Will we look back at today's "go green" initiatives as stupid and inadequate?

CaspianXI@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 114 points –

When I was in elementary school, the cafeteria switched to disposable plastic trays because the paper ones hurt trees. Stupid, I know... but are today's initiatives any better?


A lot of the initiatives are ineffective by design because the real goal is to give the consumers agency over the problem. Corporations have known that individual effort is a drop in the bucket but by framing the problem as not not a "corporate" problem but a "society" problem, they can keep not fixing it, for profit.

BP created the concept of a carbon footprint to make customers feel responsible for climate change. The reality is that consumer choices make no difference in the face of China building a dozen new giant coal power plants each year. This needs to be tackled diplomatically, and nations need to be willing to negotiate with much more force. China emits more than double the CO2 of the U.S. That’s just CO2. There’s PFAS, methane, plastics, and hundreds of others pollutants. They’re destroying whole oceans with their huge bottom-trawling fishing fleets. It’s time we get serious about tackling the major polluters first.

A corporate problem and a societal problem are two sides of the same coin. Corporations don't make money in isolation, they make money because they sell things that (directly or ultimately) are bought by consumers.

You could choose to imagine a scenario where the CEOs of Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, etc just voluntarily decide to stop extracting oil overnight, and think that would be more impactful than billions of individual consumers slashing their demand for carbon-intensive products and fuels. But if the consumers don't change their behaviour and continue to demand this stuff, other companies would just step in to fill the gap, takeover the old oil fields, etc.

The sustainable way to change corporate behaviour is through changing their end-consumers' behaviour - i.e. if end-consumers stop directly buying carbon-intensive products and stop buying from carbon-intensive companies.

Corps frame it as an individualist problem because they don't want regulation, which is really the only viable way to attack the problem (and regulations needs to be backed by treaties with teeth since it is a global problem).

You can't expect every consumer to research every product and service they buy to make sure these products were made with an acceptable footprint. And if low-footprint products/services are more expensive or somehow not quite as good, there will be a financial incentive to use higher footprint products (if individuals acted "rationally," this is what they would do).

Consumers are also voters. Corporations are not. Whether through the products we purchase at the shops or the politicians we elect at the ballot box, it will be the behaviour of individuals that creates the incentive set within which corporations profit-maximise.

Telling ourselves that this is a corporate problem and our individual behaviour doesn't matter is a comforting fairy tale but it will accomplish little.

Corporations are financial supporters of politicians, though, and they do a good job of making sure any viable political choice is on their side.

It's false choices all of the way down.

That's frankly idiotic, since lobbyists, corporate donors and pressure groups have far, far, far more power to affect policy than voters.

You're comparing the collective influence of lobbyists, donors and pressure groups with the individual influence of a single voter - no shit the former looks bigger.

The collective influence of voters in choosing (say) Trump over Clinton, or Biden over Trump, or Macron over Le Pen, or voting for Brexit, has influenced the direction of these Western democracies in recent years dramatically more than any group of lobbyists could dream of.

You're telling yourself a comforting fairytale that society is directed by some powerful secret cabals pulling the strings so you as an individual are absolved from having to do your bit with how you spend your money and how you vote. If everyone thinks like you, nothing will improve. So fucking irresponsible.

I think there is two important points that you haven't considered:

  • Information asymmetry: in economics, this is the situation where one party has more/better information than the other. Of course a big corporation will have more information about a product I'm using that I would on every product I use, especially given that they can hire as many specialists as they want. Because of this, consumers should not be expected to take care of all societal change through their choices

  • You seem to imply that these companies only exist to satisfy a customer need. While this is partially true, this completely omits the fact that since 15 years, every company has a marketing department, whose sole purpose is to suscit this need in the consumer mind. Company are not just need-fulfilling machines, but also self feeding systems. You can't talk about the fact that renewing your phone emits a lot of carbon without talking about the fact that every phone company spends millions at making you want to renew it

The MOST sustainable way to change corporate behavior is to make it prohibitively expensive for them to engage in behavior that is bad for the environment by levying major financial penalties and taxes on the offending corporations.

Pretty much. Only large scale solutions will have any chance of working. A lot of it implies stuff like recycling or figure out ways of turning waste into something non-harmful. So anything you see on an individual level is pretty much guaranteed to be pointless.

Those companies pollute to produce goods and services that individuals buy.

What does holding corporations accountable look like if not refusing to give them our money while advocating for regulation?

Throwing your hands in the air, doing nothing to change your destructive habits and just saying "but corporations" isn't gonna help anything.

People boycotting certain products only really works if an alternative is available and attainable, or the demand is elastic.

For example, if I go to any grocery store, all the pasta, rice, buckwheat, bread and other staples are packaged into single-use plastic, as are hygiene products like toothpaste and shampoo. I have no choice but to be part of the plastic waste problem since there is no alternative and the demand for food is not elastic—I literally can't go without food and basic hygiene.

But I can and will avoid buying problematic products like teflon cookware, fast fashion, ICE vehicles, tech products with severe privacy/ownership/repairability issues since there are alternatives available and if not, I can go without since eg Alexa smart speakers are not essential for life.

Hence, we need to hold companies, whose products are problematic while not having alternatives and that are essential for life, responsible and force them to change to less problematic practices. In short, eg single-use plastics should be regulated out of existence wherever possible.

And for products that have better alternatives, we need to raise awareness about them and raise their social acceptance/desirability (make them cool). Plus we need to increase their availability and attainability—what use of is an ethical alternative product if it's not easily available in my country or if the price is not affordable to everyone who can afford the "normal" version?

I think the point is not that the individual should abandon efforts to modify their own habits. The point is that we should also be focusing just as much if not more energy on efforts to regulate and/or change industries that are responsible for more emissions by orders of magnitude. Some small but significant subset of the population going vegan, buying electric cars, or biking to work isn't going to offset the biggest offenders.

The biggest offenders are fighting tooth and nail to be as profitable as possible at literally any cost. You can be damn sure that if what they produce becomes less desirable in one industry, they will try their hardest to get picked up in some other industry. They'll have scientists finding some way to be useful somewhere and demonstrating it with research and lobbyists that will then get the government to mandate/subsidize it so that they make as much money as possible.

I've personally tried to "vote with my wallet" but industries have found ways to green-wash their products to give the impression that choosing their products would be the responsible choice when in reality it is not. Ensuring that your spending only goes to companies making an honest effort to do all they can to be carbon neutral or environmentally friendly is more than a full time job at this point. The only way is to ensure that governing bodies dictate the behavior of these organizations and even individuals so that it is no longer up to the organization/individual to "do the right thing".

Without proactive, strong government intervention we will be well, well, well beyond the point of no return by the time "voting with our wallets" and "modifying our behaviors" changes industries and society enough to have a significant impact.


Claiming that oil companies are to blame for producing all that oil seems stupid. If you use less oil, they make less oil

The amount of profit and money in the oil industry will ensure that it's product remains relevant for as long as possible. If it's not through gasoline, it will be something else.

Meanwhile they'll be doing their best to sabotage and lobby against any competition to make it harder for individuals to even have the opportunity to do the right thing. The change has to come from the top (government mandates) in order for it to have any meaningful impact any time soon.

Both are true. The oil companies will lobby to maintain their position, yes. But you'll also make the choice to drive places when maybe you could cycle

It’s borderline impossible to use less oil in increasingly car-centric infrastructure systems.

Maybe in US, but in Europe the trend is towards more public transportation.

That's not really what OP is saying though? They're talking about corporate efforts to make it seems like the consumers are the problem, not them, and many are still falling for it. As long as the awareness of this is not raised and more people aren't pointing fingers at the corporates the whole don't buy their product is never going to be effective, same for advocating for regulations (rather, especially the regulations). You're assuming everyone knows the root of the problem already, but that's just not the case here.

This is a frustrating kind of defeatist attitiude I'm finding is getting more and more common.

It comes from a place of unwillingness for personal and habitual change. It's hard to accept that we all have to change our lifestyles and accept that how we're living is going to have to change. That there is exists some scenario whereby we all continue living exactly how we're doing now with the same consumer behaviour and expect a bit of regulations to change everything. Or delay changing until after these regulations are in place, when in reality BOTH needs to happen.

What's the point in sitting on your ass complaining about the behaviours of other individuals and organisations when the only thing you have direct control over is your life.

What’s the point in sitting on your ass complaining about the behaviours of other individuals and organisations when the only thing you have direct control over is your life.

I'm not challenging you on the "sitting on your ass" part because that is true. But I promise you the Earth getting hotter and more polluted is going to exert "direct control ...over your life." And the only real way we can change this is through some kind of political process.

Where did I say it shouldn't be a political process? It isn't an either-or. How many people online who are saying "oh why should I consume less when corporations emit the most CO2, there's no point I'm not going to bother" is politically active outside of voting? As in, physically - attend climate rallies or petition their local representative. I'd wager it's a slim minority. Signing an online petition or tweeting does not count.

If people honestly cared so much that they're doing these things anyway, then changing themselves and their consumption habits should be dead easy. So why don't more people do it?

My point is this isn't an excuse to not take any actions locally within your life, which is something you can do RIGHT NOW.

I assume that folks are just looking for a way to keep their comfort zone the same. Finding an excuse is simple, even without blatant logic errors.

The vast majority of these initiatives are just pointless "greenwashing".

The embarrassing thing will be that we did nothing to limit private jets.

If everyone but world leaders had to fly with us poor's, wed be doing a hell of a lot better than we are.

We never address the easy, large targets because those targets are rich people and they pay for it to not be addressed.

It's embarrassing that we have an Internet and are unable to come together to fight such a small group of people.

Private jets are a negligible amount of emissions. ALL air travel makes up just 2% of emissions.

air travel is negligible.

the real killer is the animal industry and traffic.

and quitting animal consumption is a lot easier than not driving.

I think your final statement is backwards. The world was car-free not very long ago in the grand scheme of things. We’ve never been fully vegan. I agree we should eat fewer animal products as well as driving less, but just because it was easier for you doesn’t mean it’ll be easier for society at large.

This is one of the reasons Elon is destroying the bird - to ruin our internet and its ability to aid collective action.

Some are already being questioned as inadequate. Carbon offsets often times don't offset much carbon at all. Some of that is on purpose and are just people trying to make a quick buck, but some are actual humanitarian efforts that didn't take into account all factors and end up being much less effective than initially thought.

Use them in my industry, or rather are starting to, and this is apparent.

Speak for yourself, I'm peeing in the shower.

Yes, we're basically doing nothing. Then we'll run around like headless chicken when things will start to get really bad. And when the mass deaths will start, well, we'll start acting, by killing each other.

I’m guessing it starts with the supply chain.

It will be like COVID all over again. Got toilet paper?

Except it will not get better after a few years.

I expect first world famine to reappear within the next 2-3 years ngl.

That’s pretty aggressive. I would say 20 years. But we will adapt, as we have always done.

I wish I could share your optimism, I think when it does happen people will be running around saying "holy shit this wasnt supposed to happen for at least another decade!"

Oh I wouldn’t call it optimism. It will be extremely unpleasant (to put it mildly) and probably 99% of human population will die. But the survivors will adapt.

We have a small standing shower, so I started turning the water off when soaping up, instead of aiming the shower head away. Much more room, easier, and saving a ton of water. I pee in there too.

I gave up hope when I learned that the blue and green recycle bins in my area are really only there to make the consumer feel better about how much we waste as a society. A lot of the stuff we put in those bins still just winds up in a landfill.

One thing not working like it should doesn't make your destructive habits less destructive.

Anything that's safe to advocate for in a public forum is inadequate.

There won't be a "we" to look back on them, so I wouldn't worry about it.

I've learned that we're doing an even poor job of handling recyclables, the very thing we're beaten over the head with to be responsible about.

By oil companies. They pushed the plastic recycling narrative before it was even feasible to recycle it, all to sell more oil for plastics.

You know that recycling logo with the three arrows? It doesn't even mean that the plastic is recyclable; it simply states what type of plastic the material is made out of.

NPR did a recent investigation in this matter, and less than 5% of recycled plastic, given to your local recycling plant, actually gets recycled.

Not to mention that we didn't even know if our recycling was even recycled. We used to ship it to countries in Asia, burning bunker oil all the way there, and whatever happened to it happened. Out of sight, out of mind, and likely not recycled.

The best thing you can do is not buy disposable plastics. Even other materials that are very recyclable, like aluminum and glass, still needs to be shipped, processed, melted down, and remanufactured to be useful. It's better for the environment, but not anywhere close to net zero.

Not to mention that we didn’t even know if our recycling was even recycled. We used to ship it to countries in Asia, burning bunker oil all the way there, and whatever happened to it happened. Out of sight, out of mind, and likely not recycled.

No need to use the past tense, this is still the case in most cases.

I think it’s safe to say the whole climate change episode will go down as this era’s “How could they be so stupid or bad like that?!” Like Germans during the Nazis, slave owners in the US, medieval superstitions during the plague etc. All of it will become a lesson in what not to do and how not to think.

Collectively our generation will be marked as that which had all the means and privileges one could hope for but the foresight and wisdom of bricks.

It's a difficult topic, those of us already engaged with the problem are already aware that the current solutions are inadequate, but, every year we are making improvements.

Is that going to be enough? It depends on what you define as enough. I'd describe myself as short term pessimist but long term optimist.

By that I mean, short term there are far too many vested interests (stranded capital, the income of various nation states, nationalism in general, the 8 hour day, our built environment and the car centric nature of its design) to do the sort of immediate changes that we needed to have averted this problem. We needed to have started meaningfully pursuing this in the 70s, not the 2010s.

But that shouldn't take away from the fact that the ever increasing rollout of renewable energy generation is better than continuing to use coal and gas. Every ton of CO2 we don't emit is a ton we don't have to get rid of later. That is as true today was it was 50 years ago, or 50 years in the future.

Long term, I'm optimistic that humans will continue to develop new technologies and the political and economic will shifts to meaningfully tackle climate change and we ultimately will survive, but I am expecting billions to die explicitly due to climate change - ie from floods, droughts, famine, war caused by the preceeding, internment of fleeing refugees, etc - in the interim. I won't be surprised if towards the end of my life terms like ecocide start to shift to mean genocide of humans via negligent climate policies, eg when Bangladesh goes under water.

The next 100 years is going to be a brutal mix of exciting technological breakthroughs, coupled with soul crushing deaths of people in countries who predominantly did very little to cause the problem.

Today's initiatives are theater.

100 companies are responsible for 71% of the worlds emissions. The rest is also mainly companies. The idea of a carbon footprint is propaganda invented by BP (this sounds like a conspiracy but I swear it's true, look it up). Before anything you personally can accomplish can make any difference, we would first have to significantly change society.

It's just not true that we can't make a difference though - it's just easier for people to think that. Even if corporations, China, people on private jets etc. are damaging Earth and its inhabitants, our habits still make a difference also. You know, we can do what we can do personally at the same time as voting, campaigning and protesting for the change we can't control.

There is no sustainable consumption under capitalism. Most have already cut down on their personal emissions, less meat, less flying. Good luck on trying to overcome the system by participating in it.

What can help is direct action and direct democracy, building resilience in your community. Which is hard.

I don't think enough people have made enough effort to cut down (or preferably stop) meat, and animal products, and still see incredible amounts of waste, SUVs etc. Admitedly it's old data, but a minority of surveyed Americans were eating less meat in year 2020 - https://news.gallup.com/poll/282779/nearly-one-four-cut-back-eating-meat.aspx. - not sure if the outlook is any better.

I totally agree with direct action and democracy, though I do maintain that the number one change people can make is to go vegan, as the lead author of the biggest meta study of its type concludes https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2018-06-01-new-estimates-environmental-cost-food

Importantly, I still agree that you are spot on that voting, complaining to companies and advocacy is incredibly important, but I just also feel that it is people who can choose not to buy the most damaging products (e.g. animal products) from those companies to accelerate more sustainable markets.

You are right in that if the majority would change their consumption, the change would be massive. Seeing that as the best solution overlooks that companies put a lot of effort into marketing, advertisement and interfere in pro-consumer lawmaking. So a large-scale change becomes quite hard, especially for low-income households.

Also, speaking of effectiveness: not having children is one of the best choices an individual can make, followed by going vegan.


I do maintain that even if not everybody realises its benefits, is fooled by the terrible marketing etc., going vegan and lowering consumption is still a great solution for those who choose to refuse to be a part of the problem. I think it's one of those challenges that we have to throw as much as we can at through every angle possible, even while it's not going to be perfect. Perhaps we can buy some time for other solutions to join the fight.

Also, yes, definitely not having children is going to be the biggest change I expect (unless the child happens to help be a part of a bigger solution of course), but I'd certainly recommend veganism either as a great addition or for parents without time machines or those who have grown fond of their kids. Also, if nobody had kids, it would create other problems about who would look after the elderly etc., but that's another debate!

Personally, we can save a bit of resources, provide tiny relieve spots for a wild animals, insects, etc. Its a fact. Physical reality. Just because its not enough by itself, does not mean, we should not do that.

Naturally, not doing anything on a personal level, because "its not enough" is a very much approved way of living by the corporations. Having unhappy, consuming population? Chief's kiss.

However.. its not a good thing, when tiniest acts in the right direction demotivate people to do more. "I am doing my part!" - yes, that is nice, but we need more.

Those companies produce the goods WE buy. If we didn't buy them, the emissions wouldn't be accounted to that company that sells you the good. Oil, electricity or something else that you use.

Anyways, being fatalist about all that gets us nowhere.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Get informed
  2. Join organization that aims for change
  3. Put in work

Or that would have been it if we still had time to prevent catastrophic climate change. We can still try but I'm fairly certain we missed the train and I wish nothing else but me being wrong. I'm still vegan tho and use bicycle.

About footprints. William Rees wrote about ecological footprint in 1992 and carbon footprint was commonly used after 2000. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/095624789200400212

Those companies pollute to produce goods and services that individuals buy.

What does holding corporations accountable look like if not refusing to give them our money while advocating for regulation?

Individual change is changing society.

Throwing your hands in the air, doing nothing to change your destructive habits and just saying "but corporations" isn't gonna help anything.

Literally everything that isn't investing in Nuclear Fusion and electrification.

I find it astonishing that in 2023, when renewables are more ubiquitous and far cheaper than nuclear, there are still people who would advocate for an technological and societal inferior solution.

I'm not opposed to renewables at all, the progress in solar power has been awesome.

But I think the scalability is hard, both in providing a reliable baseload, and also producing all of the solar panels for example. I don't think it's insurmountable though.

Ideally we use all of them - we need more electricity than ever. "Degrowth" is the real enemy.

I think the scalability, in production as well as in installation, is the biggest plus for pv. You can build 0.25 kW PV or 1 GW. Nuclear reactors that are not even in the construction phase are, in my opinion, a waste of money and resources that could be invested in building renewables.

Renewables will never replace stable energy production until the storage problem as been solved. At present there are no practical mass storage solutions available. So on days when the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow, there isn’t sufficient energy generation without LNG/coal/nuclear. This will be true for decades. Nuclear is currently the best option of those three. Some places are lucky with hydro generation, but even this is subject to variable rainfall. Tidal generation has come a long way, but it’s still not ready for prime time, and it also suffers from variability.

I wrote, “renewables will never replace stable energy production until the storage problem as been solved.”

It appears you read, “renewables are currently not economically viable.”

That’s not my argument. I didn’t write that.

The first link about growing storage wasn't enough? The storage problem is solved it's just not necessary, at least not yet. Economics will kill nuclear anyway I am just showing why and how...

The storage problem is solved it's just not necessary

False. There is currently no technology which enables an economically viable solution for 100% renewable grids.

Just to give you an example, Denmark's wind generation just yesterday fluctuated 92%. Over the last year, wind generation has fluctuated across Europe by more than 555%. Europe currently produces around 6,480GWh per day. To buffer even half this during periods of low wind/low sunshine would require 60+ million Tesla batteries. For reference, Tesla has only ever produced three million batteries.

For now, power grids require reliable generation. Unless you want coal and LNG, it has to be nuclear.

False. There is currently no technology which enables an economically viable solution for 100% renewable grids.

Do you have any proof of this other than your own conclusions? Because a lot of experts see this very differently.

It seems Denmark is doing fine at the moment, so I don't really see your argument there.

By the way, the EU wants to develope hydrogen for long term storage.

If you want expensive, sure you can use nuclear.


Do you have any proof of this other than your own conclusions? Because a lot of experts see this very differently.

One cannot prove a negative. Can you prove that god does not exist? Typically the burden of proof lies with the one making any positive claims such as you are.

The report you cite doesn’t appear to indicate that batteries could smooth a fully renewable grid. Perhaps I’ve missed that important part. Would you cite the page?

One cannot prove a negative. Can you prove that god does not exist? Typically the burden of proof lies with the one making any positive claims such as you are.

Of course it would be possible to proof that something isn't economicly viable exept in this case, because it is.

Here is a model of an economicly viable stand-alone system.


The link above was about how insanely expensive Nuclear is compared to, well, everything else.

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Eh, I think you're thinking about nuclear fission? The guy you replied to was talking about nuclear fusion.

I mean fusion. It is just like advocating for NG as a bridging solution, true in theory, but at least three decades to late.

My interpretation of "today's initiatives" is they are something already on-going rather than started today, and nuclear fusion isn't really one of them. So, I don't think you guys are on a different page here?

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If a large percentage of people can't even utilize resuable bags for their groceries we're already screwed. So much apathy and people not really committed to take even the smallest of steps to help our environment.

I'd say that blaming individuals for fundamental architecture of our society is the essence of the problem we have.

Fundamental architecture? Being adverse to making environmentally conscious decisions is a choice. When other solutions are available fundamental architecture sounds more like a cop out to me.

By fundamental architecture, I mean things like suburban development. Suburban development enforces commuting by personal motor vehicle which is far less efficient, from a pollution perspective, than public transit like intra-city rail. Another example could be planned obsolesence. This is part of the fundamental architecture which imposes a cycle of pollution into the replacement of consumer goods. These aren't individuals' choices, they're the fabric of western society.

It's systemic.

Definitely inadequate. Most of the go green stuff has been carefully manufactured by the worst polluters pass the buck. However, in order to actually make a real difference, people's lives will have to change. We will have to drive less, eat less beef, and reduce our consumption in general.

I think very soon we’ll look back on virtually everything we’ve done to help the planet/climate as stupid and inadequate sadly.

Play nice in this thread. It's a touchy subject.

Rule 1

The paper vs plastic thing sucks because both are bad. Paper needs trees to be cut down and single use plastics are horrible for the environment

I mean, in theory, dumping paper into a landfill is a carbon sink

Which is essentially what happened to create coal in the first place, kinda sorta.

At least paper can be produced through sustainable farming practices and any waste is almost entirely biodegradable.

But I do agree that the debate sucks. What we should really be doing is forcing corporations and governments to 1. Adhere to very strict sustainability levels and 2. Pay for clean up efforts out of the salaries of their board of directors. Any corporation that declares a profit or gives a bonus to someone in managment without meating their sustainability requirements results in large fines for the company as well as every individual member of the board of directors. And anyone who claims they can't pay within 12 months is given jail time and stripped of all assets instead.

Sounds harsh, sure. But till we start holding them accountable, it's not going to matter how many people are using reusable plastic shopping bags or soggy paper straws. It's not going to make any difference

I think most people who want to do something about regulating climate change to prevent creating an uninhabitable world already think today's measures are stupid and inadequate. People won't be thinking much of anything in the future when we're all dead.

If Captain Planet was real, he would be extremely disappointed with all of us.

Planetina from Rick and Morty would just straight up murder the biggest offenders.

On a note, what the heck was up with "heart"? You got these 4 badass elemental powers coming together to form this awesome super hero and then just...heart? Never sat right with me when I was a kid.

Only to realise it's the most busted ability of the bunch when you grow up.

Mind control beats everyone

Whatever is being done, it isn't enough. Lots of countries are lying about their carbon emissions and it's basically the worst it's ever been. Quick intro video

Yes, go vegan and stop driving if you actually want to change your impact.


And if not vegan then at least not beef

Beef is 10x more carbon intensive than pork

Yet pigs are way more intelligent than cows and are usually kept in even worse conditions. So be aware that you sacrifice the little wellbeing of some animals for that.

Agreed, but I'm talking within the context of climate change

I get that and it may be that someone decides that this is a worthy trade-off. I'm not gonna judge, we all have to do moral loopedy loops all the time to exist in the world we exist in, just wanted to point out that there is a loopedy loop to be found in this ;)

Going fully vegan isn't hard tho :)

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Most people simply arent going to go vegan, and many need to take baby steps toward it. Cutting out beef is a great first step.

But let's also not make it seem more difficult than it is, it's very easy to avoid animal products.

Shouting "BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO IT ALL THE WAY" every time veganism is brought up is a bit silly.

It's really not these days, but it is much easier if people start at least reducing. It is also much more approachable to people still used to animal products. It is a natural transition and still helps.

Or drive electric, and minimise your meat consumption - this is much more feasible.

I don't drive and live in one of the cities with the best public transportation in the world, but am still looking to get a car because public transport is still terrible. E.g. if you need to pick up or return something, or to take one of my friends to work who works outside the city and at night.

A car is required to live freely, otherwise you're just trapped in cities.

What we need is easily accessible rental cars for when we really need them. Private cars and jets should never have been a thing...

Maybe with self-driving cars it'll be more doable as the cars can drive themselves to-and-from their hubs and charging point, etc.

But we're still a while away from that being widely achievable.

In Europe the roads and parking are nightmare in most places, so I'm not really a huge fan of it, but it's really the only option for freedom for the foreseeable future.

Sadly the likeliest outcome will just be governments continuing to make it more and more expensive to get a licence, own and insure a car, drive in cities or on motorways, etc. until it becomes the reserve of the wealthy again, just like they're steadily doing with air fares too (increasing air fuel duty whilst exempting private jets). So the rich can drive their SUVs and private jets whilst the working class are trapped in overcrowded cities, in their tiny pod apartments eating bugs all in the name of the environment.

Much better is to eliminate the need for a car. Good public transport would make a massive difference.

If you had 100% rentals, the amount of cars on the road stays the same because everyone needs the at the same rush hours.

We should be incentivizing work from home. E.g. require an extra 1 hour of pay per for any employee that needs to be on site. We’d soon see how essential offices are.

The average British person emits 76 times more CO2 than the offset of one person going vegan for life. Even if everyone on the planet went vegan today, forever, their sacrifice would be undone by the number of new babies born in a single year, globally. Veganism isn’t going to solve climate change. It’s not even going to make a dent. We should be focusing on practical, real measures to reduce global CO2 output. For example, the move from coal to LNG halves CO2 output. This transition alone is an order of magnitude more impactful than the entire world going vegan for life. If you care about climate change you’ll invest your limited time and energy where it counts.

You can easily be vegan while advocating for other change like less coal.

Sorry, but major lifestyle changes are not "easy." It's "easy" to lose weight, and yet two thirds of Americans can't do it. I like eating meat but would be willing to give it up if the juice were worth the squeeze. It's not. Instead of spending your time telling people to make major lifestyle changes with almost zero impact to the climate, why aren't you focusing on real, sustainable solutions?

FYI the top four metrics in the image you linked are for agriculture, not meat production alone. Agriculture includes the production of plants, fruits, and grains. It's all food production.

It really isn't hard, buying the plant based products instead of the animal ones is easy.

I find it very difficult. It appears that what you find easy and what others find easy are not the same.

What's hard about choosing the plant based option in the grocery store or restaurant?
It's literally just buying a different product.

I like meat a lot. Not eating meat will significantly degrade my standard of living.

You'd be surprised how many vegans said that exact same thing.. and then went vegan.

I used to eat meat too and know it's tasty but you're probably not as addicted to it as you think.

Plant based food can be just as tasty and knowing your food isn't harming animals or the planet is great.

Are your tastebuds really more important than the lives of other animals and the health of our planet?

I appreciate the affirmations but I've spent enough years on this planet, and attempted various diets enough times, to know what I like and do not like. I like meat. Many people like meat.

My tastebuds are definitely more important than the almost zero impact I have explained such a diet has on the planet. You slipped up a bit there and fell into ethical concerns. Remember, this is a discussion about the impact meat has on the environment. Or is your argument not in fact about the environment at all?

How is reducing farmland from 4 to 1 billion hectares zero impact?

Animal agriculture is incredible inefficient and wasteful.

How is reducing farmland from 4 to 1 billion hectares zero impact?

In the context of our discussion, it has minimal impact on climate change. The scope of harm is really limited to deforestation, but this has minimal impact on CO2 emissions as a proportion of all other output.