Biden says he's "not confident at all" there will be a peaceful transfer of power if Trump loses to politics – 552 points –
Biden says he's "not confident at all" there will be a peaceful transfer of power if Trump loses

President Biden said he is "not confident at all" that there will be a peaceful transfer of power in January 2025 if former President Donald Trump is defeated.

"He means what he says. We don't take him seriously. He means it. All the stuff about 'If we lose, there'll be a bloodbath, it'll have been a stolen [election],'" Mr. Biden told CBS News chief election and campaign correspondent Robert Costa in his first sit-down interview since announcing he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination. The interview will air on "CBS News Sunday Morning" on Sunday, Aug. 11.

"Look what they're trying to do now in the local election districts where people count the votes," said Mr. Biden. Repeating a familiar maxim about elections and democracy, the president said, "You can't love your country only when you win."


Maybe we should have given harsher punishments to the people who tried doing that the first time around?

I mean, look at Germany. Not punishing the Nazis harder the first time worked out so well [in hindsight]

Luckily we can learn from their mistakes and....



I don’t know, I think it’s pretty unreasonable to assume Trump will attempt another coup. What, does he have a coup for one special? /s

I’m glad Biden’s calling this shit out now, and hope they’ve got a plan when a few dozen Arizona counties refuse to certify the results.

One saving grace is this time, it ain't the diaper in Chief calling the shots. Biden won't hesitate to call the national guard if need be.

That being said, i think the violence is gonna happen at State capitals this time.... I hope I'm wrong.

I think you’re right. I honestly think Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, etc should probably have the national guard in place the night before.

What, does he have a coup for one special?

Take a lap.

What, does he have a coup for one special?

Maybe he has a... coupon...?

"Average American president attempts 0.004 coups per year" factoid actually just a statistical error. Average American president attempts 0 coups per year. Traitors Donal, who dyes face orange & attempts over 0.25 coups each year, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.

Hell, i’m not confident there’d be a peaceful transfer of power if he wins

The transfer of power from Biden to Harris should be peaceful because Trump isn't involved in it.

2021 wasn't peaceful only because Trump still had power. If he has no power, you shut that shit down and it's peaceful.

"I want a permit to protest the counting of votes!"

(Checks history) "Yeah, permit denied."

Idk, Dump has a rabid cult fan base that collects guns

I live in Baltimore. That shit doesn't scare me. I'd like to see them try.

Trumpers who advertise as such on their vehicles and try starting shit have been known to leave with a couple extra "vent holes" on their vehicles.

I have been watching The Wire again so I feel like I also live in Baltimore (I live in Ireland)

Ireland is the Baltimore of Europe, England is the Backersfield, and Scotland is Portland. I will not elaborate.

We all know Trump won't accept the results. He didn't in 2020, and in 2016 he claimed it was still rigged against him even when he won.

It's really weird when you think about it.

If only he had access to the largest police and surveillance apparatus in the history of ever. Maybe he could, y’know, prevent the inevitable bullshit and bloodletting.

Trumps lies about 2020 were such outrageous bullshit anyway, there wasn’t a single solitary shred of a molecule of truth in any of it. ZERO TOLERANCE, ZERO PATIENCE for that fucking guy and his inevitable bullshit parade.

Fool me once . . . shame on . . . shame on you . . fool me twice . . Y- . . Y’can’t get fooled again.

Maybe if we had an Attorney-General who did things other than try to ensure he gets into nice country clubs we'd do something about this.

Too bad.

See, this is how smart it was Biden not running again.

I completely forgot he existed, and has just been chugging along doing president things.

not to mention he flubbed even this question. he said if he wins first, then corrected himself to say loses. I'm so glad he's not on the ticket anymore.

I love all the closet right wingers thinking some fat ass country loving civilians with guns is going to overtake a country by itself.

The only reason anything happened last time is that agent orange was facilitating the insurrection from the inside. Now its just a bunch of idiots who maybe have guns.

So... America?

Whatever, just get the military ready in case they try.

I appreciate the nonchalance but the help agent orange offered from the inside was calling off some guards for a little bit and mostly just not making a speech telling his fans to calm down. The fact is that January 6th was a pretty disorganized protest that turned into a riot due to a handful of instigators and what we discovered is that the capitol building is not routinely well protected and only avoided riots like this because they hadn't happened.

Which is a good thing. Public institutions should be kept safe because they serve the people well enough that no one wants to take them over. Not because they employ an overwhelming police force to keep the public out. (The original intent was that citizens would be able to just walk around most of these buildings if they wanted to see the government functioning, imagine that eh?)

Now, obviously, DC is going to be on lockdown during inauguration day (as it should be) with a lot more military/police presence. But my point is that if an actually semi-organized militia had been there on Jan 6th with just a few more pistols and some designated leaders and organizers, they would have easily made it into the capitol even if trump had actually done everything to stop them. They would have been massacred in the resulting conflict as the US military sent its full force at them ofc but it would have been a much more consequential day.

This isn't me going to bat for anyone, the right wing militias are pitiful both in numbers and training. It's just that I think the potential for danger and bloodshed when these guys finally snap and make their desperate bid for attention will be a little more violent than I see people seem to think.

You know, during the Baltimore riot, the rioters who were destroying shit, killed a few people, etc all were content to riot. Up until the APC's and the military showed up, it stopped within minutes. Source: I saw it happen.

Once you see what a Humvee and APC tank squadron looks like looks like, your shitty AR15 isn't going to make you feel strong. What are you going to do, randomly shoot into a crowd of other Trump idiots? Rush the whitehouse with guns? Who will be in there this time?

What if they got inside and it was just the army standing inside? What then? Are they randomly going to shoot at the army? Whats the game plan, because that would be a first.

You have to think that this time we know, and with preparation it won't be an issue. Just be smart about it, because we already know about the last coup attempt.

You... Didn't read my post. I wonder what exactly you assumed I said?

I think you're not considering what a bunch of cowardly giant man babies they all are.

Remember who when one of them got shot they started yelling "Active shooter!" when it was a fucking SS agent or cop or something who fired the shot?

That's wishful thinking, they have put up far more infrastructure around state election counting than any previous election, the shady shit with batches of votes going missing from 20 years ago is nothing compared to what they're doing nowadays. They will do anything to shift vote counting and then cast doubt about the legitimacy enough that they can send it to the supreme court again. It happened before with Bush v Gore with much less shady dealing and a much less stacked supreme court than they have set up now.

Well, you're the boss. Prepare for what you expect, and lock the rioters up.

as is anyone who was alive and voting in the last election. You would have to be brain dead to not worry about what that clown may do.

This is probably in prep for shutting shit down. If you start warning people now, it'll be "I told you they were gonna wild out, and we're handling it" not "release the rabid dogs on the opposing party".

The headline makes it sound like he's not gonna let Kamala take his place... 🤔

As for his actual words, Joe's right, Trump's not going down easy. The good news is that Donnie isn't in power now, and won't be in charge of the Federal response to whatever unfolds.

It actually gets really complicated if the damage he does is at the state or local level. A "coup" in the US capital is probably no longer a possibility, but he could cause a lot of chaos if he got a couple dozen scattered enclaves of lawless resistance to lawful voting procedures, and they didn't back down. Are we gonna send national troops to half a dozen different states to make them obey? Is that even constitutionally feasible?

Anywhere we have the slightest doubt about that, we have to act now--Biden has to act now--to guarantee good-faith election management and fallbacks in case it doesn't happen.

Right. If dementia donnie's right-wing chuds want to try some shit, I hope Biden does some Dark Brandoning on their dumb asses. And then Kamala needs to put someone in charge who will not dither one bit when it comes to going after them legally after that.

While I agree, I would prefer them not giving it air time. Or better making fun of those suggesting violence and making them look foolish.

Project 2025 wants to slash military/veterans benefits and it seems most of the military knows about it now. I think we'll be alright so long as Harris wins the election.

It doesn't matter. The vp has the ability to arbitrarily change the election outcome. RIGHT DONNIE?

i believe what Biden says not because he said it but because Trump is desperate to pull that get out of jail free card.

A barricade of couches around the white house will stop trump and JD in their tracks... But for different reasons.

Well, yeah. If he had said anything else I would be shaking my head at how out-of-touch he was. They will absolutely try January 6th again, only this time I hope the Capitol and DC police are ready for them. Not to mention Congress, maybe they will put a stop to Republican reps helping rioters plan their insurrection.

Fortunately, he won't be in power if he loses, so his expected Joe Six-pack rioters won't have the federal government backing them up this time.

So another attack on the Capitol, ha. Handle it better at least, Joe

Umm what does trump have to do with the transfer of power if he does not win? What’s he gonna do? He has no power.

He has no power?

He has a fucking rabid cult of gun toting neonazis he has been stoking another insurrection to for years. Which is Biden's point here.

Oh please try with guns. Those people need deleted.

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Just block it, damn

i'm reminded of the old reddit days, where i saw way more people complaining about reposts in every single thread than i saw actual reposts

The real reposts were the people complaining about reposts the whole time.

If I block it, I can't downvote it.

It's literally an advertisement for a paid news website. Why is it allowed to spam every news post with ads?

The fact that it also provides some lawyer's heavily-biased opinion on the bias of news sources is moot. This is 100% an underground advertising campaign for a paid service.

When I saw how they rated, that was about as much as I needed to know, LOL.

Just out of curiosity (and my own laziness) can you share how they rated Wonkette? (It's like rating The Onion, I would guess. How& why do they rate that?

Overall, we rate Wonkette as strongly left-biased based on story selection and opinions that always favor the left and denigrate the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting because satire is mixed with factual news, which is misleading.

Yeah, I think Wonkette is meant to be satire first, and news second. It's like the Daily Show. It uses news as a basis for jokes.

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I think the problem you would have is calling the bot a bot. Calling out bots is uncivil, and the bot that looks for the word bot will let you know that you used the word bot.

I swear to god, I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says "bot."

Hey Farva. What's that gross type of fly that lays eggs in your skin?

You mean a bot?!

You're talking about a bot, right?!

Jesus, could everyone please stop using the B-word?

There once was a bard with a knack,

For writing b-words back-to-back.

His bouncy, bold ballads,

Like Sir Bacon's word salads,

Had the brutish boors taken aback.

I wonder if someone in power could perhaps do something about that, Joe? Maybe the president or someone like that?

I'm sure he will, this is more to prepare public when they will need to shut them down.