Margot Robbie Is Taking a Break From Acting After Barbie in Case People Are Sick of Her to Not The – 373 points –
Margot Robbie Is Taking a Break From Acting After Barbie in Case People Are 'Sick' of Her - IGN

The press junket for Barbie seemed pretty nonstop for months.

Perhaps Ms Robbie is sick of us, too.

To tell you the truth, no Barbie shilling or character actress or any of my other running gags here.

Yeah, especially after the last weeks. I'm sorry.

She's too busy shitposting on Lemmy, obviously.

I'm out of the loop here

There’s a user by the name of MargotRobbie.

Who cosplays as Margot Robbie too. It's not just a name (for more context)

That's esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you!

It's almost like pretending to be a character is what I do for a living or something.

Might have been nominated for a few awards for it too.

I mean that's not a bad idea. There are movies l started avoiding cause I was sick of the actors in them being in everything. Got so sick of anything with Jennifer Lawrence or Bradley Cooper

If you want to avoid me, Lemmy is like the last place you would want to be...

I'm like, everywhere here.

Before Barbie came out, I thought your profile was a marketing/PR team promoting the movie. I'm kinda convinced now that this may just be your account. Celebrities are regular people too and frankly, I only know your characters, not you as a person or how you care to spend your time. But we're all just people being humans.

I go to my little local movie theater all the time. Three times just this week. My wife and I LOVE the cinematic experience!

I just want to tell you, I REALLY enjoyed Babylon! It felt like an epic tale of the rise and fall of "empires", whether referring to eras of film making, industry magnates, prolific celebrities of the time, all changing/growing and then devolving through debauchery to depravity and finally, collapse (I imagine the point of the title.) All the characters intertwined through separate, steep trajectories. Reminded me of Casino. I don't read many reviews or critics; I'm not really sure how it was "officially" received, but from an avid movie-goer in a tiny little mountain town in the US, I thoroughly enjoyed your performance!

It's gotten to the point where I kind of hope it's not the real Margot Robbie. I want to stand in awe of somebody out there who's this committed to the joke.

I somehow doubt the real Margot is an avid Android tech enthusiast

I honestly did it because it's funny when the opportunity presented itself, if you know the backstory behind that.

have you ever seen margot robbie and linus torvalds in the same room together?

I for one am not sick of Margot Robbie, she seems to only get better at acting and she seems to be good to her fans. Also you really don't hear scandals and bullshit out of her like so many celebrities

I understand why you're taking a break from acting. Lemmy can be quite time-consuming.

Been enjoying your comments here. Hopefully the hiatus isn't too long.

Love your ass. Keep rocking baby 😍

The downvotes are because people think you're talking about her literal ass....

If you're not, you might want to rethink the wording here

If you are ... Well then may God have mercy on your soul.

I prefer to believe you meant it in the "I want to tell my best friend I love them without making it weird" kind of thing

Well my night is ruined

So does she need a middle aged man to make margaritas and gossip by the pool with her?

Well good on Margot for taking some time off to focus on other things. Still being in the industry but avoiding the spotlight sounds like a good way to remain grounded.

Is she keeps putting in performance like wolf of wallstreet I'm sure we won't get sick of her.

I mean when you've been played with by millions of girls for decades, you'd worry people were sick of you too.

Kudos for her for still looking young despite being a teenager since 1959.

I've got to say, I enjoyed Barbie more than I expected to. Maybe because I was jetlagged out of my brain on a 13-hour flight when I watched it, but I was probably disturbing my neighbors the amount I was giggling and trying not to burst out laughing. They did a great job of touching on serious issues in an informative and entertaining manner without being preachy or annoying, too. Fantastic movie!

"How can you do this to us Margie ? We've already written Barbie 3 !" - Warner exec

Also because she's sick of the people I bet. I wouldn't blame her. We can be a bunch of fuckers as a species.

Plus, I bet she made enough from that movie to basically disappear for a year or two.

Wouldn't you? The world is full of people who, if given a couple of mill, would fuck off indefinitely from the exploitative dumpsterfire that is "society".

I know I would.

I know I didn't watch it or have any interest to do so. But... Were the assumptions I have about it true? In that just like the woke craze a few years back, its message backfired by essentially smacking the pendulum from where ever it was between masculism and feminism, to the extreme edge of feminism. This, to the point it becomes toxic, and making it what it seems now, the butt of a joke?

I also understand the primary purpose of the movie was likely for repopularizing the line of toys. It still had some form of message.

ETA: this was an honest question and in no way was implying any disrespect to women, the feminism movement, or the woke culture. I've just seen a bit of criticism and countless jokes that make fun of the film, that it becomes nearly impossible to to discern the truth.

Also with Mattel being the primary funding, I assumed that greed took over and they diverged from the original purpose of the product line and just created what seemed like a polarizing story on the outside to help sell.

Could you define woke?

Acceptance and popularizing of previously stigmatized groups of people and cultures who underwent many social injustices, such as people of a different race, neurodivergants, or LGBTQ to name a few.

A few years ago media really started to shoehorn the culture into script writing to the point a show or movie, rather than just telling a story, made it a platform for culture. While I appreciated that these groups were gaining acceptance, I felt it could too much too soon, and the more closed-minded people would just close off even more.

A few years ago media really started to shoehorn the culture into script writing to the point a show or movie,

lol what? I need you to cite some examples bud.

To refute your premise - filmmaking has always about injecting messages into motion pictures. Remember when "It's a wonderful life" was investigated by the FBI for being 'anticapitalist'? Silkwood and Erin Brockovich were all about holding the powerful to account bud. It's part of cinema to use the medium to hold the powerful accountable, to illustrate the fucked up things our society is doing. This isn't new.

Sounds like we shouldn't cater to closed-minded people then. You can't change people that don't want to change, and if they want to be wrong, that's on them.

Barbie is a decent movie with the message that women are people and to treat them like people and not play things. I wouldn't even call that your definition of woke. Now, if the movie started calling for women's hygiene products to be free and had Barbie stealing that shit from Walmart and Target and doling it out to the poor, we can start talking.

The messages got from it are:

"the patriarchy" is not a good thing, but even the idealized "the matriarchy" has problems too, and whatever we have going on right now isn't really working

a man's value is inherent to himself, it doesn't come from a job or a relationship. (I suppose this applies to women too, but it was Ken who had to learn this lesson).

Men need to support each other more rather than compete with each other

Societal expectations for women are impossible to attain

Unfortunately the movie for me was ruined in the end when they decided to make Barbieland a matriarchy once again.

After both systems failed it would have made sense for them to work and rule together. The sad part is that the movie seemed to work towards that outcome until the very end.

You should give it a spin. I was nothing like I imagined, and I had few preconceptions. Wife and I went, her first American movie theater experience!

As a man, I felt Ken. I got where the guys were coming from. Sometimes I wanted to cheer, "Fuck yeah that's what it's like being a man!"

My wife teared up during America Ferrara's famous rant. Hell, I felt that. I won't link it. You gotta see it in context, but it works on it's own.

It's goofy as fuck, in case I'm making it sound overly dramatic. But it sure puts a screwdriver into American sexual roles and twists.

Anyway, it was better than it had any right to be. I did not expect what I saw and came away with.

I've been sort of interested in seeing it. I was very interested in Oppenheimer when it first came out (since I'm a science nerd), but after seeing some clips from it, I decided I hated it and lost interest in watching the whole movie. Barbie has a good chance of being better/

Oh, well if you saw some clips and decided you hated those...

If you want to watch it then watch it. It's not some groundbreaking movie experience like everyone says it is. It's just a movie for kids and adults about Barbie of all things. It's better than people thought it would be, but it's not like it should've swept the Oscars or anything, and people know that.

They said they saw clips of Oppenheimer and then decided not to see that movie, and that Barbie has a good chance of being better.

Your assumptions aren't true at all. It looks like it's heading that way part-way through the film, when Barbie and Ken are at odds with each other. And then it goes ahead and empowers all the men as well. It's certainly critical of toxic masculinity but I think it's empowering for both men and women overall. Obviously your Ben Shapiro types were offended by it because it's not trying to appeal to incels, and it is woke, but not in a bad, inauthentic way.

I don't think it's really supposed to re-popularise the line of toys either. Sure, people who liked the toys when they were young will probably find details they appreciate, but it's not meant to sell the toys. It's not aimed at the demographic (young girls, typically) who would want to buy dolls. It's not an R-rated film, of course, but I'd say anyone under 12 probably isn't going to get much out of it, and it's probably much more enjoyable for adults overall. It's pretty philosophical and thoughtful, and has quite a lot of metaphors and symbolism that would be lost on younger viewers.

Rather than aiming to sell toys, the film is the product; it's a way to make money with the Barbie brand from audiences outside of the toy-buying demographic. And it achieved that (by being a good film).

Awfully fully formed question-but-really-I-wasn't-interested-anway you got there.

It was more an honest question with an attempt to explain the reasoning behind the preconception and implying an expectation of answers supporting what I've heard.

My OCD tends to bleed over into my writing style. I've just had to grow to accept it.

Hrm, so taking your post serious for a second, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

Including the toy thing, the whole movie basically dunks modern Mattel every time it can, continuously, and only praises the original inventor of Barbie and her ideals for the toy. But specifically not what the modern C-suites made of it.

The movie is also extensively about learning to survive to insane and unachievable expectancies modern society has for women, and at the same time about men learning to define their self-worth from within instead of via competition and rivalry.

It's... damn smart, honestly. Far more so than the movie has any right to be. Left me utterly impressed.

(Oh and "woke" is just the past form of waking, you're using it wrong)

This movie captures the female experience better than any movie I've ever seen. The nuance was amazing. And for those who didn't get the nuance, there is a big speech at the end to bring you up to speed. Plus you get to look at Margo Robbie for 2 hours (if you are into that sort of thing). I recommend checking it out.

Given the responses from multiple people, I'll add it to my list. I just didn't know it story was more thoughtful than I've heard.

It is also very silly and fun. My husband liked it quite a bit. I hope you do too!

Your assumption could not be more wrong. The movie empowers men and women and is very entertaining at the same time. You should try watching it.

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