Trump demands drug test for Biden ahead of first debate

ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝 to Not The – 304 points –

Former President Trump said he wants President Biden to be drug-tested before their first debate.

“I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said at the Minnesota Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner Friday. “I am, no I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union, he was high as a kite.”

Trump has previously stated in a radio interview that Biden was “all jacked up” at the beginning of his State of the Union address, as well as “higher than a kite.”


Remember back in 2016 when Trump challenged Bernie Sanders to a debate? Bernie said sure and Trump had to walk it back.

The last thing Trump and his people wants it to have to have him stand up in an uncontrolled setting.

I'll be amazed if these debates happen.

Do the debates, and reveal the results of the drug test (taken by both candidates) DURING the debate. Let's do this shit like Maury.

Can Maury reveal it as well?? I would actually watch it then!

Can Maury moderate it? Bring in some family members before they reveal the test results, maybe some videos played to tell us a bit more about them

Hold on, we don't want him getting aroused.

Perfect. And throw in a few surprise paternity tests at the same time

Donald, you’re the father.

I’m sure he has at least a dozen illegitimate kids.

The best would be if he actually wasn't Baron's father...turns out Melania had a side piece, too.

Oh I meant like several dozen women come out with his illegitimate heirs, but that’d actually be pretty fuckin hilarious.

I hate this but honestly it's the most truly American way to handle it so I say go for it.

17 more...

So Trump is on drugs.

Conservative projection is a confession.

Conservative projection is a confession.

It's tragic how many potentiall talented drag queens are probably hiding their inner light in the GOP right now. Not just because they would feel better about themselves, but because they would cause less harm, and be more of a blessing to their families.

Wasn’t trump’s White House doc handing out hard drugs line candy?

He’s probably been on drugs for decades. He accused Biden of being on drugs 4 years ago.

I'd love for both of them to take one.

Yes, please. Subject politicians to the same indignities as the rest of us.

Make Trump take a cognitive test issued by a board certified and independent neurologist and gerontologist.

Trump has to debate diaperless. First shart ends the debate.

Why would you torture the janitor like that?

Can we make the candidates clean it up as a team? I think it would be fun to watch both of them use a mop...together.

"Welcome to the Biden-Trump presidential debat....and it's over. Goodnight, folks."

These are both old men... They both take a lot of drugs. This is America. Have you seen an older person who doesn't have weekly pill organizer?

yes, they're called healthy

Neither of those two are healthy though.

Lol Biden is healthy as fuck what are u smoking?

Yeah he's a big important man. Reality can go fuck itself who cares.

He's is clearly suffering from early on set dementia, not too bad at this point but seriously you guys need to get a grip. I agree he's better than the competition, but it's not exactly a high bar is it?

That's fine, I was just answering the question "Have you seen an older person who doesn’t have weekly pill organizer?".

There's plenty of people their age that are healthy. It's just neither of them are healthy.

Obviously Trump has whatever his his mental thing is. I assume he's not taking medication for it though. The drugs he'll be on are illicit.

Sure, reasonable enough.

Trump gets one too, no special treatments, right? RIGHT?

Trump could come steam rolling into the debate with tiny pupils and white powder under his nose and Republicans would give zero fucks. Also, he is clearly on drugs because with Trump, every accusation is an admition.

I wish Biden would say something to the effect of "I'm the president of the United States, I don't entertain 'demands' from candidates '.

I can't wait to see Donny coked up to the gills again so we can all pretend he's not snorting every five seconds into the fucking microphone

This may be a ploy for Trump to avoid the debates, since he knows he's likely to lose as in 2020. Biden refuses the drug test, Trump then refuses to debate....

How about we just fill them both with amphetamines right before the debate? Would make it entertaining at least.

Add some clown noses and boxing gloves and I'm in.

I mean Trump Jr. is definitely using the powder room before going on stage, I wouldn't be surprised if some of Donnie's mishaps on stage are also due to his brain being under the influence.

When they were both running for their Party's nomination, Trump challenged Bernie Sanders to a debate. Bernie said 'sure,' and Trump had to walk it back.

So this proves Trump is taking drugs before going on stage. Every accusation is a confession.

Drug test em both.

Or: dose them both the fuck up. Let's see the both of them up there rolling like the old lady from Requiem for a Dream.

As long as it’s not the ending scene, please, I don’t think I could recover from that

If it hasn't come at trump's request, I would agree with you. But allowing trump to get this win when it comes to changing the requirements for the debates would just open the door for more demands.

Oh but you just know Trump would test positive for everything Biden's on and a whole lot more.

Says the man who showed up late for one of the debates in one of the last election, presumably because he didn't want to be covid tested.

I'd like to test Trump's resistance to several drugs all at once. A Brompton cocktail test

Drug test everyone holding a government paid position, daily.

as someone who joined the war on drugs on the side of drugs: test no one.

I'm on the side of drugs, just not for the ones holding power over us and ruining our lives with their hypocrisy.

It's not like they'll ever pass a law that opposes their own comfort anyway.

I appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to reply to my comment though, senator.