JD Vance's foreword to Project 2025 founder's book says Democrats are "wolves" who must be killed

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 556 points –

I thought we were unhappy women who only had cats as friends.

Now we are wolves.

I cannot keep up with this so can we compromise and be cheetahs or something?

It's the same, "enemy is simultaneously weak and strong" rhetoric characteristic of fascism.

Yeah libs are also “sheep”.

Right wing domestic terrorists are always “lone wolfs”, and incels think they’re really “alpha males”.

In reality the right wingers are just a bunch of insecure assholes.

Perhaps there are two Democrats inside of you.

Wait, do those two internal Democrats have internal Democrats themselves? Does that make every Democrat a fractal?

The "enemy," to people like him, are always both pathetic jokes and a horrific threat that needs to be eliminated.

edit: oops someone already said what i did

I thought they said the revolution would be "bloodless" if the left just let them have their way.

Wonder how the republicans would act if we went around saying they are vermin who should be slaughtered.

They would be all "now is a time for unity, and the fascist Democrats threaten our Republic"

"I love the Republic. The Power you give me l will lay down when this crisis has abated".

— Palpatine

Gosh, nothing weird at all about talking about millions of Americans in the same way the Nazis talked about Jews, gypsies, communists, leftists, unions, POC, LGBTQ, etc....

"Stop calling them weird, you guys!!!" - The Tone Police

ThE dEmOcRaTs aRe ThE rEaL fAsCiStS!

So anyway.... we should kill all Democrats amirite?

An apex predator responsible for keeping the ecosystem balanced and with minimal pest animals that will harm the environment by consuming too many resources?

I think he might be giving the Democrats too much credit, there.

Just a reminder that there is a pretty high chance that this guy becomes president given Trump's age.

This is his plan, if not that claim trump is unfit to hold office and take his spot. He doesn't interview like he's in it for VP he interviews like he is going to be president and it's weird.

Yeah man, compare us to the predatory pack animals that cull other species and re-balance ecosystems.

We're coming for you.

This will not hurt him, if anything it will ingratiate him with the magoos. They eat this shit up.

Imagine the fucking hypocrisy... Hillary says essentially "half the magas are a basket of deplorables" they cry foul and self select into that group, but then they go on about killing Demonrats and that's totes ok.

There was an asshat in Texas (I think) a few years back that said "the only good Democrat is a dead one" and the crowd went nutty cheering. Then he realized what he said and backtracked "I mean... Politically dead. You know the media will just twist my words." Too late fucker, the audience went nutty over the thought of killing Democrats.

“The old conservative movement argued if you just got government out of the way, natural forces would resolve problems—we are no longer in this situation and must take a different approach,” Vance continues. “As Kevin Roberts writes, ‘It’s fine to take a laissez-faire approach when you are in the safety of the sunshine. But when the twilight descends and you hear the wolves, you’ve got to circle the wagons and load the muskets.'”

Roberts himself has recently called for a “Second American Revolution” — a modern-day repeat of the eight-year conflict that killed between 25,000 and 70,000 Americans. Roberts himself said that the second revolution will be “bloodless” but only “if the Left allows it to be.”

"Don't turn this rape into a murder" is apparently mainstream conservative philosophy now.

But if I take them at their word and start advocating "get them before they get you", I'm the bad guy.

Conservatism is a plague of death that is long overdue for a cure.

Why call it conservatism at this point? At this point, they are radical theocrats.

Or radical conservatives. Or conservative theocrats.

The common element is always conservatism.

But what are they wanting to "conserve"? Has the US ever even been what they want it to become in project 2025? Maybe in reconstruction South...

While debatable, I believe they want to conserve a systemic hierarchy of social privilege or sense of superiority. Regardless, human cultures (at least since the renaissance) appear to have an observable gradient of ideologies that span from progressive/egalitarian to regressive/discriminatory. In western cultures, we usually refer to the latter as conservative, despite the debatability of what, exactly, they are "trying to preserve". As polarized as we are in modern U.S. politics, "conservative" is practically a team name.

Oh hey he's making me terrified for my friends in the states. Neat!

JD Vance has real "rejected from art school" vibes. Though I somehow suspect his villain origin story is even stupider than that.

It's too bad these guys cannot just be treated like an internal ISIS - because that's what they are, only the threat is much, much greater.

I don't understand, did he write multiple forwards to Project 2025 books? Why do we keep getting random headlines to single lines that he wrote for one piece?

He looks, and kinda sounds, like Gary from Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell.

Nah, he's fat bizarro Bill Hader.

Though honestly my wish is that Martin Short plays him on SNL. Only because Steve Martin is the obvious choice for Waltz and I really think Short could capture the idea that JD doesn't even deserve a credible stand in, only off the wall mockery.

Why are there quotation marks around only the word “wolves”? Is that the only word from the headline he actually said?

Maybe the rest is paraphrased for brevity, or maybe the author felt that this was the least believable part and opted to emphasise that he used that exact word.

Or maybe it's some weird rule about quoting a title assigned to someone or something? For example, the Wikipedia Article on Napoleon describes that he

crowned himself Emperor of the French

without quotes, but later mentions

what became known as the "Hundred Days"

with quotes. I'm neither a native speaker nor reveived particularly in-depth education on writing guidelines, so I have no idea. I just know that sometimes there are weird rules about quoting stuff.

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