Now that ChatGPT is being trained using Reddit posts to – 345 points –

it will loose its ability to differentiate between there and their and its and it’s.




must of made a mistake their

your so dumb lmao

thank you kind stranger

Should of proof red it

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"must have" not "must of"

That bot gets downvoted so much by idiots. It's not pedantry but fucking 1st grade English. Amazing how many people take offense instead of fixing it and moving on.

I prefer the must of white grapes for wine making than the must of red grapes.

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And it will get LOSE and LOOSE mixed up like you did

it will UNLEASH its ability to differentiate between there and their and its and it’s.

I'm waiting for it to start using units of banana for all quantities of things

ChatGPT trained used Reddit posts -> ChatGPT goes temporarily “insane”

Coincidence? I don't think so.

This is exactly what I was thinking.

And maybe some more people did what i did. Not deleting my accounts but replacing all my posts with content created by a bullshit-generator. Made texts look normal, but everything was completely senseless.

Back in june-july, I used a screen tapping tool + boost to go through and change every comment i could edit with generic type fill, then waited something like 2 weeks in hopes that all of their servers would update to the new text, and then used the same app to delete each comment and post, and then the account itself. Its about all I could think to do.

I hope so. I generally liked that idea back then, but couldn’t do that to my historical collection of words. My words remain in the cloud, as they always will

ChatGPT 9 to be trained on R9K posts. Won't be able to distinguish fake free text from real.

On the contrary, it'll becomes excessively perfectionist about it. Can't even say "could have" without someone coming in and saying "THANK YOU FOR NOT SAYING OF"

It already was, the only difference is that now reddit is getting paid for it.

Its going to be a poop knife wielding guy with 2 broken arms out to get those jackdaws.

ChatGPT was already trained on Reddit data. Check this video to see how one reddit username caused bugs on it:

I'm not gonna watch, but I assume little Bobby Tables strikes again.

It's about the counting subreddit. It was used on the token generation database, but then removed on the training. This user posted so much on that subreddit that a token with its username was created, but then it had nothing associated with it in the training and the model dosen't know how to act when the token is present.

It will also reply "Yes." to questions "is it A or B?".

Perfectly acceptable answer

Not of it's neither A nor B ;)
Would you trust ChatGPT to know?

"What is a giraffe?"

ChatGPT: "geraffes are so dumb."

“I have not been trained to answer questions about stupid long horses.”

Sure it might have some effect, but a big part of ChatGPT besides "raw" training data is RLHF, reinforcement learning from human feedback. Realistically, the bigger problem is training on AI-generated content that might have correct spelling, but hardly makes sense.

I don't know what to think about this, because on one hand I don't like not beeing asked permission, but on the other hand I'm glad that my opinions will be somewhat reflected in chatgpt

I’m a bit annoyed by someone else profitting off my words, though. I freely gave them to the world I guess, and never objected to search engines using them, but my words were not “monetized”, even if they were later used to sell advertising. But it just doesn’t seem right for Reddit and others to be cashing in

It will be 'rediculous' when it confuses breaks for brakes.

It will also start responding to prompts with, "Just listen to yourself!" and "Imagine actually thinking XYZ..."

And it'll constantly and petulantly demand sources for everything you type into it.

Per the community rules, try to keep the complete shower thought in the title.

If you forget the rule, its their in the sidebar ;)

ah man you're fucking dead on

I spent cumulative hours of my time writing replies that just said "their" etc