Japanese chip flavors

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 640 points –

I was hoping translation would clear up the picture, but no such luck…


pressing one's foot on the genitals of a supine person while pulling on their feet (usu. as a prank); electric massage​

-- https://jisho.org/word/%E9%9B%BB%E6%B0%97%E3%81%82%E3%82%93%E3%81%BE


  1. revival (of an old system, custom, fashion, etc.); restoration; return; comeback​

  2. resurrection; rebirth​

-- https://jisho.org/word/%E5%BE%A9%E6%B4%BB

Still WTF, but at least the label matches the picture...

Edit: the lower left probably says something about black pepper and salt (ブラックペッパー&ソルト) -- I can't tell what the rest of the characters are though through the JPG compression. Probably (\ included) for the parenthesis bit?

Thanks, I should’ve looked up “electric massage” on urban dictionary after the translation.

Like the Japanese version of the North American “Gas Pedal”?

Why did you replace the 「と」with "&"

It would be better if you left the original text in the quote unaltered

I didn't. I wrote & because it looks like the text actually says & as far as I can tell -- not と.

Well it does say 「と」 on the packaging

I assumed you replaced it because as a particle it can be used as a particle to say "and" in Japanese

For example

あさみ と みほ.
(Real Japanese won't have spaces in it, I just added them for this example to indicate the names and the particle)

Means "Asami and Miho"

FYI 「」 are just quote marks in Japanese if you didn't know that

It's the collaboration edition with the cartoon character タイツくん (Mr. Tights), and there are many more goods like this on their website.

Specifically on this package. At the top there are タイツくん (Mr. Tights) and 大人のドリトス (Doritos for adults, which I should note doesn't mean it's adult-restricted, they just put that to many food and drink to mean those can be enjoyed by adults).

In the main image, we have 電気アンマ復活, revival by an electronic massager, which is a mischief game played by one person holding the other person's legs, stepping on their genitals, and turning around the feet, mimicking an electronic massager, as is shown by the characters.

In the bottom left, it says ブラックペッパーとソルト味, black pepper and salt flavor. In the bracket, 竹炭入り, added bamboo charcoal, which is also quite common in Japanese snacks, because people think it's healthy.

Japanese commercials and Japanese porn and Japanese product packaging are quite a juxtaposition with the extreme decorum of Japanese society.

Visited Japan recently and was surprised at the lack of fucked up chip flavors. Sure, they were somewhat different, but still clearly chip-appropriate food flavors. My friend there tells me stuff like this tends to be sold at very limited times and also varies by region. So weird flavors are more like rare special editions than the norm.


This is sugoidesu. Which translates to "Amazing."

I can't say I find it amazing. I don't wanna eat step-on-balls flavored Doritos!

From my learning of Japanese it basically translates to

"It's amazing"

「すごい」 is also contextual and can mean amazing and bad or horrible terrible or dreadful depending on context from what I have learned

Did you just try to explain sarcasm to me? Hahaha!

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Looks like standard fucking doritos to me.