The Perfect Solution to Programmer – 676 points –

"Is this number even?"

"yes of no"

"Invalid Response, please answer with yes of no"

"yes of no"

"Invalid Response,...

Dutch programmer, 'of' is dutch for 'or'.

I wonder if OpenAI is smart enough for that

I would imagine it is. I have tried all sort of typos and it has never misunderstiood me because of that

I dunno, I once combined two languages in the context and it started to give me a bunch of python code. Was scary.

Processors might no longer get twice as fast every few years, but now we can use the power of servers to write software that runs even slower.

We can add caching so numbers that have been checked once can be quickly looked up from an inMemory database.

Rofl. I just imagine OP furiously updating LinkedIn with "AI Programmer".

Probably not a good idea to show your API key to everyone..

What do you mean? I just see asterisks.

Same here. I’m pasting my password here and it will encrypt it so no one can see it other than me: *******

Yeah encrypt it or at least put on a nsfw tag or something. Gosh. People flaunt their privates like it's Onlyfans.

Or at least use an environment variable, it's not a good practice to have it written in plaintext in your code.

Inefficient solution.

You should simplify it to just ask the model if the last bit of the binary representation of the integer is a 1 or a 0.

They don't process inputs as binary (they use clusters of symbols, i.e. letter groups) so that's not guaranteed to work

You can ask it if the last digit is odd or even, then.


I did realize that too was a joke, still wanted to point that out

Well, in the sake of pointing things out, GPT-4 can actually correctly answer the prompt, because it arrives at it in the opposite direction. It can tell the integer is even or odd and knows that even or odd integers in binary end in 0 or 1 respectively.

Have to say, this is not the most convoluted way of testing a simple thing I've seen in my years, not by a long shot.

oh Jesus

did this come full circle?

we used python to query chatgpt to decide if a number is even or odd and return true or false?

True or false or null.

Mathematicians didn't know it yet, but numbers can now be even, odd or neither.

Non integers certainly aren't even or odd, so yes?

Yeah, I'm chalking that up to Python's untypedness. I was going to write "integers", but technically that function takes a "num", whatever that is.

For all we know, it could be a string, asking ChatGPT to hack the government. Is that even? Probably no. Or None. Or T-Rex. Without reading the entire function, we don't know that it's not returning T-Rex.

Thankfully, it doesn't matter. Just stick the result into an if-else, then False and None will land you in the else-branch. And both True and our Truthiness-Rex will land you in the if-branch. Just as Guido intended.

...this rant brought to you by trauma.

Key seems valid. I'll check all the integers for you to see how accurate it is.

While you're at it, also test

  • one
  • three fifty
  • 69 nice
  • 6.9
  • 4,20
  • null (it's German for zero)
  • pie (and pi)
  • cake
  • fruits
  • One million three hundred (wonder if it gets confused by "one" and "three")

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if it failed once every few 100s of thousands. Make sure to test all real integers

Don't use OpenAI's outdated tools. Also, don't rely on prompt engineering to force the output to conform. Instead, use a local LLM and something like jsonformer or parserllm which can provably output well-formed/parseable text.

Agree this is better but neither of them actually seem "provable" though?

I'll be informal to boost your intuition. You know how a parser can reject invalid inputs? Parsers can be generated from grammars, so we can think of the grammars themselves as rejecting invalid inputs too. When we use a grammar for generation, every generated output will be a valid input when parsed, because the grammar can't build any invalid sentences (by definition!)

For example, suppose we want to generate a JSON object. The grammar for JSON objects starts with an opening curly brace "{". This means that every parser which accepts JSON objects (and rejects everything else) must start by accepting "{". So, our generator must start by emitting a "{" as well. Since our language-modeling generators work over probability distributions, this can be accomplished by setting the probability of every token which doesn't start with "{" to zero.

TIL Python dictionaries allow trailing commas.


While there are not actually any trailing commas in the dictionaries present and you are correct to say the ones present are part of a list, you can also have trailing commas in Python dictionaries. OP might have researched “Python trailing commas” and learned that part.

Trailing commas are fantastic to reduce changed lines in git diffs. Makes life much better. Same thing with leading commas in SQL queries.

Python is so great (half-sarcasm) that a trailing comma on its own constitutes a tuple (immutable list):

mytuple = 4,
assert len(mytuple) == 1
assert mytuple[0] == 4

yes of no

Not even valid json but compiler doesn't complain

Not sure what you mean, there’s no json in this code, it’s all valid (if a little ugly) Python.

LOL I made something similar to identify the language of a text.

Quick! Make this a library, then encourage its widespread use. Nothing could go wrong. Who's that behind me? No, one. No. It's absolutely not node.js.

I don't get this one.

Also, don't use AI to write code. It's a trap! It's just going to steal your idea for the people who own the AI.