What part of your body do you tend to neglect in the shower?

favrion@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 111 points –

I always forget about my naval. When I was younger I would never wash behind my ears.


Bottom of my feet. I’m really klutzy and the slippery floor is already a bit of a hazard for me without adding soap to the mix.

You stand on water. Should be enough.

except water doesn't move all those nasty water insoluble bacterias and grossness that soap makes more hydrophilic

The fuck you doing with your feet that you need them to be sterile

not having fungus

Do you already have underlying fungus issues? My guess would be that most people, myself included, don't get overly crazy with washing their feet -- some water and soap - yet don't develop feet fungus either...

but u just said u wash ur feet this guy said he doesnt wash his feet at all

These are the stinky feet havers, point and laugh!

They do make none slip bathmats you can use in the tub to reduce the chances of slipping

I shove my foot into bottom edge of the bath and lean my hip against the wall bending my body. Lift one foot and scratch the fuck out of it with my fingernails. Switch and repeat.

This doesn't work if your shower isn't in a bath.

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My legs, the shower is small and I am tall so it's a lot of work to actually soap them up properly. Usually I only bother maybe every second or third shower.

I use a very small plastic stool I stole from my daughter when her toddler outgrew it. Absolute game changer for washing legs. My wife loves it too for shaving her legs.

You need some sort of stool to step into with the leg you're trying to wash, makes a huge difference

Has to be my back. It's hard to reach even with a back brush because of degenerative issues in my shoulder joints. I tried one of those scrubbers with the two ropes, but it's hard to control. Need a bigger shower so my wife can wash it for me...and get my back while she's at it!

A scrubber that adheres to the shower wall would be neat. Clean your back like a bear scratching an itch on a tree.

I'd prefer more of a car wash system https://youtu.be/DwVKC3FnVXY

I wonder if my insurance would pay for at least part of one of these? But I don't think it would fit in my tiny shower.

mount the backbrush to one of the walls then scrub your back against it like a bear 😁😂

They make a scrubby cloth that’s like 4 feet long.

Yeah that's called a towel.

No no it’s like for washing and it’s super scrubby, like a loofah almost but more scrubby.

Yes and no. Salux/Goshi washcloth or towel. Interchangable really. But they are longer washcloths that have a scrubby or exfoliant surface. They are perfect to use to wash your back

Dunno if this is good or bad for you. But I recently switched shower gel and decided to properly scrub my back. BOOM! 2 days later my back is filled with acne. I bust about a dozen spots that are now large craters in my back.

I never had that problem when I just let it handle itself while using bar-soap.

You forget your naval and I forget my soldiers

I never fail to take care of my little soldier in the shower

My skin. Depression sucks.

Sometimes I tell myself I’m gonna get in, soap up, rinse, get out, two minutes tops.

Then I’m just standing there in the hot water ten minutes later. Knowing l’ll be late for work if I don’t move. And just standing there, trying to somehow soak up enough heat to internalize the comfort and make it mine.

But it’s not mine.

Maybe you could switch to evening showers?

Pros: luxuriate in there as long as you want, feel comforted, more sleeping in.

Cons: idk, I love an evening shower. Drying your hair before bed I guess?

I sweat buckets in my sleep so an evening shower is basically useless for not stinking during the day.

I just slap on a hair wrap and let the hair dry by itself.

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The inside.

I regularly swallow soap to clean my insides. I don't understand why people keep ignoring it?

Just drink some bleach. I heard from some very intelligent man that it is good for cleaning your insides.

I never wash my eyeballs, it really stings so I avoid it.

EDIT: typo

I am not a doctor, but you should see one because that should not sting.

No pain no gain. Squirt that soap directly into your eyeballs!

Is there any discolouration?

I don't thinks so, they were always kind of blue

Aha. Classic case of blue balls. You should paint it Red to offset the issue.

Legs and feet - I assume they get clean enough by the running water.

The bottom of your feet, and in between your toes, won't be cleaned well (if at all) by the running water.

Welp, I guess my feet just have a healthy flora then because they're healthy and don't smell bad. I usually wear open toe sandals anyways.

Soap just loosens dirt and grime. You actually need to agetate it with your hand/wash cloth/loofah in order to remove said dirt and grime.

Same. The only time my legs and feet get scrubbed is in the bath. It's just too awkward to balance in the shower. If I suffered from stinky feet, I'd do it, but I don't, so I don't.

Yeah, armpits... forget them from time to time.

No worries, you're perfectly normal 👍.

Signed: The guy with ADHD... probably... not diagnosed... have no idea 🤷... maybe it's the drugs...

On weekends I don't use deodorant so in the shower my armpits get a refresh.

I only use deodorant when going out or to events, which is pretty close to never nowadays 🤣.

I'd love to be able to do this but I'd have armpit stains down to my bellybutton after 5 minutes. Hyperhidrosis is... fun?

Yeah, that is a problem, agreed. No choice in that case 🤷.

Having been there; see if you can get a diagnosis. The medication is way cheaper and allowed me to stop self medicating completely, which has all sorts of other benefits.

No one diagnoses that here, I live in a fucked up country. Have to go abroad for that, but currently, no money for that, have a small kid 🤷.

You might be able to find something tele-medicine related. I'm bout familiar with your specifics, but thought I'd mention it.

Good luck friend. The struggle is real.

Yeah, that might be an option... thanks for the advice 👍.

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Sometimes I forget to rinse the shampoo out of my hair and then I have to turn on the water again.

behind my ears! I have to continuously remind myself to do it. just keep forgetting to do it for some reason.

Inside my mouth. I mostly wash the outside of my body.


I like to soak hot (non-pressurized) water into my ears, and then let the now-molten earwax flow out once I straighten up.

I also don't own a bidet, so I use the shower telephone to powerwash my asshole. If I happen to fart during that process, well, call it the poor man's enema.

That's why you get a bidet! With a bit more pressure they work like an enema. Just relax, fill up, purge, repeat. It's great to combat mild constipation. Prevents butt slime - when you go and the last bit of poop refuses to come out, then slowly leaks out as you walk around.

There are cheap $20 ones that work fine. That area of your body isn't particularly sensitive to cold water.

Back of my neck! I always have a shower cap on on non shampoo days and I usually miss my neck.

Non shampoo days?

Supposedly shampooing every day strips your hair of natural oils so many people will not wash their hair at all on some days or just wash with conditioner aka "cowash."

I shower every two or three days.

Also works - similar reasons. Soap every day can hurt skin more than letting it do it's on thing. But I absolutely adore showers - I just prefer to try and let my hair oils do their thing until appearing professional forces me to shampoo.

My legs and my feet, to be fair i mostly focus on my armpits and private parts

Legs in particular get a lot less attention from me in the winter as mine tend to dry out and become itchy even with moisturization.

My naval! I'm very thorough when showering - I absolutely hate feeling dirty. But I think the ol' belly button gets overlooked because of how concave it is.

I used to be better about it, but the whole chose of getting it all opened and unfolded just to get my sponge in there in all the nooks and crannies it has for whatever reason, then rolling it back up and folding it into its pouch, all to have like what three, four maybe six hours before it starts smelling again. It’s just not worth it.

Not that I just let it ruin everyone’s day, mind you. I’ve always got ice breakers or altoids and at least one, often two chip clips on me at all times.

Now, I don't want to alarm you, but it sounds like you have a rather unique situation if you must unfold your naval, and that it smells after 6 hours from washing it.

This thread has made me realize how thorough I am about washing. I use a washcloth and the first things I scrub are the backs of my ears and neck, then arms, pits, torso, back, legs, tops of feet, then for last I do butt, crotch, bottoms of feet and between my toes. Then I ditch the washcloth and with just my hands I wash my bellybutton and privates.

So I guess if I missed anything it would be between my fingers and the backs of my hands.