"CRAZY": Trump DUMPS Alina Habba as he looks for new defamation lawyers

Jaysyn@kbin.social to politics @lemmy.world – 299 points –

Donald Trump does not like to lose, as his announcement that he is seeing(sic) new attorneys to appeal the $83 million defamation judgment proves.


He also called the judge a “bully” and implied that imposing rules, including evidentiary regulations and courtroom behavior, on Trump and his attorneys was evidence of bias.

a bully? amazing how this fascist strongman can be such an absolute bitch all the time too.

They all are. It's a thing for them.

Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes, afraid of everything. They are like those little yappy dogs that bark at everything

For fascism to work, the other must be simultaneously weak and strong.

The whole gag to fascism is that it is 100% projection at all times, both internally and externally.

They attack people because they're afraid to get attacked and they can't imagine a situation where everyone isn't thinking exactly like them, so of course it's only a matter of time before they're attacked...and thus must attack.

It's circular and deeply uncreative, but it is the root of every bully, from the playground to the autocratic despot.

It's a also a pretty strong sign for narcissism, and by extension psychopathy.

And deep down, he knows this to his core. “Bully” implies a victim who cannot protect themselves (and is therefore ‘weak’ to authoritarians), while the bully has all the strength and power.

Donald could have chosen from a number of non-SAT words his followers can digest easily, that wouldn’t betray his actual self image. Challenger. Punk. Hater. Obsessed. Crooked. Hell , even calling him a Democrat plant/operative/etc would have played better

FaCiStsssssstttts everywhere!

Oh, look: a Nazi apologist

Just block em and move on. It's not a credible premise, so no need to engage honestly, since they won't offer you the same courtesy.

Oh look, some weird person on the Internet freaking out about absolutely nothing. 😂

Your post history is full of you trying to convince people that there aren't any modern fascists.

And I'll proudly wear the "weirdo" badge for pointing it out.

They're under your bed and in your closet! Watch out! Them crafty scaaaary Nazis are everywhere!! Oooo!!!

We all know why you have a very directed interest in normalizing fascist rhetoric.

It'd be like if I got incredibly mad every time someone called a stranger a goat fucker for fucking goats.

You're telling on yourself.

I just love making you people upset. It's hilarious. It's like people who believe in bigfoot. When you tell them bigfoot doesn't exist, they get upset and try to convince you that he's real when in reality, he doesn't.

FaCiStsssssstttts everywhere!

Right, zombie is the one freaking out...

Donald Trump does not like to lose

You'd think he'd be used to it by now.

I was assured multiple times on Lemmy that Habba wasn't stupid and that she was doing Trump's bidding in a crafty way.

Apparently she's just stupid.

Anyone that defends him is stupid. Not only is he guilty as hell he won't shut the fuck up and follow his councils advise. I mean, a paid gig is a paid gig, when your client actually pays you, but there's no way you'll leave his service with a better rep than when you started.

I mean, you're guaranteed to end up with a bad rep. Decent chance you'll end up with a bad RAP.

Good job or bad, Trump will find a way to not pay you for doing it. Of this, there is no more golden rule.

Remember, even a C student can get a law degree.

I recently heard another one that gave me a chuckle:

What do you call the lowest of the lowest performing graduate at law school? A lawyer....

Same goes for this one, and quite possibly scarier:
What do you call the lowest of the lowest performing graduate at medical school? A doctor....

And everyone who didn't pass?


Fun fact that works for both.

I wonder if she'll be smart enough to sue Trump for her legal fees. I doubt she remembered to ask for payment up front.

You'd have to know how to submit your lost wages into evidence, which she does not

I was assured multiple times on Lemmy that Habba wasn’t stupid and that she was doing Trump’s bidding in a crafty way.

Apparently she’s just stupid.

I'm assuming every other lawyer at this point declines on ethical grounds or those that don't have any scruples say "You have a history of not paying lawyers so I'll need cash up front to represent you" and Trump keeps on looking. Removing those groups and you get Habba as your lawyer.

She was still doing his bidding. He bidding was just also stupid, and his narcissism would not let him see that

I still don’t think she’s dumb. I think she’s trying to get and stay famous and she’s doing a pretty good job so far. She’s not a good attorney, but that doesn’t make her dumb.

How can people like you continue to insist she isn't stupid when even she admits she's stupid.

Do you not see how she’s getting press time for these stunts? I think that’s her goal, so she’s doing pretty well

By that measure, Trump is also smart. Do you really think that's true?

I don’t think trump’s goal is fame, so no. I do think Kim kardashian is smart for the same reason though. I’m not saying they’re role models, to be clear.

I don’t think trump’s goal is fame, so no.

Are you fucking kidding me? He was a reality TV star for years. He used to insist he had to be in any movie shot in his properties. He brags about his crowd sizes all the time. He recently said privately he was more popular than Taylor Swift.

What the hell do you think his goal is?

That’s a fair point, but I do still get the vibe that he cares more about money than fame. It just seems like he really wanted to run for president, and was disappointed when he won. He seemed to hate the last seven years and now it seems he’s just trying to stay out of jail and not have to pay a whole bunch of money, so he thinks being president again is the only way to do that.

Okay, but what about the rest of his life when he's craved little but fame? He's an idiot that has used his money and connections to stay in the public eye for decades, culminating in a surprisingly successful presidential run. He clearly has craved fame most of his life.

And he's an idiot.


I do think he enjoys fame, but not at all costs, because he’s clearly not enjoying himself now. Maybe he didn’t realize he didn’t want fame? Maybe he wanted fame only so that he could improve the value of his brand and make more money, but that’s no longer working.

He did, at one point, have quite a lot of money, he could have financed and starred in some movies if he really just wanted to be famous.

Starring in movies takes work. Pretending to be a successful businessman on TV does not. He doesn't have to memorize lines and he can say whatever the hell he wants that way. Just like in his campaign stops. I really think you need to read about his life. Most of it has been spent chasing fame or looking for sex.

Expect her to complain about pay in two weeks. Trump will hire a"better lawyer" and the appeal will go wonderfully. He will tank it just like all of his cases. In the past he would get away with stuff but do to the publicity he is finally getting punished.

Maybe Giuliani is free?

In both that he's not busy and will work for exposure.

Legal exposure, of course.

I believe Rudy is also suing him for not paying his legal fees, so that door's been shut - maybe he'll have another press conference in front of a lawn care store to sweat about it.

Please please please go back to Giuliani I beg you

Now she can stop pretending to be smart & pretend to be employable instead.

She is one of the beautiful people, but pretty don't win lawsuits. Trump didn't know that. Trump is dumb and ugly, and has smalls hands.

You know what they say about people with small hands?.... They get the kid gloves.

She's definitely employable by OAN and NewsMax. Fox, also, if she bleaches her hair.

He doesn't seem to understand that he's on a race to the bottom for lawyers.

The ones who could (potentially) win the case, will never take it. The ones who will take the case have no hope of winning it.

LOL did they dial up the orange on that photo?

Because I didn't think he could go anymore Oompa Loompa, but damn.

Does (sic) stand for "spelling is crappy"?

(sic) is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase "sic erat scriptum" or "thus was it written".

It's used when quoting someone who made an error and you are quoting them verbatim. It's to let you're audience know that YOU know better, but the quoted source does not.


"It's to let you're (sic) audience know that YOU know better."

IDK what it stands for, but it's used where theres a mistake in a quote. It's the journalist saying "yes I know that's wrong but that's what the person reallg wrote".

I've heard that if you're nice to a journalist they'll tidy up minor issues like that, but if they don't like you they'll leave it incorrect and give you a [sic]

yes I know that’s wrong but that’s what the person reallg (sic) wrote

like that? ;)

It's short for "sic erat scriptum" which is Latin for "thus it was written"

Two funny questions: will she sue him for back pay?, and can he really afford new lawyer now?

His only strategy is to string this out on appeals and I guess ineffective counsel is one appeal? Not sure if that’s allowed in this type of case of if you’re the person who had possibly the most lawyers of all time.

No appeals based on incompetent/ineffective counsel for a civil case. In a criminal case, a convicted defendant may appeal on the grounds of ineffectiveness of counsel at trial. This principal arises because of the constitutional right to be represented by counsel. Such a right would be meaningless unless it implies a right to effective counsel. There is no such constitutional right to counsel in a civil case, and therefore no such ground for appeal in a civil case.

I wonder how long until this press mold of Cheeto dust disguised as a human uses that last bit as a bragging point? He does like being the most and greatest quite often.

He doesn't like to lose because he doesn't have the maturity to admit when he's lost. The only thing he'll probably admit to losing is when he faces the reaper that'll drag his fat ass to a spot in hell.

For someone who famously is too scared to fire anyone in person, I wonder how true this is. It's far more likely that Habbas is no longer under the illusion that there's a paycheck waiting for her and it's being spun as "fired/dumped" for the delicate man-baby's fragile little ego.