“Concepts of a plan”: Trump roasted for having no clue what he’s doing

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 672 points –
“Concepts of a Plan”: Trump Roasted for Having No Clue What He’s Doing

Donald Trump tried to sidestep giving a policy position on health care, and walked straight off of a rhetorical cliff. 

During the presidential debate Tuesday night, Trump struggled to answer a question about his healthcare plan, accidentally revealing that he didn’t have one at all. 

After his particularly lackluster response criticizing Obamacare but giving no alternatives, ABC moderate Linsey Davis asked Trump outright if he knew what he was talking about. “Yes or no, you still do not have a plan?” she said.

I have concepts of a plan,” Trump replied. “I’m not president right now.”


Given that the MAGA talking point for the last few weeks has been "but KaMaLa DoEsNt HaVe AnY pOliCies!!!", I legitimately expected that they would have at least prepped him on some kind of policy response. Alas, the floor was wiped with an orange mop.

Nah, there was never a plan. That’s the whole idea. Remember he was president. He tried to kill ACA without a replacement, always promising a replacement is coming before during and now after his 4 years.

He's been saying he has a plan for almost a decade without ever providing anything.

I swear microplastics or lead have mentally disabled like 40% of the global adult population. Too many people remember nothing.

He’s been saying he has a plan for almost a decade without ever providing anything.

He said he was gonna build a wall that Mexico would pay for, but weeks after he lost in 2020 every dipshit was talking about the huge border again.

That one kills me. They elected a guy who promised to "Build the wall". I had a neighbor who was in construction and was bragging about how much wall they were building.

Then Trump gets fired and they're back to "our borders are wide open!" Wtf people? I thought you built a wall.

An coworker at my previous job was parroting the border crisis about 6 months ago. I snarkingly mentioned the orange turd's wall and then he hits back

"But Biden welded doors open in certain parts. So fighting age men from China and Middle East are just walking in"

I sat back and was kiiinda dumbfounded, didn't look it up because he's one of those "I ReAd BoTh SiDeS" people who claims they're the most well informed. I immediately dismissed his statement when an even more blatant right-wing knob-slobber repeates the exact same "fighting age men" comment

Imo that literally should be the only response to trump and his followers in any situation for any answer:

“Where is ya wall Donny? 4 years and no wall?”

Also why did he pardon Steve Bannon for his "We Build the Wall" scam?

He doesn't need a plan. Half the voters don't care if he has a plan. Plans are for Democrats.

The plan is no plan. tear it all down and let the peasants fend for themselves. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Naw the system protects assholes like trump.

Tearing it all down would give us peasants too much power.

Just saying "The System" absolves the ones abusing it of blame

It does? Interesting.

Do go on. How does recognizing that the government/infrastructure and such exists, and referring to that absolve anyone of anything?

Also… it’s not being abused. It’s designed to function this way. Which is why those “abusers” won’t tear it down and start over.

How does recognizing that the government/infrastructure and such exists, and referring to that absolve anyone of anything?

Like I said, because you're assigning the blame to The System instead of the people in it. Sometimes the system is set up in a way which harms people. Most of the time the people in the system are misusing it or ignoring protections that it stipulates to harm people. By always blaming The System only, you are ignoring the harm that these people in particular are causing and are misattributing the blame to other factors.

If the people are bad, the system will produce bad outcomes. It is easier to change the system than to change the people, but they still deserve blame.

A gun, knife, screwdriver isn’t to be blamed for murder or the coercion they enabled any more than the government and legal system is to be blamed for anything.

Machines, tools, things cannot be guilty of anything, even if they’re used in a crime.

People are guilty, the people who built it, and who maintain it, and yes, the people who use it. I’m not excusing anyone of anything.

I think you are, though, by failing to realize that whatever you want to call it, it’s fundamentally designed to protect the Haves from the Have-Nots.

Trump using the system to stay out of jail isn’t abuse. It’s meant to be used that way.

You keep using passive voice. When you say "it's meant to be used that way", what do you mean? Who meant it to be used that way? The people who created it? They didn't intend this. The people who modified it over time? That's more than one distinct group. Or are you saying the design of the system itself incentivizes that use? Because I don't think I agree with that either.

Also as an aside: Depending on what you mean by "blame", inanimate objects may be eligible imo. They can't be culpable, but they can share causal blame.

(I also feel compelled to mention that civil asset forfeiture frequently assigns guilt to inanimate objects, but I think we can agree that that legal practice is batshit insane.)

Yes. I used general language because you’re getting all bent out of shape, missing the forest for the trees.

If we’re at the critiquing grammar stage, I guess there’s no further point. If you genuinely don’t know who and what I mean, that’s your problem.

This isn't a grammar issue, this is a "you're being vague" issue. I'm simply asking for clarity. If you cannot provide that, you don't understand enough about your own position for me to care.

oh. so now I'm ignorant.


Yeah, "the system" is vague. what? you want a list of something as vast as the fucking US government? the banking system? financial institutions? Criminal justice? everything else designed, fundamentally, to keep people in that sweet spot that they have to show up to work doing back breaking jobs that pay too little; while also ensuring they won't, or can't riot; so as to extract the most possible wealth and power for the fewest possible people?

Even something as benign as public schools were fundamentally designed as propaganda. which is why history class waxed eloquently on the horrors of communism and conflating that with socialism while ignoring the horrors of capitalism- indeed, even, declaring capitalist greed good.

Sure, there's a few bad apples that abuse things in ways their not supposed. And sometimes, they even see jail. You're missing the forest for the trees, though. those people that see consequences... the reason they see consequences is because their actions disrupt the status quo. you beat a people down too much revolts happen, people at the top usually don't live long.

Not that what comes next is usually any better, and if it is... it's usually doesn't last long at all. humans are a vile species.

It’s taken him 8 years to form concepts. 🤣

For someone who lies all the time, you'd think he could come up with a better one than, "I forgot my homework, but I promise I did the outline!"

"I'm not president right now."

Neither is she, dumbass.

T: "She has no plan!"

Mod: "Do you have a plan?"

T: "Oh, well I'm not president yet so of course not yet!"

Imagine thinking that's a great way to convince people you're the right person for the job...

"I haven't looked into any potential solutions, but vote for me and I promise I'll try to find time to think about it!"

If you were perpetually "two weeks away" from releasing your "beautiful" healthcare plan 6 years ago then wtf are you doing now with nothing?

Imagine thinking that’s a great way to convince people you’re the right person for the job…

Worse, imagine how stupid you'd have to be to actually be convinced that he's the right person for the job. And then despair, because half the voters are that fucking stupid.

everytime he's out golfing he's conceptualizing a plan.

MF was pres for 4 years and we’re still joking about “infrastructure week”.

Moreover the entire republican party has been screeching “repeal and replace” and not once put up a plan or alternative to ACA.

They are all mentally bankrupt.

*Morally bankrupt

These aren't the actions of idiots, they're the actions of a group playing a bunch of idiots. Might seem like a distinction without a difference, but it's there.


This is all going according to some plan.

Capitalism seeks to optimize the use of resources.

Things are not optimized for you, they are optimized for the people that made the plan.

At the end of the debate he accused her of having 4 years in the White House to do the things she said in her closing arguments, and why hadn't she done them already? Yet he has a "concept" of a health care plan AND he claimed earlier he had so much proof that he won the 2020 election. So, Fat Donnie, where is all the fucking proof you have? And why is your lazy con man ass not providing us with a health care plan, or any other plan? It's because you are nothing more than a traitor, rapist, criminal, child molesting, con man liar.

She's had 4 years as VP. He's had 4 years AS PRESIDENT. And he only has the concept of a plan. He's fucking been there and his remarks are all about her not doing things when she wasn't even in that role.

Exactly, he's a hypocrite con man.

I was so mad she didn't get to respond to that, it would have been the perfect ending to make a point and to potentially energize people to vote.


The whole goddamn reason they can't do what they want to is because we have a Republican lead House.

We need to win all 3 to be able to have nice things again.

Instead of forming an actual plan, his fat ass has been shuffling and waddling around golf courses and mumbling about windmills

I believe he’s actually playing putt-putt golf, the one with the windmills.

This was comedy gold. His inflection was identical to that of a child being called out.

"I caught a Mew in the grass just outside of Pallet Town"

"Oh yeah? Show me your cartridge"

"Ah, I didn't save it after I caught it, my batteries died last night"

He's been doing this since the beginning. Anyone who has been around a 12 year old should be able to see this.

Go back to when he was asked about his favorite book/part/quote from the Bible. He sounds like a middle schooler who is trying to dance around how he didn't read anything for the book report.


The ability of half the country to willfully not see this (or just ignore it 'cuz librals are the devil!) astounds me.

The problem is that people keep not calling him out, partly because he always flips the board and walks out whenever you do.

It should be so goddamn easy to reveal every single one of his lies as outright lies (oh, world leaders called you and told you that Kamala sucks? Who? Who specifically did that?) But his superpower has been being able to avoid that. Plus being enabled by his mouthhreathing base who doesn't give a shit if anything he says is true, and by all his fellow powermongers that enable this shit.

That Sodom sure was a great guy, Gamorah too, both very fine people, they've been my friends for 40, 50, 60 or maybe 70 years even. And you ask them, they'll tell anybody, that I've done more for them than anyone else in human history.

1 more...

His plan is project 2025 which he can't say when he's tried claiming he has nothing to do with it. But project 2025 has healthcare changes

Honestly I suspect he was vaguely aware of it, vaguely on board with it but once he was informed of how unpopular it was he started distancing himself

Edit: I don't think he saw how unpopular it was, I think he was correctly informed of that by his campaign staff

That this orange turd is even in the running as a president is heart breaking for this country.

The fact that this orange turd has a chance of actually winning, and how close it is, shows how broken the country is.

It is insane that he is not laughed out of any room.

Paraphrasing: "Hillary lost, so now it's time to go away. Go into the woods and enjoy your life, you lost."

If only he followed his own advice... Instead I'm sure we'll be seeing him yet again in another 4 years... The worst of us never die...

"I'll reveal my beautiful, beautiful healthcare plan for the millions and billions of Americans in two weeks... right after the crooked IRS finishes up my perfect audit." ~tRump

It will be the best audit, like you've never seen before. Probably the best audit in the world.

Gee, if people had just realized he has no idea what he's doing 8+ years ago we all would've been better off.

I distinctly remember that being a selling point of his first campaign.

He was advertised as a Washington outsider, who had no connections and would drain the swamp.

And now it's vote for the senile felon.

Do you have the down payment to purchase this home?

We have the concept of a down payment.

I am going to print this out and hand it out to everyone I know

Wait for instructions from Moscow and go one by one. No plan needed.

He just needs two more weeks, then we'll have the most beautiful plan this country has ever seen.

It's nice to see that at least some people have finally figured that out.

Had concepts of a plan for how to prepare for this debate

Its like when you fail a dialogue check in disco elysium, except this guy was president and not a hungover party cop