Thousands of years ago *smoke machine activates* to Lemmy – 1024 points –

I no longer have any device capable of playing or even reading CDs, but I still have mine on the wall as if I built a shrine to how much of an old fuck I am 😄

I still have mine at my parent's house. Probably a mix of music and PS2 games.

Music and PC games in my case, pun intended 😁

That's the original Fallout from 1997 near the bottom 😁

Hey your "Body Count • Born Dead" case is upside-down.


So's my Ultima Online: The Second Age case, Beatles - 1, Frank Zappa - Over-nite Sensation, my Jesus Christ Superstar (movie version) soundtrack and my promotional CD from a local disco band called Boogieknights I stumbled (in more than one sense of the word) on during a pubcrawl many years ago 😁

Recently I went and bought a vinyl, cd, cassette player. I busted the cd wallet out of the closet and bought a bunch of cassettes and vinyls at the flea market. It makes listening to music more of an experience, instead of just background noise on my phone

I actively use mine at work.

I feel personally attacked.

Then get your prostate checked you old fuck.

(i need to as well tho)

Like medically or just for funsies?

Once you’re old enough, there’s no difference. My doctor’s admin keeps calling me to schedule a colonoscopy, and we’ve been playing phone tag. That’s the closest I’ve come to foreplay in years.

I just learned from my doctor that you can poop in a cup and mail it off somewhere instead of getting the finger up the butt. Yay! Now I can procrastinate and not do something only mildly unpleasant instead of not doing something miserable.

Wait no shit?

(insert joke here but seriously)

Yeah. Basically, she said finger-up-butt is good for 10 years but poop-in-cup is good for only 3 years, and if they find indications of a problem in the cup-o-poop then you have to go get finger-up-butt anyway. Still worth it in my book.

Do I send it someplace in particular? Or just 'to whom it may concern?'

Back in the '90s you could apparently send a letter to Michael Jordan by just addressing it "Michael Jordan" and nothing else. I think the poop cup works kind of the same.

Note that I am not telling you to mail your poop to Michael Jordan.

This is why they should put the warning at the beginning of the spell.

Dude I kept up the style LONG after it was no longer the style of the time. I put so many lives in danger driving my Volvo station wagon 75mph flipping through all of my scratched cds in a massive booklet

Just the other day, I wanted to take off my hoodie and tie it around my waist. Then I realized I could literally talk about the 90s like "I tied my hoodie around my waist, which was the style at the time".

I miss wearing short-sleeved graphic tees over long-sleeved white tees. Everybody reminisces about the '90s flannel shirts but I feel the dual tees thing was more representative of that era.

Short sleeve graphic tee over a long sleeve white tee, Jnco jeans, a big ass wallet chain, and some wrap around the back Sony headphones for the diskman in my Jean pockets. I was preeeeety cool.

It's so convenient, I don't understand why it ever went out of style

I did it at a baseball game on Saturday. Wore it when it got chilly. Put it around my waist when got warmer. Success.


Wake me up inside!

Save me!

Call my name and save me from the dark!

Still blows my mind that they're a Christian rock band.

Sure you're not thinking of P.O.D?

You know, "Instead of a test, I took two to the chest" was definitely an eye-opening lyric for this Canadian to hear, Christian band or not.

Not knowing this song, that line could be interpreted as a school shooting song. Does "Pumped Up Kicks" have some competition? And people say America has no identity.

Look it up, Evanescence is a self-proclaimed Christian rock band.

They're not explicitly a Christian rock group, and not self-proclained. Amy Lee and Ben Moody met as teens at a Christian youth camp, and Christian radio loved to play Bring Me to Life because they thought it referenced the resurrection.

I recently got a second hand DVD with a Wii game on it, and for the first time in many years I found myself wiping down a disc with a microfibre cloth. I actually cleaned it like 4 or 5 times before I stopped getting errors, which makes me wonder if there were discs from the 90s that I could've saved that way. I never realised it might take that many tries.

Did that song from Ghost start playing while you did it?

I remember having a cd player that could play mp3 cds in my car, that was great. Music for hours with no skips or having to swap anything

Fancy people had like a 10 cd changer in the trunk

I drive a 25-year-old car and the only reason I'm able to play music from my phone on the car's sound system is that it was built to accommodate a 6-disc CD changer in the trunk. For $50 I was able to hook up an accessory that plugs into the changer port and fools the car stereo into thinking the audio signal from the phone is actually coming from a CD changer. Unfortunately my newest phone of course has no 3.5mm audio jack and the USB-C adapter has like a third the maximum volume of a normal plug. Oh well, better for my hearing at least.

You could go on and get a chip that has aux output and bluetooth input so you can have that extra bit of convenience.

But it's still bullshit to remove a feature on a phone.

I have found that different USB adapters will vary wildly in their max volume and sound quality. I bought a Google branded one from a local retail store and it kind of sucks. I ordered a higher end one and it gets louder and sounds better at high volume.

mine were in the visor

I recall being told that CDs were bad to keep in cars because of the heat.

I always kept my CD wallet (a small one with 10 discs that I'd switch out every now and then) under the seat and never had a problem. Before I had that, I had a CD case that kept maybe 20 discs in their jewel cases that I kept behind the driver's seat, and no issues there either (though that was MUCH harder to swap discs while on the road). I also had a visor holder that I later used in the motorhome with MP3 CDs (now I could take my whole collection!).

In the early 90s, I paid $300 for a very basic in dash Sony CD player with output for only two speakers. Somewhat early adopter tax.

I drew all over my CD wallet with a white out pen. Because that's what you did with things that were made of that binder material.

I had a big cassette organizer. Later CD wallets.

CDs were so much better than cassettes. But as soon as I could get an MP3 player in the mid 1990s I was over CDs forever. The first car MP3 player I had was a dock for a computer hard drive, it had a faceplate that displayed file info and a knob to select songs/folders.

We got a first gen iPod when we leased a New Beatle convertible in.... whatever year that must have been. It still had an actual spinning hdd inside with, I want to say, 30gb of storage. I regret tossing it eventually. Those are collectors items now.

That sounded high so I looked it up. It was 5gb! Seemed like so much at the time. Of course I'm so old I remember my first computer had a 200mb hard drive and I wondered how anyone could fill up so much space then.

Honestly 5 gb is thousands of songs, especially if they're not FLAC / mp3 320.

It won't be your entire library if you're a music buff but it's days worth of music.

Cassette organizer? I just put em in a stack or on a shelf lol

I had a double-sided suitcase type thing with slots for the cassette cases, it must have held 50 at least. That was on my car

And a wooden rack in the house that held dozens. I still have it and the cassettes in a closet somewhere.

I never lived through the era of car cassettes. I just have a deck at home

I hope the asshole that stole my CD wallet from my truck years ago is in a better place in their life now, but I'm still sore about it.... Fucker....

Happened to a family member, he was depressed for weeks. Like hundreds of dollars in those cases.

Mine has all the games I can't buy anymore

The only thing that makes me feel old here is that I don't think anyone remembers what the title of this post is referencing, the war of Man vs. Machine.....

i still have a wallet in my car with my discs. I dread the day I have to give up this car.

I remember when I was a toddler and my parents had one of those.

I remember when I was a toddler and my parents had one of those.

I feel so fucking old right now.

You probably are that kind of person that remembers learning to use windows.

Yeah, learning windows 3.1, a pirated version given to me by my grandpa, I used to sit there watching him make pirate copies of games using this slow AF floppy disk copying software.

My dad Also pirated stuff for me.

When I was a child, I was the one pirating stuff for my parents.

I would pirate music and movies, and then we'd listen to/watch them during our long vacation trips. We had a small cd/dvd reader with a very, very small built-in screen, and we'd watch the movies on that thing.

I also used to pirate all kinds of stuff for me and my brother. Videogames, animes, movies, you name it. Nowadays I've legally bought most of the stuff I pirated when I was a child (everything that can still be bought legally; I won't give money to greedy second hand sellers).

I thought technology was becoming common knowledge, yet I was surprised to see how many friends and people of my age still don't know how to open a .zip file or play a console game on an emulator.

We weren’t learning to use Windows, we were learning how to break Windows.

Reminds me of when I was going through stuff in storage years ago and found my box of music and game CDs. I realized I could just download anything I wanted from that box and tossed them. Felt like a waste, but I didn't want to deal with finding someone who might actually want them.

Well, I have not thrown them away so, they are still in those huge cases.

I never had a CD wallet and I never had an MP3 player and I don't have a subscription to some shitty streaming service for music either....Am I weird?

Radio was an option. If you followed no music, then yes you were odd