Turn a plural into a singular to ruin the title of a movie, book or albumlocked

58008@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 92 points –

I'll get the ball rolling:

Dead Man's Shoe (2004)

Sounds like a tearjerking tale of a recently-bereaved man returning the shoe of a road accident victim he found in a bush to the victim's late wife, through which they spark a deep friendship that goes beyond mere love. PG-13 5/10 Oscar-bait shite.


A crow on the orient express.

This is the best of the whole thread. 🏆

Edit: playing with this theme,

A Lion and Prejudice

edit: I had fun and got carried away, but here are a few of mine (+ descriptions and posters)

The Otter of the Medusa

First movie in the 'Medusa' trilogy. About an ancient order of sea otters called 'Medusa', that have saved the world from behind the scenes countless times over the centuries. Improved human technologies and destruction of habitats are causing cracks to form in the organization, and some are starting to question whether humans should be kept around at all. Based on a famous painting with the same name.

Posters for the rest of the trilogy:

Medusa's Legacy: The second film in the trilogy covers the aftermath of first film and gives you a look at how deep the organization really goes.

The Medusa Chronicles: The story of how a group of young otters continues the legacy of "Medusa". Themes of hope and whether a flawed institution can actually be improved. YA Fiction series also in the works.

Real Movie: The Raft of the Medusa (1994 - Period Film)

Le Radeau de la Méduse (English: The Raft of the Medusa) is a French film by Iranian film director Iradj Azimi. It is based on the 1816 wreck of the French frigate Méduse, and the 1819 painting Le Radeau de la Méduse by Jean-Louis André Théodore Géricault which depicts the event

Escape Whale

A whale escapes an enclosure, leading to a heartfelt tale about the whale and the conservation researcher that pursues her. Themes of isolation and 'finding one's purpose'.


Real Movie: Escape Pod (2023 - Sci Fi)

After an explosion on their deep-space vessel, a young astronaut wakes up on an escape pod with no memory of how he got there. With limited knowledge, he must listen to the stories of those on board to piece together what really happened.

Randy and the Kangaroo

A comedy about a middle-aged man and a kangaroo, after it bounces into his apartment and almost ruins his life further.


Real Movie: Randy and the Mob (2007 - Action Comedy)

A good ol' boy (McKinnon) gets into trouble with some mobsters, and then must seek assistance from his estranged, identical twin gay brother.

The George Otter Story

Children's movie based on the hit book series. Loosely inspired by Curious George, this Pixar movie tells the story of friendship and finding a place where you belong.

Real Film: The George Raft Story (1961 - Noir Crime Fiction)

Dancer George Raft (Ray Danton) finds himself involved with the criminal underworld. After a conflict with gangster boss Frank Donatella (Joe de Santis), he is exiled to Hollywoood, where he wins a role in the film "Scarface"

Holy shit! That was great! The posters are hilarious!

I love them, they took a few attempts but it was worth it

The Cove 2: Tailhook Season

this time the dolphins are drunk, horny, and aggressive. Come for the beautiful actresses in bikinis, stay for the puffer fish fueled orgy scene.


A very impressive but ultimately harmless piece of shark jawbone washes up on the beach of beautiful Amity Island, where it is later taken to the city hall to be displayed under glass. The summer tourist season continues on with little to no issue.

James Bond: Singlepussy.

James settles down and gets monogamous.

Screenplay - "Goldfinger" (1964)

---- SCENE

James Bond lies strapped to a table and looks on with increasing anxiety at the laser beam between his legs as it moves slowly towards him.

Bond: "Do you exshpect me to talk?"

Goldfinger: Scoffs "No, Mr. Bond! I expect you to ask Moneypenny out. She's really into you!"

Bond: Relieved "Sure, I could do that."

Goldfinger shuts off the laser.

Goldfinger: "Good."



đŸŽ¶Goldfinger. He's the man, the man with the matchmakers touch..."đŸŽ¶

Gremlin (1984)

A 160 minute slog of an arthouse film presented in black and white with almost no dialogue, chronicling not much happening over the period of several days to the owner of a chronically cantankerous compact car, which he can't get to start and thus can't go anywhere. Unrated; for some inexplicable reason, also subtitled entirely in French.


The exact same movie again, with no change whatsoever. 10/10

I’m on the edge of my seat! I just have to know if the next scene is identical too!

The Incredible - Instead of his whole family being super, it's just him. He's hidden his identity his whole life and is killed by Syndrome trying to reclaim his glory days because there's no one to come help him.

Dead Poet Society - Just the sad story about the one guy who kills himself

One Samurai - Weeb who thinks he's a Samurai tries to defend the innocent. Gets killed on his first attempt.

The Magnificent One (so many thing this could turn the movie into but I choose to believe it'll end up about some religious figure)

Ghostbuster - Just Bill Murray being a quack scientist the whole time, or maybe Egon having a fruitless search for ghosts

One (previously Seven) - A documentary about some billionaire who thinks they're special and the only one who can save the world.

Star War - Stops after the first movie. Wait, this may make it better.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle - It's just the scientist on his quest to make the first turtle

The Musketeer - Given this movie exists and I doubt many people who watched it could even tell you what it was about, speaks for itself

Transformer - Documentary about the making of the first electrical transformer.

Tremor - becomes a movie about an earthquake that happens in Perfection. Destroys the few buildings in town and they are forced to rebuild or move.

X-man - Story of the last person in the X-men group, basically a rehash of Logan.

The Warrior - Yet another story about some special person in the distant past who's a great fighter or saves his village from some bandits.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle - It's just the scientist on his quest to make the first turtle

I'd watch that documentary

1 more...

A League of Her Own.

Just 90 minutes of Geena Davis playing baseball by herself. Tom Hanks bullies her the whole time.

  • A Fistful of Dollar
  • One Amigo
  • One Idiot
  • Gone in One Second
  • 1 Going on 1 (13 Going on 30)
  • 1 First Date
  • 1 League Under The Sea
  • 1: A Space Odyssey
  • 1 Maniac
  • The Bird

A Fistful of Dollar

The Man with no Name is not in this movie because one dollar was not worth his time.

A League of Her Own

Geena Davis stars as a Dottie, a WWII housewife who thinks about playing baseball while her husband is away at war, but then decides not to and instead spends two hours tidying up the house and getting started on a casserole. The movie ends before the casserole comes out of the oven.

Alien (1986), not to be confused with the first installment of the series, Alien (1979) or its subsequent third, Alien 1 (1992).

1, the story of King Leonidas’s foolish attempt to take on the entire Persian army by himself (Runtime: 3 minutes).

One Shade of Grey, the story of one man’s quest to change the industry standard Pantone color palette.

Plane, train, and automobile.

A story about a guy who makes his train to the airport, gets on his flight home just fine, and gets picked up by his family when he gets there.

The Bird. Movie about one bird being a bird doing bird things.

Children of Man.

The first element. (fifth element)


The Samurai. (seven Samurai)

Ocean. (Oceans 11)

The mighty Duck.

The Untouchable.

The Spartan. (The 300 Spartans)

One dalmation.

The First Seal. (Seventh Seal)

The Hateful Person (hateful 8)

one way to die in the west.

The Goonie.

The Searcher

A Day at the Race.

The touching story of a dog down the street that won't STOP FUCKING BARKING!! All day and night, every day! Does it not sleep!? Does it not eat!? Are it's owners deaf or were they brutally murdered by their neighbors for letting their damn dog bark every fucking second of every day!?

Fun fact: statistically, 33 of the dogs in 101 Dalmatians was either deaf or hearing-impaired.

Children of Man

or, Child of Men. It's just a remake of 3 men and a baby.

Beaststar: A rubber-hose styled cartoon series about a man's journey to create music and stage-plays for animals.

A Single Thing, In A Single Place, At A Single Moment In Time (Everything, Everywhere, All At Once): an avant-garde art-house flick featuring a single image of a random object that's displayed in complete silence for 2h19m. Each screening is unique, showing a different object every time.

One Night At Freddy's: a gaysploitation film about a one-night stand between Freddy and an unnamed male lover.

A Dungeon and Dragon: An Honorable Thief: a gaysploitation film about a dragon's relationship with a would-be Robin Hood who attempts to steal the dragon's horde before falling head-over-heels for the giant reptile. The movie ends with the thief convincing the dragon to be content with the love between them before distributing the dragon's massive wealth among the nearby townsfolk.

The Super Mario Movie: An Italian-American from the Brooklyn, New York discovers his extra-terrestrial heritage.

It's Life (IT Lives): a movie about coming to terms with hardship. The movie is presented entirely without character dialogue with running narration read from a detached perspective. The movie follows a professional clown who has become depressed by his job prospects in a world where clowns are rapidly losing popularity.

Jaw: a movie about a man with a prosthetic jaw. Will his prosthetic-induced speech impediment keep him from love?

Star War: an animated movie about an anthropomorphic star that goes off to war and returns with severe PTSD. Can the star's close relatives survive when the star begins to lash out with solar flares as a result of their trauma?

This is a Spinal Tap: an educational documentary about spinal taps used to help train surgeons about when to use a spinal tap and how to administer one.

Reservoir Dog: a documentary about a stray dog who lives in a reservoir. There is nothing special about the dog. The only dialogue comes in the form of candid interactions between the stray dog and various humans who come into contact with it. The final scene shows the dog being brought to a shelter by animal control where it is vaccinated and nursed back to full health, before eventually being put down as no one wanted to adopt it.

No Country For An Old Man: a documentary about a man who, due to being born homeless during a time of strife and rebellion, grows up to discover that he lacks any form of citizenship or birth records. The movie follows him as he finds himself caught in bureaucracy, bouncing from country to country as each one deports him in spite of his appeals for citizenship on the grounds of statelessness. The movie concludes with him dying homeless and alone, without any possessions or friends. He is buried in a pauper's field, his body unclaimed and unnamed.

This was fun, but jesus christ this got dark. I know This Is (A) Spinal Tap and It's Life/IT Lives is a stretch regarding the titles, but they seemed fun to do.

Some opposites:

The Godfathers: a bunch of men fight with each other over who should be the Godfather to their best friend's children. There can be only one.

Jurassic Parks: oh no there are more of them.


Shawns of the Dead: during the zombie apocalypse, a group of men discover that only people named Shawn are immune to the z-virus. The twist comes when one of the Shawns comes out as trans and is immediately overwhelmed by the virus after announcing her new preferred name to the group of surviving Shawns.

Uppies! (Up): A cult animated movie created by a small team of furries about cute animal-people asking/begging humans for uppies.

Yep! (Nope): A live-action movie about a horse ranch and a helpful eldritch alien with a can-do attitude.

Edit: did some formatting stuff.

The One Musketeer

Our hero, D'Artagnan, faces numerous adversaries and learns the meaning of honor while searching for the last candy bar on earth.

War of the World. It’s a sad and long documentary about how and why we wage war with one another.

It Lives - Roddy Piper discovers some special glasses that reveal one evil alien hiding among the populace. He has a 20-minute fight with Keith David over who gets to kill the alien. They kill it and then the movie ends.

Dance with Wolf

Basically a snuff film presented as a nature documentary. Also, a guy writhing in agony doesn’t really count as a “dance”. One star.

48 hour

A horrible, badly dubbed and sterotypically racist remake starring Dat Phan and Kathy Griffins understudy.

The Flintstone

A tale about a 10k year old stone.

The Life of the Other

The Bird

The Expendable

Star War

Man in Black


The Sim

The Smurf


The Incredible

Planet of the Ape

The Last of Me

The Lebowski

Local slacker known to his fiends as A Dude goes about his life uninterrupted.

Ve are monomaniacs Lebowski! Ve believe in one sing!

Not an open-ended thought provoking question. Locking. OP, DM me if you think you can turn this post into an open-ended though provoking question.