Does anybody dislike anime and manga? to Ask – 44 points –

I don’t care for any of it. I don’t like comic books and I don’t like Star Wars either.

Hell yeah. I've finally found another who will say it out loud.

Wtf is this question?

OP has been in a lengthy struggle with the world over media. They swore off manga previously due to "christian morals" and the fact that Zombieland Saga contained zombies, then got back into it because of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and now it seems they've hit another block within the last month.

And it's not just manga. They've also had an issue with Wikipedia.

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Every time I get downvoted for pointing out the rampant and casual pedophilia plaguing anime, I hate weebs a little bit more.

This. I don't partake in anything anime related and I'm mostly neutral on it as a whole, but the prevalence of pedophilia and related themes is highly disturbing as is the lack of pushback against it from the community.

And, that being said, the people who make anime their entire personality are also... difficult to be around.

No joke. They're the kind of people that have to over-dramatize every damn thing and have explosive reactions to anything.

Like calm the fuck down, you're not in an anime show.

That's why I don't like most anime. There are some gems that don't stoop that low, but the bar is ridiculously low for such a high rate of not meeting it

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Not inherently but I hate most anime tropes. Most anime are also very childish or straight up nonsensically bullshit, just "too out there" if you know what I mean. There's the odd decent one though, and the rare gem, but I can't really be arsed to wade through the absolute pile of garbage first to even find them.

Im with you on this. I don't dislike anime/manga as a medium. However, there is a tendancy for the format to exaggerate things I find annoying. That and the fan culture, much like many other highly dedicated fanbases, can be a major turn-off as well.

Yeah, anime has a lot of fanboyism that overrates things. After loving Attack on Titan I saw a lot of recommendations for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I even checked some ratings and saw it high up there, often past AoT even. I watched one episode and almost died of cringe. This makes taking recommendations seriously really hard, because you just cannot trust most weebs to actually give you an objective one.

If Fullmetal Alchemist cut out the super anime bits I would like it much better. The over exaggerated faces, the # forehead, going chibi, dramatically dropping animation quality. It was really hard for me to get through some elements of that show. I honestly think it was more of the fandom that ruined it for me, because whenever one of those anime tropes happened it reminded me of people who made those tropes their personality and I would be hit by a wave of cringe.

The over exaggerated faces, the # forehead, going chibi, dramatically dropping animation quality.

Having a nice conversation with your enemy, the enemy telling the alleged hero his secret evil plan, the constant inner monologues explaining what just happened as if I didn't see it happening, the constant inner monologues explaining the most ridiculous things that happen as if they're a given and not just making up bullshit as they go, etc. etc.

I can maybe bear a little bit of those tropes, but if the whole episode is just that then I'm noping the hell out.

And yes, some people carry this kinda behavior into real life too. Don't even get me started on that.

like most things, some of it is very good but the vast majority of it is extremely poor. I wouldn't say I like or dislike it as a rule but I'd say on average I dislike it by far, and when it's bad it has a way of being very intolerably bad.

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Yesterday I drove by Düsseldorf, which is Germany's most Weeaboo city, and they had this ugly fucking mural at their train station.

I don't mind most anime/manga based media, but media about anime/manga makes me really uncomfortable. Defining yourself by the fact you like Anime is just a lot weirder than defining yourself by the fact you like JJBA or InitalD.

Those are pretty broad categories. It's like asking "Does anybody dislike cartoons and comics?"

To my utter dismay, I've learnt that there are some people who find that question entirely sensible and normal.

I know people who will refuse to watch anything animated or comic related

ive got a friend who will say all the time that she doesn't like cartoons but was literally ready to shove kids out of the way to watch kung fu panda 4

It’s like asking “Does anybody dislike cartoons and comics?”

I have to disagree.
Comics is a huge, world-encompassing category of media in which events & stories are depicted through (generally) simplified art with text insertions. Manga (for example) is a subset of comics, being both specific to a single country as well as existing as a certain style of comics.

Personally I'd add that manga tends to exist under fairly tight conventions in terms of how things are visually portrayed and in terms of how information and context is given towards the reader. For example, kind of like emojis, there's a bunch of facial reactions and certain simple phrases that instantly tell you what mood or reaction a character or the author is trying to impart. This kind of thing isn't surprising to me either, as Japan tends to heavily codify cultural tradition, even in a relatively new-ish field like manga. There's also the fact that an enormous tradition in manga came out of aping or riffing on the early creators, primarily Tezuka Osamu I'd say.

So, point is-- one can dislike a certain niche or branch of comics, but that certainly doesn't have any special impact on how one likes comics in general. Personally I'm not a huge fan of manga, and superhero comics bore the tights off me, and I'm not as much a fan of underground comics as I used to be, but overall I'm a huge fan of the comics medium, and of course love me some BD, part of why I try to make a new post daily.

Manga is the Japanese word for comics. There are many different styles and inspirations by a myriad of artists.

It's like saying all cartoons are the same as Disney, or all comics are basically Superman.

Yes, "manga" is the Japanese word for comics, but in terms of the overall, world genre of comics? It specifically refers to comics within a certain style, ~99% of it being Japanese-made.

It’s like saying all cartoons are the same as Disney, or all comics are basically Superman.

Yes, those are some nonsensical falsisms. Thanks for randomly stating them?


I've tried. I won't say it doesn't deserve to be liked, but it does absolutely nothing for me.

I find that there is far too much of it in my Lemmy feed. I have a very long list of blocked communities which I have blocked, tediously, one at a time as they appeared. Obviously a lot of people like it, but it’s not for me.

I wish there was a setting similar to the one that blocks NSFW content, but for anime and manga.

Yes I despise it, I hate the influence it's had on making everything over sexualized and cliched

Used to love anime but now that I'm older I dislike it. Still love reading manga, just hate the high pitch annoying ass voice for every female character. A few anime's don't do it and those ones I still love

I'm an artist and I used to draw a lot as a kid. I naturally adore the medium, but most anime is weeb/otaku fanfare and I find obnoxious. I keep a look out for the gems that occasionally come around.

One of the gems I've found is to your eternity. Still has some annoying ass anime voices but it's a really unique story and almost every episode will make me cry no matter how many times I watch it.

I'd say I'm just uninterested, not dislike. The part I hate is when I see people dedicate their whole life into them and fail to function as a normal human.

Vtubers on the other hand, I absolutely despise. They are basically YouTubers/streamers with an anime character and get much more views for no reason. I guess that's free market for ya


I don't hate it, I'm simply indifferent to it.

IMO it's simply a medium to convey ideas. There's bound to be anime or manga worthy of distain. But you can say the same of film or books. Perhaps one might dislike the general trend of those industries too but I don't think that makes it fair to judge future works based on the prior disliked works.

TLDR: Judge works, not mediums.

Yeah, I don't get it. So I guess I don't really like it, but am I missing something?

Not really. I find horror movies boring because the characters always do dumb shit to get in trouble.

If you don't like something, you don't miss anything.

The only animes I watched till the end are Full Metal Alchemist and Shaman King, because they have a good length.

I liked JoJo Bizzare Adventures at first, but it got long and boring after a season and a half.

I tried to watch a lot of popular anime, but I can't stand fillers, which 99% of anime have.

I dislike how common certain tropes are, how overacted it is, and how formulaic most of the stories are. I also hate Shounen and its focus on which guy is strongest. It's boring to me.

No disrespect to Toriyama-san, but this was Dragonball Z to a tee.



Shounen anime is just junkfood anime, like Bleach. It's got lots of filler, the main guy gets a hundred forms, all stronger than the last, they'll pull some bullshit out of their ass to win the day and give people lots of 'GOTCHA' moments. And a lot of the characters are rule-34 prone.

Plenty of people do do that, yes.

I am sure there are. Just like there are people who don't like comic books.

Most of it because it's never ending. 1000 episodes? Fuck me that's just an animated soap opera.

Tell your story and fuck off.

As others have said, it's another form of media. I enjoy a good story and good characters and there are some anime series that are incredible and wouldn't work in live action for a number of reasons.

And as someone from the west, the cultural influences can often add story elements that would be outside of our norm of storytelling.

That said, there are so many genres of anime that do not interest me in the slightest. Just as there are many series of other shows that don't interest me in the slightest. There are many book series I have read that I would much prefer an animated adaption of. As an example, an animated adaption of Game of Thrones would have been really interesting, as they could have stuck closer to the outlandish elements of the source material, and not had to worry about casts aging or moving on to other projects.

Having grown up with Pokemon, Dragon Ball, Digimon, and many others, there is also a nostalgic element to this as well, which is why we will be seeing anime (and animated media in general) increase in popularity along with the generational shift in society.

To sum up, people that dislike anime usually fall into categories:

  1. Animated series/films aren't to their tastes. This is perfectly fine, as long as they also feel the same about western animated series/films.

  2. The stories don't interest them. Maybe the cultural influences I noted before are just a little too far outside of their comfort zone, and they understandably haven't actively gone out of their way to find something that does.

  3. They've never watched anime, wont give it a chance, and consider it childish and immature. Closed minded and elitist (in my opinion).

But most importantly, all media is subjective, and someone else's personal opinion should not matter in the slightest to what you enjoy or don't. The Internet has given far too many people the false idea that their opinions actually hold any value.

Can't say I agree with your first point. There are almost as many animation styles as there are animation studios. I don't see any hypocrisy in liking the style of the Simpsons or Pixar but not liking anime style.

I see what you mean, but at the same time, there is a wealth of animation styles within Anime series too. Some as that popular anime style that most associate it with, others that are a lot more western cartoon influenced in their style.

I would argue that CGI, pixar, dreamworks, etc is far enough away. But the Simpsons is a traditional cartoon, and it likely wouldn't be too difficult to find an anime that is stylistically similar within the massive archive.

I am very selective with it. I like a few here and there. I can't always watch it or follow it all the time.

I could handle season one of One Punch Man because it was almost making fun of traditional anime tropes; here's this average unassuming guy who is more powerful than all the "superheros" (which on its own is an anime cliche, but OPM didn't have a destiny or anything tired like that).

Sword Art Online had a cool premise that they used for all of about 6 episodes? Before moving to a new world and while that could work in a long-format short-run series it turned me off quickly. Why bother building a world you're going to abandon so quickly? Plus the main characters started doing the "we're prepubescent but we're going to act like our love is written in the stars" cliche that only ever worked when Shakespeare did it, and even then only worked once.

I even didn't like Cowboy Bebop, at least not as much as everyone assured me I would since I'm a Firefly fanatic. The only thing the two shows have in common are that it takes place in space and the crew is a ragtag bunch of misfits. I was finally starting to get into it once the whole crew was gathered, only to have it end two-ish episodes later. I suppose ending too soon is another thing it has in common with Firefly, but Bebop felt like a completed story.

I could spend all day listing all the cliches I don't like in animes, but the art style and being in a foreign language (and culture, so many settings, jokes, and subtleties go unrecognized and therefore unappreciated by me) means the barrier to entry is already so high that it has to be an absolute 12/10 universally loved show for me to even consider it, and even that doesn't always work.

I won't yuck someone's yum (not to their face at least) but I've given up on trying to figure out why anime is popular outside Japan.

Does anybody dislike anime and manga?

No, everybody in the world likes anime and manga. Or they're indifferent to it at worst.

I mean I get it tbh. I enjoy both media (tend to avoid shonen) but some of the common tropes can be a turn off. Some of my friends (lovely people) are hardcore fans and as much as I love those people, I can only tolerate so much of "have you seen crunchyroll has this new show? It's called "I was a high-school tuba player but I woke up in a video game now I travel the dungeon with my magical talking dog" and it's about...." before I steer the conversation away

I like anime manga yeah not for me I'll read light novels but manga might as well not exist to me.

some romance/slice of life ill indulge in when im feeling down, and also one punch man is great bc it totally makes fun of all the intolerable action anime (e.g. my hero academia aka the most annoying thing ive every watched)

I don’t think I’ve ever been exposed to either. I mean, I know they exist, but I’ve never watched or read either and none of my peer group does (that I know of)

I have read very little manga, and my fondness for anime is pretty limited. I enjoyed Maison Ikkoku in college. I appreciated most of the Ghibli stuff I've seen, even if I didn't always just fall head over heels in love with it, and I've been enjoying Delicious in Dungeon recently, as I think it's perfectly suited to the sort of derivative yet bonkers formulas in so much anime I've sampled. I reckon I'd probably like One Piece, but I've never just sat down with it. I don't care for Dragon Ball Z or the Magical Girl Team stuff my daughter likes, and I have no interest in the stylized hyper-violence so many shows seem to exist to portray.

I don't know, maybe I'm just too up my own western ass, but the story beats and how emotions are portrayed just never really resonated with me. It's hard to explain. I don't dislike all anime, but relatively little of it works for me. I do, however, like a lot of western animation with clear influences from anime and manga. I guess I can appreciate it in the same way some filmmakers are "directors' directors" and some musical artists are "songwriters' songwriters." I'm glad people find it compelling and inspirational, but I find I need some of those influences to get syncretized and remixed with other stuff before I "get it."

TL;DR: Not really, but it's not you, anime, it's me!

I like manga, but I dislike some anime. The voices they use for some of the characters are super annoying to me.

I don't know that I dislike it necessarily, but I'm definitely not into it. I used to watch some stuff on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network when I still lived in the US. I don't think I've actively watched anything since I lived in Japan. I think all I've watched has been sitting next to my wife when she as watching something (jujutsu kaisen or something like that, IIRC).

I tried to read manga for Japanese practice, but I generally got bored with anything I could mostly read and put off by anything I actually wanted or needed to as it meant so much dictionary time (for day-to-day stuff, I can mostly read what I need and I speak Japanese at home, so my level in that regard is decent). An example is wanting to get my HAM license in Japan. So much legal stuff is required for study as well as all the various terms for voltage, frequency, etc. in Japanese. I had a bit more success reading a textbook to get my hunter license for trapping, but it was still quite tough (and I didn't finish since, as it turns out, the place I moved to doesn't have as many critters eating my fields as I thought it might).

Nope. Just the over-indulging fans.

I don't identify myself as an Otaku and I'm not going to.

I think the art is usually great, incredible, even, but the stories often seem extremely melodramatic, often along the same themes, and while tons of people love that, it’s not my cup of tea.

There are a few I’ve liked because the story appealed to me and, yes, I do like a melodramatic, highly thematic, genre story if all the elements are in a good balance, but not all the time, and with the intensity that often accompanies manga and anime. For me, my main objective when engaging with fiction nowadays is to relax, not to seriously engage as much as I used to unless it’s a piece or topic of particular interest— and, for me, manga/anime and my “particular interests” intersect less and less often.

But this is MY opinion. Objectively speaking, anime and manga are exquisite art forms that, as a designer and artist myself, I highly respect and support. They tell rich and engaging stories with compelling plots and characters. I consider them both as valid an art form and media as any other and they both have as unique a cultural signature for Japan and other Asian countries as does and mainstream media format of “The West”, while maintaining that cultural identity even while the art/media form becomes globalized. Which is an impressive feat that speaks to the - again (I hate repeating myself) - unique nature of the form, both as graphic art and as a medium for animation and storytelling.

There’s just really nothing quite like it.

I love cartoons. Can't stand comics, manga and anime. And this is someone who watched DBZ growing up and never getting into despite all my friends loving it. I'm an avid reader and shows like gravity falls are some of my favourites!

I haven't really tried a lot. Bits and pieces look interesting but overall it doesn't appeal to me.

I do.. I can't quite put my finger on why though. Non-english anime are unwatchable for me. I do not like to have to read the subtitles, as I sometimes dose-out.

But even English animes are rare for me. The only one I enjoy is one punch man. I have tried many others but they just don't click with me..

I love western comics, and cannot stand manga. I love cartoons, and avoid anime. There is nothing wrong with them, I just don't like it. The art style looks all the same to me, and anime feels cloned. Pantheon, invincible, Ark, hazbin Hotel, boondocks, tron, primal, infinity train, all look unique and good to me. Something about my brain just sees the same thing in every anime show.

Never read manga, watched some anime. I don't care for the art style, at all.

If the story and characters.are good, acted well, and animated well, I like it. If on top of that it's anime, makes no difference.

I don't like comic books; there's my take on manga.

I don't like black & white comics of any variety. I have terrible trying what the hell I'm looking at without color to break up stuff, especially crowded panels.

That's a big part of the appeal of some artists, they can keep the panels clean while not detracting from the action. They're few and far between, but they are out there.

I dislike most of it like I dislike most of any other media be it literature, cinema or music. That being said I can't stand western anime like Avatar and whatnot, also Marvel and DC comics, tried a lot of this shit, it's pretty bad.

The only anime I think is good is studio ghibli, ghost in the shell, cowboy bebop, and similar. That’s top notch. Other stuff that like super giggly is uninteresting. Manga reminds me to stop browsing /all and go back to /home.