How do we call kbin users? to /kbin – 95 points –

Kbinners? Binnies? Kbinators?


Absolutely KBinauts. Seen it going around and it's great. I first saw it here

I'm throwing my vote fot Kbinauts! Fits the space theme of the upcoming 'Artemis' app.

I vote for k-beans!

I'm just gonna come out and say it because I think people don't realize and it may be specific to US - if kbeans sticks we will be called "kbeaners" by trolls until the end of time, as it includes a racial slur aimed at hispanic/latino people

Honestly I bet a fair amount of people will even unintentionally use it without realizing. And if we have the ability to choose, I'd rather our nickname not be something that invites people to easily combine it with a slur


@Cloudless @almino

Seems like an arbitrary "trolls gonna troll" sort of thing that really shouldn't have a high priority.

That being said - I'm not a fan of the moniker anyway. We can do better.

Trolls will come up with a dumb take on anything.
Block em and.move on.

Seems overly touchy to care, just block and move on or roll your eyes.

Why not go after the rock climbing industry for carabiners instead? /s

I'd rather our nickname not be something that invites people to easily combine it with a slur

I absolutely agree with your sentiment. At the same time, trolls can and will create a slur out of anything.

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I've been thinking about this for a little while now and I think Fedditor is the best choice.

  1. Between Kbin and Lemmy, there's already two choices of software platforms for Reddit-esque link aggregators that work together. In the future there may be more. I think the term should be inclusive.
  2. Fedditor is play on redditor, a widely used term for users of the privately owned Reddit. A fedditor is a user of a Fediverse alternative.
  3. Since ActivityPub is an underlying protocol that interfaces with the rest of the Fediverse, I think emphasizing the Fediverse aspect and the "reddit-esque" aspect is more important than the specific software platform.
  4. People may use different terms for Kbin vs Lemmy vs future alternatives (or ones I just don't know about), but they may also use different terms for the instance they use or for the magazine/group that they are a part of. I think if any term becomes widespread, it should be an inclusive term that fall underneath a more general term such as Fedditor.

Fedditor sounds like a nice, platform-neutral term, but it might be a little too close to Reddit. I can't think of an alternative, though. But your idea of a general Fediverse term rather than a platform specific one is good.

Federers. But only if your first name is Roger.

There are several Lemmy instances called Feddit though, so that fedditor would almost certainly be seen as referring to them.

I'm also not a fan of using terms referring to reddit. Can't we leave reddit in the past instead?

If we really want to get away from reddit, we could follow the standard convention when it comes to user designations. A person who uses
Facebook is called a Facebook user. A person who uses Twitter is called a Twitter user. A person who uses Android is an Android user. Reddit is somewhat unique among the most popular websites as people identify other users like they're in a fandom rather than people who have an account on a particular website. I'm not sure if other fedditors want to even think about themselves as part of a fediverse fandom. I do think redditor was a fortuitous term for reddit to happen upon because it flows from standard convention (it sounds a lot better than reddinite, reddinese, reddan). If you start from wanting to designate a user of the Fediverse or ActivityPub protocol, I think Fedinite or Feditor are two obvious choices. I went with Fedditor with the double consonant as an homage, but I think if migration was coming from a website where everyone was just called "Forum Users", Feditor would still be a top suggestion.

I like this idea. A term that is site-agnostic is a good idea since there are so many potential names for any given instance.

There's also just no elegant way to turn "" into a term that rolls off the tongue. "k-beans" and similar terms are just awkward and I can't see them being adopted en masse.

kbinauts is one I've seen that I don't hate. Kbinners is probably my preferred.

I agree with just simple kbinner. Kbinauts and kbean are just too cutesy/gimmicky and imo are kinda cringey, especially if you start using it in regular speech ever.

I'm not from here, but I like k-beans.

(I don't wanna be offensive)

Been here since just before the blackout and I'm not big on kbeans. First of all it sets us up to have a derogatory nickname, likely even unintentionally so. Secondly it has nothing to do with kbin other than vaguely resembling the word 'bin'

I've been partial to kbinaut. No one will question where we're from. Keeps kbin in the name. And a bit more on theme as the 'fediverse' kinda has a loose space vibe to it and with kbinaut resembling astronaut

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Ernest Bois

Actually we are just Erns, he alone is the Ernest.

Your logic is flawless and I fully support, plus it sounds rather cute.

However I must say that it seems too obscure, as most users won't know (nor care) who created the initial codebase, and there's no obvious association between "kbin" and "ern".

kbinauts seems to be preferred but I've also seen kbeans suggested.

Pronounced "cabin-nauts", right? Or is it "kay bin nauts"?

I say "kay bin nauts" since apparently kbin is based on sbin. though there's also karabin so cabin might be closer to that?

Out of all these I like kbeans the most!

I did too until I learned (two minutes ago) that Beaner is a derogatory slur originally from the United States to refer to individuals of Hispanic or Latino descent, particularly those that are Mexicans from Mexico or of Mexican American descent. source: Wikipedia

That sucks, I don‘t think we should let slurs ruin an otherwise perfectly fine word like bean, I love beans, but maybe it‘s not the best choice then. Guess we could do some poll to see how other names fare though.

I also love beans, especially coffee beans.

Can we not be so touchy as to let the word "bean" be ruined? Come on. That's just some hardcore virtue signaling if you ask me.

I vote for Kbinauts, since we‘re kinda like astronauts exploring the fediverse

I've been using Kbinner but I saw someone use Kbinaut and I love it.

Fedditors is probably best because activitypubbers doesnt roll off the tongue the same way. kbin is just a provider. its likr calling emailers gmailers or outlookers

I like kbinauts but kbinners was the first demonym that popped into my head

I second kbinators!

This one was actually suggested by Bing Chat. It said "Kbinators: A name that sounds cool and futuristic, and also hints at the idea of combining or aggregating different types of content."

When you're going from thread to thread and digging deep into content, we can call that going down a k hole.

Oh sorry I didn't notice that post. Should have looked that up before creating mine.

Nothing to apologize for - the conversation happened in a different magazine. I'm confident there are other places where the idea has been discussed before that one, too. all good, friend /u/cloudless!

Users. I'm boring but stop with the corny reddit nonsense, ugh.

Versers. Or another user suggested Fedinauts.

Both are platform agnostic and bear no resemblance to "Reddit"

Those of us who just joined are referred to as Beanie babies.

I have seen kbinauts used before. Credit to some guy.

I mentioned to my SO about kbin. Since then she refers to it as Kevin.

What about lemmy. Are they lemmyngs?

While a decent play on words, this feels like it's just asking to be turned into a pejorative term. It could easily be turned around and used to suggest everyone on kbin/lemmy/etc is a lemming who falls in line and follows the pack without any individual thought.

Is kbin pronounced kay-bin or cabin?


Here's two off the top of my head based on reddit. Both aren't my favorite, but variety is the spice of life!

  • Federedditors
  • Reddfugees

We had that thread a week ago and someone suggested kabaneros.

I don't care what y'all decide, I'm gonna go with that one.

I didn't like the term "Redditor" and I don't wanna be called anything based on what website I go to.

For one thing, being called a "Redditor" was typically a negative. It was a dismissive. The "hive mind" and all that. I don't wanna be associated with a "community vibe." I just want to visit an aggregator that doesn't have corporate baggage and an agenda.

My thing is, we're all just people. Using a web service. So that's what I call us. People. On the internet. I don't need or want some tribal moniker. Not here. Not across a decentralized system.

All these "-nauts" and "-ers/ors" are ridiculous. Herp derp I use a website, Im special!

Bin chickens, the lot of you.

Nah nah. The underlying is called “Lemmy”. So we’re lemmings…

See this is a problem because some people think the fediverse revolves around lemmy. It doesn't, and nor does it revolve around kbin (which is where this discussion you're viewing in lemmy is originating from). We're in the fediverse and any name should reflect that. But also, there's zero chance I'm ever going to refer to myself as a kbinaut or fedinaut, or k-bean. That's so cringe. It feels like snoo all over again. Kbinners is a natural and non try-hard name if you must refer specifically to kbin users but I don't see any reason for establishing or encouraging tribalism within the fediverse. I haven't seen a general fediverse or threadiverse name I particularly like yet. I'm kind of a fan of threader, threaditor or something like that though.

Lemmy is not the underlying technology anyway.