

I don't think it's a gotcha moment. It's a moment where I developed a lot of empathy for you, as it explains why some of your comments (and this one) have been so unhinged

I genuinely and sincerely hope you get help. I used to be suicidal and the feeling is horrific.

Not everyone is out to pull gotchas and shit on you. I think you're a being a bit of a dick, but I don't hate you. Depressed people often lash out and I get that.

Everyone telling me I'm wrong is just dumb - why would I care about their opinions?

You're either a pedophile or a pedophile sympathizer, I do not want any of your empathy.

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Fucking WILD comment you have made here my man. Maybe just turn yourself in to the police or a psych ward?

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