Elon Musk May Have Just Signed X’s Death Warrant

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 388 points –
Elon Musk May Have Just Signed X’s Death Warrant

why did it take IBM and Apple so long to figure out which song was playing on the juke box here

Apple still has no problem pumping this to hundreds of millions of people through their app store for a 30% cut.

Do they really care?

Pull the app.

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Time to create that Mastodon account you have been meaning to, the dual post for a while until your network is established and then delete X.

Some people seem to bounce off Mastodon, saying that it doesn't have the content that they were looking for. I'd suggest that it probably does have the content that you are looking for, but you can't expect instantly see everything you are looking for from a fresh account.

People have spent years building up their twitter feeds; finding the people they like to follow, and browsing for new things, getting recommendations, and removing they stuff they don't like. You can't expect to match that level of content 10 mins after signing up on Mastodon. You will have to look around and tell it what you want to see before it will be what you want it to be.

The difference is that Twitter has suggestions and algorithms to help you find your way around. Mastodon is all manual.

So they always say... and then keep reading and posting tweets all day every day.

On Wednesday, Musk appeared to endorse an antisemitic post by user @breakingbaht alleging that “Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.” In response, Musk posted, “You have spoken the actual truth.”

The original post seemed to echo the beliefs of the “great replacement” conspiracy theory, which is popular among white supremacists and right-wing extremists.

And yet, all my Jewish friends are white.

Schrodinger’s whiteness…

Jewish people tend to not be considered white even though they are oftentimes fair skinned, blue eyes, etc.

In the US, Italian and Irish immigrants also used to not be considered white either. It’s a label applied to groups when it’s most convenient. Doesn’t necessarily have a lot of logic behind it beyond racism.

The only people who consider white-passing Jewish people as non-white are actual white supremacists and Neo-Nazis.

Normal people just assume if you look white, you are white, because they aren't obsessed with breaking down ethnicities into a hierarchy.

Anyone who wasn't an Anglo Saxon Protestant was a second class citizen in America for a loooooooooong time.

This is the answer. Being "white" in the US didn't have much to do with your skin tone. It was more closely linked to ancestry, religion, and class.

The Irish or Polish weren't "white" but that didn't mean that anyone thought they were Black. My understanding of the Indian caste system is incomplete, but it seems like a closer model to the racist hierarchy in the US than anything else I've seen.

  1. WASP and have the receipts (DAR membership, for example)
  2. WASP and no one can say otherwise (named Smith or Jones)
  3. WASP adjacent (Protestants from Germany, Scandinavia, etc.)
  4. Catholics and Orthodox Christians
  5. Jews
  6. POC. Depending on location, your mileage will vary but you're still at the bottom

Schrodinger’s whiteness…

It always is.

X I don't care about.

Not seeing this shit in my feed constantly, now that would be nice.

You can always just add his name as a filtering keyword. Tools are available to help you.

Imagine filtering "musk", "Biden", "trump", and "communism and socialism are good and moral and it has always worked every time we tried it" from Lemmy.

"There's nothing here. Please refresh."

Could be worse. That would certainly address the occasional problem with doom scrolling for whoever gets caught in that.

Starship launch tomorrow though, wouldn't want to miss out on hype because of something titled "Elon Musk's Starship Rocket" etc... I'm a big space nerd and while Elon is a dork this rocket will be a massive leap for everything space related if it works out.

Fuck X/Twitter though, sick of hearing about it for sure. I've heard rumours that SpaceX only does as well as they do because they have Shotwell running the show and they have Elon wranglers to keep him away from anything important...

Thanks for sharing. Feel free to blame Musk. He’s the one who renamed it to X, which is impossible to filter out.

You could filter out Twitter and realistically filter out a large chunk of them. Shit's usually referred to "X, formerly known as Twitter..." in most posts I see.

Could just make a lemmy-wide rule to always deadname it in post titles. But good luck with that since people still won’t put it all in enoughmuskspam.

Pretty much, that’s my policy anyway. People still tweet there too, none of this “posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.” Fucker trying to use up more characters everywhere.

There's no such thing as a lemmy-wide rule

No shit, dumbass, I meant a voluntary one, not one enforced by programmatic rules.

Why so mean?

Some of you are just too exhausting and don’t use your brains before correcting people.

Maybe you should use yours to specify before you post? Communication goes both ways, if you frequently encounter this problem then you're likely to be the issue.

I don’t frequently encounter it myself, I read it entirely too much on others’ posts. The context clue provided was saying good luck with it since people still won’t put all Musk posts in enoughmuskspam. There’s no lemmy-wide rule about that either. Now beat it, stop bothering me with your nonsense.

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Oh shit, I replied to this guy again lol


I got the exact same reply from someone last week, not exactly a discussion starter. So I was curious and sure enough it's the same guy!

However you did edit in some context here and indeed that's the problem with trying to filter out a single letter keyword... Though I doubt Elon had the sense to do it intentionally.

I also quote Bartles & Jaymes on occasion.

edit: the funny part here is that I haven’t said “Thanks for sharing” that much, it’s fairly new. And I don’t remember usernames, so the fact you’ve gotten it twice already is special.

Right? Maybe you've been inspired to do so by my rambling comment style. Which itself may be inspired by the fact that I'm drinking beer in the bath.

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I recently blocked /c/enoughmuskspam, which, ironically, was only musk spam

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Is that beard to make him look younger? Because it looks like that beard you sometimes see on young guys figuring out that they can't really grow a decent beard...

He probably tries to copy the look of the Chad meme, as many other right wing extremists do, but he doesn't have the hair growth necessary.

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How many times does he have to sign the warrant before it actually dies tho?

3 times, but he has to do it in front of a mirror. When he was about to do the third time he renamed it, thus resetting the counter.

What is IBM advertising there?

Probably thinkpads or some enterprise stuff.

Thinkpads were sold off to Lenovo 18 years ago.

Huh. Thought IBM owned Lenovo.

Not at all. Always been a Chinese company. And I'm just now learning that IBM sold them their server business in 2014, and they also bought Motorola in the same year.

Which raises the question: What does IBM even do anymore?

Canada hired IBM to make a payroll system for federal employees. Supposed to replace all the disparate systems, amalgamate all the branches, etc. They royally fucked it up. Phoenix pay system if you want to look it up.

I think it's basically high end military r&d and extensions of it into corporate services

Well based on an above comment and the linked wikipedia page acquiring small tech companies I guess

are the last horses just finishing the realization race? this was always his endgame

You think Saudi Arabia is just going to let their toy collapse? They shit the money it takes to run that site every day.

I'm of the opinion they want it dead. Twitter was used to organize protestors during The Arab Spring. The House of Saud hasn't forgotten that. 40 billion is a small price to pay to keep the peasants in their place. They gave Musk the money knowing he would drive it into the ground, intentionally or not.

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Great. Let them continue to waste their money as they sink into irrelevance in a petrochemicals less dependent world.

They should put that money into r&d and education instead. They won't, though. They will build vanity projects.

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