It's your amigo, Ralph! to Lemmy – 666 points –

imagines torturing Ralph for 500,000 years

Joke's on you! Ralph is only being tortured as long as you think of how he's being tortured!

Played yaself, torturer!

I can imagine 500,000 years pretty quickly by imagining it in a montage.

Ain't even gotta do that, just imagine he suffered for 500,000 years and he did, just like everyone and everything you ever knew was created last Thursday

Glad this keeps getting reposted cause it means Ralph gets to keep existing!

Ralph died of a heroin overdose behind a Denny's dumpster.

Someday far, far into the deep future, Ralph may surface again as a Boltzmann Brain.

Ralph only ceases to exist when the last person views this meme and then closes it, as well as when the last person forgets Ralph ever existed. All I know is that person isn't me and thus I have no blood on my hands.

OK Google set a reminder 10 years from now to remind that gal/guy of ralph

Henceforth you shall be the torchbearer for the memory of Ralph. His memory will live on due to your efforts.

1 more...

Ralph will only come back into existence next time this is reposted. For maximum existential horror, change the name every repost so Ralph is forgotten.

Would Ralph 's hat also stop existing?

No, Ralph's hat exists outside of time and space. It is beyond our comprehension.

Ralph just reminded me of The Game. Ralph deserves the void.

Worse than that! Each time you think of Ralph, you create another Ralph, a being you have created, another soul you will damn to the void.

Damn it now I lost. It's your fault for talking about the game! You lose too!

It's scary, but it's something we all face someday. One day, I'll go, too. The only way to go is forward, Ralph. Farewell.

The moment I was looking and thinking about Ralph, the wifi lost connection to the internet.
Coincidence? Or was it Ralph? 3spooky5me, Ralphie ol' boy!

I get that this is a joke, but I was drunk the other day and had an existential crisis about something similar.

When I write stories, i am inventing a world which basically makes me a god. Am I a bad god for writing stories where terrible things happen?

Interestingly and coincidentally, a couple weeks after that both Overly Sarcastic Productions and Hello Future Me put out videos containing the quote "characters are not people" and I felt personally targeted by that (which is of course ridiculous because why would they know about me?)

if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it

You should hear the cries of the memories, right before they are garbage collected. "Wait, I need that!"

"Bring in the logic probe!"

I will always read this meme in the voice of George Carlin narrating Thomas the Tank Engine, and then immediately post this exact reply with a link to this video:

In fact Ralph never exists because “you” is indeterminate since hundreds of readers see this post simultaneously

What if Ralph exists independently of anyone acknowledging his concept? What if Ralph has always existed, and has just been waiting for a certain memer to discover him?

Oh no, that's not how this works. Everyone has their own Ralph, unique in each mind. Your hands are as bloody

Big woop, everyone here including myself is a concept and no one can prove me otherwise.

I wouldn't bother for your sake, and I hope you stop existing once my attention span abandons you!

Back in the 1940s, there was a Captain Marvel story where a scientist tells the Big Red Cheese that the entire universe is actually a dream and the sleeper is getting ready to wake up...

Reminds me I still have a completed Undertale pacifist run I'll never go back to because everyone is living their best life in my install.

I remember this meme. Good one until the fucking boomers and conservatives got ahold of it..