Comment any opinion and I will disagree with it, no matter what. to Lemmy – 93 points –

You disagree with this comment.

You can't know what I think. That disproves your statement.

But you said you would disagree with any comment. Therefore, I knew you would disagree with my previous comment.

Hitler did the wrong thing.

Only when we talk about his art and charisma. Otherwise, if it wasn't for him, not everyone would be familiar with the term genocide.

I think you missed the Hitler killed Hitler argument here.

I don't like to repeat myself. Not the first time I do post like this.

If you had elementary aged children, you'd definitely not have sex with them.

I think we will never know. On hypothetical questions, there are a lot of conditions needed, context too. I'd say I'd never, but can't really ever be sure. Everything is potentially true and false, at the same time. 10/10 opinion that really made me think.

I think black people are people, and friendly as well.

Black people, white people. If I see the current state of the world, even with being full of hope, I can't see anyone as example of people. We are being that the world would like to see as not "beings anymore".

Very nicely done. Although you would probably disagree.

TOTK is one of the best games this year.

You mean the game released on 2017? That one that is totally a DLC? Pffff, it is not even good. Also, thank you for going through my comment history.

Inb4 OP edits the title to โ€œpost your best hot take hereโ€, deletes all their comments, and starts screenshotting.

I wouldn't do that, it would be hilarious. Also, does your username ever work?

Youโ€™re ugly and your mother dresses you funny

She tells me everyday that I'm beautiful and that my style is reflective of my personality. Which is none, if you know that I mean.

There is no single opinion for which everyone will universally agree on, so I respectfully disagree.

So I respectfully disagree with you too. As we don't know everything about the universe, more and more opinions could be formed and there's a realm of possibility where we as a group can form an opinion so widely and universally accepted, that is treated as fact, when in fact, it remains an opinion.

This has already happened.

You donโ€™t love me.

The Bush presidency didn't have much to do with clams.

That's what they want you to believe. Everything was about the clams.

Yes, even the repercussions of 9/11.

You make lemmy users happy

My wife is in here and I'm not even close to make her happy. You think I'd have more luck with other people?

We should not resurrect Hitler.

Consider how funny it would be to dig him up just so we could kill him again.

It'd also be a great test to see if we could reanimate people at all with virtually no stakes if the procedure goes wrong

I'm not going to answer because I really like yours.

A cold glass of water is refreshing on a hot day.

So you feel the temperature difference even more? Drink hot water to feel everything cold and refreshing after that. The hotter the better.

cars do not have human feelings

For a three dimensional being, you lack depth. Cars can be imprinted by the feelings of the owners, and to be accurate, all matter.

That's why ghosts exist.

Furbys are cute

Furbys? My niece has had nightmares about furbys, I have woken up by furbys. I hate furbys.

I collect them. They're quite agreeable little creatures if you understand how to navigate their social hierarchys.

Your body is a mech made out of meat that is piloted by your brain.

Mech would mean it is artificially made on origin, I think the simple concept of evolution would disagree.

I'll never interact with enough people outside the internet to get a girlfriend.

Elon Musk is a delusional man-child with a very fragile ego.

You just don't get him. He comes from the future and he is doing to makes us reflect on the best of us.

I think I've done an adequate job of inserting bugles into every comment I've made here so far. I await your retort, bugles in hand.

A pretty less than average job you have done. I mean, anyone can add any noun somewhere. You have also had some sloppy comments. Improve your game.

You are lovely.

Me and my father would say that I just suck. At least a sack of sick serves as compost.

I think it would be great to have the same level of control of our anus that we have of our mouth. I wanna whistle my farts.

The most random and thought inducing thing I've read all week. The only thing that would thrive is the porn industry and anal sex. But I see this as a biohazard.

People of different races are essentially all the same race - human beings.

I honestly have an opinion on this.

It does not matter. Classifications just encapsulate our growth. I write code and I love science, so I understand that in order to analyse and teach better we need to classify things into groups, but there is a limit in the usability, because as deeper we analyse humanity we always fall into the one thing it equal to all, we are all different. Some might call it race, I call it background, and that is just one of the dimensions. We can't even precisely define human. So why try? Instead of classify, instead of analyze, can we just appreciate individuals as they are and then try to learn from that? Wouldn't that make us better?

Cats are great pets and companions.

Only if you want to die alone. I'd rather have a microwave as a pet, I won't get on my way and it will serve a purpose. The tier goes, S: Dogs A: Snakes B: Turtles C: Ferrets D: Fish F: Cats and Birds.

Elon musk is one of the most intelligent people on earth and will make the world a better place to live in

Not even close to be the most. The most intelligent is Cynthia (redacted) from Italy. Musk is just on the place 4.683.858.385 worldwide.

You will disagree with this comment.