Can anyone confirm?

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy – 589 points –

As a German I can confirm Towels dipped in mayonnaise. Those tiny towels for just washing your hands are the best!

Do you ever use other condiments, or is the mayonnaise central to the dish?

In the southwest they sometimes use vinegar and herbs and in Hesse (central DE) they have Grie Soß (which no-one understands). Sadly those differences are fading due to TV propaganda.

Mein Gott, jetzt habe ich Hunger auf enorme Badehandtücher mit Mayonnaise. Vielen Dank auch.

Und zum Mittag gibt es die alten Badehandtücher mit welchen wir unsere Liegen reservieren.

It's an aquired taste.

Also it doesn't have to be from enemies.

Some prefer grovbrød with brunost.

I can taste when they serve me friendly bonedust. It's like eating farse anywhere else than Jæren.

El Niño has destroyed most of the Ford Focus reserve, leaving the Peruvian people to subsist on Chevrolet Aveo and Fiat Punto.

I was told americans parents usually put a few bullets under their kid's eggs, so that they get use to it.

As a German I can say it's quite accurate, though I'd expect most Germans to prefer Remoulade over Mayonnaise.

Canada..Maple syrup over a plate of SORRY!

French Canadian here, according to the rest of Canada I have cigarettes and baguettes for breakfast but I can't confirm since I'm always drunk, high and intolerant.

They obviously don’t know about your incredibly good sense of humour. :-D

I'd expect the crushed up bones of their enemies to be more of a Finnish thing. Which is also why I'm glad they're on our side.

This is not accurate at all. Germans don't need breakfast. And now get back to work!

American here. Can confirm that Germans have towels dipped in mayonnaise for breakfast

I suspect brazilian breakfast would be a spoonful of "lost ammo" (balas perdidas)

I thought mercians just ate bucketloads of hamburger meat

So I mean it's not just for dinner

Makes sense mac and cheese is British tho so it'll have to be deep fried and left in the sun to rot then smothered with soul food spices I call it the triple me to the toilet deluxe

Mac and Cheese is literally a bog-standard gratin with Mornay sauce. If the British claim is to have downgraded it by replacing all the veggies with straight carbs then I guess yeah we'll have you let that one.

Wth is gratin. Edit gratin is a cooking technique looking into it not a food item

Mac and cheeses origins ordinate back to the 14 hundreds as a meal most commonly found in the uk and Italy

The modern recipe for the mac and cheese we all love and enjoy nowadays was invented in uk in 1716 invented by a housekeeper and published in her book The Experienced English Housekeeper.

we all love and enjoy nowadays

No. Well maybe in the Anglosphere. In Germany you're more likely to see Gratin de chou-fleur, that is, broadly speaking, replace all the macaroni with cauliflower, than Mac&Cheese. If you're being lazy just use a package of frozen veggies, those cauliflower-carrot-pea-butter-spices boxes. Add a potato or two if you want carbs. If you want cheesy comfort pasta there's either proper Carbonara, or a cream and cheese sauce, more or less exactly South Tyrol style.


Sometimes we eat giant steaks instead.

Or sometimes we grind up perfectly good premium steaks into hamburger. Why? Because chewing is for chumps.

Nonsense. I don't eat beans for breakfast!

Britian should be beans on toast.

Look at Mr/Ms Moneybags here, able to afford toast AND beans. With the current inflation, most of us are just eating sadness for breakfast.

The lack of toast is the sadness

That's tea FFS, who has that kind of money to spend on breakfast. It's reconstituted pork sausages and blood pudding for breakfast.

In Norway it's important to have black medium roast filter coffee with every meal including breakfast. Otherwise accurate.

Made by: clueless Americans

Just because it doesn't mention that the paint they eat in Japan comes from a vending machine? It's a pretty minor thing to skip over. One could argue it was implied!

Question is, where do Japanese vending machines come from?

They are creations of Japanese nature. Like birds of animals.

I see what you're saying, but I raise you this, it it was meant as a joke, why is the American one the only normal one? Oh that's right, lack of self-awareness.

Oh come on that was the most obvious part of the joke:

Triggering people like you who are angry that so much of the Internet is American.

Who's lacking self-awareness now?

Could've made it any number of silly, funny things. But no, you had to go for the "joke" that is.. checks notes.. "triggering people like you".

Cool joke bud.

Lemmy Shitpost is the most serious part of Lemmy.

Look it doesn't have to be serious, but at least make fun of everyone equally instead of putting yourself on a pedestal like you always do.

You could have stopped at the word 'serious.'

It's not difficult to be fair.

Sorry, I forgot that shitposting was all about being fair. The 'shit' part means 'fair' in Swahili.

Oh my bad, I guess shitposting is about being xenophobic. That's what all words mean in American.

Why are you singling out Americans? Are you xenophobic?

You did that to yourselves with this post lmao. Also funny how you're the portrait of the American lack of self awareness I previously mentioned.

I see, so anyone mocking Americans is good, but mocking anyone who isn't American by an American is bad. Interesting double-standard.

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