Maker of ‘smart’ chastity cage left users’ emails, passwords, and locations exposed to – 454 points –
Maker of ‘smart’ chastity cage left users’ emails, passwords, and locations exposed | TechCrunch

Some things just shouldn't be connected to the internet.

Some MOST things just shouldn’t be connected to the internet.


Some MOST things just shouldn’t be connected to the internet.


Some MOST things just shouldn’t be connected to the internet.

Some MOST things just shouldn’t be connected to the internet.

Unfortunately connecting this kink to the internet facilitates doing it. Having the device itself connect for ease of use had caused an unbelievable amount of tech issues, though. To be fair the programmer is a dipshit, though.

But that just makes connecting those things to the internet forbidden... and therefore alluring.

and therefore alluring.


...provides the most complete remote sex solution for the Internet and corporate intranet.

Lol ha ha

A piece of internet history. So glad it's been preserved.

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Example #4363 why making everything "smart" is a terrible fucking idea

Not inherently, they coulda followed best practices. But this is definitely a reason not to buy smart things.

Imagine having your smart cock cage locked out by Amazon because some rando told them you are racist lmao

The researcher, who asked to remain anonymous because he wanted to separate his professional life from the kink-related work he does, said he gained access to a database containing records of more than 10,000 users,

10,000 users‽

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I'll be honest, not the worst possible issue with a smart chastity cage that I could think of.

This exact scenario has appeared in an entirely unsurprising number of chastity stories.

And to think I don't even feel safe about buying something as innocent as a smart TV...

Why oh why can one no longer buy a dumb TV?! Do companies just not make them anymore?!

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The researcher, who asked to remain anonymous because he wanted to separate his professional life from the kink-related work he does, said he gained access to a database containing records of more than 10,000 users, thanks to two vulnerabilities.

He also reached out to the company on June 17 alerting them of the issues in an attempt to get them to fix the vulnerabilities and protect their users’ data, according to a screenshot of the email he sent and shared with TechCrunch.

[REDACTED] has left the site wide open, allowing any script kiddie to grab any and all customer information.

“Your cock is mine now,” the hacker told one of the victims, according to a researcher who discovered the hacking campaign at the time.

In 2016, researchers found a bug in a Bluetooth-powered “panty buster,” which allowed anyone to control the sex toy remotely over the internet.

In 2017, a smart sex toy maker agreed to settle a lawsuit filed by two women who alleged the company spied on them by collecting and recording “highly intimate and sensitive data” of its users.

The original article contains 702 words, the summary contains 182 words. Saved 74%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

If this is the same one I remember from a couple years back, what's not listed in this article: two different security teams warned them of the vulnerabilities multiple times, the vendor claimed to have fixed the issue when they hadn't, the devices didn't have any sort of physical bypass in case of malfunction, and what finally convinced the pen testers to go public was the company announcing that they planned to make a locking inflatable butt plug using the same platform.

At some point the security vulnerabilities are a feature, not a bug. Butt plug ransomware is the latest sex toy fad.

It's a new story, and the article doesn't reveal the company... but... we all know which one it is.

I feel like like the potential for being exposed as a chastity cage user might actually be a plus for some users

God i hope the users used a email alias and fake names

for people with a penis

So, men?

Trans women too

Yeah, but you can also just say men, that's fine. If we go that route we should add asterisks on every word with explanations and definitions and whatnot.

Or you can just quit bitching when people choose inclusive language. That's fine.

I'm trying to make the poing that changing language to be inclusive doesn't work. It's the same as the LGBT group, that now is LGBTQIRBFHAHFH or something? I lost count. Same with the damn rainbow flag that now looks more like a million pixels project than a flag.

Every day there is somebody out there that feels special and now needs to be included too and it hasn't stopped and it won't stop.

Somebody is trans and wanted to be a man and transitioned? How about we just call them what they wanted to be in the first place? "Men". Simple.

This entire "people with penises" languages is just made up solutions for made up problems that doesn't actually solve or improve anything

You've made so many comments to whine about one person using specific and inclusive language. You waste a lot more time demanding that the general population regress to your level of ignorance than you would just observing and moving on.

In this case, the person was talking about penises and the people who have them. The rules you are trying to apply don't work here. Trans people without penises would not be included in what the person was talking about.

Nobody cares that you don't like the aesthetic of the progress flag. Nobody cares that LGBTQIA2 is too big for your brain. You're not the main character. I think that's the real issue you're rallying against here.

I wouldn't be surprised if the ratio of trans women to men in the audience of this product was a lot higher than in the general population.

If you transitioned to become a man, wouldn't you want to be called just that, "man"?

Either way, this "people with penises" is the type of waking in eggshells language that makes everyone annoyed just to satisfy a few perpetually slighted. It's perfectly fine to say "men", everyone knows what we mean, nobody is excluding anyone and you can't talk in ways that includes everyone because anytime you try, you'll just end up with yet someone else who feels insulted because you didn't include his particular interpretation of how he/she/xe/sho/is/zil/etc feels....

At one point we just need to remember nthst people typically aren't trying to insult anyone in normal speech and er shouldn't require and force people to our special and particular speech only or feel insulted.

You're dedicating a lot of time and effort getting pissed off at something that doesn't matter to you at all and I assure you that you might think you're saying what everyone else is thinking but actually you're just off in a corner by yourself fuming.

Get help.

Here's that problem you were asking for. Hope you love it!

I don't get it?

People who buy chastity cages presumably want someone to lick them in it and refuse to let them out ... like the hacker was doing to them.

Ah yeah see you knew what they meant. What’s the issue?

The overly PC language that is just annoying most people just so you a can pretend to include people when in reality you don't.

Just talk plain English. It doesn't insult or exclude anybody to say "men" or "women"

What’s not plain English about “people with a penis”? It seems excessively clear and to the point.

Is the word “people” too difficult for you?

Or you can stop playing dumb, of course.

Nobody talks like this but a very small and very select little group of people that can't stop congratulating eachother for being so politically correct.

Who’s playing dumb?

You knew what the speaker meant and challenged their use of language.

I’m asking what’s unclear about the term “people with a penis” and you’re getting riled up.

Are you ok?

It seems like your entire gripe here is “those aren’t the words I would use and I’m not ok with that”

I'm unsure what is hard to understand. The problem is people talking like they're mentally retarded just to avoid stepping on the toes of special snowflakes. There. Clear? I am getting tired of people falling over themselves to avoid a tiny group going "eeeekk!!!" for no reason.

You can just say "men". That IS the right word, you don't insult anyone.

The problem is people using clear language to describe something, and you preferring different language? Is that a correct assessment of your anger?

Give it a few years and we won't be able to use the word penis, because now that is deemed toxic. The proble is that there will always be somebody who feels insulted and there will for some reason awalys be a group of people that jump on the wagon and will try to go out of their way to please people like that.

So I say, "people will penises" is abusive! I am special and I want that not we say "people with banana shaped organs on their bodies", that is the only acceptable way of identifying these individuals

The problem is you.

I'm not the one requiring special treatment

You’re the one getting flustered and demanding everyone else use the words that make you comfortable, rather than the words they prefer.

What do you think “special treatment” means exactly?

Special treatment is when people don't do what he wants, and just being normal is when everyone bends to his will.

Kinda seems like you are, though. Everyone is fine with the way things are being phrased here and you are just triggered as fuck and constantly bitching. You're making everything worse for everyone because you need things to be your way regardless of how everyone else feels. Like an 8 year old. This behavior is, I will guarantee, the source of ssssooooo many problems in your life.

Are you against free speech or smth?


I'm against this though because people talking like this usually push others to do the same, saying they're oppressive if they don't. This has led to situations like in government buildings where announcements normally start with "ladies and gentlemen, please...." now no longer can do that "because that is oppressive, abusive and exclusive". Never mind that comedy has but completed disappeared because people have gotten scared to make a joke. Can't risk someone feeling insulted anymore!

Now I'm starting to see more and more "people with penises" and it's tiring.

Saying the word "man" or "woman" is fine. Even for those in the trans community because they actually wanted to be the other sex, right? Plus, we all know what is meant, nobody is trying to exclude anyone, so how about we stop trying to be so politically correct?

The rant is against people who feel slighted when they see normal language being used. If that insults you, too bad.

Ah yeah so if you’re for restricting speech, you’re against free speech. That’s just how that works. You don’t get to play language police and also pretend you’re pro-free speech.

Thanks for trying to dance around that though.

Liberal men on suicide watch

good, cause they where stupid enough to buy a fucking smart chastity cage

Can imagine buying this if you’re in an long distance relationship and into chastity.

The company is the bad guy here, there’s no need to victim blame just because their kink doesn’t match yours.

im not saying the company isnt to blame, all im saying is a smart chastity belt is about the same level as a a smart shoe

I don't know, if that's the kink, that's the kink. It's not harming anyone who didn't consent to it, so why kink shame them when they're the ones who have been wronged?

literally never said anything about their kink did i. Their kink doesnt matter, them buying a needlessly "smart" smartdevice does

But the ability to control the chastity belt over the internet is part of the kink. That was my point.

Oh, well, I apologize for accidentally making it appear that i kinkshamed them

I will however not retract calling them dumb

A lot of kink relationships are long-distance. This sort of product appeals to someone in a kinky LDR.

Having a unique use case doesn't mean it's still not an incredibly stupid product. Same as with smart door locks, smart safes, smart guns and smart "full self driving" cars.