Republican who supported “Don’t Say Gay” law sues Pride parade for barring his participation to politics – 507 points –
Republican who supported “Don’t Say Gay” law sues Pride parade for barring his participation

Actually lol'd

I picked that up on Facebook back in 2020 during the pandemic, before I deleted my account. I’ve gotten a ton of mileage out of it. It’s one of my favorites.

Uh violating First Amendment rights? The parade organizers are a private entity not the government. It's too bad a representative in state legislature doesn't understand the Constitution.


Basabe responded, writing, “You have no right to exclude me, not as an individual nor as an elected official, nor may you attempt to set me up again with a bogus ‘public safety claim.’ I have always attended this parade peacefully.”

So he's saying the security/safety claim is bullshit.

He also accused organizers of allowing “extremist” protesters “to agitate the crowds and incite violence against me for political purposes” during last year’s parade.

Now he's saying it isn't.

I thought the GOP was all about private entities refusing service to whoever they want and in a bigger sense less regulation from the 'nanny' government. I guess that only applies when they are being 'discriminated' against.

the goal is to bankrupt the organization as much as possible and he's using the legal system to do so; if the organization doesn't respond, he automatically wins in this legal system, so they must spend $$$ on lawyers to fight the lawsuit.

If he wins he opens the door for people he doesn't like to do the same.

That is a fight for tomorrow, right now this private entity needs to "respect his authoritah" and FIRST AMENDMENT rights.

An organization like this already has lawyers on staff, and it should be trivial to get this case dismissed before it starts.

The GOP is all about conservativism. Conservativism is abject narcissism dressed up like a political ideology, but there are no fundamentally conservative ideals. I suppose you could call it "hyper-intersectional identity politics," but really it's just selfishness. The conservative will say or do anything as long as they believe it benefits the conservative. They are righteous because of who they are, and they are justified by their faith in themselves.

So when it benefits the conservatives to support a private business refusing service, then it is a moral absolute that private businesses can refuse service. When they are refused service, it is a crime against humanity to create such inequality. These two ideas appear contradictory, even hypocritical, from the outside, but they are fully rational to conservatives who are inside the circle.

It's the "outgroups to bind, in groups to protect" thing. That's all.

Or the other angle on it: "you don't tell me what to do. I tell you what to do."

It's a shitty world view held by shitty people.

I agree with what you are saying but you are confusing Republicans for Conservatives. I believe it is possible for a reasonable Conservative to exist, that has different priorities than Liberals but has coherent arguments and the ability to work with others. I don't believe a reasonable Conservative could support the Republicans.

In a reasonable country a reasonable Conservative would probably look a lot like Joe Biden.

It is not possible for a reasonable Conservative to exist, because Conservativism isn't a reasonable ideology. There are no permanently conservative priorities, because each conservative defines conservative values around their own definition for who is included in their version of conservativism.

I know you're probably running down a list in your head of all the values that you associate with stereotypical conservatives, but there isn't one of them where you won't find exceptions and rationalizations for why it's OK for conservatives to ignore those values. Their position inevitably changes when the position is not benefiting their in-group. They are anti-abortion, until they want an abortion. They are anti-inmigration, except for immigrants from their home country. They want low taxes, for themselves, and want to reduce spending on anything they don't directly benefit from.

Just about the only thing you could argue is exclusively conservative are most forms of bigotry. While there are certainly bigoted progressives, bigots are welcomed and supported in Conservative parties as long as they fit within the defition of the self.

Basabe’s lawsuit accuses parade organizers of violating his First Amendment rights to free speech

Oh look, another dumbass, asshole republican who doesn't understand the first amendment but won't let the stop him from being a complete douche.

They always seem to forget freedom of association is included in the first amendment, and that includes the right to tell Someone you don't like them and don't want to be around them

Never scene a more punchable face in my life...

Ted Cruz? edit: Removed flaccid Wolverine, added Tucker Carlson.

Rand Paul?

Kyle Rittenhouse?

Ben Shapiro?

And if you're playing on hard mode, Charlie Kirk?

That's the backpfeifengesicht men's division.

How can you write a list of punchable faces and leave out Ajit Pai?

Tucker Carlson

I think his is the most punchable face by far.

I'd punch his fucking stupid-ass mug before I'd punch his stupid ass-mug.

This is the worst kind of discrimination; the kind against me!

This guy, probably

Let him participate, and carry large sings around him, pointing to him and telling the public the truth about this person.

He can participate all he wants, they just don't have to give him his his own float...

Like, imagine the shit show every parade would be if anyone that wanted to got a float.

The Macy's day parade would be going on till new year's

OK but that would be an amazing law, imagine the sights we'd see!

I know the first Mad Max is considered a prequel because there's some semblance of society left...

But goddamn, I would love it for this to be the origin of their society. Like one year it reaches critical mass and a major parade is still going when the next is scheduled to start.

And the only way to replace one is to destroy the ongoing one thru combat

We go thru generations of the Parade Wars, with shit becoming so all consuming that it's the only thing that survived. The instinctual compulsion to ridiculous performative vehicles that actually move incredibly slowly when you think about it.

I could see how the whole “witness me!” thing originated more civilly, with the requirement being two unrelated witnesses and a notary on float application paperwork.

Seems to be missing from the thread (only last name mentioned at time of post):

Mr Tiny Dick is Fabián Basabe. I heard he kisses men. Ok, that last part isn't true. But I hope it's an intrusive thought.

I saw something on Facebook that I wish I could find. It was a tweet by a guy that said bisexuality was only when you had sex with both genders, it couldn't be attraction to both genders because then everybody would be bisexual.

Nobody wanted to tell him.

I did hear he kisses men. And that's true. Technically, I heard it from you, but I still truly heard it. Besides, if your name is Tiny Dick Fabián, why wouldn't you?

I'm not saying it's wrong if Fabián Basabe (R), (allegedly better known as the 'funnel-cake', and 'sea-men fairy' to his alleged, countless, male romantic partners) likes to save dinner till after sex. That's between him and the many men in his life to decide.

And who are we to judge if he prefers body-building men who can carry him to bed and who can appreciate his wispy pillow-talk.

I'm happy he gets to have these things in his life

If someone was accused of sexism would you say "heard he kisses women". Like this whole thing of joking about homophobic people being gay, at what point is it a little homophobic itself. Like all the cartoons depicting Trump as doing "stuff" with Putin

You're right. It could be read as a touch homophobic. But I only say it because I know he'd dislike it, not because I think there's anything wrong with kissing men or sucking dick or eating ass. I make jokes about me sucking dick to disparage conservatives and I don't even suck dick. Still, maybe I'll retire that line of attack.

I mean, the organization is just trying to make sure he doesn't say gay. Wouldn't want a republican to break the law.

They finally repealed overturned that law in Florida. Just in case you wanted to know.

Oh good, that went through? I saw it was up but never saw the result so thank you.

Isn’t this already settled law? I seem to recall the NYC st Patrick’s day parade being allowed to bar LBGT groups.