DeSantis rocked by Black Republican revolt over slavery comments to politics – 506 points –
DeSantis rocked by Black Republican revolt over slavery comments

The bitter fight between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Rep. Byron Donalds over a line about slavery in the state’s revised African American history standards is infuriating several prominent Black conservatives.


I don’t understand black republicans at all. It’s just as crazy as gay or trans republicans- I wanna be like “dude, your party fucking hates you”. How do they not see it?

It's just as crazy as poor republicans, but here we are.

The poor ones think they're one Repub presidency away from all being richer, but those GOT DAM DEMONRATS keep ruining it for em.

A shame they can't afford a decent education, and choose instead to slander and libel the entire institution when it criticizes their bs

Any persecuted minority group who are republicans is just absolutely baffling to me…best I can come up with is that it’s god-level Stockholm syndrome.

The republican party is the party of single issue voters. I'd bet a large majority of their base wouldn't vote for them if they didn't support their one wedge issue that they won't budge on for anything. It lets people excuse a lot of bullshit if they can just propel their personal cause forward.

There were Jewish Nazis too.

There were very few.

Hitler wasn't Aryan. There's no instances of extreme right-wing ideology that make sense. Never was nor will there ever be

I have this same issue, its baffling to say the least.

Just as long as they get to hate someone too

It's mostly religion. I find it strange how hard some African Americans took to Masters religion.

This is like, a really patronizing comment? As if black people cannot form their own beliefs, the only way a black person could be christian is if "master" told them to.

I mean, isn't that how a lot of Christianity came to the black community?

Every tragedy has an origin story. A lot of Slave owners felt it was their moral duty to civilize their property by teaching them Christianity. The tragedy is the death of whichever West African religion was stolen from them along with their freedom and agency.

That's what happens when children are taken away from their parents and indoctrinated into Christianity when they're too young to know any better. Same with Indigenous Americans. Erase their culture and their language and make them Christians by taking their children away and raising them the white way.

Because Christianity played a major part in helping black people overcome slavery and united them together?

Also all Civil Rights movements in America started in the Protestant Church


Could you tell us how many of the slave owners and their supporters (so in favor of slavery) were christian?

I can tell you 80% of black people are Christian right now, so you're insulting 80% of black people and their religious belief

How would you like it if I insulted Jewish people and their belief? Muslims?

Oh, so christianity gets a pass then? Just because you start to wave a despicable race card in our faces? To use people of color as a firewall for a religion of pure hate is unteal and tells me all I need to know about you. But wait, you have shown us more!

Jewish and Muslims , there we are. You are in no doubt a heartbeat away from going racist and fascist. Not a huge surprise for a person supporting christianity, a religion at the forefront of most heinous acts in history.

Glad you have dropped the christian mask and shown us what christians do when you show them their cult was in the wrong.

Please do not belittle other peoples religious beliefs and customs. Thank you.

Everyone in the United States of America is free to practice their religious beliefs, it is against the ideals of Basic Human Rights to deny anyone that right, especially here in America. If 80% of Black Americans are Christians then I believe it is only appropriate, and in accordance with the ideals of a free democratic society, to respect that belief, not to dehumanize Black people for choosing what they wish to.

The problem is that religious people don't adhere to this. I'm fine if you want to follow a religion or whatever, but don't try to restrict my rights because you're offended (not you personally, just the language of the example).

Did you just try and play some sort of ‘big dad tells you what you can and cannot do’?

Off your high ground with you, off your false castle. You have NO moral high ground to stand on. I will belittle christians all day long, this right is earned by centuries and centuries of despicable acts of inhumanity perpetuated by that religion. How dare you, how dare you to try and take some moral high ground knowing fully well you stand on the graves of millions and millions tortured and killed by that lovely christianity.

And then that clumsy attempt to try and see if you can bate me into some statement where you can play the race card. How pathetic.

My point is that religion, and especially christianity, is bad. You uninvitedly and all on your own pushing people of color to the front in order to fake defend them is the REAL racist move.

Do you often feel the need to defend black people? Are they not able to defend themselves, hmm?

You tried to ‘daddy knows better’ me and belittle black people by keeping pushing their stats when none was even suggesting. You are a racist, plain and simple.

Please do not attack other peoples religious beliefs. Thank you

How about I stop when christians stop attacking others? Lets see if christians can live up to th words of their jesus.

Hint they wont.

By the way, I am done with you as you keep saying the same thing over and over and never once made genuine case for religion other then ‘daddy telling’ others to stop. You clearly are a troll.

I will block you because you are useless.

I only see one hateful person in this thread and it isn't the guy rightfully pointing out basic human and constitutional rights whom you are trying to frame as a fascist.

It's very simplistic to blame religions for heinous crimes committed by humans over centuries. Crimes have been committed in the name of every religion on earth.

But in every religion there are countless good-hearted people who try hard to live up to their ideals. There is much more to religion than just bigots.

So please: Stop your hatespeech.

This is not hate speech and using that as defense for a religion that has so much hate poured over the innocent.

I know you guys think you are defending something noble, you are not, you are defending a know n and documented cruel entity, it is unreal to see. But then again, religion makes you stop believing your lying eyes. Its like talking to cult members.

And the message I get constantly from you and others who defend the cult? To please stop. Like any cult, no argue or defense or explanation on accountability, just stop and move on.

Hey, guess you turn a blind eye to the pastors and clergymen who, to this day, keep raping little kids and get full cover drom the cult leadership. Bet you do.

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Actually we have the freedom to openly mock religious beliefs. As long as the Christian Facists don't completely take over the country.

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At some point you stop humoring people when they bring their imaginary friends with them to adulthood.

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Several told POLITICO they fear the issue will play into Democrats’ characterization of Republicans as favoring a whitewashing of American history.

lmao. calling it a 'characterization' like it's not true

Many Black Republicans find themselves in a quandary: on the one hand having to push back on perceptions that slavery has positive attributes, but also fighting the perception that if they voice criticism, it leads to questions of whether they are sufficiently conservative.

Harrison Fields, Donalds’ spokesperson, captured this in a tweet. “If you condemn CRT & refuse to support BLM, black Republicans are called a coon, sellouts, & Uncle Clarence. If you vocalize minor distaste with a sentence in a curriculum that lauds skills developed by slaves during slavery, black Republicans are called Democrats and frauds,” he said.

i don't understand how they can understand this but not the fact that their political affiliation is a cult.

Uncle Clarence


What... do they mean Uncle Ruckus?

The normal phrase is "Uncle Tom" based on the character from Uncle Tom's Cabin. It's used to describe a black person who sells out other black people. Both Uncle Ruckus and Tom from the Boondocks are based on this idea.

But this is a double burn referencing Clarence Thomas, the supreme court judge who is probably the most famous example of an Uncle Tom.

Uncle Tom is a racist term that was used by the KKK to describe black people who wanted to "act white" by selling out other black people.

But it's wildly inaccurate. It has nothing to do with the actual book Uncle Toms Cabin, one of the most popular books ever written (it outsold the Bible in the 1850's). Harriet Beecher Stowe who wrote the book was an abolitionist, she was very very anti-slavery like Mark Twain. Uncle Tom in the book is based on an actual former slave, and Uncle Tom in the book, if you actually read the book, SPOILER ALERT, is beaten to death at the end for refusing to give up the whereabouts of 2 other slaves. That's Uncle Tom, a martyr.

Calling someone an Uncle Tom means you're calling them a hero, not a sellout. The whole phrase you're referring to comes from the play that was written afterwards which turned Uncle Tom into a meek character because the play writers didn't think people would've liked the ending of having a man beaten to death.

Here's a wonderful article about it

Quoting from the article:

MARTIN: What is it that African-Americans hate about this story?

Prof. TURNER: Many African-Americans don't hate the real story that Stowe wrote. The Uncle Tom character that she gives us is extraordinarily Christian. The climax of the story really comes when Uncle Tom is asked to reveal where two slave women are hiding, who had been sexually abused by their master. And he refuses. Knowing that he is going to be beaten to death, he refused to say where they are. And African-Americans who have read the novel can appreciate what kind of heroism that took for a black man to sign away his life to save two black women.

Unfortunately, the stage depictions don't include that part of the story. They grossly distort Uncle Tom into an older man than he is in the novel, a man whose English is poor, a man who will do quite the opposite, who will sell out any black man if it will curry the favor of a white employer, a white master, a white mistress. It's that distorted character that is so objectionable to African-Americans.

Prof. TURNER: The producers of the early stage shows didn't think that they could attract an audience for the Uncle Tom as he was depicted by Stowe. They couldn't sell tickets to a theatrical production, the climax which would have been this man dying, rather than the revealing the whereabouts of these women.

They could sell tickets, as they had been successful by showing blacks in minstrel depictions, showing them liking to dance more than they liked to work, showing their insensitivity to each other, showing their willingness to tell the master or mistress what he or she wanted to hear. That sold tickets, and so those were the shows that they produced, staged and circulated throughout the world.

I highly recommend everyone actually read Uncle Toms Cabin

Several told POLITICO they fear the issue will play into Democrats’ characterization of Republicans as favoring a whitewashing of American history.

lmao. calling it a 'characterization' like it's not true

Seriously. CRT bullshit was the clarion call of the Republican party for the last few years. Are they claiming that was just satire or something? And Confederate apologetics has been a key Republican talking point for decades now. I wonder how they feel about all the gnashing of teeth over statues of racist shitheads getting taken down.

Several told POLITICO they fear the issue will play into Democrats’ characterization of Republicans as favoring a whitewashing of American history.

lmao. calling it a ‘characterization’ like it’s not true

I love how black conservatives are like, "I can't believe we're talking about whether slavery was good in 2023."

Like mf, that's all you fucking conservatives do, "How can we say that this shit behavior, was good?"

What do y'all think they're trying to conserve??

Anyone that's not a white christian male really needs to stop thinking they're part of that "club" . They will literally never be part of it and will always be disregarded as soon as they're not useful. I'm sorry but how many times do people really need to learn this lesson? They're not even hiding it anymore. It's all out there. How can people still be surprised?

In other words, they never thought leopards would come for their faces like they did their ancestors.

This is just comedy gold. Like, Republicans have been spending time slashing down voters rights for BLACK PEOPLE and here we are knowing that there are black Republicans. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you?

My mom's an East Asian Republican because she's a diehard fundamentalist evangelical pre-tribulation Biblical-literalist protestant Christian and thinks Trump was sent from God to save us from the devil's minions. Ignoring the fact that Trump has committed practically every sin in the book with "all have sinned".

I don't understand how anyone can be happy with the conclusion that this random man is some godsent, instead of the people that actually help humanity day to day. I'm not religious at all so maybe that's why I don't understand, but like... Why?

Much of religion is trying to convince you that weakness is strength. The people around you have a lot of power on how your day is going to go. A random political leader can't really do.anything to implant you personally. This means they are strong in theist logic

I like how you've boiled it down. Wish I can freely tell people that, but being atheist is apparently worse than murder where I live.

They are not sane. They no longer perceive reality. They live in a world of subtle hallucinations about causes, effects and the nature of reality.

It’s like seeing little pink elephants except instead of being a visual hallucination it’s about the how’s & why’s. But it’s no less a batfuck insane misalignment of their brain.

If you are to ask people on Reddit and Lemmy, you'd think these people didn't even exist.

Always understimating the reach of the Republican party. There are black Republicans, as well as Asian and Indian ones. Hispanic Republicans as well. But certain communities online want to continue the stereotype that the GOP is only made up of old white men.

The GOP is 90% white.

There are about 170M registered voters in the US. Roughly 1/3 identify as R which means roughly 53M Americans. Even if 89% are white, that's still close to 6 million non white Republicans out there. That's not an insignificant number of people. Especially when you consider that GOP actively votes against these groups.

Call them woke, Ron. Please call them woke. I want to see this drag out. I'm making popcorn.

We can only hope someone calls him a cuck for not calling them woke, and let the circular firing squad begin

"Several told POLITICO they fear the issue will play into Democrats’ characterization of Republicans as favoring a whitewashing of American history. Most saw it as an unforced error at the time when Black Republicans feel they’ve been making significant strides within the party."

So VERY close to being self-aware, and yet so far.

They should ask the log-cabin Republicans how included they feel.

TIL - There are black Republicans.

Oh yes. One of our senators is a black republican AND running for president. He seems like the nicest guy but so fucking stupid. Tim Scott.

Key and Peele sketch about it.

We. Are. Not. A. MONOLITH!

Said this to family members when one called trans people degenerates. I just got asked what "monolith" means. This is the stupid we're dealing with.

My biggest surprise was learning there are gay and Trans Republicans. Like, how does that even work? unless you are trying to demonstrate people what irony looks like, it is big brain time.

Like, how does that even work?

So it works by getting money, climbing the ladder, then yanking up the ladder and tossing a moletov on those below so that they can be a token for the default to go "We're not homophobic, see we have gay/trans friends!"

Some people build their identity around who they are their hobbies etc. Other people build their identities around money and lack of empathy and understanding.

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Several told POLITICO they fear the issue will play into Democrats’ characterization of Republicans as favoring a whitewashing of American history. Most saw it as an unforced error at the time when Black Republicans feel they’ve been making significant strides within the party.

“It raises eyebrows,” said Diante Johnson, president of the Black Conservative Federation, who is supporting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. “Ron DeSantis is not the candidate for Black conservatives and that’s what [he] constantly, constantly exhibits to us.”

...but he supports trumps campaign. They make my brain hurt.

Funny, cause the guy who is responsible for that exact line is a black conservative.

But I tell you, if you're having a problem figuring out whether you're for me or for Trump, you ain't black.

  • Joe R. "Dark Brandon" Biden Jr.

The US has a 13.6% black and 19% hispanic population. Turning either group against you is going to be a political disaster.