Republican leaders urge colleagues to steer clear of racist and sexist attacks on Harris to – 406 points –
Republican leaders urge colleagues to steer clear of racist and sexist attacks on Harris

Republican leaders are warning party members against using overtly racist and sexist attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris, as they and former President Donald Trump ‘s campaign scramble to adjust to the reality of a new Democratic rival less than four months before Election Day.

At a closed-door meeting of House Republicans on Tuesday, National Republican Congressional Committee chairman Richard Hudson, R-N.C., urged lawmakers to stick to criticizing Harris for her role in Biden-Harris administration policies.

“This election will be about policies and not personalities,” House Speaker Mike Johnson told reporters after the meeting.

“This is not personal with regard to Kamala Harris,” he added, “and her ethnicity or her gender have nothing to do with this whatsoever.”


Yikes. The fact you gotta warn ppl is mind boggling.

Yeah, right? If you have to preemptively warn your elected party members to not do a racism or a sexism maybe you're the party of the racists and sexists.

maybe you're the party of the racists and sexists.

They know, they just don't want you to know.

The coin has dropped that they'll have to go back to dropping hard Rs in private for a while if they want any chance at turning the country into a christofascist dictatorship.

So is the fact that Trump won't be about to stop himself from doing it.

Hmm. Sounds woke. Republicans awaking to wokeness? Gotta try something when your base is infatuated with Old Sleepy Don, who can't stop defaming E. Jean Carroll and doesn't have anything bad to say about white supremacists.

I'd say that you and I should join some right-wing forums to make the point that this is "woke" and "anti-Republican", but I strongly suspect many of them are already saying it themselves.

Also, from the WSJ:

I'm afraid the archive link just keeps asking me if I'm a robot and won't let me in no matter how many times I check the box or tell them how many motorcycles I see.

This means that you're a bot now. I'm so sorry.

I’m afraid the archive link just keeps asking me if I’m a robot and won’t let me in no matter how many times I check the box or tell them how many motorcycles I see.

I agree with this person.


So, you're repeatedly performing the same task at the command of a computer. Are you certain you are a cephalopod, airborne or otherwise, and not, in fact, a robot? ;)

Well... twice for the latter. The first time I had my VPN on, so I turned it off and tried again. So I guess 'no matter how many times' only applied to the first half of that. I clicked it like five times each time just to see if it made a difference.

Also, repetitive behavior is a very squid thing to do if we want to avoid predators. This feels like some sort of preying on my ability to show them I'm not a robot to me!

"Hey listen guys just wait until we win and then we can say the N word whenever we want just like the good old days." - Mike "Hey son watch me jack it" Johnson

Mike "my son controls my" Johnson

The idea that men should never have to learn self control - instead relying on another man to do it for them - just shows how weak-kneed these dudes are.

Normal men - Be strong! Be brave!

Republicans - Not on my watch!

"Stop saying the quiet part out loud during campaign season. You can do it afterwards again"

From the party that has actively encouraged these white nationalists at every step

The party that has promoted a sexist and racist agenda for decades is surprised when its members publicly make sexist and racist comments about an opposing candidate? This very well could turn into a major leopard-ate-my-face moment and I'm ready for it with plenty of popcorn.

I suspect this is a way for them to signal to independents that they have changed, knowing full well that their rank and file members aren't going to change anything they are doing.

They hate on James Donald Bowman’s Indian wife. They hate on that Sikh woman that spoke at the convention. Who actually believes they will hold back regarding the opposing parties’ black female nominee?

Edit: Oh this article is about the elected people in the party. Not the actual members. I guess we will be seeing more BS from right wing ‘news’ as a work around.

GOP Challenge: Don't act in a way that lets people know you are a bigot.

Difficulty: Impossible.

Steer clear, aka "stop making so many..."

Back in 2020, they found over 200000 bigoted comments or slanders against Harris alone.

They're ramping up now, of course: "Diversity hire", "escort", "slept her way to the top", doctored images of her and Epstein, etc:

Both sides are the same? So far this is the only side whose leadership has to caution members to not be racist or sexist.

Now if they can get their followers on social media to do the same...

Yeah but then they don't have anything left

"We could run on our ideas..."

image of guy getting thrown out the boardroom window

"She laughs." - Republican without a dog whistle

Can they warn party members to not incite another insurrection or civil war too?

"Guys, guys, guys, everybody be cool man, people are paying attention right now."

Pretty wild stuff, both sides are the same my ass. Could you imagine the Democrats having to tell their party members to not be bigots?

No you cannot and that is fucking incredible, The amount of cognitive dissonance you have to have to be a Republican is mind-boggling.

You can shut it down on the outside but we all already know how deep inside them the racism dwells

And don’t forget the sexism. And all the other isms.

From behind closed doors: "Hey guys lets turn down the racism just a smidge. Back to dog whistles for now. Don't worry we can be overtly racist again after the general"

But if they don't attack her on race and sex, how else are those inbred idiots gonna attack her? Because attacking is all they ever do.

Oh nvm they'll just make shit up like they normally do.

They could focus on their wildly popular policies and ideas! Oh wait

Trump made them think its fine to keep saying the quiet part out loud without realizing the majority hate the sexism and hopefully a majority also hate the racism. They don't know how to attack without dog whisteling and hopefully it continues to drive people away from them.

"Remember, the dog whistle is just as effective to rile up your base, so don't be afraid to use that instead"

LOL it says quite enough that they have to be reminded of this

"Guys guys, please wait until we win to unleash all that hate and racism"

Time to secretly get some recordings of what they are really saying at their dinner party circles à la the recent recordings of Supreme Court justices discussing flags in their neighborhoods.

That is going to be impossible since the GOP is now a Nazi organization.

I was watching CNN again the other night and they had some Republican guy on the panel who admitted this, when they asked him about the "DEI Candidate" talk he said it was unfortunate and a bad idea but that the language had been monetized on social media so everyone's been trained to say it.