What are the coolest (privacy respecting) apps you have?

Daniel@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 227 points –

Title says it all. I'll go first:

I don't really have any on my computer (all I use that for is Vim, Firefox, and Git), but on my phone: Orbot (basically Tor as a VPN on your phone).

Edits: Added link, fixed formatting


KDE Connect

I can share files, links and clipboard items between my phone and my computer. Use my phone as remote control while watching stuff. I see phone notifications on my computer and don't miss calls when my phone is in silent mode while I'm at my PC. It has made my life so much smoother.

Out of curiosity can KDE Connect act as a Find My alternative?

I'm not sure, because I don't really know, what Find My can do (I think it's an Apple app, right?) What you can do with KDE Connect is make your phone ring to locate it. You can't access the phones location. I hope that was remotely helpful.


That was funny πŸ˜€

I wish I could take credit, but I'm afraid I actually did not intend this pun. Thanks for pointing it out though, it really is funny.

Sadly not as AFAIK you need to be connected to the same network as the device (at least on iOS)

I wonder if both devices were on the same tailacale network if this may work.

You can make your phone ring, but connect works over wifi, you have to be on the same LAN for the connection between devices to work.

Out of curiosity, is this linked to a PC running a Linux distro, or Windows/MacOS?

To clarify, I meant this as, "Are you using this with a PC running Linux?" vs. whether it was available across different OSes. Sorry for the confusion, but thanks for the replies that address both interests!

In my case Linux. But as far as I know there is a Windows App as well. Though I can't tell you if it's any good. Maybe there is something for MacOS, too, but I'm not sure.

Thanks! I was asking as I've heard of some jank with the Windows app (which, kind of to be expected given it's having to adjust to a different OS), and I think there is a MacOS version too, but haven't read as much about it & its quality.

I often have connection issues with the Windows app. I usually have to turn WiFi off and on.

SMS rarely works for me but everything else works fine

Everyone knows about VLC but I don't think many people know it has a really good Android app! I use it as my primary music app and it's great. Even has android auto support and a surprisingly sleek interface.

I'm assuming it doesn't work with Jellyfin or Subsonic, does it?

I haven't used those so I don't think so. But it lets you add music from local networks, and you can add streams from a URL (even supports youtube links, which is a way to watch youtube without ads without pihole or a third party app).

Huh, TIL - I've been using VLC for ages on my phone and on my tablet, but I never knew this. I just tried it - open Youtube app, select random Video, share, select VLC, wait a bit and it plays!

Mind blown

I haven't used VLC on my phone. I prefer MPV on both desktop and mobile (it's the media player used in JMP), and it works with the jellyfin app just fine!

Organic Maps for ... maps.

FluffyChat as chat client for matrix.

Joplin for note taking on any device.

AntennaPod for podcasts.

Organic Maps

Looks like it has supper detailed maps, has OpenStreetMap really gotten that good!?

OpenStreetMap is amazing. I always use the maps when I want to know details about some place. Much more detailed than Google Maps.

ETA: Especially when you want to go somewhere on foot or by bike, because Google Maps kinda sucks at showing footpaths etc.

I can't stand Google maps now. You have to fight it to show the actual map. The map, too, is now swarmed in Wall-E levels of marketing trash: bubbles, home businesses, auto play review videos, promoted fast food and coffee 8 miles away when I'm in a dense walkable area. The user reviews and navigation are still valuable, but literally every other aspect has went to shit.

It fully depends on the area. My city has only a few hardcore mappers, but that's all it takes to make it really detailed.

Alright, thanks for letting me know! I've looked at it a while back (it seems it would've been really nice for hiking) and it didn't seem to have everything -- granted I live in the middle of nowhere.

There are some apps you can get where it will ask you questions about features where you are, and you upload the answer back to osm.
sorry I cant remember the names of these apps though - everywhere i go (in the uk) the osm content is awesome. better than google for basically all but businesses.

I don’t know about general maps but any footpaths or off-road stuff is really good there and better than on Google or Apple Maps.

100% with you on Joplin, I use it all the time. I love it. I haven't yet found anything I like more.

I tried Obsidian recently and was turned off because the notes aren't encrypted in place like with Joplin. To me that's just a really nice privacy feature that I don't like the idea of sacrificing, especially not to a not open source project.

How does Organic Maps compare to OsmAnd?

Better UI and UX, but a few less features.

FluffyChat seems to be getting worse. It used to have LaTeX math support and removed it. And doesn't respect disabling animations.

Off the top of my head

  • Signal
  • VeraCrypt
  • LibreWolf
  • BitWarden

Oh shoot! I forgot about Bitwarden, I feel like I use it so much that it just fades into the background now!

Veracrypt has been stale but at least they released a new beta last month

I still find it invaluable, for easy encryption of whole thumbdrives.

Habits !!

Edit: replaced gplay with fdroid link. The proper way

Are there any in app purchases? It looks pretty neat

I just replaced the gplay link with the fdroid. On github it says ;

No limitations. Track as many habits as you wish. Loop imposes no artificial limits on how many habits you can have. All features are available to all users. There are no in-app purchases.

That's pretty rad I think :)

oooh, I like all the different graphs it gives you, we all know the more colors and ways to display the data the more accurate it is.

I’ve recently discovered Organic Maps that allows offline viewing of open street maps. I’ve been using it since maps.me has completely gone down the drain with premium subscriptions and paid download limits (for the same open street maps data lol).

I've started filling my neighborhood in openstreetmaps because I want to use Organic Maps

Check out StreetComplete. It shows you missing osm data close to you so you can add that information directly. Very good way to get highly detailed information into OSM, like accessibility for stairs (handrail, ramps, etc.) or opening hours for shops (including updating older data)

Anyone know of an iOS version?

Surprised no one's mentioned NewPipe yet

Links: NewPipe, GitHub, F-Droid. The vibe I'm getting is that it's a more lightweight, Google-less frontend for services like YouTube and Bandcamp, correct me if I'm wrong though, never used it -- but I've seen it a few times.

Thank you for adding links, I didn't think to. You pretty much have it spot-on, but also: no ads!

SyncThing - to sync my files between devices and avoid the big corporations cloud (use it for notes, Keepass database, photos, etc)

Logseq - super advanced note taking with tagging and relationships between notes (all store locally)

Authpass - opening my Keepass password database on my phone

GrapheneOS Camera - just to avoid the Google camera app as I have Google Photos disabled on my phone and needrd a good app that doesn't break when going to view the gallery (since it tries to open Google Photos)

Simple Gallery - to view my photos on my phone

Signal - I have it but I have very few friends that use it unfortunately

AntennaPod - for podcasts, I'm thinking of self hosting a podcast tracker to sync my listening habits across my devices, we'll see if that happens

Vinyl Music Player - to play my local mp3 files and playlists (I use MusicBee to manage what I sync to the phone as my mp3 library is quite large, and SyncThing to actually copy stuff over)

SyncThing - to sync my files between devices and avoid the big corporations cloud (use it for notes, Keepass database, photos, etc)

Amen, sibling.

Logseq - super advanced note taking with tagging and relationships between notes (all store locally)

Quite nice, although I'm still struggling to integrate it with my workflow. I just haven't taken the time to learn how to best use it.

Authpass - opening my Keepass password database on my phone

Do you trust it? Why?

I'm really cautious (nervous) about the program(s) I give access to my kbdx. On the desktop, I've actually code audited the tool I use; I can't as easily do that on Android.

GrapheneOS Camera - just to avoid the Google camera app as I have Google Photos disabled on my phone and needrd a good app that doesn't break when going to view the gallery (since it tries to open Google Photos)

I've been using OpenCamera for this, but recently started using PhotonCamera - it has a great UI.

Simple Gallery - to view my photos on my phone

That's a good one. I ended up with Aves because it allows fairly complex filtering, and the UI is nice.

Signal - I have it but I have very few friends that use it unfortunately

A few years ago, I talked my wider family into using Wire, and now we're all stuck on it. It keeps getting progressively worse with each release, and sooner or later I'm going to have to pick something to replace it. I don't know what that will be, but it will be federated, and it won't mandate IDs tied to a phone number.

Vinyl Music Player - to play my local mp3 files and playlists (I use MusicBee to manage what I sync to the phone as my mp3 library is quite large, and SyncThing to actually copy stuff over)

God, I seem to change music players every couple of months. I guess I've been using Metro for a while and haven't found the thing that irritates me and sends me on a search for a new player, so maybe it'll stick. That's interesting about MusicBee, though - I've been looking for something like that, so thank you!

I'll add to your list:

  • PhotoBackup, which is a reliable and fantastic replacement for Photos syncing. This is then tied into PhotoPrism on the server, for web access and sharing. I had to cobble it together, mostly b/c of limitations in PhotoPrism, but it does replace the whole Goog Photos workflow.

  • NewPipe, which is superior to the YT app in all ways, and is one of the best OSS all-around mobile apps.

  • QKSMS, which I keep coming back to. I haven't found anything better yet, in any case.

  • DAVx⁡. Unseen, but does some heavy lifting. One of the apps I make sure to support; replaces 1/3 of the critical "core" Google Android services

  • Wireguard, which Just Works, and is always on.

  • M.A.L.P., for when I'm playing music on the house system

  • openScale, a quite nice OSS weight tracker that supports a lot of off-brand smart scales, without phoning home

  • KDE Connect, what for sending stuff to/from other computers amd phones. Works great, even without KDE (mconnect is an alternative desktop service)

  • Etar, as my calendar app. Been using it so long, I've forgotten it's not stock.

  • ntfy replaces so much notification on my phone, and it does so reliably and well. Worth a shout out.

  • SimpleTask, the best to todo.txt Android app. Another app that I've been using so long it seems almost stock.

  • I've been using FlorisBoard for several months now. It has no text prediction, but has a ton of features I use. I try other keyboards every once in a while, but end up back on Floris. The only thing I miss is prediction, and with it better (any?) correction. Still, aside from DAVx⁡, it's probably the most used app on my phone, so...

  • Geometric Weather! Such a great weather app.

  • Material Files replaces the stock file manager. Great program, and while remote FSes are limited to ftp, it does the job.

  • Wormhole William is a good between-devices file transfer tool.

  • Termux, of course. Are there any real competitors?

Thing is, I'm running OEM Android, b/c I have a flip phone and don't want to lose the outside screen support by flashing. So I uninstall or disable nearly every built in app, and replace them with F-Droid apps (via Droid-ify). It's not much, but it's an honest living.

Edit MusicBee... oh, Windows. Oh, well. The search continues.

I never really saw the need for Termux, but now that I selfhost at home and on a VPS, i couldn't go without it!

Also, I just recently started switching as much as I can to a self-hosted ntfy instance from pushover. I'm really loving it so far!

I sponsored it on github because I see myself using it a lot. Plus, the dev deserves it. The documentation alone is great, let alone the software itself.

Hey man, thanks for mentioning Aves and Etar, I'm now gonna try them out and use them as I work to degoogle!!

FlorisBoard for several months now. It has no text prediction

The good news is that feature is currently in development. There's a beta build on GitHub that has it sort of implemented. There's some details on the FlorisBoard matrix channel on getting it.

M.A.L.P., for when I’m playing music on the house system

Do you mind explaining your setup a bit more? I've currently got a few Sonos speakers but I don't like being locked into their system and have always been interested in a more open setup.

I've seen Snapchat and I know of MPD (but don't fully understand it, to be honest) but it seems there isn't much information about these types of setups.

that feature is currently in development

I was following that! I'm excited to see how it works, when they release it.

Do you mind explaining your setup a bit more?


I'd recommend LogitechMediaServer,. It's got a ton of plugins, and despite the name is entirely maintained (more or less actively) by the community. Lots of features, easy to use, and even has themes to pretty-ify it.

That said, I had a few issues. Every once in a while, one of the clients would freak out and blast screeching static throughout the house. That may have been a client issue, or some combination of my setup, so I changed it out.

In any case, our house has whole-house audio wiring, so I have a 12-zone amp running it. To the zones are connected cheap ($50?) O-Droids running Linux. Each of these (there are 3) runs a client for the audio server. For LMS, that's all there is - install LMS server and point it at your media, start the LMS clients and point them at the server, and the clients show up in the web interface of the server. Group them and play music to the group, and you get broadcast music streaming.

Because of that little issue, I'm running mpd as the server. It's a bit more involved to get the broadcast. To get that, my mpd plays to a pipe, and then I use snapcast to pull that data and broadcast it to snapclient(s) running on the same ODroids. And then, if you want a nice web UI, you probably want to install something like MyMPD, although we get along fine with MALP on our Androids. Queue maintenance is easier with MyMPD.

In any case, it's been more reliable in my house, but far more moving parts to get running. I'd really try LMS first. There are native Android clients for it as well, but the web UI is pretty nice.

Signal - I have it but I have very few friends that use it unfortunately

It's a shame they got rid of SMS support. That was basically my selling factor when trying to convince someone to install the app. Now, it's next to impossible to get someone to install it...


I'll have to give this a shot, it looks super cool. Although, is it more of an Obsidian, Notion, or Evernote style?

I'd say it's closest to Obsidian but not quite

Logseq is very similar to Obsidian, I made the switch earlier this year. If you’re a fan of how Notion does things but you’re more interested in privacy check out AnyType. I haven’t played with it too much yet but I dig it.

Alright, I like both Notion and Obsidian, so I'll give both a try. Thank you!

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Not really an app, but I'm going to add https://kagi.com/ here; it's time for a shakeup in the search industry that actually works, and Kagi delivers.

Controversial, but Telegram is such a solid open source app in terms of UI/UX and a good middle ground between something like Discord and Signal.

Now that I've shared my unpopular opinions...

  • Standard Notes is a really solid secure note taking app.
  • All of the Proton AG apps and services (Proton Drive, Proton Calendar, Proton VPN, Proton Mail, SimpleLogin).
  • Bitwarden.
  • "Privacy" (while not FOSS) is a pretty great software for using unique billing information per site (which helps with fraud protection, tracking, etc).
  • ZeroTier is awesome for remote access (everyone seems to recommend TailScale these days, but ZeroTier is very much of the "do one thing and do it well" mindset, they're also the "OG" FOSS encrypted VLAN solution).
  • Kopia I've been really liking for backups (great features include: the ability to clone a cloud repository of backs to a hard drive or different cloud via the software itself, a GUI, a simple CLI interface, and configurable policies to keep track of your preferences so you don't have to)


Prices seem high... Features, seem nice (but not crazy):

  • "Boosting" and blocking domains: basically permanent filters.
  • "Lenses" - Similar to SearXNG's different tabs, but more like a profile style system.
  • Bangs are the same as in SearXNG, and I think you can do the same, or similar, thing in Firefox.
  • Custom CSS is cool and all but you can get that with a browser add-on (like Stylus).
  • Their "Comprehensive result filtering" seems that same as every other browser
  • They have Vim-ish keybinds, which SearXNG and DDG have.
  • "Widgets" - Seems like Google's quick answers, user created ones are cool I guess.
  • The "crystal orb" - Allows you to determine the "quality" of sites, and also open them in the Wayback Machine or adjust that boosting/blocking level.


Additionally, it seems that they don't have seem to have any external audits or releasing of code (correct me if I'm wrong). Additional they have a web browser, that's only for Apple's ecosystem. Overall, you pay for no-ads, I feel like for this feature set you could just use DuckDuckGo with advertisements off, or the HTML version (which doesn't include JavaScript either). I'm kinda skeptical about it, but if it ends up taking off I'll be happy there will be another alternative to Google.


This actually looks very cool, so many new backup solutions to try after this thread. πŸ₯²

Prices seem high

They talk about their prices better here: https://blog.kagi.com/update-kagi-search-pricing. Including:

Q. What is your cost per search? A. Currently it is 1.25 cents per search. But search indexes are about to become several times more expensive and we now have the AI integration cost. We will try to keep the cost at 1.5 cents per search or below by rethinking our partnering strategy and investing more into our infrastructure.

β€œBoosting” and blocking domains: basically permanent filters.

I mean, yes and no; it's not quite a filter as it can tweak the ranking not just outright put something at the top or remove it.

β€œLenses” - Similar to SearXNG’s different tabs, but more like a profile style system.

These are actually super cool because they put things like the old "site:reddit.com" trick on steroids and https://help.kagi.com/kagi/features/code.html is like site:stackoverflow.com on steroids.

Bangs are the same as in SearXNG, and I think you can do the same, or similar, thing in Firefox.

You definitely can do this in plenty of things; I don't think it's all that compelling really, but it's a nice feature none the less, and it's arguably easier to sync "bangs" than it is to sync these shortcuts between browsers and different software; but yeah, not a big motivator for me.

Custom CSS is cool and all but you can get that with a browser add-on (like Stylus).

Similar comment about the syncing of this; but yeah, this also wasn't a big motivator for me.

Their β€œComprehensive result filtering” seems that same as every other browser

True, but I think it's there 1 for completeness, and 2 because the count of ads and trackers as a criteria is pretty unique to them. It's also quite a bit more user facing, and easier to work with than say, getting the same options from Google search.

β€œWidgets” - Seems like Google’s quick answers, user created ones are cool I guess.

Not sure what you mean by custom ones, haven't seen anything about that; but it's definitely in the feature parity category.

Don't forget things like redirects (change your lemmy UI?) and their own index, which includes things like wayback machine results -- particularly relevant with CNET deleting old content to boost their Google ranking.

Their generated summaries are also pretty cool, e.g. from the CNET article:

  • CNET has been deleting thousands of old articles from its site in recent weeks in an effort to improve its search engine rankings on Google.
  • CNET confirmed it removes old content to appear more "fresh, relevant and worthy of being placed higher than our competitors" according to an internal memo.
  • However, experts say Google does not encourage deleting old content simply because of its age and that older content can still provide value to users.
  • The perception that "the Internet is forever" and content placed online will always remain accessible has proven untrue over time.
  • Link rot threatens old web content as links go dead and content disappears from original locations.
  • Copyright trolls have pressured sites to remove old images rather than risk expensive lawsuits over fair use.
  • Large portions of the historical web record are missing or inaccessible now due to link rot and deliberate content removal.
  • Archives like the Wayback Machine help preserve some content but can't capture everything.
  • Sites focused on SEO are driven to extremes like mass content deletion to rise above noisy search results.
  • Archivists play an important role in preserving digital history by making copies of content before it disappears.

Additionally, it seems that they don’t have seem to have any external audits ... (correct me if I’m wrong).

They don't, but they do have a clearly worded privacy policy https://kagi.com/privacy.

or releasing of code (correct me if I’m wrong).

The search engine itself, no; but their browser extensions are open source: https://github.com/kagisearch/browser_extensions

This actually looks very cool, so many new backup solutions to try after this thread. πŸ₯²

I've tried a lot of different backup solutions... I'd be curious where you're leaning, but I'd say this one is likely going to be your winner for ease of use, privacy, and cross-platform functionality.


I gotta hand it to them for being transparent about their pricing, including that limit feature... AWS should take some notes.

These are actually super cool because they put things like the old β€œsite:reddit.com” trick on steroids and https://help.kagi.com/kagi/features/code.html is like site:stackoverflow.com on steroids.

I'm assuming you're a programmer so I gotta ask, how much easier does this make it for your to find documentation and answers to that one error that the language never decided to document for some reason?

It’s also quite a bit more user facing, and easier to work with than say, getting the same options from Google search.

Google does always seem to hide them for some reason, despite the fact that it would be easy to work into the interface.

Not sure what you mean by custom ones, haven’t seen anything about that; but it’s definitely in the feature parity category.

In this post they say: "We have many instant answers already and are constantly adding more, with the idea of allowing users to define their own β€˜widgets’ in the future." I'm assuming it's not released yet, but it does sound like a cool feature when they do.

Don’t forget things like redirects (change your lemmy UI?) and their own index, which includes things like wayback machine results – particularly relevant with CNET deleting old content to boost their Google ranking.

I didn't see either one of these features on the blog post, likely because it was from 2022, but pretty cool being able to search for old content that's been deleted.

The search engine itself, no; but their browser extensions are open source: https://github.com/kagisearch/browser_extensions

I stand corrected, that is nice that at least a bit of it is, I didn't see that on their website, granted I did miss the entire "Help" page somehow.

Their generated summaries are also pretty cool

Alright, so I created a trail account, and gave it a try with a random article, and hey, pretty cool, and would actually save time. I even tried it with some pretty simple documentation, it did end up just describing the steps that had to be taken. Although, I noticed a little "discuss this document" button, and asked it what code I'd need, it gave it to me. Then asked it to make tweaks like changing the key and sections to ones that actually would be in a configuration file, and it changed it. It could even do things beyond just the lines it's on, like instead of printing the value, make sure it's not a value. I gotta say, I actually am pretty impressed by that (even if it is relatively simple work), I know ChatGPT and Copilot could (likely) do the same things, but how it broke it down from an article is pretty cool.

Now, I'm likely not gonna become a paying customer for it, like I said in the original post -- I'm using (Neo)vim, and, while I've played around with AI like this, I don't find it ever really falling into my workflow. Maybe down the road, and if the internet keeps getting worse, it might be worth it. That being said you can do a lot of these things with alternative solutions, but a search engine that puts them all together is pretty cool, and does save some time.

I’ve tried a lot of different backup solutions… I’d be curious where you’re leaning, but I’d say this one is likely going to be your winner for ease of use, privacy, and cross-platform functionality.

Currently, I'm using Nextcloud, and I distro hop enough that all I need to do is backup my documents, which most are code and can go on Git(Lab/Tea/Hub). Although, I'm finally settling down (there's like one or two more distros that I want to try) with Arch Linux, and a proper backup solution would be nice, by plan is to just go through this entire thread, compare features, and try them out.

Thanks for explaining Kagi to me by the way, it is in fact a pretty cool service!

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I used DDG for like 2 years. Almost every single search I had to search in both DDG and then in Google since the results from DDG were terrible. I recently switched to Kagi and have only had to try to find something in Google twice, and neither time Google was able to find what I needed either. You're not just paying for no ads, you're paying for actual search engine results, whereas the other companies, you are the product.

The only things I've cared about using Kagi are the ability to completely block domains, lenses, bangs, and actual search results that get me what I need. The rest is just a bonus.

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I did the trial for kagi and completely stopped using Google within 3 days. Kagi is so much better it’s easily worth it. And it has actually useful features unlike Google. It’s insane how long google sat on their haunches and waited to let others surpass them.

I use duckduckgo /Searxng /Startpage pls dont shame on me but these are wholesome apps that makes me never look at google again Thanks for the recommendation of Kagi otherwise!

How can Privacy.com be open source If they have to survive in the business they have to make it some propreitory I am a non american and i dont care about its proprietoryship , what i care is when would they open it to people like us! It seems such wholesome service and that too for freemium

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InnerTune. Basically all you could need for free music streaming. Beautiful FOSS client that rips from YouTube music.

On my PC

  • Rednotebook for journalling and Tomb to easily encrypt it through the command line

  • Librewolf because manually making tweaks to Firefox was kind of tiring

On my phone

  • PokerTH because I wanted to learn to play Texas Hold 'em without micro transactions and a required online connection

  • AntennaPod because I dislike using Spotify for podcasts

  • Aegis because it was easier to transfer authenticator codes. I think Google Authenticator now allows for local backups and exports

Edit: Actually the coolest (but least useful) has to be brow.sh. I'll attach an image but essentially it lets you run a browser through your terminal in a way that's a little more indepth than apps like Lynx.

In order to really see the extent of what it can do you really need to see how it handles video playback.


Wow! That's crazy! I never thought I'd see video playback like that on the terminal! Also, how are you liking Tomb?

Love it. I wrote some custom scripts to basically combine it with anything I wanted an extra layer of security on and didn't want to manually go through and use a program like Veracrypt

The commands are also humorous and easy to remember. When you close a Tomb file for example it says something along the lines of "Your bones can now rest in peace".

Alright, I saw their webpage earlier today actually and though it looked cool, so I'll have to give it a shot!

I cycle to work. This takes like 60-70 minutes, there is a ferry ride. The app MoopMoop is like google maps and a weather app in one. It show the rain on your route.


Where Signal is secure - Threema is private and secure (e2e encrypted, uses PFS but doesn't need your phone number for sign ups. You can be 100% anonymous should you wish)


Yeah, but how many people use it (half-joking, I'm a Matrix user myself and understand the pain)?

Was a genuine challenge. I ended up purchasing a copy for my whole family so everyone can use it.

  • Infinity for Lemmy
  • Innertune
  • Immich
  • Neo Store
  • Jellyfin

Out of curiosity, has Immich gotten easier to setup? I've been using Nextcloud Memories and would like something with some nicer sharing features for the family photos.


It's like having a search engine customised to my needs.

Automatically filters out SEO junk sites, and redirects links automatically (e.g. reddit.com -> old.reddit.com)


Gosh, I love SearXNG, and how you can fit it to work into your workflow!

Wait... How do you make SearXNG redirect to old.reddit?

Change your settings.yml to have this

  - 'Hostname replace'  # see hostname_replace configuration below

And then define the rules like this:

#   My redirects
  '(.*\.)?reddit\.com$': 'old.reddit.com'
#   My filters
  'slant\.co': false
  'dailymail\.co\.uk': false

Wow this feature alone makes me want to try using it

It runs inside a docker container, so you could even have it locally (if you don't want to host it on a VPS).

I'm using Aves Libre as my gallery app in my phone, i really like it, works pretty well and looks pretty clean. It can classify the media by the apps (It need to access to the app list to do this). To watch some videos i use Libretube, but it's a shame that (i think) there's no invidious related apps in android. And the maps that i use are from OpenStreetMaps, OsmAnd in my phone. Works pretty well despite not using google services that it is pretty good in my opinion. I also use it to add some notes or interest points and then back phone contribute with that i wrote.

Clipious is an Android Invidious client

Thanks to you i started using this one. Imo Invidious Instances work better than the Piped ones, and this apps is like a game changer to me. Really like it

Oooh, I've never seen this, it looks amazing!

Ohhh, thanks for mentioning Aves Libre, been looking for a map-feature like that for a long time! UI ks kinda weird though and displaying of photos is really slow in my device. I also can't find a setting for the anonymous data collection they mention in the TOS. Do you happen to know where I can enable/disable that?

Check out OrganicMaps if you ever have problems with Osmand (which I also use and love).

I feel like either Newpipe or LibreTube can use the Invidious api but not sure ...

I was using F-stop previously for the map feature and the ability to add descriptions to the photos (I love having notes on the photos but hate being locked into a specific app like Google Photos).

Aves has a much nicer UI and can edit the geotag information, too. Glad I found this.

Oh nice, so it adds the comments into the photo's metatags?

F-Stop adds an XMP tag imbedded into the image file. I'm going to assume Aves does the same but I haven't used it much yet to know.

I would love to be able to find an image service (like PhotoPrism) I can run on my server that can read the tags that I like to use (Date/time, geo location, title/descriptions, and faces). I want that info in the image file itself so that I can easily switch to another service if needed.

I'm still trying to find a way to make back-up copies of the original and then tag/organize photos to be used with a self-hosted viewer, whatever it may be.

I thought it was regarded as a dick move to put a lot of traffic through tor?

I hear such mixed messages about this and would love for somebody to educate me. Do we:

  • Avoid using tor to free it up for those who actually need it

  • Use tor whenever, and normalise it so that somebody using tor isn't immediately considered to be a journalist/dissident/person with something to hide.

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Yeah, you really aren't supposed to... I rarely use Orbot to be honest, it's just super useful if I do need to use it, like on a network that blocks a whole bunch of things and you want to catch up on Matrix messages or whatever. Also, if you're worried about your phone updating or making a bunch of useless requests, you can turn on low data mode/mark your current connection as metered.

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Krita, a free and open-source art app

Elisa, a FOSS music player

Birday, an open-source app to remember birthdays and other events

Note to Self (Play Store), a note-taking app with a chat-like format, data is stored locally

Note to Self

Wow! That's actually amazing! My only concern is do you remember to use it, or do you still find yourself opening messages, Matrix, or whatever?

  • KeepassXC [password locker]
  • SyncThing [keep some dirs synced between computers]
  • Thunderbird [Check 4 email accounts simultaneously]
  • PikaBackup [Relatively easy disk backup utility]
  • FSearch [Fast searcher of all files on my computer. Like Search Everything for Windows but worse in many ways]
  • AudioBookshelf [Podcast server]

I use all of those pretty regularly. Honorable mention on iOS is a program called Is It Snappy? which helps me measure input lag. It doesn't collect any data or run ads (rare trait on a phone app). I actually made a purchasing decision with the help of this thing to correctly conclude that the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller had a noticeable input delay (enough to make me return it). The funny thing about that was if I just looked up spreadsheets others have done I would have seen that same conclusion there, too, without having to go through the effort of buying it myself :P.


Out of curiosity, its there a reason not to just SyncThing your ~/Documents, or is it more of a Time Machine for Gnome kinda deal?


Oh wow, that looks nice, epically that RegEx support (actually serious, I am a huge fan of RegEx).

Nintendo Switch Pro Controller had a noticeable input delay (enough to make me return it)

Nintendo do be like that... have you found a good alternative, or just the Joycons?

PikaBackup is more of a Time Machine style backup system. Not just for Gnome, it simply is made with the GTK.

Ultimately, I went with a Sony DualSense for my latest gaming controller. It has low latency when wired and the buttons are not clacky. Solid construction. I also have an 8BitDo Pro 2, which has one thing I especially like -- hardware turbo buttons. The rest of the controller is merely OK, and IMO not worth the extremely high praise it otherwise receives. Serviceable controller.

I forget what it's called, but I have one I got off F-Droid that just does a spectrogram of the microphone input. It's cool seeing the world yet another way.

Oooh, that sounds cool! If you remember the name please tell us!

I've taken the extraordinary step of walking a few feet to my phone, and it looks like it's just called "Audio Spectrum Analyzer".

One thing you pick up on quickly is that speech is mostly undertones, and the actual information carrying part is subtle variation in the higher parts of the sound. Singing is noticeably different, and manner of speech is also very visible.

GNU Jami (pronounced Guh-nu Ya-mi) is a peer-to-peer cross-platform messaging and VOIP application. It uses an API called the Jami Distributed Network, meaning that the Jami network has no single point of failure. If you're familiar with TOR you'll understand where this is coming from.

Best part is that Jami is a GNU package; it will always be free/libre software or else Richard M. Stallman perself will break the kneecaps of every developer on the project /half-joke.

Resilio Sync instead of something like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Fastmail is pretty solid too.

Resilio Sync

How does it compare to something like Syncthing?

Never used syncthing so I'm not sure. Resilio is running a modified bittorrent protocol. It's always been fast and easy for me so I've never had the motivation to look into anything else.

Sounds cool! I'll have to give it a shot sometime!

What's the difference between Orbit and Tor Browser? I always wondered why people download Orbot instead of Tor Browser?

Orbit acts as a VPN and effects the entire system, so all of your apps get routed through ToR.

I sometimes use this one called InviZible Pro on F-Droid. Have you ever used that? In addition to whole system TOR, it also has Purple I2P and DNSCrypt. Was wondering why one would use one over the other regarding whole system TOR? Just curious.


I've never heard of InviZible, it looks supper cool. Although, I can't really give it a try right now (I'm using an iPhone -- I had a Motorola, but the battery gave out on me a few months? ago and I can't find a good price for a replacement).

I use a lot of paid survey apps I've made a nice bit of money on (as tedious as it is). Qmee, Attapoll, Survey Spin and Leger opinion.

Working an hour at McDonald's will make more then like a days worth of doing those lol. Do something more productive like grind levels in an MMO.

I have two jobs. This is something I can do to make mad money for myself and I've made 3500 dollars this far. I don't know what na an MMO is.

MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online (game)

You do you. $3500 is hard to argue with. Other person is just jealous.

All the ones I used have been said except cryptomator. Its an encryption software that can be used in cloud storage or locally

It costs so much to use on a phone! It is free for all PC OSs though

Think it was a one time payment of 10 or 15 usd for a software license. Personally think its kinda worth it

I use Tachiyomi (J2K fork) for reading manga and manhwa, and Shosetsu for fanfiction (AO3 extension). MoeList for MAL (My Anime List), Myne for public domain books, and Librera for EBUPs (I like using TTS). Also NewPipe (SponsorBlock fork) is my only YouTube client.