Jill Stein Is Killing the Green Party

jordanlund@lemmy.worldmod to politics @lemmy.world – 392 points –
Jill Stein Is Killing the Green Party

"How has Stein fared as a leader? By AOC’s perfectly reasonable standard, she’s done abysmally. As of July 2024, a mere 143 officeholders in the United States are affiliated with the Green Party. None of them are in statewide or federal offices. In fact, no Green Party candidate has ever won federal office. And Stein’s reign has been a period of indisputable decline, during which time the party’s membership—which peaked in 2004 at 319,000 registered members—has fallen to 234,000 today.

This meager coalition can’t possibly kick-start a legitimate political movement, capable of organizing voters and advancing ideas outside of perennial electoral events. It’s just large enough, however, to spoil the work of those who put in this kind of work."


It's a two party system. Everybody knows if you run as a third party you're merely increasing the chances that the ones furthest from you politically will be elected.

It's impossible for a third party candidate to be running for president in the US in good faith unless they're complete fucking idiots with no idea how the political system works.

Jill Stein knows how the system works. So obviously she's not acting in good faith.

Simple as that.

Seems like you beat the coin flip today, and people agree with you. Watch out, next time the Libertarians and Communists will tell you that just getting on the ballot is enough to make a dent in the two party system...

It's a thread about the Green Party, those trolls don't bother coming here. The third party enthusiasts only show up for the Harris threads.

...speaking of good faith.

The communist party of the United States has consistently refused to run candidates for major offices very specifically to avoid spoiling the vote.

The Communist Party, yes. The air-quote Communists on Lemmy are just as happy to tell you to vote third party as anyone else.

I am a leftist and I celebrate everyone's right to vote how they please. If people would like to hear my reasons for voting for Kamala, or my concerns about third party spoiling, I can tell them. But a person's right to vote is more important to me than how they vote. That's what democracy and being for the people is about. Use your rights, I support that. We all deserve to use our rights.

What an insufferable position and way of arguing for it. To anyone reading this thread, she only gets worse with each reply. She's arguing for... Literally Everything necessarily taking a backseat to protecting people from even the mere concept of them feeling like their voting rights are taken away. Despite the fact that no one in this thread is trying to do that, and only Republicans are ever interested in such a thing, she's really oddly interested in making sure people vote for third parties, which helps Republicans, without ever hearing the truth about third parties because it might hurt their feelings. Which as we all know, is definitely taking their voting rights away.

She undoubtedly will point out some out of context quote about how the rational person in this discussion is a fAsCisT but each time she did that previously in the thread below, she wasn't doing it in good faith so you be the judge.

You realize your strawman here is a bad faith argument? In fact, I actually can't find a single good faith argument in anything you've written. You start out with an appeal to emotion. Then strawman. Then no true scotsman. Then strawman. Then strawman. Then strawman. Also we all know you're the """rational""" other person on an alt account. You type the same and it's been days since anyone responded to this thread. Lol.

I am voting for Kamala and I'm perfectly happy to tell people why. Maybe people will agree with me and that's great. Otherwise, I still support someone's right to vote no matter how they vote. Because that's what a right is, and that's what the right to vote grants. I disagree with any speech that advocates for limiting the right to vote, particularly because I'm a woman and women's rights are being taken away actively.

I also think that while yes, obviously Jill Stein is a Russian asset, that doesn't mean every independent or third party candidate is. I am on the side of the every day person and am fine with hearing criticisms of Dems and of the way we currently vote.

I will point out any speech that is a dog whistle to eroding our rights, though. I've quoted the specific issues with what you said. I don't really need to say more. I accept you think it's fine to control others. I accept that you refuse to learn about civil rights and the right to vote. I accept that you refuse to analyze propaganda and dog whistles in your speech. Whatever, it's your opinion. I also think your little comment serves as an advertisement anyway for any people reading this thread besides you, lol.

Quite conspiratorial to think I'm that other person.. do you do that? Why would you even think that people would go through the trouble? Weird.

I will point out any speech that is a dog whistle to eroding our rights, though.

More conspiratorial thinking. in any case it's pretty ridiculous to try and tell someone they shouldn't inform people about third parties because they might get their feelings hurt and then.... Feel unable to vote or something?



For, with a country as with a person, "What is man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

"All men are created equal." "Government by consent of the governed." "Give me liberty or give me death."

And those are not just clever words, and those are not just empty theories.

In their name Americans have fought and died for two centuries and tonight around the world they stand there as guardians of our liberty risking their lives.

Those words are promised to every citizen that he shall share in the dignity of man. This dignity cannot be found in a man's possessions. It cannot be found in his power or in his position. It really rests on his right to be treated as a man equal in opportunity to all others.

It says that he shall share in freedom. He shall choose his leaders, educate his children, provide for his family according to his ability and his merits as a human being.

To apply any other test, to deny a man his hopes because of his color or race or his religion or the place of his birth is not only to do injustice. It is to deny America and to dishonor the dead who gave their lives for American freedom.

Our fathers believed that if this noble view of the rights of man was to flourish it must be rooted in democracy. The most basic right of all was the right to choose your own leaders.

The history of this country in large measure is the history of expansion of that right to all of our people. Many of the issues of civil rights are very complex and most difficult. But about this there can and should be no argument:

every American citizen must have an equal right to vote.

I already explained that you speak and type the same. No, that's not something I do, but that's something you seem to do. Based on you doing it.

I quoted the speech you engaged in exactly as it relates to anti-democracy speech and dog whistles.

I'm not engaging in conspiratorial thinking, that's not what that is. Conspiratorial thinkers are known for:

displaying a deep skepticism that who one votes for really matters.

Gee, I think that voting really counts. Conspiratorial thinkers believe that voting is pointless. I also think people should run for office and use their rights and communicate with their government. I am not antigovernment. Wild, it's like you're wrong and you think that conspiratorial thinking just means suspecting anyone of being hostile. Lol.

I'm so tired of fascists.

Yikes, yeah you're just as wrong about this as you were about the things you're being criticized for in the first place.

OK. Agree to disagree.



Our fathers believed that if this noble view of the rights of man was to flourish it must be rooted in democracy. The most basic right of all was the right to choose your own leaders.

The history of this country in large measure is the history of expansion of that right to all of our people. Many of the issues of civil rights are very complex and most difficult. But about this there can and should be no argument:

#every American citizen must have an equal right to vote.

No one here is trying to take anyone's rights away. The other person commenting that they prefer more informed votes to uninformed votes doesn't even begin to border on removing anyone's rights, nor is it a "dog whistle" for anything. It's patently ridiculous. As is the assertion that I am an their alt. Seriously, I write like them? They wrote long detailed responses to your bluster, I'm simply dismissing you on the grounds that your idea is so ridiculous it's not worth actually engaging in, clearly since no matter what the dude wrote you took away something weird and persecution-y from it. Us both using spellcheck and capital letters doesn't make us the same person. What reason would anyone have to care so deeply about what you wrote to switch accounts and pretend to be someone else? Even if it looked like we wrote exactly the same (we definitely don't), that still shouldn't be your first assumption. Yet it was, and that's delusional.

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I’m so tired of fascists.

Absurd thing to think from what I've written. I'm so tired of people defending garbage ideas. And no I don't mean right to vote. The only people attacking that are republicans. The garbage idea in question is defending third party voters who refuse to be educated in a basic way.

The only people attacking that are republicans

No, itt alone there are Dems advocating for these ideas.

Taking away people's right to vote, or advocating for speech that does so, is fascist in nature, yes.

Practically no one would agree with you that what was said was fascist or taking rights away or any of these other scary words you're throwing out. Unless they are trying hard to justify third party voting.

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I'm not sure you could be more milquetoast if you tried. Sure, it's important that everyone has the right to vote. It is equally as important that everyone understand that unless they vote one of two ways, their vote is essentially going to waste at best, and going against their best interests at worse. A vote for a third party candidate is a vote cast against your closest aligned Democrat or Republican candidate. A vote not cast for them is cast against them. That's just the way the system works. It sucks. I hate it. I want to change it, but wishful thinking isn't fixing the problem, and until its fixed, voting third party is a net loss for the voter. That's the shitty reality of it. People that tell you to vote third party are either idiots, or malicious, and no one should be listening to either of those groups when it comes to voting for the future of the country. Work on changing the system first, then cast the vote you want to cast.

It's not "equally important." No, the right to vote is more important. Period.

Sure, your perspective and how you and many others view this election, is that it's important to vote for either Kamala or Trump. But that's your perspective. Totally fine to discuss but it doesn't supercede the literal civil right to vote. Or to run for office.

Today and yesterday, I've seen people advocate for removing the right to vote and run for office here on Lemmy. I've seen people use the word "disenfranchised" wrong. Our civil rights are actively in jeopardy - see: abortion access. People being confused on how important voting rights are and what that means is BAD. I have seen a LOT of fascist rhetoric lately. It is NOT leftwing or radical or progressive to be fascist and deny people their vote just because you dislike it. It is NOT leftwing or radical or progressive to deny people the right to run for office because it makes another party's job harder. That is actually literally fascism. What the fuck.

And again, I'm voting for Kamala. I generally agree with your reasoning. I do not agree with the messaging or the idea that people should be forced into thinking and voting like me.

Totally fine to discuss but it doesn’t supersedes the literal civil right to vote. Or to run for office.

By that logic, the right to own a gun supersedes the need to be educated on how they work. "Here's a loaded 9mm, Timmy. I'm sure you can figure the rest out."

I do not agree with the messaging or the idea that people should be forced into thinking and voting like me.

And I'm not saying that anyone should be forced to vote any one way. Vote however you want, but being educated on how it works is just as important as the act itself. If every voter were educated on the system and understood how it worked, then we wouldn't have third party candidates. Actually, strike that, we would have them. We wouldn't have this first past the post bullshit we do now, and third party candidates would have a chance at being elected if they represent the will of the majority.

Untl we have that, though, people should understand that voting doesn't work how they want it to, it works how it works. If you want to feed your family by fishing with cheetos, go for it, but don't tell everyone else that if we all fish with cheetos suddenly fish will take the bait. The nature of the beast is that we vote in a two party system, and we will until we change it at a fundamental level. The fact that we have people saying that third party voting is a viable option tells me that there is a lot of misinformation and a strong lack of education in our voting populace.

A gun is not what we are talking about. We are talking about the right to vote. It is fundamentally unique and vitally important.

People who are voting third party are at least voting. The majority of Americans don't or can't vote - that is a bigger concern than HOW someone votes, and is much more manageable with education and neutral conversations. Stacy Abrams did particularly well in Georgia a few years ago because she just got people to vote at all. Any political interest should be encouraged because we all have to start somewhere. As people vote and learn more, they will develop their own opinions about third party spoilers. They will have conversations about it with people like you and they might end up changing their mind. That's the beauty of being an individual and choice - we can pick to do different things.

As far as misinformation- that's a huge topic and would require we regulate advertising and media. Collectively though, people do really well and tend to get most answers right. We do better as a group. So the more votes we can get (including allowing felons to vote), the better and more just society will be.

A gun is not what we are talking about. We are talking about the right to vote.

We are talking about rights. I was using gun rights as an example, because like guns, if you don't know how to vote, you'll end up hurting yourself or others. Education is key. Everyone has the right to vote, but the ability to cast that vote should come with a caveat. You should know how to vote, and how your vote works. Ignoring the system and willfully playing dumb means that I don't want your vote to count alongside mine. I'm not saying that people should be educated to vote like me, but that there is a baseline level of education that should be a requirement to vote. And before you get your undies twisted, I'm not saying that we should take away the right to vote from the uneducated. I'm saying we should put more focus into education.

The majority of Americans don’t or can’t vote

As you told me I was off topic with guns, I'll say you are off topic here. We aren't talking about non-voters. We are talking about voting 3rd party.

As far as misinformation- that’s a huge topic and would require we regulate advertising and media.

No, it doesn't. That's the lazy answer. That's the defeatist answer. It requires, say it with me, education. We have such a shit education system in this country that if we had to teach children how to breathe, the infant mortality rate would be at pre-industrial levels. We keep funelling money into special interests, corporate control, and foriegn wars that we have left several generations behind when it comes to education. If we focused on ensuring the education of our children, a lot of our issues would be solved within 50 years. It is the single greatest failing of this once-great country. "Why educate, when we can tell them how to act and outsource critical thinking?"

That is what I'm saying. I'm not trying to take away anyone's rights. I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do. I'm saying that if we invested in our youth the way we invest in war, we'd be waving to cancer in the rear view mirror of our generational ship bound for Alpha Centauri. Instead I have a bunch of rich cunts with more money than god spending my life measuring their dicks.

A gun is not the same as a vote. Your analogy is not a good one and doesn't work because voting is a unique right.

I don’t want your vote to count alongside mine

This is fascism. This is where we disagree. I am not the thought police for others. I am simply my own advocate and that's it. Others can agree or not.

there is a baseline level of education that should be a requirement to vote. This is illegal and unconstitutional. You called it a requirement so you are indeed stopping the uneducated from voting if they don't meet that requirement.

I’m saying we should put more focus into education. We are substantially more educated now than 100 years ago, and people were allowed to vote then. I'm much smarter than the average white male farmer back then.

We are talking about voting 3rd party. And how 3rd party "spoils" elections. You yourself literally said 3rd party would be a valid choice in an ideal voting situation. So if Dems want more votes, they shouldn't come out with 3rd party hit pieces. 3rd parties are only an issue because of the way we structure voting - we agree here.

No, it doesn’t. That’s the lazy answer. That’s the defeatist answer. 'Lazy' is an ableist term. I have a thumb injury that makes it hard to type. I also already typed an extremely long reply to you and that topic was tangential imo. I have a very good policy proposal for education that I could dig up in my old comments- basically a national online school that anyone can enroll in for credit. So if adults want to take 5th grade science, they can. No time limits. Greater language and disability access. Can be supplemental to brick and mortar education. Will prevent gaps in education due to school shooters, sickness, travel, or poverty.

I agree that education needs reform and that we have a misinformation issue.

That is what I’m saying. I’m not trying to take away anyone’s rights. I’m not trying to tell anyone what to do

I'm with you there - say THOSE things then. Advocate foe policy that increases education. Do not say stuff like "basic education should be a requirement for voting," because that's indeed saying you want to take away rights and tell people what to do.

This is fascism.

Anything can be fascism when taken completely out of meaning. Maybe if you completed the quote you'd have a little bit of context for the argument. I'm done with this discussion, it seems you are more than willing to twist my words to give artistic license to what you want me to say than to actually read what I wrote. Take it easy, stranger. Hope you are able to make thoughts and prayers work out for a better world, because that seems to be all you are capable of.

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Yea... though President Debs would have been excellent.

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Guys as soon as we've got 5% popular vote we get on the ballots automatically. That prevents unavoidable blockers like how our own campaign fucked up the paperwork! It will be all over for these fuckers, we will win it for certain after that.

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There's room for 3rd party candidates who have principals that voters can compare candidates to and not let the 2 party system shift in whatever direction it wants as soon as the 2 parties start racing to the bottom. But if you accept Putin's money and influence it is your party who is racing to the bottom and you have no principles so that's when you become a useless drain.

Everybody capable of rational thought knows that. However there are plenty of tankie douchebags who would love to tell you what a wrong ShItLiB you are for saying this basic truth

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When I was a teenager and foolish and a republican, we campaigned for the green party because we thought we could trick democrats into voting green but we'd never get them to vote republican. make of that what you will.

It's literally one of the things they do every election. This isn't new. Or even news. Unless people were living under a rock, or blind.

Just like Russia, China, etc help any misinformation and disinformation campaign they can all over the world in other countries. All chaos is good for them in the end. Even if their ideal candidate doesn't win, the bickering they help stole makes it harder for other countries to rally very well against their interests.

It's the same reason the US has done the same shit all over as well. Promoting and supporting coups is a national passtime because it helps the US indirectly either way.

And Dems funneled money to MAGA fascists to split republicans. It's art of war 101: divide and conquer; it doesn't really reflect on the merits of anyone involved.

Green could be a false flag puppet of the Republicans or they could have a legitimate platform and genuine candidates working to better the world for all the rightwing cares, what matters is that they are popular enough to detract from dems.

Ironically, reacting to this as if Green is the enemy also plays into this tactic: dems become more isolated from other interests and therefore more resistant to change and adaptation to a changing political climate, which makes them less appealing and more likely to die out.

It makes total sense for Russia to make Jill Stein a Russian asset because it neutralizes an anti-oil organization. Oil is very important to Russia’s economy so of course they don’t want any phase-out of fossil fuels.

It's much more simple. If Trump wins, Russia gets the Ukraine. Putin put the war in motion thinking Trump was a sure bet last election.

It why Trump is trying to pull us out of all our treaties. I think he gives Putin a run at all of Europe possibly.

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The Green Party is dying! Save it SB!

Jill Stein is so bad that if I lived in a ranked choice voting state, I would still rank her pretty low.

Reactionary people are unable to accept that some of us are socialists who have an absolute fear of more orange bad. I love where I live and planned to stay the rest of my life, but will be forced (by my own standards and fear) to leave the country if he returns to office.

I think Ralph Nader killed it when he helped get us Bush and the war criminals.

Jill just figured out the Putin would pay to reanimate its corpse.

The Green Party really didn't exist before Nader. There was a loose coalition of state Green parties that united under Nader in 1996. But the idea of a national Green party wouldn't happen until 2001.

Good point, but I still think that even if he created it, he also damaged its reputation the most in the 2000 election.

Stein being a stooge for Putin is just the result of a weak/desperate organization that needs funding and has no real leadership or ideals outside of at best, wanting to exist, but at worst, planning to spoil for an ideologically opposite party.

Green / Red...can't ell the difference when you're colorblind.

If there's such a fear of third parties cleaving off votes from the Democrats, why have they never tried to mobilize similar forces on the right?

We had the Libertarians right there, before they imploded.

The Republican party saw it happening and absorbed it. Groups like the Tea Party were a very real threat to Republican party candidacy in elections. They absorbed the groups and shifted more right to integrate them.

The Democrat leadership however aren't willing to actually shift left. They current Dem leadership aren't actually radically left at all like the Republicans keep trying to convince people. They keep shifting right along with everything else taking the Overton window with them.

Because people on the left are mostly younger and they won't vote no matter what you promise them, even if it's everything that they want to be promised.

Because Democrats are honestly bad at their jobs. I can't come to any other conclusion - whether it's intentional or just basic incompetence, I'm not sure. There's no Mitch McConnell Dem equivalent, including Nancy Pelosi. The current Supreme Court justice mess is due to Dem strategy fuckups on multiple levels.

It’s just large enough, however, to spoil the work of those who put in this kind of work.

The big 2 parties haven't put in more effort, they've just put in more person-hours... Because they have more people. Parties aren't more worthy of votes based solely on how many people are voting for them, that's tyranny of the majority. And if they can adapt their platforms to appeal to the small portion of undecided defectors from their primary rival party (each other), they damn sure can tailor their platform to the 100,000s that vote independent/3rd party.

Checking biases, the only other article by this contributor is explaining why it's actually A Good Thing™ that the Harris campaign doesn't explain their platform in depth... You know, like you would want a leader to do if you were subject to their rules and policies for any length of time.

Once again, the liberals are quick to assign blame for any of their shortcomings, and it's just coincidentally never their fault nor responsibility to do anything. Their primary guiding principal for decades has been to change the status quo as little as possible to ensure they can't be blamed for the changes, while accusing everyone else of destroying democracy.

Politically it is a good thing. I don't know what angle they took but it generally means the campaign believes they're in the lead.

As far as having more man hours to throw at stuff, it sounds like the green party needs to be recruiting. Not lancing at windmills and getting laughed off the stage.

Its funny that some democrats are doing exactly what you say in your last sentence, calling any criticism of the party an attempt to destroy democracy.

I said that because they're doing it, it's not like I'm psychic lol

Still then prevalence of that perspective is a bit jarring.

Sort of like, "we can do freedom to vote next election, promise!"

What a bad article. Too small to matter, but big enough to matter. Come on now, get your story straight.

Unless dems and reps cheat. Green party is doing better this election simply because Harris is a drug Barron, and Trump is a shiester. This article is their windbags blowing because people aren't gobbling up their plates of human shit and voting for it... What comes next is gonna blow some peoples minds(figuratively ofcourse).

I hate myself already for asking. But uh, what's going to come next?

Next is Sumguy takes his evening meds and goes to sleep.

She's going to spoil the election for Harris libs! There's nothing you can do about it, except stop your genocide is Gaza.

Such commitment to the bit! Love how you encapsulated the sheer ignorance and downright avoidance of reality of typical leftists here in just a few short sentences!

You’ve got a career in comedy ahead of you!

Liberals are desperate to smear any threat to their existence and power. Watching it reminds me of Southerners that were desperate to cling to their 'heritage' of hate and bigotry. They didn't see it as hate and bigotry, but everyone else paying attention did

Tankies are desperate for any reason to pretend their ideas aren't trash

The comment above you was quite harsh, so if you wanna respond harshly, I say go for it. But please include at least one example or reason or detail. If the only thing you can do is ad hominem, it's boring.

What gave you the idea that the world owes you entertainment?

Stupid reasoning. Read both comments. They have the same structure. If one is an ad hominem attack, then so is the other one

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Can you imagine if you campaigned against trump half as much as you campaign against progressive parties?

Jill Stein is a lot of things, but "progressive" ain't one of 'em. I'd love for Harris and the Dems to be more progressive, but they're going to need a better example than Stein.


Same request for you, which parts of the platform arent progressive

Ah yes, the platform of a candidate that does not have a chance at win ing, even by mistake, and can say whatever the fuck they want because of it.

That's a long list of progressive ideas. Too bad she can't possibly win in a two party system. I like the assumption that if she did get the office all that would immediately take effect. That's not how it works. Unfortunate for many of the ideas she lists, but also as a protective measure in case people like Trump get in and sweep what's left away to put in place a dictatorship. Like he's promised to do.

So putting away the policy comparisons and party names, and just looking at the math. Can a third party win in an established two party system in a FPTP election? The answer is a simple no. I'd love to see a ranking system in place to allow diversity of opinions have a chance in elections, and there's a bill right now to do that nationally, by Democrats because they're the ones that would do well in such a system. Let's fix the real problem and stop this decades-long third party dream to do the impossible.

And until there's a grassroots movement and support at the local levels, the Green Party is always going to look like and be the spoiler party, no matter how many nice ideas they have bullet points for.

Here's a question for you: How many of those Green policies are similar to Harris policies? I saw a few, I just wonder if you realize that you could get some of that stuff done easily with Democrats in all three seats of power. Which we have a chance to do.

I like the assumption that if she did get the office all that would immediately take effect.

Well if youre just gonna flat out lie

No one is going to read that, let alone answer you. See, this is a Stein hate thread, you've already lost the game.

(I know nothing about her.)

And while your first point is sound, the buried lede, (the part in parenthesis) is the real point, isn't it?

dems itt maybe knew her name before the party started smearing her. wonder how many will ever bother to look her up?

Can you imagine if Jill Stein was progressive? Yeah me neither..


Can you point what parts of the platform arent progressive?

Man the anti-stein crowd cant tolerate the most basic of questions

OP pointed a big red arrow at Stein's stated beliefs, there's your answer. Anything to say except, "Nuh uh!"?

I dont believe there is a single stated belief from Stein in the entire article

What bills has Stein passed?

Ah its that darn work experience required but how do you get work experience paradox.

By this logic we should never elect new politicians.

Has she held any positions at all? What does she do between running for president?

22 years of campaigning, and never once held any office whatsoever. Truly a great leader!

How do you expect someone to get elected if being elected is a prerequisite.

She continues political work. Talks, events, promoting other green party people. Stuff that doesnt make headlines.

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I imagine that most of it is going there, at least if one were to follow the money trail. It's just that the Green party is so much smaller, so a few bits of afterthought saber rattling hurt them a lot worse than a much larger spend (by the Dems) against the GOP hurts the GOP.

Or if for policies popular with a wide swath of America? Naw. I believe what MSNBC and all the real adults in the room agree with:

Our party should ebrace moderate Republicans! Smear the greens! Keep leftist spoiler parties off the ballot! Dismiss Dem party dissidents as traitors and foreign assets! This is what real leftists do. All leftists to the left of me are actually to the right.

I would know, i'm a Democrat, and I'm as left as they come

Oh, yeah, me too, I am a very far left lefty. That's why when it comes to elections I ignore groups like Uncommitted and instead vote how the furthest right group wants lefties to vote.

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ITT: Blue MAGA and preaching to the choir.

Dr. Jill Stein has improved the Green Party; y'all just believe anything the duopoly and owner-class media spit out when it agrees with your thinking.

Muslim support is at an all-time high for Dr. Jill Stein; that is why AOCPelosi, the new attack dog of Blue MAGA, started up again.

I suggest getting out of the echo chambers and checking out independent journalists instead of continuing the self-censorship.

Blue MAGA is not real

It's as real as MAGA, but MAGA knows it's batshit crazy

It's not, and thinking that way does not make you enlightened, it makes you completely unable to comprehend the facts

They are and they call you a nazi for saying free palestine or saying anything remotely negative about any democrat ever

Edit but also the guy you're replying to is dumb, wtf do they mean by AOCPelosi? They hate eachother xD

They are absolutely not. I'm voting Democratic all the way down the ticket this year and I will say all day that Biden needs to cut the crap with his support for Israel (while also mentioning Trump has been accused of illegally contacting Israel to sabotage the ceasefire deals). Lots of people I know share this exact opinion. Your argument is a strawman.

You and your friends not being that doesn't mean they're not real. A lot of democrats will call you a Chinese spy for suggesting that Biden or other democrats could do better on Israel, and to them even remotely questioning whether we should be blindly VBNMWing for all eternity makes you a nazi who's trying to get trump elected. Blue maga is real, and their existence and the fact all other democrats deny they exist is gonna get Trump elected 100x faster than trying to make democrats more electable and less genocidal. I promise you the moment trump dies, I never vote blue again unless yall get your shit together and stop trying to be almost as far right and and blindly fanatical and genocidal as republicans (slight edit bc I was being kinda hyperbolic on how many dems are magalike)

Is bLuE mAgA in the room with you right now?

BlueMAGA mentality infests society like mosquitoes and roaches

Kind of like tankies, who long for violence and suffering

Liberals commit social murder daily and you want to go on about violence and suffering.

Low wages is violence, no affordable housing is violence, income inequality is violence, social inequality is violence, for profit healthcare is violence.

Do you see the trend? Violence isn't just physical, it's also mental, and economic.

Yeah sure anything you need to not feel bloodthirsty, buddy. Something something both sides. Maybe if you ever spoke to another human being irl you would not be like this

Oh it's our resident "independent journalism" guy who seems to post nothing but far-right podcasts.

Dr. Jill Stein has improved the Green Party; y’all just believe anything the duopoly and owner-class media spit out when it agrees with your thinking.

In what ways, alongside the one point mentioned, and according to what sources (presumably not from the party itself)?

The greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.

~Aldous Huxley

Wow! Never read that quote. Perfectly explains how American politics got to be such a mess. I laugh at all the revolutionary talk around here.

material comforts

Yeah, no, we're so well-fed we have to find excuses for our rampant obesity. There won't be a revolution until people are literally fighting for food and our masters will never allow that to come to pass. Look at lemmy, bitching and moaning about video game prices and such. We're pretty fucking far from lacking material comforts. To add, a lot of people think they're suffering, but haven't seen a day of true poverty in their lives. Y'all, you're suffering in comparison to what could and should be.

cherished beliefs

As fast as we in the West are dropping religion, notice the politicians haven't done anything about the rampant sex abuse? Taxing the church? Unheard of! Let the masses have their silly beliefs, stick to the middle of the road if you must, get elected again.