Chronology to Lemmy – 1123 points –

Same for cleopatra and the pyramids

Wait, why would a T-rex fight Cleopatra and the pyramids?

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They were ancient when she was ruling Egypt

Exactly, she would be better represented riding a monocycle than having anything to do with the pyramids.

Why? She would have clearly known about them.

I was thinking the same. People are probably mixing up the being alive during the construction of the pyramids with coexisting with them. Even us today coexist with the pyramids and could be accurately pictured around them.

Lincoln certainly knew of the pyramids, but is rarely depicted with them

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I don't know that most people can tell the difference between an Allosaurus and a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Haha yeah dinosaur go rawr

no they dont

Well, not anymore ...

never did, they just didnt have the organ that most panthers use to roar, or even anything similar.

most non-avian dinosaurs could only do deep and hissing sounds, similar to today's crocodiles. the exceptions to that being parasaurolophus and that one ankylosaurid that might have an organ similar to the one birds use to make sounds (though still not roaring)

Don't get me started on the general public's recognition of the Somosaurus.

I apologize, but is that spelled correctly? I am finding several variations of the spelling with wildly different creatures.

Simosaurus versus Siamosaurus versus Sonorasaurus

It is not real. I was riffing on allosaurus.

Shit. I am a bit shocked how many critters have names similar for a random riff. πŸ˜‚

Now I just wanna see the T-Rex fighting a stegosaurus while both are riding unicycles.

Thank god for AI

And yet I can't get the damn AI to get anything close to the scene in trying to get it to draw for me for my D&D campaign, being one that could conceivably exist in the real world.

Google's is especially hilarious. Even just the word "waterfall" and it complains that it would be against the terms of service.

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TIL that electric unicycles exist...

They are so much fun. On a related note I've broken my wrist twice since discovering that.

Over 10k miles here, not a scratch. My brother though, he's biffed it at 45mph. Got back up and kept riding. These things are awesome

Is the one on the photo missing some tooth?

It took him a few tries to get confident on the electric unicycle.

And his arms didn't protect him when he fell.

I mean technically a thesaurus could've fought both

That’s just ridiculous, goofy, supercilious, absurd, laughable, comical, ludicrous, chucklesome, and risible.

if you made a movie where George Washington defeated the British with tactical nukes while wearing a cowboy out it would still be more accurate than Braveheart

Same for cavemen fighting dinosaurs, since humans came along long after dinosaurs went extinct. Not that I don't love Ray Harryhausen's work.

So what's the verdict, are the electric unicycles cool? Have they broken the curse? They do look cool, and you better be wearing the full motorcycle getup if you know what's good for you, because they're fast as f too.

My microsoft dinosaur CD said otherwise!

But they broke my microsoft dinosaur CD and they bonked me on the head and broke all my pencils! I'm very hurt about this.

Dimetrodon is my favorite dinosaur.

Not a dinosaur


Is it a proto-dinosaur?

Tetrapod animals (those with four limbs) are all thought to be related.

This group includes two main divisions amniotes and non-amniotes. Amniotes produce young in eggs with four distinct layers (one of which is the Amnion) which makes them well-adapted for surviving on land. Frogs and Salamanders are examples of non-amniote tetrapods.

Amniotes are a large group which are divided into groups based on the number of openings in their skulls near the temples. The two surviving groups in today's animals are synapsid (one pair of openings) which includes all mammals. And diapsids (two openings) which includes all modern reptiles and birds.

The Mesazoic Era (the age of the Dinosaurs) was 250 million years ago (Ma) to 65 Ma.

Dimetrodon was a synapsid that lived about 295 Ma. So it's not really in the right evolutionary family to be a dinosaur, and it lived long before dinosaurs.

It superficially resembles a large lizard (but in reality it's a closer relative to mammals than any true dinosaur).

Thank you for that very informative comment good sir!